Pediatric Respirology

Pediatric pulmonology refers to a medical field that includes various issues related to the respiratory system and chest cavity.
Pediatric Pulmonology

Last Update Date: 9/3/2024 11:23:11 AM

What is Pediatric Pulmonology

Pediatric pulmonology refers to a medical field that includes various issues related to the respiratory system and chest cavity. Doctors specializing in this field specialize in diagnosing, evaluating and treating respiratory, lung and chest cavity-related diseases in children.

Which Diseases Does Pediatric Pulmonology Treat

Pediatric pulmonology deal with a range of diseases and conditions regarding the respiratory system and chest cavity in children. Pediatric pulmonologists specialize in diagnosing and treating a variety of conditions in children, from respiratory infections to chronic respiratory diseases.

Here are some of the diseases that pediatric pulmonologists treat:

Asthma: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that leads to breathing difficulties due to the narrowing and inflammation of the airways. It is a common condition observed especially in children.

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: Flu, colds, and other upper respiratory tract infections are common illnesses observed in children. Symptoms include cough, nasal discharge, and sore throat.

Bronchitis: Bronchitis is inflammation of the airways called bronchi. It can often develop in children due to viral infections and can cause cough, sputum production and shortness of breath.

Pneumonia: It is an infection that occurs as a result of inflammation of the lung tissue. Pneumonia can cause symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and chest pain.

Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder and it causes the secretions of glands throughout the body to become thick and sticky. It may affect the respiratory system, digestive system and other organs.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: It is a condition that causes respiratory pauses in children due to the blockage of the upper airways during sleep.

Bronchiolitis: It is a condition that usually develops due to respiratory tract infections and is especially observed in babies. It causes inflammation and swelling of the small bronchioles.

Childhood Interstitial Lung Diseases: Inflammatory or fibrotic conditions that affect the lung tissue are rare but potentially serious diseases in children.

Liv Hospital Pediatric Pulmonology Clinic

Liv Hospital Pediatric Pulmonology Diseases Clinic provides world-class service with its high-level technological facilities and experienced team who are specialized in the field to diagnose and treat acute and chronic respiratory diseases of children. Pediatric pulmonology diseases play a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common complaints and diseases observed in children.

In our clinic, bronchoscopy, sweat tests, allergy tests, respiratory function tests, sleep studies and other tests are performed.

  • Chronic cough that does not improve
  • Recurrent wheezing that does not improve,
  • Sounds coming from the larynx
  • Resistant listening findings on physical examination, pathological sounds recurring in the same place
  • Abnormal findings on lung graphy and tomography,
  • Chronic sputum that does not improve,
  • Hemoptysis (Bloody sputum)
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing,
  • Recurrent and resistant bronchitis - bronchiolitis,
  • Resistant asthma,
  • Snoring - sleep disorders, difficulty breathing during sleep)
  • Treatment-resistant and chronic sinusitis and ear infection (congenital disease finding that appears as a result of the cilia in the airways not working)
  • Children who need a respiratory secretion sample but are not able to be sampled (In some children who cannot produce sputum, it is necessary to take a fluid sample from the bronchi)
  • Inability to leave the respiratory support device for infants and children in intensive care
  • Airway check-up before cannula removal of patients with tracheostomy cannula
  • Congenital lung problems,
  • Foreign objects escaping into the airway,
  • Respiratory failure - use of respiratory support device,
  • Difficulty breathing,
  • Thoracic wall abnormalities,



Diseases Treated at the Liv Hospital Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases Clinic

  • Lower respiratory tract infections (Pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis)
  • Asthma
  • Respiratory failure
  • Lung damage
  • Airway stenosis
  • Bronchiectasis (bronchial dilatations)
  • Atelectasis (Lung deflation)
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Snoring and sleep-disordered breathing
  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia (A disease that is resistant to treatment and causes chronic sinusitis and ear infection, chronic cough with sputum, and in some cases, heart orientation / infertility: A congenital disease that occurs as a result of the cilia in the airways not working)
  • Congenital lung diseases
  • Children with tracheostomy and on a respirator
  • Respiratory failure monitoring of neurological and metabolic patients (those with muscle and nerve involvement) such as SMA and Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Tuberculosis
  • Foreign body aspirations
  • Cystic diseases of the lung
  • Thoracic cage problems
  • Sudden life-threatening event (Near death)
  • Diagnostic Tests Performed at the Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases Clinic
  • Microbiological studies from respiratory secretion samples (sputum and back-nasal samples)
  • Sweat test
  • Skin allergy tests
  • ,Pulmonary function test
  • Flexible bronchoscopy
  • Immunity tests
  • Blood gas tests
  • Sleep test