Prof. MD. Kubilay Ükinç
Prof. MD. Kubilay Ükinç
Prof. MD.

Kubilay Ükinç

Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Areas of Interests
    • Diabetes
    • Thyroid
    • Obesity
    • Hypertension
    • Adrenal Glands Diseases
    • Pituitary Diseases
    • Female Hormone System Disorders and Diseases
    • Male Reproductive Hormone Disorder Diseases
    • Low Blood Sugar Diseases
International Articles
  • Hacettepe University 1997
  • Karadeniz Technical University 2002
  • Karadeniz Technical University 2006
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University 2011-2017
  • Istanbul Bilim University 2017-
  • Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Diseases. 1998-2002
  • Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases 2003-2006
  • Samsun Mehmet Aydın State Hospital (State Service Obligation) 2006-2008
  • Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases BD January/2008-February/2008
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. 2008-2011
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. 2011-2017
  • Istanbul Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases BD 2017-

A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:

A1. Aşık M., Kadioglu GK, Eroglu M., Şen H., Erbağ G., Ükinç K., "Letter to the Editor: Treatment of Paget's Disease in Patients With Renal Impairment", JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM, vol.100 , pp.L34-U76, 2015.
A2. Eroglu M., Özkul F., Barutçu E., Arik M., Adam G., Garip Bilen Y., Ukinc K, Asik M. "Severe hyperparathyroidism in patient with right thyroid hemiagenesis.", JOURNAL OF THE PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, vol.65, pp.1022-1023, 2015
A3. Şen H., Uysal F., Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Erbağ G., Güneş F, Eroğlu M, Temiz A, Ademoğlu Z, Ükinç K.,"Evaluation Of The Risk Of Atherosclerosis In Patıents With Adrenal Incidentaloma Using The Ultrasound Biomarkers Eft And Cımt", Acta Medica Mediterranea, Vol.31, Pp.757-763, 2015
A4. Alar T., Güneş F., Muratli A., Gedik İ.E., Tekeli Z., Ükinç K., "Lofgren's Syndrome: An Acute Variant of Sarcoidosis Diagnosed by Mediastinoscopy", JCPSP-JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS PAKISTAN, vol.25, pp.146-148, 2015
A5. Eroglu M., Erbag G., Turkon H., Binnetoglu E., Ozkul F., Gunes F, Sen H, Yilmaz Y, Sahin M, Ukinc K, Asik M., "Are Small Adrenal Incidentalomas Solely a Radiological Finding?" , EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES, vol.123, pp.451-454, 2015
A6. Şen H., Tan YZ, Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Güneş F., Erbağ G., Gazi E, Cevizci S, Özdemir S, Akbal E, Ükinç K.., "Evaluation of liver perfusion in diabetic patients using 99mTc -sestamibi", WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT, vol.127, pp.19-23, 2015
A7. Aşık M., Binnetoğlu E., Şen H., Güneş F., Muratlı A., Kankaya D., Uysal F, Sahin M, Ukinc K.,"Less aggressive disease in patients with primary squamous cell carcinomas of the thyroid gland and coexisting lymphocytic thyroiditis", WSPOLCZESNA ONKOLOGIA-CONTEMPORARY ONCOLOGY, vol.19, pp.1-4, 2015
A8. Güneş F., Akbal E., Aşık M., Temiz A., Vural A., Şen H., Binnetoglu E, Bozkurt N, Tekeli Z, Erbag G, Ukinc K, Akbal E..,"Serum H-FABP levels in patients with hypothyroidism", WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT, vol.126, pp.727-733, 2014
A9. Güneş F., Aşık M., Temiz A., Binnetoğlu E., Şen H., Bilen O.İ., Akbal E, Adam G, Ukinc K."Gastrointestinal bleeding associated with dabigatran in a patient with panhypopituitarism", WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT, vol.126, pp.62-63, 2014
A10. Binnetoğlu E., Erbağ G., Gencer M., Türkön H., Aşık M., Güneş F., et al.,"PLASMA LEVELS OF NESFATIN-1 IN PATIENTS WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYDROME", ACTA MEDICA MEDITERRANEA, vol.30 , pp.201-204, 2014
A11. Aşık M., Sahin S., Temiz A., Ozkaya M., Özkul F., Şen H., Binnetoglu E, Gunes F, Bozkurt N, Sahin M, Ukinc K.., "EVALUATION OF EPICARDIAL FAT TISSUE THICKNESS IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM", ENDOCRINE PRACTICE, vol.20, pp.26-32, 2014
A12. Aşık M., Güneş F., Binnetoğlu E., Eroglu M., Bozkurt N., Şen HAkbal E, Bakar C, Beyazit Y, Ukinc K. "Decrease in TSH levels after lactose restriction in Hashimoto's thyroiditis patients with lactose intolerance", ENDOCRINE, vol.46, pp.279-284, 2014
A13. Aşık M., Binnetoğlu E., Şen H., Tekeli Z., Uysal F., Ükinç K., "Graves' Disease Associated with Alopecia Areata Developing after Hashimoto's Thyroiditis", JOURNAL OF NIPPON MEDICAL SCHOOL, vol.80, pp. 467-469, 2013
A14. Ukinc K, Eminagaoglu S, Ersoz HO, Erem C, , Karahan C, Hacihasanoglu Ab, Kocak K. A Novel Indicator Of Widespread Endothelial Damage And Ischemia In Diabetic Patients: Ischemia Modified Albumin. endocrine DOI 10.1007/s12020-009-9236-5
A15. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Erem C, Eminagaoglu S, Hacihasanoglu AB, Yilmaz M, Kocak K. Methyltetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Gene Mutation And Hyperhomocysteinemia As A Novel Risk Factor For Diabetic Nephropathy. endocrine 2009 Oct;36(2):255-261.
