Doç. Dr.
Tuğba Coşgun
Liv Hospital Ulus
Göğüs Cerrahisi
İlgi Alanları
- Minimal invaziv cerrahi
- Robotik cerrahi
- Extended akciğer rezeksiyonları
- Mediasten patolojileri
- Trakea hastalıkları
- Amfizem hastalığı cerrahi tedavisi
Uluslararası Makaleler
- Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi - 2007
- Süreyyapaşa Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi - 2013
- Zürih Üniversitesi - 2015
- Süreyyapaşa Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi - 2007-2013
- Zürih Üniversitesi - 2011
- Ağrı Devlet Hastanesi - 2013-2015
- Zürih Üniversitesi - 2015-2016
- Acıbadem Hastanesi - 2016-2017
- Florence Nightingale Hastanesi - 2017-2019
- Liv Hospital
- Ex vivo administration of trimetazidine improves post-transplant lung function in pig model.
- Cytokine filtration modulates pulmonary metabolism and edema formation during ex vivo lung perfusion.
- Ex vivo treatment with inhaled N-acetylcysteine in porcine lung transplantation.
Yayınlar: Uluslar Arası Hakemli Dergiler (22)
- The decision making and techniques in lung cancer patients with aortic resection and reconstruction: surgery for lung cancer with aortic wall invasion. Cosgun T, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Toker A. Shanghai Chest 2018;2:87
- Haemangioendothelioma: a disease with surgical options from robotic surgery to open superior vena cava replacement. Cosgun T, Kaba E, Ayalp K, Elbegi IC, Toker A. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2019 May 22. pii: ivz109. doi: 10.1093/icvts/ivz109.
- Management of hemoptysis in inflammatory chest diseases. Cosgun T, Toker A. JOVS doi: 10.21037/jovs.2019.01.12
- Robotic approach for mediastinal diseases: state-of-the-art and current perspectives. Cosgun T, Kaba E, Toker A. Shanghai Chest doi: 10.21037/shc.2018.11.04
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: where we are. Cosgun T, Toker A. JOVS doi: 10.21037/jovs.2018.07.11
- Salvage thoracic surgery in patients with lung cancer: potential indications and benefits. Kaba E, Ozyurtkan MO, Ayalp K, Cosgun T, Alomari MR, Toker A. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2018 Jan 22;13(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s13019-018-0693-x.
- Robot-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery:Pros and cons. Cosgun T. Kaba E. Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A Current Surg Rep (2017) 5:27
- Bronchial sleeve anastomosis and primary closures with da Vinci system: an advanced minimally invasive technique. Cosgun T. Kaba E. Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A Video-assist Thorac Surg 2017;2:49 doi: 10.21037/vats.2017.08.06
- Single-center experience with intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use in lung transplantation. Cosgun T, Tomaszek S, Opitz I, Wilhelm M, Schuurmans MM, Weder W, Inci I. Int J Artif Organs. 2017 Oct 9:0. doi: 10.5301/IJAO.5000645
- Ex vivo treatment with inhaled N-acetylcysteine in porcine lung transplantation. Yamada Y, Iskender I, Arni S, Hillinger S, Cosgun T, Yu K, Jungraithmayr W, Cesarovic N, Weder W, Inci I. J Surg Res. 2017 Oct;218:341-347. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2017.06.061.
- Ex vivo administration of trimetazidine improves post-transplant lung function in pig model. Cosgun T, Iskender I, Yamada Y, Arni S, Lipiski M, van Tilburg K, Weder W, Inci I. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2017 Jul 1;52(1):171-177. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezx053.
- Cytokine filtration modulates pulmonary metabolism and edema formation during ex vivo lung perfusion. Iskender I, Cosgun T, Arni S, Trinkwitz M, Fehlings S, Yamada Y, Cesarovic N, Yu K, Frauenfelder T, Jungraithmayr W, Weder W, Inci I. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2017 May 20. pii: S1053-2498(17)31802-8. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2017.05.021.
