Dr. Öğr. Üyesi A. Deniz Akkaya
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi A. Deniz Akkaya
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

A. Deniz Akkaya

Liv Hospital Ulus
İlgi Alanları
    • Doğumsal damar anomalileri (Vasküler anomaliler) (İnfantil hemanjiom, porto şarabı lekesi, …) tanı, ayırıcı tanı, medikal tedavi ve lazer tedavisi
    • Çocukluk çağı ekzeması (atopik dermatit)
    • Çocukluk çağının sık ve nadir görülen deri hastalıkları 
Uluslararası Makaleler
  • 2014  University of California San Francisco, Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kliniği
  • 2010  Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatrik Dermatoloji Kliniği
  • 2002-2008 S.B. Haydarpaşa Numune E.A.H., Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Kliniği  
  • 1994-2001 İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi
  • 1991-1994 İSTEK Vakfı Özel Belde Lisesi
  • 1981-1991 Özel Dost Okulları
  • 2019 - Liv Hospital Ulus
  • 2017-2019 Koç Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • 2014-2019 Koç Üniversitesi Hastanesi
  • 2011-2018 V.K.V. Amerikan Hastanesi
  • 2008-2009 Elazığ Deri, Zührevi Hastalıklar ve Lepra Hastanesi

  • A.D. Akkaya and Y. Oram, “Neck Rejuvenation with Fractional CO2 Laser,” in Textbook of aging skin, M. A. Farage, K. W. Miller, and H. I. Maibach, Eds., Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2017, p. 1993–2001. 
  • H. Azakli, A. D. Akkaya, M. S. Aygun, C. Demirkesen, S. Eraslan, and H. Kayserili, “Terminal osseous dysplasia with pigmentary defects (TODPD) in a Turkish girl with new skin findings.,” American journal of medical genetics part a, vol. 179, iss. 1, p. 123–129, 2019. 
  • H. Gokalp and A. D. Akkaya, “Psoriasis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in a child with Down syndrome.,” Indian journal of paediatric dermatology, vol. 17, iss. 3, p. 206–208, 2016. 
  • A. D. Akkaya, Y. Oram, and ozlem Aydin, “Infantile Granular Parakeratosis: Cytological Examination of Superficial Scrapings as an Aid to Diagnosis.,” Pediatric dermatology, vol. 32, iss. 3, p. 392–396, 2015. 
  • A. D. Akkaya and Y. Oram, “Combined lymphatic and capillary malformation successfully treated with pulsed dye and fractional carbon dioxide lasers.,” Pediatric dermatology, vol. 31, iss. 5, p. 630–631, 2014. 
  • Y. Oram and A. D. Akkaya, “Refractory Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation Treated with Fractional CO2 Laser.,” The journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, vol. 7, iss. 3, p. 42–44, 2014.
  • Y. Oram and A. D. Akkaya, “Treatment of nail psoriasis: common concepts and new trends.,” Dermatology research and practice, vol. 2013, p. 180496, 2013.
  • A. Tefekli, A. D. Akkaya, K. Peker, T. Gumus, M. Vural, F. Cezayirli, A. Musaoglu, and T. Esen, “Staged, open, no-ischemia nephron sparing surgery for bilateral-multiple kidney tumors in a patient with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome.,” Case reports in medicine, vol. 2012, p. 639629, 2012. 
  • Y. Oram, C. Demirkesen, A. D. Akkaya, and E. Koyuncu, “Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Nipple: An Uncommon but Ever-Increasing Location.,” Case reports in dermatological medicine, vol. 2011, p. 818291, 2011. 
  • A. T. Mansur, F. Goktay, A. D. Akkaya, and P. Gunes, “Segmental Neurofibromatosis: report of 3 cases.,” Cutis, vol. 87, iss. 1, p. 45–50, 2011. 
  • S. P. Masatlioglu, F. Goktay, A. T. Mansur, A. D. Akkaya, and P. Gunes, “Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting as Pyoderma Gangrenosum in Two Cases.,” Rheumatology international, vol. 29, iss. 7, p. 837–840, 2009. 
  • A. T. Mansur, N. H. Elcioglu, I. E. Aydingoz, A. D. Akkaya, Z. A. Serdar, C. Herz, L. Bruckner-Tuderman, and C. Has, “Novel and Recurrent KIND1 Mutations in Two Patients with Kindler Syndrome and Severe Mucosal Involvement.,” Acta dermato-venereologic, vol. 87, iss. 6, p. 563–565, 2007. 
  • Y. Oram, H. Gokalp, and A. D. Akkaya, “Laser and Surgical Treatment Approaches for Hirsutism.,” Turkiye klinikleri cosmetic dermatology – special topics, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 36-43, 2015. 
  • I. E. Aydingoz and A. D. Akkaya, “Metabolic diseases with paraneoplastic features.,” Turkderm – turkish archives of dermatology and venereology, vol. 47, iss. 2, p. 82–89, 2013. 
  • S. Yasar, Z. A. Serdar, N. Kocayan, A. T. Mansur, and A. D. Akkaya, “A Case of Diffuse Neonatal Hemangiomatosis Improving Without Treatment.,” Turkderm – turkish archives of dermatology and venereology, vol. 41, iss. 3, p. 105–107, 2007. 
  • A. D. Akkaya and A. T. Mansur, “Skin Infections and Dermatoses Related to Swimming Pool Water Exposure.,” Turkderm – turkish archives of dermatology and venereology, vol. 39, iss. 3, p. 170–175, 2005. 
  • Avrupa Pediatrik Dermatoloji Cemiyeti (European Society for Pediatric Dermatology – ESPD)
  • Pediatrik Dermatoloji Cemiyeti (Society for Pediatric Dermatology – SPD, US)
  • Pediatrik Dermatoloji Araştırma Birliği (Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance – PeDRA)
  • Uluslararası Pediatrik Dermatoloji Birliği (International Society for Pediatric Dermatology – ISPD)
  • Uluslararası Vasküler Anomali Araştırma Cemiyeti (International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies – ISSVA)
  • Türk Dermatoloji Derneği
  • Türk Pediatrik Dermatoloji Derneği
  • Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Derneği (Turkderm)  
  • Türk Tabipler Birliği (İstanbul Tabip Odası)
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