A16. Ukinc K. Severe osteomalacia presenting with multiple vertebral fractures: A case report and review of the literature. endocrine 2009 Aug;36(1):30-6.
A17. Ukinc K, Bayraktar M, Gedik A. Hypothyroid Graves' Disease Complicated With Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa (ENV): A Case Report And Review Of The Literature. endocrine 2009 Aug;36(1):6-9.
A18. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Erem C, Hacihasanoglu AH, Kart SS. Effects Of One Year Simvastatin
and Atorvastatin Treatments on Acute Phase Reactants In Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetic
patients. endocrine 2009 Jun;35(3):380-8.
A19. Ukinc K, Bayraktar M, Uzun O. A Case of Type 2 Diabetes Complicated with Primary Pyomyositis. The Endocrinologist. 35:3,380-388, 2009.
A20. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Erem C, Hacihasanoglu AH. Diagnostic value of prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) and free prostate specific antigen (fPSA) in women with ovulatory and anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome. endocrine 2009 Feb;35(1):123-129.
A21. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Erem C, Hacihasanoglu A, Ersoz S, Buran M. Pachydermoperiostosis
with gynecomastia and osteoporosis: a rare case with a rare presentation. Int J Clin Pract. 2007 Nov;61(11):1939-40.
A22. Erem C, Onder Ersöz H, Ukinc K, Hacihasanoglu A, Alhan E, Cobanoğlu U, Koçak M, Erdöl H. Neurofibromatosis type 1 associated with pheochromocytoma: a case report and a review of the literature J Endocrinol Invest. 2007 Jan;30(1):59-64.
A23. Erem C, Ersoz HO, Ukinc K, Avunduk AM, Hacihasanoglu A, Kocak M. Acromegaly presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis, associated with retinitis pigmentosa and octreotide-induced bradycardia: a case report and a review of the literature. endocrine 2006;30(1):145-9.
A24. Erem C, Hacihasanoglu A, Cinel A, Isik AC, Reis A, Sari A, Ersoz HO, Ukinc K. Carotid body tumors and adrenal pheochromocytomas in siblings of a Turkish family. Med Prince Pract. 2006 15(5):396–400.
A25. Ersoz HO, Ukinc K, Kose M, Erem C, Gunduz A, Hacihasanoglu A, Kart SS. Subcutaneous lispro and intravenous Regular insulin treatments are equally effective and safe for the treatment of mild and moderate diabetic ketoacidosis in adult
patients Int J Clin Pract. 2006 60(4):429–33.
A26 Erem C, Hacihasanoglu A, Ersoz HO, Reis AK, Calik A, Ukinc K, Kocak M. Pheochromocytoma combined with pre-clinical Cushing's syndrome in the same Adrenal gland. J Endocrinol Invest. 2005 Jun;28(6):561-5.
A27 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Cinel A, Çobanoğlu Ü, Ersöz HÖ, Ahmetoğlu A, Ukinc K, Koçak M: Adrenal black adenoma associated with Cushing's syndrome. (Case report) Endocrine 25(3):253–257;2004.
A28 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Sarı A, Reis A, Alhan E, Çobanoğlu Ü, Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K: Intrathyroidal papillary thyroid carcinoma presenting with a solitary brain metastasis. (Case report) Endocrine 25(2):187–193;2004
A29 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Sarı A, Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K, Fidan S: A rare case and rapid tumor response to therapy: Dramatic reduction in tumor size during octreotide treatment in a patient with TSH secreting pituitary macroadenoma. (Case report) Endocrine 25(2):141–145;2004.
A30 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Çelik S, Ovalı E, Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K, Değer O, Telatar M: Coagulation and fibrinolysis parameters in type 2 diabetic patients with and without diabetic vascular complications. Medical Principles and Practice 14(1):22-30; 2005.
A31 Erem C, Kandemir N, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K, Koçak M: Radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism: Prognostic factors affecting outcome. Endocrine 25(1):55-60;2004.
A32 Ulusoy S, Kaynar K, Gul S, Ukinc K. Renal failure due to Bardet-Biedl syndrome. A case report. Med Prince Pract. 2004 Nov-Dec;13(6):380–2.
A33 Erem C, Arslan C, Hacihasanoglu A, Deger O, Topbas M, Ukinc K, Ersöz HÖ, Telatar M: Prevalence of obesity and associated risk factors in a Turkish population (Trabzon city, Turkey). Obesity Research 12 (7):1117-27;2004.
A34 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Cinel A, Ersöz HÖ, Reis A, Sarı A, Köse M, Ukinc K, Telatar M: Sphenoid sinus brown tumor, a mass lesion of occipital bone and hypercalcemia: An unusual presentation of primary hyperparathyroidism. (Case report) Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 27(4):366–369;2004.
A35 Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K, Baykan M, Erem C, Durmuş İ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Telatar M: Effect of low-dose metoprolol in combination with sibutramine therapy in normotensive obese patients: a randomized controlled study. International Journal of Obesity 28(3):378-383;2004.
A36 Ovali E, Ratip S, Ozmenoglu M, Karti SS, Ucar F, Ukinc K, Yilmaz M, Kosucu P. Large volume donor plasmapheresis in inherited thrombophilia implicated in arterial thrombosis. Transfus Apher Sci. 2003 Jun;28(3):201–6.
A37 Erem C, Kavgacı H, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Ukinc K, Kart SS, Değer O, Telatar M: Blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity in hypothyroidism. International Journal of Clinical Practice 57(2):78–81;2003.
A38 Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Kart SS, Ukinc K, Hacihasanoglu A, Deger O, Telatar M: Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with hyperthyroidism. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 25(4):345–350;2002.

B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

B1. Güneş F., Aşık M., Temiz A., Vural A., Şen H., Binnetoğlu E., N. Bozkurta, Z. Tekelia, K. Ukinc, E. Akbal., "HFABP levels relationship carotid artery intima media thickness and role as a diagnostic marker for atherosclerosis in patient with hypothyroidism", 12th European Congress on Internal Medicine, CEK CUM., - , pp.E103-
B2. Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Altin B., Güneş F., Şen H., Gazi E., Go¨khan Erbag, Yıldız Garip Bilen, Erdem Akbal, Ahmet Temiz, Ahmet Barutcu, Adem Bekler & Kubilay Ukinc. , "Evaluation of epicardial adipose tissue thickness in patients with overt hyperthyroidism", 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, POLAND, - , pp.P968-
B3. Mehmet Asik1, Mustafa Eroglu1, Hakan Turkon1, Emine Binnetoglu1, Fahri Gunes1, Hacer Sen1, Gokhan Erbag1, Yeliz Yilmaz1, Mustafa Sahin2 Kubilay Ukinc1"Are small adrenal incidentalomas solely a radiological finding?", 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, POLAND, - ,pp.P5-
B4. Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Şen H., Özdemir S., Güneş F., Bilen O.İ., E. Akbal, K. Ukinç, "Aggressive papillary thyroid carcinoma without BRAF mutation", 12th European Congress on Internal Medicine , CZECH REP., - , pp.459-
B5. Tufan HA, Aşık M., Gencer B., Güneş F., Arıkan S., Kara S., Ukinc K., "Positive correlation between HbA1c and tear osmolarity", Obesity Reviews, AYDIN, TURKEY, - , vol.15, pp.242-
B6. Binnetoğlu E., Erbağ G., Gencer M., Türkön H., Aşık M., Güneş F., Hacer Sen, Ahmet Vural & Kubilay Ukinc ., "Plasma levels of nesfatin-1 in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome", 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, POLAND, - , pp.P620-
B7. Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Şen H., Özdemir S., Güneş F., Bilen O.İ., E. Akbal, K. Ukinç. "Aggressive papillary thyroid carcinoma without BRAF mutation", 12th European Congress on Internal Medicine, CEK RUM., - , pp.459-
B8. Binnetoğlu E., Erbağ G., Gencer M., Türkön H., Aşık M., Güneş F., Ukinc K, "Plasma levels of nesfatin-1 in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome", 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, POLAND , - , pp.P620-
B9. Ükinç K., Özgül Ö., Aşık M., Şen H., "High Serum Bilirubin Levels May Be Associated with the Reduced Risk of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients", 76th ADA Congress, USA, - , pp.A575-
B10. Güneş F., Aşık M., Altin B., Şen H., Binnetoğlu E., Temiz A., E. Akbald, N. Bozkurta, S. Özcelika, K. Ukinç. Carotid intima-media thickness and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patient with overt and subclinical hypothyroidism", 12th European Congress on Internal Medicine, CEK RUM., - , pp.E107-
B11. Güneş F., Aşık M., Temiz A., Binnetoğlu E., Şen H., Bilen O.İ., Akbal E, Adam G, Ukinc K.""Gastrointestinal bleeding associated with Dabigatran in a patient with panhypopituitarism", 15th European Congress of Endocrinology 2013, DENMARK, - , pp.P259-
B12. Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Şen H., Güneş F., Akbal E., Tekeli Z., Ukinc K., "Isolated ACTH deficiency associated with Hashimoto's disease", 15th European Congress of Endocrinology 2013, DENMARK, - , pp .P263-
B13. Aşık M., Binnetoğlu E., Şen H., Güneş F., Akbal E., Tekeli Z., Ukinc K "Graves' disease associated with Alopecia areata developed after Hashimoto's thyroiditis", 15th European Congress of Endocrinology 2013, DENMARK, - , pp.P309-
B14. Özdemir S., Aşık M., Silan F., Özdemir Ö., Tan YZ, Ükinç K., " The RFLP profiles at BRAF V600E mutations in thyroid FNAB nodules.", European Biotechnology Congress, Bucharest, ROMANIA, 7-9 May 2015, vol.208, pp.85-85
B15. Ukinc K, Göl SU, Gür S, Çetin H, Topaloğlu H. Evaluation of the diabetic patients who treated in first and second degree medical centers: first survey report of North-West region of Turkey. P-1312
20th International Diabetes Federation Congress, 2009 Montreal-Canada (Written statement)
B16. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Karahan C, Erem C, Eminagaoglu S, Hacihasanoglu AB, Yilmaz M, Kocak M Methyltetrahydrofolate reductase C677T gene mutation and hyperhomocysteinemia as a novel risk factor for diabetic nephropathy. Diabetologia 48(S1): A370;2005.
41st Annual Meeting of EASD. Athens–2005. (Written notice).
B17. Ersoz HO, Ukinc K, Eminagaoglu S, Erem C, Karahan C, Hacihasanoglu AB, Kocak M. A novel indicator of widespread endothelial damage and ischemia in diabetic patients: ischemia modified albumin. Diabetologia 48(S1): A409;2005.
 41st Annual Meeting of EASD. Athens–2005. (Written notice).
B18. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Erem C, Hacihasanoglu AB, Kocak M Comparison of Acetylsalicylic Acid And Ibuprofen in Treatment of De Quervain's Thyroiditis. page:197, P2-137.
7th European Congress of Endocrinology 2005 Gothenburg-Sweden (Written paper).
B19. Ukinc K, Ersoz HO, Erem C, Hacihasanoglu AB, Kocak M. Diagnostic Value of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) and Free Prostate Specific Antigen (fPSA) in Women With Ovulatory and Anovulatory Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. page:295, P3-177.
7th European Congress of Endocrinology 2005 Gothenburg-Sweden (Written paper).
B20 Ukinc K, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Erem C, Telatar M: Effect of obesity on bone mineral density in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. IJO 28 (S1): S131;2004. 13th European Congress on Obesity 2004 Prague-Czech Republic (Written paper).
B21 Erem C, Hacıhasanoglu A, Ersöz HÖ, Cinel A, Reis AK,. Işık AC, Sarı A, Ukinc K, Telatar M: Nonsyndromic familial adrenal and extraadrenal pheochromocytoma in a Turkish family. P0015
6th European Congress of Endocrinology 2003 Lyon-France (Written paper).
B22 Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K, Özdemir F, Tekelioglu Y, Kart S, Erem C, Ovalı E, Telatar M: In vivo and in vitro effects of functional thyroid disorders on peripheral lymphocyte subsets: An immunological study. P0228.
6th European Congress of Endocrinology 2003 Lyon-France (Written paper).
B23 Ersöz HÖ, Köse M, Ukinc K, Gündüz A, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Kart SS, Erem C, Telatar M: Subcutaneous lyspro and intravenous regular insulintreatments are equally effective for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetologia 46(S2): A267;2003. 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress 2003 Paris-France (Written statement).
B24 Ersöz HÖ, Ukinc K, Baykan M, Erem C, Durmuş İ, Telatar M: The effect of low dose metoprolol in sibutramine treated obese patients. International Journal of Obesity 26:S151;2002. Ninth International Congress on Obesity 2002 Sao Paulo-Brazil (Written paper).
B25 Kart SS, Ratip S, Yılmaz M, Ukinc K, Örem A, Adıgüzel C, Kandemir N, Ovalı E, Bayık M. Therapeutic Trial of Cobolamin in Patients with Normal Serum Cobolamin Levels and Predicted Cobolamin Deficiency. The Hematology Journal Vol:3 supp 1:S395;2002. 7th Meeting of the Europan Hematology Association 2002 Florence-Italy. (Written notice).
B26 Ersöz HÖ, Çolak H, Ukinc K, Erem C, Telatar M: Evaluation of the information level of diabetic patients before and after education programe. 11th Balkan Congress of Endocrinology 2001 Istanbul-Turkey (Written presentation).
B27 Erem C, Kart SS, Ukinc K, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Eren N, Telatar M: Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with hyperthyroidism. Endocrine Practice page:2, O3, 2001.
The 24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 2001 Istanbul-Turkey (Oral presentation).
B28 Ukinc K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Kart SS, Telatar M: Effects of one year statin treatment on acute phase reactants and lipid parameters in type 2 diabetic patients. Endocrine Practice, page:50, P52; 2001.
The 24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 2001 Istanbul-Turkey (Written report).
B29 Erem C, Kart SS, Ukinc K, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoglu A, Fidan S, Kandemir N, Telatar M: Blood coagulation and fibrinolytic activity in hypothyroidism. Endocrine Practice page:31, P14; 2001.
The 24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 2001 Istanbul-Turkey (Written report).
B30 Erem C, Kart SS, Ukinc K, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoglu A, Altun E, Deniz Ö, Telatar M: Coagulation and fibrinolysis parameters in type 2 diabetic patients with and without vascular complications. Endocrine Practice page:51, P54; 2001.
The 24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 2001 Istanbul-Turkey (Written presentation)
B31 Ersöz HÖ, Tekelioğlu Y, Ukinc K, Erem C, Ovalı E: Alterations of peripheral lymphocyte subsets in hypothyroid patients and response to levothyroxine treatment. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 23(7): 15;2000.
23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with the European Federation of Endocrine Societies 2000 Ankara-Turkey (Oral presentation).
B32 Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Ovalı E, Ukinc K, Kavgacı H, Telatar M: Increased plasma levels of antithrombin III in patients with hyperthyroidism. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 23(7): 37;2000.
23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with the European Federation of Endocrine Societies 2000 Ankara-Turkey (Written report).
B33 Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Ovalı E, Ukinc K, Kavgacı H, Telatar M: Coagulation parameters in type 2 diabetic patients with and without diabetic complications. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 23(7): 50;2000.
23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with the European Federation of Endocrine Societies 2000 Ankara-Turkey (Written report).
B34 Güneş F., Aşık M., Temiz A., Vural A., Şen H., Binnetoğlu E., N. Bozkurta, Z. Tekelia, K. Ukinc, E. Akbal., "HFABP levels relationship carotid artery intima media thickness and role as a diagnostic marker for atherosclerosis in patient with hypothyroidism", 12th European Congress on Internal Medicine, CEK CUM., - , pp.E103-

C. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:

C1. Beyaz Ş., Ükinç K., "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Special Issue: Hypertension", Turkish Clinics Special Journal of Endocrinology, vol.8, pp.35-41, 2015
C2. Özçelik Ş., Ükinç K., "Diabetes Mellitus and Infection", Turkey Clinics Special Issue of Endocrinology Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, vol.8, pp.90-93, 2015
C3. Beyaz Ş., Ükinç K., "The Pioglitazone Almanac: Interpretation of PROActive 4 and 5 Studies.", Turkiye Klinikleri Endocrinology Special Issue: Pioglitazone Special Issue, vol.1, pp.100-110, 2015
C4. Özçelik Ş., Ükinç K., "Sulfonylureas and Meglitinides.", Medilog, vol.1, pp.31-36, 2015
C5. Sen H., Binnetoglu E., Gunes F., Asik M., Özçelik S., Ükinç K., "Significant improvement in post-treatment hyperglycemia in a patient with primary aldosteronism", Abant Medical Journal, vol.3, pp.93-94 , 2014
C6. Şen H., Aşık M., Uysal F., Kizildağ B., Binnetoğlu E., Güneş F., et al., "The Prevalence of Incidental Adrenal Mass Found Using Diagnostic Imaging Techniques", Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, pp.108-110, 2014
C7. Binnetoğlu E., Aşık M., Şen H., Güneş F., Kizildağ B., Akbal E., et al., "Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency (ACTH) Associated with Hashimoto's Disease", Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, p. .26-27, 2014
C8. Özçelik Ş., Ükinç K., "Metabolic Syndrome and Dysglycemia: Diagnosis and Treatment Features", Turkish Cardiology Seminars, vol.14, pp.240-245, 2014
C9. Ükinç K, Gürlek A, Usman A. New antidiabetic drugs. Hacettepe Journal of Medicine 2007; 38:113-120
C10 Ükinç K, Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Ersöz S, Fidan E. Case Report: Prostate Adenocarcinoma and Ectopic ACTH Syndrome. Turkey Clinics J Med Sci 2006, 26:699-703.
