Our voice is our most important instrument of communication. It is also one of the most important factors in determining our position in society. The voice should be compatible with gender, age and physical appearance. Otherwise, it may create problems in the perception of the individual in society.
A person's voice is expected to be compatible with gender, age and physical appearance. Voice aesthetics is the whole of the procedures performed especially for the perception of thinness and thickness of the voice is called voice aesthetics.
How is Voice Aesthetics Performed?
Various surgical interventions are applied to change our voice for the perception of thinness and thickness. The aim of these surgical interventions, which are performed endoscopically through the mouth or through a small incision in the neck, is to adjust the length, mass and tension of our vocal cords and change their frequency just like the strings of an instrument. In this way, it is possible to thin, thicken and adjust the timbre of our voice. Voice therapy applications to be added to the treatment together with surgical procedures increase the success rate even more.
Voice Thinning
The basic element that creates the perception of the thinness and thickness of our voice is the number of vibrations generated by our vocal cords during sound production, i.e. the fundamental frequency of our voice. The fundamental frequency of the voice is expected to be below 120 Hz in a healthy man and above 150 Hz in a healthy woman. In short, the higher the fundamental frequency of the voice, the thinner the voice, and the lower the frequency, the thicker the voice.
How is Voice Thinning Surgery Performed?
Several different surgical techniques can be applied to thin the voice. The most well-known of these is Type 4 thyroplasty. In this surgical technique, which is performed under local anesthesia in order to hear the patient's voice during the operation and make sure that sufficient thinning is achieved in the voice, it is aimed to lengthen the vocal cords and thus thin the voice by bringing the 2 large cartilages in the larynx closer together with a small incision made in the lower front of the neck. Simultaneously, it is also possible to shave the Adam's apple protruding from the front of the neck, especially for patients who request gender reassignment.
What is Voice Thickening?
Thickening the voice for some cases within the concept of voice aesthetics is extremely effective and beneficial in terms of social communication and perception in society. Voice thickening applications are usually for men.
How is Voice Augmentation Surgery Performed?
The surgery is performed by an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) or a phoniatrist. It is usually performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases general anesthesia may be preferred. During surgery, changes are made to increase the thickness of the vocal cords. This changes the density and vibratory properties of the vocal cords, producing a thicker and fuller sound. Like any surgical procedure, vocal thickening surgery carries risks and should be evaluated and decided by a specialist doctor
Why is Voice Aesthetics Performed?
The need for thinning the voice may arise from different reasons. The desire for gender change is one of the main ones. A new voice in harmony with the changing physical appearance is undoubtedly the most indispensable element of the new sexual identity to be achieved. For women who had to receive hormone therapy during childhood or who have some hormonal problems, having a thick voice is a socially distressing situation.
Who Needs Voice Aesthetics?
Having a beautiful voice is a feature desired by every person. From this point of view, anyone can be a candidate for voice aesthetics. However, the more frequently encountered patient group consists of patients who have problems with the perception of thinness and thickness in their voice in social communication. The problem of a thick voice in women can be caused by structural reasons or it can be seen as a result of smoking for many years. Especially in women who have to use various hormonal drug treatments during childhood, it is possible to encounter a thick voice problem in later ages. The opposite of this picture is the thin voice problem that can be seen in men. Another group of patients who need voice aesthetics are those who prefer gender change. In summary, voice aesthetic interventions can be performed for all patients who have problems in terms of harmonizing our voice with our gender, age, physical appearance and social position.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there voice enhancement surgery?
Yes, in some cases, voice beautification surgeries can be performed, but the purpose and method of the surgery is individualized.
Is vocal cord surgery risky?
As with any surgical procedure, vocal cord surgery carries risks. However, risks are minimized when performed by a specialist doctor and appropriate precautions are taken.
Which doctor performs vocal cord surgery?
Vocal cord surgery is usually performed by an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) or a phoniatrist.
Is it possible to change the tone of voice?
Yes, there are methods to change the tone of the voice. However, this may vary depending on the anatomy of the vocal cords and the state of health.
Can vocal cords be operated on?
Yes, vocal cords can be operated on. However, the decision for surgery is based on a doctor's assessment and the needs of the patient.
* Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .