Family Consultancy

Family Counselling is a field of expertise that identifies the problems experienced by families, family candidates and couples and develops methods for their solution.
Family Consultancy

Last Update Date: 9/3/2024 11:13:29 AM

Family Counselling is a field of expertise that identifies the problems experienced by families, family candidates, couples; develops methods for their solution, takes and implements measures to repair the impaired family system, and provides services that include special intervention techniques and strategies for families, individuals or couples.

What is Family Counselling?

Counselling is a support service that aims to help individuals, couples or families understand and cope with the problems they are experiencing and build healthier relationships. Family and couple counselling is a branch of counselling that specialises in issues such as family relationships, couple relationships, parenting and family dynamics.

The counselling process is usually carried out in a safe environment, respecting the principle of confidentiality. The counsellor helps individuals, couples or families to understand the problems they are experiencing, raises awareness and guides them to establish healthier relationships. Counselling usually involves a series of sessions and aims to support clients in achieving their goals.

Family Counselling and Service Areas

The main areas where Family Counselling works on the basis of confidentiality and privacy:

Communication problems in individuals or couples:

  • Sexual problems
  • Extended family relations
  • Pre-marital counselling 
  • Divorce processes.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Family Counselling is a part of interdisciplinary teamwork with Urology, Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Pedagogy, Clinical Psychology. The results of a holistic approach are satisfying for individuals, couples and families. 

Sexual Therapy

Health is defined as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being’. Based on this definition, there is no difference between kidney failure and vaginismus; between a cold and premature ejaculation. All of them are health problems that need to be solved. Individuals and couples who have problems with sexuality should also remember that sexuality is one of the basic elements of harmony and communication between couples. 

When to Consult a Sexual Therapist?

Sexual issues are as sensitive as all other health problems. Only the effects on human life are different. For this reason, you should not hesitate to consult a sexual therapist specialist when necessary. For this, do not attach special meanings to the issues that bother you about sexuality. Your sexual problems are just a health problem that you should go to a specialist to solve. 

If your doctor says that there is no physical problem or that you need additional sexual therapy, a sexual therapist is the right place to turn to. 

Main Topics of Sexual Therapy 

  • Vaginismus
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Failure to ejaculate
  • Erection problems
  • Sexual fulfilment 
  • Frigidity 
  • Dissatisfaction 
  • Traumatic masturbation syndromes
  • Vaginal ejaculation problems
  • Sexual communication and body language

Premature ejaculation, vaginismus, erectile dysfunction and similar problems often have a psychological, emotional and sociological basis. At this point, a family counsellor who specialises in sexuality is definitely an expert you can turn to.

Your family counsellor who has expertise in sexual matters will understand you and help you to share these issues with peace of mind.

Sexual Therapy And Its Working Principle

Sexual therapy deals with issues such as your perception of sexuality, the effects of your past life on your sexuality, correction of incorrect information about sexuality, sexual intercourse techniques within the framework of mental health science and family counselling techniques.

Sexual education, breathing and physical relaxation exercises are also important branches of this field. 

Approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, EMDR (Systemic Desensitisation), Schema Therapy, Short Term Solution Focused Therapy are among the leading techniques we use in these problems.


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