C11 Hacıhasanoğlu AB, Koçak M, Ükinç K, Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Erdöl H, Telatar M: Wolfram Syndrome with primary gonadal insufficiency (Case report). Turkey Clinics Endocrinology 2(3):213–216;2004.
C12 Ükinç K, Hasanbaşoğlu A, Gündüz A, Türedi S, Yandı M. A case of hypocalcemia presenting to the emergency department with generalized epileptic seizure. Academic Journal of Emergency Medicine 2004 3(2), 13-16.
C13 Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ: Obesity and its treatment (Review) Galenos Monthly Medical Journal 7(80):29–35;2003.
C14 Kart SS, Ratip S, Yılmaz M, Ükinç K, Örem A, Adıgüzel C, Kandemir N, Ovalı E, Bayık M. Therapeutic Trial of Cobolamin in Patients with Normal Serum Cobolamin Levels and Predicted Cobolamin Deficiency. Turkish Journal of Hematology. 2003;20(2):69-74.
C15 Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Kart S, Telatar M: CRP, fibrinogen and ferritin as indicators of micro and macrovascular complications in diabetic patients
levels. Turkish Diabetes Yearbook 17:199–209;2002.
C16 Özdemir F, Aydın F, Ükinç K. Tumor Angiogenesis and Treatment. Turkish Journal of Hematology and Oncology.2001;2(11):100–105.
C17 Hocaoğlu Ç, Ükinç K, Kandil ST, Ersöz HÖ, Sayar MK: An adolescent's suicide attempt (Case report). Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2(4):236–242;2001.

D. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:

D1. Şen H., Binnetoğlu E., Güneş F., Aşık M., Özçelik Ş., Ükinç K., "DIABETITY DEVELOPMENT IN A CASE OF NECROTIZING PANCREATITIS OCCURRING HYPERTRIGLISERIDEMIA ‹M‹", 49. National Diabetes Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.248-
D2. Demir C., Akgün MM, Beyaz Ş., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "A Rare Cause of Chronic Pain in Elderly Patients: Paget's Disease", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp. 150-
D3. Demir C., Beyaz Ş., Akgün M.M., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "Acromegaly", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.150-
D4. Gür S., Ükinç K., Aşık M., Şen H., Güneş F., Binnetoğlu E., "Does Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Polyclinic Make a Difference in Diabetes Treatment?", 49th National Diabetes Congress, Antalya, Turkey, - , p.172-
D5. Beyaz Ş., Demir C., Akgün M.M., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "Old Disease, Different Presentation: Hypophyseal Cushing Case with Bilateral Giant Adrenal Adenoma", 17th Internal Medicine Congress7. Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.140-
D6. Beyaz Ş., Demir C., Akgün M.M., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "A Case of Giant Adrenal Myelolipoma", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.141-
D7. Demir C., Akgün MM, Beyaz Ş., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "A Rare Cause of Chronic Pain in Elderly Patients: Paget's Disease", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp. 150-
D8. Demir C., Beyaz Ş., Akgün M.M., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "Acromegaly", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.150-
D8. Beyaz Ş., Demir C., Akgün M.M., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "Old Disease, Different Presentation: Hypophyseal Cushing Case with Bilateral Giant Adrenal Adenoma", 17th Internal Medicine Congress7. Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.140-
D9. Beyaz Ş., Demir C., Akgün M.M., Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "A Case of Giant Adrenal Myelolipoma", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp.141-
D10. Beyaz Ş., Demir C., Akgün MM, Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "A Rare Cause of Fever and Sedim Height: Giant Hemangioma", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp. 151-
D11. Beyaz Ş., Demir C., Akgün MM, Eroglu M., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "A Late Diagnosed Primary Hyperaldosteronism (PHA) Case", 17th Internal Medicine Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , pp. 139-
D12. Zeren S., Nusran G., Gür S., Aşık M., Ükinç K., "Our Experience with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients with Diabetic Foot Infection at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Medicine", 49th National Diabetes Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, - , p.210-
D13. Alar T., Güneş F., Muratli A., Gedik İ.E., Tekeli Z., Ükinç K., "Acute Variant of Sarcoidosis Diagnosed by Mediastinoscopy: Löfgren's Syndrome", VII. National Thoracic Surgery Congress, ANTALYA, TURKEY, 25-28 April 2013, pp.105-105
D14. Ükinç K, Göl SU, GürS, Kurkur Ö. Where is Çanakkale in the Treatment of Diabetic Patients? Initial Data. SS09 Page 132.
45th National Diabetes Congress 2009 Antalya (Oral Presentation).
D15. Ükinç K, Bayraktar M, Uzun Ö. A Case of Type 2 Diabetes Complicated with Primary Pyomyositis PS26, Page 167.45. National Diabetes Congress 2009 Antalya. (Written Statement).
D16. Ükinç K, Çetin H, Göl SÜ, GÜR S, Topaloğlu F. Evaluation of Knowledge Levels of Diabetic Patients: First Data of Çanakkale Province. PS03, Page 257 45th National Diabetes Congress 2009 Antalya. (Written Statement).
D17. Ükinç K, Çetin H, GÖL SÜ, GÜR S, Topaloğlu F. Evaluation of University Hospital Service Nurses' Knowledge of Diabetes.PS04 Page 258.
45th National Diabetes Congress 2009 Antalya. (Written Statement).
D18. Ersöz S, Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Çobanoğlu Ü, Yılmaz B, Özoran Y. Metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma to the thyroid gland (A Case Report). Q:151, P002. 1st National Cytopathology Congress 2006 Antalya P2 (Written Paper).
D19. Koçak M, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Ersöz S, Erem C, Akdoğan R, Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ. Case Report: Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 2 and T Cell Lymphoma. Q:125, P0137
29. Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2006 Antalya (Written report).
D20. Koçak M, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Erem C, Ükinç K, Kılıçarslan F, Beşli S, Ersöz HÖ. Case Report: Our Cases with Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome. Q:125, P0138.
29th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2006 Antalya (Written report).
D21. Koçak M, Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Değer O, Topbaş M, Ersöz HÖ, Ükinç K, Hypertension Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in Trabzon Province. Q:89, P0051. 29. Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2006 Antalya (Written report).
D22. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Avunduk A, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Fidan E. Acromegaly Case Diagnosed in the Emergency Department due to Diabetic Ketoacidosis Coma. Q:91, P48. 41. National Diabetes Congress 2005 Antalya (Written paper)
D23. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Karahan C, Erem C, Yılmaz M, Eminağaoğlu S, Hacıhasanoğlu A. Methyltetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Mutation and Hyperhomocysteinemia as a New Risk Factor in Diabetic Nephropathy. Q:52, SS09. 41. National Diabetes Congress 2005 Antalya (Oral presentation)
D24. Ükinç K, Eminağaoğlu S, Ersöz HÖ, Karahan C, Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A. A New Indicator of Diffuse Endothelial Damage and Ischemia in Diabetic Patients: Ischemia Modified Albumin. Q:60, SS:25.
41. National Diabetes Congress 2005 Antalya (Oral presentation)
D25. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Hacihasanoğlu A, Koçak M. Diagnostic Values ​​of Prostate Specific Antigen and Free Prostate Specific Antigen Levels in Ovulatory and Anovulatory Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
28th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2005 Antalya (Written report).
D26. Hacıhasanoğlu A, Erem C, Cinel A, Ersöz Ö, Reis A, Ükinç K. Primary Hyperparathyroidism (PHP): Evaluation of clinical and laboratory characteristics and treatment results of 68 cases
28th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2005 Antalya (Written report).
D27. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Alhan E, Çobanoğlu Ü, Bektaş Ö: Case report: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Von Recklinghausen Disease) and pheochromocytoma. English J Endoc Metab Vol:8, Supp:2, p:34, P6.
27th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2004 Istanbul (Written report). D28. Hacıhasanoğlu A, Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Ükinç K, Çinel A, Bektaş Ö, Reis A, Sarı A: Case report: Paget disease of the bone associated with primary hyperparathyroidism. English J Endoc Metab Vol:8, Supp:2, p:35, P7.
27th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2004 Istanbul (Written report).
D29. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Koçak M, Birol S: How targeted are we in the treatment of diabetic patients? English J Endoc Metab Vol:8, Supp:2,p:35, P8.
27th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2004 Istanbul (Written report).
D30. Ükinç K, Erem C, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Koçak M: Evaluation of clinical, laboratory and treatment results of our painful subacute thyroiditis cases. ENGLISH J ENDOC METAB Vol:8, Supp:2,p:35, P9.
27th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2004 Istanbul (Written report).
D31. Ersöz HÖ, Köse M, Ükinç K, Gündüz A, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Kart S, Erem C, Telatar M: Comparison of subcutaneous insulin lispro and intravenous crystallized insulin treatments in diabetic ketoacidosis: Randomized controlled study. p:39, SS19.
39. National Diabetes Congress 2003 Istanbul (Oral presentation).
D32. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu AB, Erem C, Telatar M: The relationship of bone density with body composition and androgenic markers in patients with hirsutism. Turkish J Endoc Metab Vol:7, Supp:1,p:111, SS10.
26. Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2003 Adana (Oral presentation).
D33. Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Hacıhasanoğlu AB, Erem C, Telatar M: Cardiovascular risk factor in patients with hirsutismevaluation of the actors. Turkish J Endoc Metab Vol:7, Supp:1,p:111, SS11.
26. Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2003 Adana (Oral presentation).
