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Obesity Triggers Diabetes

Obesity Triggers Diabetes

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05 August 2019
Article Content
  • As You Lose Weight
  • Sugar Comes Under Control
  • Hormonal Changes Begin After the Operation
  • 22 May is European Obesity Day. According to the report of the World Health Organization, obesity has become a disease that needs to be fought in European Union countries. Nowadays, the incidence of Type 2 diabetes, which develops due to obesity, is increasing and is becoming a serious public health problem. There are approximately 300 million diabetic patients in the world and it is estimated to reach half a billion by 2030.

    As You Lose Weight, Sugar Comes Under Control

    Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous disease and its exact causes have not been clearly established. Obesity is the most important risk factor in the development of diabetes. An obese person's risk of diabetes is 90 times higher than a thin person. Only 15% of diabetic patients are underweight. Obese diabetic patients can control their blood sugar much better even when they lose a little weight. All these numbers show the importance of losing weight in diabetic patients. Diabetic patients who undergo surgery due to obesity experience significant improvements in their diabetes and comorbid diseases such as obesity-related hypertension, hyperlipidemia and sleep apnea.

    Drug treatments and exercise are frequently used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Drug treatments are long-term and their doses gradually increase. Patients generally cannot achieve the desired goals with these treatments, experience compliance problems and are exposed to the side effects of diabetes. In addition, patients must be kept under constant control during their treatment. Insulin therapy used may also cause weight gain in patients.

    Hormonal Changes Begin After the Operation

    Weight loss in diabetes treatment is a very effective and low-cost treatment. Obesity surgeries not only restrict patients' eating habits but also cause some hormonal changes. Thus, patients not only lose weight, but also metabolic changes occur. These effects occur in patients who have gastric bypass surgery without losing weight, and sugar control becomes easier in the days following the surgery.

    In type 2 diabetic patients who undergo surgery, 80% of the patients recover from their diabetes, and 10% of the patients experience partial recovery. Weight loss surgeries are now recommended for diabetic diseases with a body mass index over 30. Obesity surgery has now taken its place in the treatment algorithms of diabetes. Obesity surgery is very effective in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in patients who are evaluated and deemed appropriate by an endocrinologist and an obesity and metabolic surgeon. The International Diabetes Federation recommends obesity surgery as a priority treatment for type 2 diabetic patients with a body mass index over 35, not as an option.

    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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