Hand and Microsurgery

Hand and microsurgery are fields of surgery that generally deal with the treatment of injuries, diseases and deformities of the hands.
Hand and Microsurgery

Last Update Date: 6/4/2024 10:42:24 AM

Hand and microsurgery are fields of surgery that generally deal with the treatment of injuries, diseases and deformities of the hands. Both fields aim to treat structures such as the hand, fingers and wrist using precise surgical techniques. However, microsurgery is a more general term and can also be used on other parts of the body.

What is Hand and Microsurgery?

The anatomy and engineering of the hand is awe-inspiring. The human hand is very complicated and contains many details. Our hands help us millions of times throughout our lives - for communication, for the sense of touch, for working and producing, and for our own personal care. However, any injury is also a high handicap for this excellent function and fine workmanship.

Which Diseases Does Hand and Microsurgery Treat?

Among all injuries, finger injuries are the body parts with the highest injury rate of 65% and hand-arm injuries with the rate of approximately 18%. Hand injuries can range from a small cut to total amputation of an entire hand or arm.

The most common injuries that occur canbe listed as follows;

  • Fractures
  • Cutting-piercing injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries and Ruptures
  • Flaying injuries
  • Burns of the hand and forearm
  • Animal bites
  • High-energy injuries
  • Infections

The aim in hand injuries is a rapid and accurate initial assessment and treatment. In other words, when an injury occurs, the doctor must begin medical-surgical treatment quickly and effectively so that the short and long-term ill effects on the function and anatomy of the hand can be minimized.

    Hand and Microsurgery at Liv Hospital

    Hand surgery is performed by specialized plastic-reconstructive surgery specialists, orthopedic specialists or hand surgery subspecialists. Surgery of the hand, which is a very delicate structure, requires a very long experience. A long-term study and absolute experience are required to choose the appropriate surgery for both the anatomy and functional structure of such a detailed structure. Learning and effective application of the microsurgical method can only be realized with a long and arduous work. Replantation is the process of reattaching the amputated limb to the body using microsurgical methods to restore its former anatomy and function.

    Microsurgical operations, which are very comprehensive, are performed with specialized surgical (8 X, 40 X) microscopes and very thin, specialized surgical instruments. Such surgeries, which take long hours, are performed very carefully and meticulously by a specialized surgical team. First, the bone tissue is fused together and then, under a surgical microscope, the arteries, veins and nerves that have a diameter of approximately 0.8 mm are repaired with special suture materials. In order to restore the function of the limb, movement mechanism elements called muscles and/or tendons are repaired acutely or at a later date.