Endocrinology and Metabolism

Endocrinology Diseases Clinic, also known as "hormone diseases", has every hormonal test and radiological imaging method that is needed in endocrinology and metabolic diseases.
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

Last Update Date: 9/3/2024 11:24:52 AM

Endocrinology Diseases Clinic, also known as "hormone diseases", has every hormonal test and radiological imaging method that is needed in endocrinology and metabolic diseases. Endocrinology patients are followed-up and treated with a holistic approach at the clinic, with expert specialists in fields such as endocrine surgery, otorhinolaryngology, pituitary surgery (neurosurgery), nuclear medicine, diabetic foot and wound team and cardiology.


The areas of expertise of the Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Department are Diabetes Mellitus (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, pregnancy diabetes), obesity, thyroid diseases, parathyroid diseases, pituitary diseases, adrenal gland diseases, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), hormonal diseases of the testis and ovaries, osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases, lipid metabolism diseases and rare metabolic diseases.

Diabetes Education

In our hospital, diabetes patients are monitored by a team of experienced endocrinologists, dieticians and diabetes nurses, and patients are educated about diabetes. "Breakfast at Liv - Diabetes Patient School" is held once a month on a Saturday morning to educate diabetic patients. At the Endocrinology Clinic, technological treatment and monitoring systems are used, such as insulin pump and continuous blood glucose monitoring. In relation to complications related to diabetes such as eye problems (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy) and foot wounds, the clinic works in cooperation with ophthalmologists, neurologists, and diabetic foot and chronic wound workgroups, consisting of experts in their respective fields.

Thyroid Cancer Patients are also Followed-Up

The presence of a specialist in “endocrine surgery" at Liv Hospital and the presence of a good nuclear medicine department with the capability of administering high-dose radioactive iodine ensures that the follow-up of thyroid cancer patients can be accurately and comfortably carried out with a team spirit. At the Endocrinology Clinic, where many thyroid cancer patients are followed-up, all cases that will undergo endocrine surgery are examined and followed -up before and after the surgery by the “Endocrinology Council" when needed.