D34. Hasanbaşoğlu A, Ükinç K, Gündüz A, Türedi S, Yandı M. A case of hypocalcemia presenting to the emergency department with generalized epileptic seizure. Q:40, P24. 1st National Emergency Medicine Congress 2003 Konya P 24 (Written Paper).
D35. SS Kart, Özgür O, Sönmez M, Eren N, Alver A, Ükinç K, Pakdemir A, Ovalı E. Evaluation of systemic immune response before and after eradication therapy in patients infected with Helicobacter pylori. Turkish J Hematology, Vol:20, supp:1, p:136, P135. Turkish Society of Hematology XXX. National congress 2003 Istanbul (Written Paper).
D36 Ersöz HÖ, Ükinc K, Baykan M, Erem C, Durmuş İ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Telatar M: Diurnal blood pressure variation and its relationship with cardiovascular risk factors in normotensive obese patients. p:81, SS4/12.
Turkish Obesity Congress 2002 Antalya (Oral presentation).
D37 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Çinel A, Ersöz HÖ, Reis AK, Ükinç K, Telatar M: Primary hyperparathyroidism: evaluation of clinical and laboratory features and treatment results of 26 cases. Turkish J Endoc Metab Vol:6, Supp:1,p:40, P48.
25th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2002 Erzurum (Written report).
D38 Erem C, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Çinel A, Ersöz HÖ, Reis AK, Köse M, Ükinç K, Telatar M: Sphenoid sinus Brown tumor, occipital bone mass and hypercalcemia: A rare presentation of primary hyperparathyroidism. Turkish J Endoc Metab Vol:6, Supp:1,p:40, P49.
25th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2002 Erzurum (Written report).
D39 Ükinç K, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Yılmazer B, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Telatar M: Evaluation of treatment outcomes in diabetic patients. Turkish J Endoc Metab Vol:6, Supp:1,p:27, P23.
25th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2002 Erzurum (Written report).
D40 Ersöz HÖ, Ükinç K, Baykan M, Erem C, Durmuş İ, Hacıhasanoğlu A, Telatar M: The efficacy of sibutramine and low-dose cardioselective beta-blocker combination in the treatment of obesity. Turkish J Endoc Metab Vol:6, Supp:1,p:61, P87.
25th Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Congress 2002 Erzurum (Written report).
D41 Ükinç K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Kart S, Telatar M: CRP, fibrinogen and ferritin levels as an indicator of micro and macrovascular complications in diabetic patients. p:60, SS5/52.
37. National Diabetes Congress 2001 Aydın (Oral presentation).
D42 Ükinç K, Hocaoğlu C, Eren N, Sayar K, Ersöz HÖ, Erem C, Telatar M: A case of factorial hypoglycemia. p: 144, PS10/88.
37. National Diabetes Congress 2001 Aydın (Written paper).
D43 Card SS, Yılmaz M, Ükinç K, Adıgüzel C, Dane F, Kandemir N, Ovalı E. Evaluation of patients diagnosed with Vitamin B12 deficiency in Marmara and KTU Hematology clinics. p:175, PS67.
3. National Internal Medicine Congress 2001 Antalya P067 (Written Paper).
D44 Yılmaz M, Kart SS, Ükinç K, Deniz Ö, Eren N, Ovalı E. The relationship of IL-6 and IL-10 Levels with stage and clinical symptoms in patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. p:208, P200.
3. National Internal Medicine Congress 2001 Antalya P200 (Written Paper).
D45 Tekelioğlu Y, Ükinç K, Kart SS, Yılmaz M. Circulating Platelet-Leukocyte aggregates in ulcerative colitis. p:167, PS035.
3. National Internal Medicine Congress 2001 Antalya P035 (Written Paper).
D46 Ulusoy S, Kaynar K, Gül S, Ükinç K. Case report of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. p:102, P45.
III. National Hypertension & Kidney Diseases Congress 2001 Antalya P45 (Written Paper).
D47 3Ersöz HÖ, Çolak H, Ükinç K, Erem C: Evaluation of knowledge levels in diabetic patients before and after the patient education program. D/P12.
XXXVI. National Diabetes Congress 2000 Gaziantep (Written paper).
D48 Ersöz HÖ, Tekelioğlu Y, Ükinç K, Erem C, Ovalı E: Lymphocyte subgroups in peripheral blood in hypothyroid patients. p:102, P35.
1st Turkish Thyroid Diseases Congress 2000 Istanbul (Written presentation).

  • Turkish Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism.
  • European Thyroid Association.
  • Turkish Internal Medicine Specialization Association.
  • The Endocrine Society.
  • Atherosclerosis Society.
  • Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Şeref ZİLELİ Successful Student of the Year 1996
  • Turkish Diabetes Foundation "Diabetes Mellitus Best Scientific Publication Award-2009" Honorable Mention.
  • Turkish Diabetes Foundation "Diabetes Mellitus Best Scientific Publication Award-2010" Third Prize.
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