Home Care Services

Home Care Service is a service that enables individuals to access health services in their own homes.
Home Care Services

Last Update Date: 2/24/2025 11:37:49 AM

As you get older, your body can become weaker and weaker. It may be difficult to walk or even go to the toilet, let alone do your own work. Some people may also experience problems such as loss of functional mobility. There are some care and physical therapy centers for people who need care and have mobility difficulties. However, many people do not want to give up the comfort of their own home. Since these treatment and care processes are stressful, being in an environment where the person feels comfortable throughout the process is an important factor that improves their overall health. As a result of this situation, the necessity of home health care has emerged.

Types of Services Provided at Home

What is Home Care Service?

Home Care Service is a service that enables individuals to access health care services in their own homes. This service is provided for individuals with home care needs, such as the elderly, those with chronic diseases or those in need of long-term care. The aim of the home care service is to protect the health of individuals, improve their quality of life and support their independence. This service may include regular check-ups to monitor patients' treatment processes, assess their health status and intervene when necessary.

Home Health Service

Home health care refers to care provided at home to people who are unable to take care of themselves for any reason or who have medical treatment that needs to be administered for a long period of time (such as IV drips, injections, etc.). This service is often confused with home care. Although both refer to care provided at home, in home health care, the person providing the care is a licensed health professional, and in this respect it differs from home care.

What is Home Physical Therapy?
Home-based physical therapy is a method where patients who need to receive physical therapy receive this service in their own homes. This method is designed to enable patients to access the physical therapy program in the comfort of their own homes. Home physical therapy can be applied in cases where patients need to stay at home arbitrarily or compulsorily, usually as a result of illness, injury or other situations.

    Who Can Benefit from Home Physical Therapy?

    Various people can benefit from physical therapy at home:

    • Post-Surgical Patients: Physical therapy may be needed after surgical operations. Home physical therapy service can help patients in the rehabilitation process after surgery. It can support wound healing, increase mobility and speed up the process of returning to daily activities.
    • People with Muscle and Joint Problems: Individuals with muscle and joint problems can benefit from home physical therapy services. This service can increase muscle strength, improve joint mobility and reduce pain.
    • Sports Injuries: Athletes or exercising individuals with sports injuries can benefit from home physical therapy. This service can support the rehabilitation of sports injuries, help restore mobility and guide the process of preparing to play sports again.
    • Neurological Disorders: Neurological conditions, such as post-stroke or Parkinson's disease, can be supported by in-home physical therapy. This service can help individuals improve muscle and balance coordination. It can also improve walking skills and improve quality of life.
    • People with Chronic Pain: Individuals with chronic pain may benefit from home physical therapy. This service can help manage pain, improve muscle flexibility and make daily activities more comfortable.

    Who Can Benefit From Home Health-Care Services?

    There are many situations where these services are necessary. Chronic diseases often require regular follow-up and regular medication. Treatment of chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS and thyroid diseases may require regular medication, diet, and follow-up.

    In general, if you have any of the following conditions, you may want to consider home health care;

    • In the presence of surgical wounds or pressure sores
    • Injections intravenously (given into a vein) or injections containing nutritional therapy
    • Serious diseases such as cancer
    • Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart failure
    • Newborns at risk
    • Having an unstable health condition that requires follow-up
    • Postoperative recovery process

    What Does Home Health Care Cover?

    Home health care refers to care provided by licensed healthcare professionals in a person's own home. The overall aim of the service is to heal people with injuries or illnesses by providing them with the necessary care. In addition to health, they also enable patients to be independent.

    In home health care you can expect:

    • Specialist doctor examination for all branches at home
    • Nursing services at home
    • Home radiology and imaging
    • Prenatal and postnatal mother-infant care services at home
    • Blood tests and check-up services at home
    • Supply of equipment and materials for the home
    • Intravenous supplements
    • IV drip at home
    • Dressing at home
    • Ozone therapy

    What are the Benefits of Home Physical Therapy?

    Physical therapy at home has many benefits. The benefits of physical therapy at home are as follows:

    • Comfort and Convenience: Home physical therapy allows patients to receive treatment in their own home environment. Therefore, patients can receive treatment in a familiar and comfortable environment.
    • Personalized Treatment: Home physical therapy offers a customized treatment for individual needs. The physiotherapist assesses the patient's physical condition and needs at home and adapts the treatment plan accordingly. In this way, the treatment is completely tailored to the patient's personal needs and more effective results can be achieved.
    • Mobility and Independence: Physical therapy at home can improve mobility and enable patients to perform activities of daily living more independently.  
    • Rehabilitation after surgery: Home physical therapy plays an important role in the rehabilitation process after surgical operations. The physiotherapist supports wound healing, increases mobility and accelerates the return to activities of daily living in post-operative patients. Physical therapy at home can help patients complete this rehabilitation process more effectively in the comfort of their own home.

    Physical therapy is a treatment method that can be applied in hospitals, rehabilitation centers or in individuals' own homes. You can apply to Liv Hospital to benefit from physical therapy at home or to learn more about this subject.

    Although home health care has been provided by the family or local community for many years, this service has started to be provided by health professionals trained in patient care with the developing era. You can apply to Liv Hospital to benefit from home health care and get more detailed information.

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