- Robotic thymectomy-a new approach for thymus. Kaba E, Cosgun T, Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A.öJournal of visualised surg doi: 10.21037/jovs.2017.03.28
- Right sided VATS thymectomy: ‘’current standards of extended thymectomy for myasthenia gravis’’. Kaba E, Cosgun T, Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A. Video-assist Thorac Surg doi: 10.21037/vats.2017.05.02
- Low protein content of drainage fluid is a good predictor for earlier chest tube removal after lobectomy. Olgac G, Cosgun T, Vayvada M, Ozdemir A, Kutlu CA. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2014 Jul 3. 19(2014) 650-655 doi:10.1093/icvts/ivu207
- Diagnostic algorithm in patients with superior vena cava syndrome and efficacy of cervical mediastinoscopy. Alpay L, Lacin T, Kosar A, Misirlioglu AK, Oztas S, Sonmez H, Cosgun T, Baysungur V, Yalcinkaya I. Acta Chir Belg. 2014 Sep-Oct;114(5):309-12.
- Sureyyapasa’s Experiences on Learning and Improvement Process of Video-Assisted Lobectomy. Cosgun T, Baysungur V, Tezel C, Okur E, Alpay L, Kutlu CA, Yalcinkaya I Turkish Journal of Chest Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (in Turkish) 2014 July; 22(3):589-595
- Letter to editor on ‘Sureyyapasa’s Experiences on Learning and Improvement Process of Video-Assisted Lobectomy.’ Cosgun T Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (in Turkish) 2015;23(2):424-426
- The first case of robothic lobectomy in Turkey, Cosgun T, Akın O, Akpınar H, Kutlu C.A. Turkish Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascularer Surgery (in Turkish) 2013 Jan;21(1):225-228
- False- effect on survival in potentially resectable non-small cell lung cancer, Iskender I, Kadioglu S, Cosgun T, Kapicibasi O, Sagiroglu G, Kosar A, Kir A European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2012 Apr;41(4):874-879.
- A single lung transplantation for silicosis:the first successful lung transplantation case in Turkey. Helvaci A, Meydan B, Akın O, Cosgun T, Kutlu CA, Taşci E, Tukel M, Urek S, Varer P, Dabak G, Saygi A, Ulusan N, Ozsoy A, Aksoy F, Demirel A, Erdogan Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (in Turkish) 2011 Aug;19(3):455-462
- Videothoracoscopic approach to recurrence primary spontaneous pneumothorax using of electrocoagulation in small bulla/blebs. Orki A, Demirhan R, Ciftci H, Cosgun T, Kutlu C A, Arman B. Indian Journal of Surgery 2009 Feb; 71(1)19-22
Yayınlar: Ulusal Hakemli Dergiler (12)
- Can the da Vinci robotic system be alternative to open surgery for schwannoma in posterior mediastinum? Kaba E, Cosgun T, Ayalp K, Toker A. Eurasian J Pulmonol DOI: 10.4103/ejop.ejop_7_18
- Robotic surgery in mediastinal cystic pathologies. Kaba E, Cosgun T, Ayalp K, Toker A. DOI: 10.4103/ejop.ejop_14_18
- Gelecekteki Göğüs Cerrahisi Operasyonları Cosgun T, Kaba E , Toker A Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics. 2017;8(2):385-90
- Kemik ve Yumuşak Doku Tümörlerinde Pulmoner Metastazların Cerrahi Tedavisi Kaba E , Cosgun T, Toker A Turkiye Klinikleri J Thor Surg-Special Topics. 2017;8(3):422-7
- Ex vivo Lung perfusion and it’s role in experimental studies. Cosgun T, Dabak G, Senbaklavaci O. Eurasian J Pulmonol 2017; 19: 65-70.
- Primary Pulmonary Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma. Cosgun T, Tezel Y, Akyil M, Kolbas I, Sen Aycim, Tezel C. turkthoracj 2017;18:54-56 DOI:10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2017.16039
- Perspective of Thoracic Surgeons on Hepatic Hydrothorax. Cosgun T, Ozer A, Aktas H, Dabak G, Emiroglu R. Igd 2017;1:25-32
- The Importance of Size and Number of Cysts in Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst Patients. Urek S, Cosgun T, Alpay L, Akyil M, Misirlioglu A, Tezel C The Journal of Kartal Training and Research Hospital (in Turkish) 2013;24(1):13-18
- A Rare Malignancy of Lung: Rhabdoid Tumor, Cosgun T, Aksoy F, Kutlu CA Izmir Lung Journal (in Turkish) 2013;27(1):65-68
- The Major Morbidity and Mortality Criteria in Pneumonectomies. Alpay L, Laçin T, Kıral H, Mısırlıoğlu A, Ocakcıoğlu İ, Coşgun T, Baysungur V, Yalçınkaya İ. Maltepe Tıp Dergisi.(in Turkish) 2013, Cilt 5, Sayı 3:017-023
- A Rare Benign Tumour of The Lung: Alveolar Adenoma Tezel Ç, Coşgun T, Ürek Ş, Sağıroğlu G, Kutlu CA. Maltepe Tıp Dergisi. 2011, 3, 1, 069-070
- Pain palliation of superior sulcus tumors with radiofrequency ablation.Tascı E, Ozdemir A, Cosgun T, Kutlu CA Lung Journal (in Turkish)
- Türk Akciğer Kanseri Derneği
- Türk Toraks Derneği
- Türk Göğüs Cerrahisi Derneği
- European Respiratory Society
- European Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Ödüller - Burslar
- Tubitak 2219 Doktora sonrası yurt dışı araştırma bursu ‘’Exvivo Lung Perfusion da Trimetazidine tedavisi etkileri’
- Türk Toraks Derneği 20. Yıllık Kongresi, Göğüs Cerrahisi Çalışma Grubu Sözlü Bildiri Ödülü. “Modern pratikte minimal invaziv akciğer rezeksiyon oranı kaç olmalıdır?’ Erkan Kaba, Kemal Ayalp, Tuğba Coşgun, Mazen Rasmi Al Omari ve Alper Toker.
Kitap Bölümü
- Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions in Breast Cancer. In Book: Breast Disease Management and Therapies. Volume 2 Second Edition. Jelena Grusina Uyumaz, Tugba Cosgun, Alper Toker
- Mediyasteni Tutan Benign Lenf Nodu Hastalığı Cosgun T Mediyasten Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi. Bölüm 33 Sayfa 301-309 (Tüsad)
- Akciğer Kanserinde Minimal İnvaziv Yöntemler JCAM Cosgun T, Tezel C, Kutlu C.A. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine (in Turkish)
Yurt Dışı Kongre Sunumlar: (13)
- Level of Competancy at Robotic Resections of Bronchogenic Carcinomas. Tugba Cosgun, Erkan Kaba, Kemal Ayalp, Alper Toker. AATS International Thoracic Surgical Oncology Summit. 12-13 October 2018 NewYork USA
- Treatment of a complex trachea-esophageal pathology. CosgunT, Kaba E, Basaran B, Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A. 27th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery Ljubliyana, Slovenia 27-30 May 2018
- A Dance with the sutures. Kaba E, Cosgun T, Ayalp K, Alomari MR, Toker A. 25th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Inssbruck, Austria. 28- 31 May 2017
- Ex vivo Administration of Trimetazidine Improves Post-Transplant Lung Function in a Pig Model. Cosgun T, Iskender I, Yamada Y, Arni S, Lipiski M, van Tilburg K, Weder W, Inci I. 24th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Naples, Italy. 29 May- 1 June 2016 (Oral presentation)
- Single-Center Experience with Intraoperative Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Use in Lung Transplantation. Cosgun T, Tomaszek Schulte S, Schmitt-Opitz I, Wilhelm M, Schuurmans M, Hillinger S, Weder W, Inci I. 24th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Naples, Italy. 29 May- 1 June 2016 (Poster presentation)
- Cytokine Filtration Modulates Pulmonary Metabılism and Formation During Ex vivo Lung Perfusion. Iskender I, Cosgun T, Arni S, Trinkwitz M, Fehlings S, Cesarovic N, Frauenfelder T, Weder W, Inci I. 36th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of International Society For Heart and Lung Transplantation, Washington, USA. 27-30 April 2016 (Oral presentation)
- Ex vivo Treatment of Donors with Nebulized N-Acetylcysteine Partially Improved Post-Transplant Lung Function. Yamada Y, Iskender I, Arni S, Hillinger S, Cosgun T, Jungraithmayr W, Weder W, Inci I. 36th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of International Society For Heart and Lung Transplantation, Washington, USA. 27-30 April 2016 (Oral presentation)
- The Impact of Perioperative Immunonutrition on Tissue Healing and Infection Related Morbidity in Patients Undergoing Lung Resection for NSCLC. Olgac G, Cosgun T, Vayvada M, Bayram S, Demirel GY, Akdeniz FT, Albayrak O, Terzioğlu G, Kutlu CA. 16th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Denver, Colorado, USA. 6-9 September 2015
- How Early Can We Discharge Our Patients Safely Following A major Lung Resection? Vayvada M, Cosgun T, Tasci E, Olgac G, Kutlu CA, 20th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Essen,Germany 10-13 June 2012(Oral presentation)
- The Impact of Extended Mediastinoscopy in Left Sided NSCLC Patients Presenting with Suspected N2 Disease in #5 and/or #6 Station. Cosgun T, Falay O, Olgac G, Kutlu CA, Kir A. 19th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Marseille,France 05-08 June 2011. (Oral presentation)
- Investigation of Sentinal LymphNodes Using SPECT/CT and Perioperative Gamma Assay Combined with Immunohistochemistry in NSCLC Patients Undergoing Lung Resectcion. Cagan Varer P, Falay O, Cosgun T, Aksoy F, Olgac G, Kutlu CA, 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, Netherland, 3-7July 2011 (Oral presentation)
- How protein content or the drainage fluid is a good predictor for earlier chest tube removal after lobectomy. Olgac G, Akin O, Cosgun T, Ozdemir A, Kutlu C.A. 18th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Valladolid, Spain 30 May- 2June 2010 (Oral presentation)
- Sleeve lobectomy provides better survival rates than pneumonectomy in patients with NSCLC Cosgun T, Olgac G, Kir A, Kutlu C.A. 18th European Conference on GeneralThoracic Surgery, Valladolid, Spain 31May-2 June 2010 (Poster presentation)
Ulusal Kongre Sunumlar: (18)
- Klinik N0 adenokarsinom hastalarda minimal invaziv rezeksiyon sonrası lenf nodu durumunu etkileyen faktörler. Tuğba Coşgun, Erkan Kaba, Kemal Ayalp, Alper Toker. 7. Ulusal Akciğer Kanseri Kongresi. 4-7 Ekim 2018 Bodrum, Türkiye.
- Timik EpitelyalTümörlerde Rutin veya Selektif Lenf Nodu Diseksiyonu Melike Ülker , Berk Çimenoğlu , Tuğba Coşgun , Erkan Kaba , Berker Özkan , Alper Toker. 10.Ulusal Göğüs Cerrahisi Kongresi, 25-29 Nisan 2019 Belek, Antalya
- Akciğer ve Trakea Cerrahi Sonrası Felaket: Fistüller ve Tedavleri. Erkan Kaba , Tuğba Coşgun , Zafer Gökkaya , Kemal Ayalp , Alper Toker 10.Ulusal Göğüs Cerrahisi Kongresi, 25-29 Nisan 2019 Belek, Antalya
- Primer Akciğer Karsinomu Nedeniyle Anatomik Rezeksiyon Uygulanan 80 Yaş Üstü Olgularda Chalson Komorbidite İndeksi ve Sağkalım İlişkisi. Melike Ülker , Berk Çimenoğlu , Tuğba Coşgun , Erkan Kaba, Berker Özkan , Alper Toker. 10.Ulusal Göğüs Cerrahisi Kongresi, 25-29 Nisan 2019 Belek, Antalya
- Robotik bronsiyal sütürler: akciger kanserinde bronsiyal sleeve anastomozlar ve primer kapama. Kaba Erkan, Cosgun Tugba, Ayalp Kemal, Alomari Mazen Rasmi, Toker Alper. 9. Ulusal Gögüs Cerrahisi Kongresi, 2017.
- Modern pratikte minimal invaziv akciger rezeksiyon orani kaç olmalidir.Kaba Erkan, Ayalp Kemal, Cosgun Tugba, Alomari Mazen Rasmi, Toker Alper. Türk Toraks Dernegi Yıllık Kongresi, 2017.
- Pneumonectomy Recquired a Giant Hydatic Cyst(in Turkish) Baysungur V, Metin S, Yılmaz H, Coşgun T, Akyıl M, Vayvada M, Alpay L, Kıral H, Yalçınkaya I. 36th Congress of Turkish Respiratory Society, Izmir,Turkey. 15-19 October 2014 (Poster presentation)
- Analyze and Survey Results of Resected Stage IIIa Groups of NSCLC.(in Turkish) Alpay L, Cosgun T, Kiral H, Lacin T, Ersoz E, Dogruyol T, Tezel C, V.Baysungur, 35th Congress of Turkish Respiratory Society, Izmir,Turkey. 2-6 October 2013 (Oral presentation)
- Nadir Yapılan Bir Rezeksiyon Şekli: Sleeve Bilobektomi Sonuçlarımız. Alpay L, Vayvada M, Kıral H, Coşgun T, Bayram S, Tezel Ç, Baysungur SV, Yalçınkaya İ.35. Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği. İzmir,Türkiye. 2-6 Ekim 2013 (Sözlü sunum)
- Learning Curve For VATS Lobectomy. (in Turkish) Cosgun T, Baysungur V, Alpay L, Atinkaya C, Okur E, Kutlu CA, Yalcinkaya I,7th Congress of Turkish Thoracic Surgery, Antalya,Turkey. 25-28 April 2013 (Poster presentation)
- What Should Be The Sleeve Resection Rate In Modern Practise? (in Turkish) Cosgun T, Olgac G, Tezel C, Vayvada M, Bayram S, Kır A, Kutlu CA 16th Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society, Antalya, Turkey 3-7 April 2013 (Oral presentation)
- İntratorasik Dev Desmoid Tümör. Ersöz E,Coşgun T, Ürek S, Aksoy F,Yalçınkaya İ. 16. Yıllık Türk Toraks Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye. 3-7 Nisan 2013 (Sözlü sunum)
- Organising Pneumonia Mimicking Lung Cancer:Experience of 17 Patients. (in Turkish) Kanbur S, Cosgun T, Alpay L, Atinkaya C, Misirlioglu A, Demir M, Yalcinkaya I,
- 16th Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society Antalya, Turkey. 3-7 April 2013 (Poster presentation)
- The first case of robotic lobectomy in Turkey (in Turkish) Cosgun T, Akin O, Akpinar H, Kutlu C.A. 13th Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society, Istanbul, Turkey. 5-9 May 2010 (Oral presentation)
- Bronchoscopic volum reduction at severe emphysema (in Turkish) Tezel C, Akin O, Cosgun T, Tasci E, Kutlu C.A.. 13th Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society, İstanbul, Turkey. 5-9 May 2010 (Poster presentation)
- Long term results of different technics for Diaphramic Eventration Operations.(in Turkish) Tezel C, Urek S, Cosgun T, KutluC.A. 13th Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society, İstanbul, Turkey 5-9 May 2010 (Poster presentation)
- Surgical approach for benign tracheal stenosis.(in Turkish). Tezel C, Tasci E, Urek S., Cosgun T, Kır A, Kutlu C.A (Poster presentation). 13th Annual Congress of Turkish Thoracic Society, İstanbul, Turkey 5-9 May 2010 (Poster presentation)
- Comparing of Sleeve Resections and Pneumonectomies at NSCLC.(in Turkish). Cosgun T, Akin O, Urek S, Kir A, C.A. Kutlu. 5th Congress of Turkish Thoracic Surgery Society, Izmir, Turkey 14-17 May 2009 (Oral presentation)
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