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Who Can Have Obesity Surgery?

Who Can Have Obesity Surgery?

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  • The risk of a obese person developing diabetes is 90 times higher than that of a thin person.
  • Associated diseases are also improving
  • As weight is lost
  • sugar is brought under control
  • Who can have obesity surgery?
  • Who cannot have surgery?
  • The risk of a obese person developing diabetes is 90 times higher than that of a thin person.

    Obesity, one of the most important diseases of our time, causes both chronic diseases and losses in quality of life. Obesity surgery is one of the effective treatment methods today for achieving long-term weight loss in obese patients and for eliminating associated diseases caused by obesity. Obesity surgery is an important option for those who have tried every possible way to lose weight without success.

    Associated diseases are also improving

    Obesity is the accumulation of excessive fat tissue in the body. The degree of a person's obesity is determined by the body mass index calculated according to height and weight. Obesity, a disease whose prevalence is increasing, ranks high among European countries in our country. In Turkey, obesity is seen in 40% of women and 20% of men. Obesity and metabolic surgery have gained great importance due to their high success in the treatment of obesity and because they also treat associated diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension, etc.), it is being used more frequently.

    As weight is lost, sugar is brought under control

    Obesity is the most important risk factor for developing diabetes. The risk of an obese person developing diabetes is 90 times higher than that of a thin person. Only 15% of diabetic patients are thin. Obese diabetic patients can control their blood sugar much better even with slight weight loss. All these numbers show the importance of weight loss in diabetic patients. Obese diabetic patients who undergo surgery due to obesity experience significant improvements in their diabetes and associated diseases such as obesity-related hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and sleep apnea.

    Who can have obesity surgery?

    • Those between the ages of 18-65
    • Those with a body mass index (BMI) above 40
    • Those with a BMI between 35-40 who also have associated diseases due to weight (hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, heart failure, etc.)
    • Those who have tried other treatment methods for weight loss without success
    • Those who are able to tolerate surgery and anesthesia
    • Obesity surgery has also begun to be applied to patients with a BMI between 30-35 who have type 2 diabetes.

    Who cannot have surgery?

    • Those with untreated serious psychiatric illness
    • Those with substance or alcohol addiction
    • Patients who cannot make necessary lifestyle changes regarding diet after surgery
    • Those with diseases that would prevent them from receiving anesthesia
    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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    14 May 2024 15:46:00
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