16 March 2020

Liv Hospital Ulus
Assoc. Prof. MD. Zehra Çağla Karakoç
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
Article Content
If someone comes to the hospital
how are they treated?
How to diagnose?
Is there a medication?
How is the disease transmitted?
To protect from these kinds of viruses:
Coronavirus that broke out in China and alarmed the whole world shows symptoms like high fever, respiratory distress, weakness, loss of appetite, body aches and pneumonitis. To protect from coronavirus that spreads through coughing, sneezing and breathing and does not have a specific vaccine or medication, general measurements should be taken. The disease continues severely in those above the age of 65 and those who have underlying diseases such as pulmonary disease, diabetes or cancer.

If a patient with severe acute respiratory tract disease or acute respiratory tract infection (fever, coughing, requiring hospitalization) and has been in close contact with a confirmed new coronavirus case in the last 14 days or has been in China, they shall be evaluated as a case. Appropriate samples shall be taken and Provincial Directorate of Health shall be informed for definitive diagnosis and the patient shall be transferred to reference hospital.
Research for the vaccine continues. There is no specific treatment, supportive treatments are applied.
• Strengthen your immune system: Regular and healthy diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise strengthens immune system.
• Consume sufficient liquids: Upper respiratory tract mucosa like nose, nasal passage should be humid. It is easier for the virus to pass through fragile dry mucosa.
• Especially pay attention to hand hygiene: By coughing or sneezing, saliva particles of the sick person can contaminate surfaces of chairs, tables etc. through the air. After touching a surface that has been contaminated by the virus, the person can touch their mouth, eyes or nose, thus contaminating themselves. These surfaces that have been contacted by the patient or may have been contaminated shall not be touched and if touched for any reason; hands shall be washed.
• Avoid contact with sick people.
• Try staying away from crowded areas and sick people.
• Masks are useful in preventing you from spreading germs around. However, it is wrong to think that just because you wear a mask that you are protected from the disease completely. As the standard unqualified masks do not have the feature to filter viruses. Other measurements shall be taken even if masks are worn.
• Avoiding high risk areas and countries at least until the epidemic is over is an important way of protection.
If someone comes to the hospital, how are they treated?
The patient is not taken outside the environment that they are in. With minimum contact, the patient and the personnel will be put on surgical masks. Both the patient and the healthcare personnel that have been in contact with the patient will come in and out of the room with surgical mask. Protective gown, hair restraint and gloves will be worn in addition to the mask and the patient will be applied contact isolation and droplet isolation. Because in the light of the information today, it is thought that the virus is spread through droplet infection (approximately 1 meter). Infection control doctor and nurse will be informed about this patient. Provincial Directorate of Health will be contacted regarding the patient. Necessary nose and throat secretion will be taken and submitted to reference center.
How to diagnose?
If a patient with severe acute respiratory tract disease or acute respiratory tract infection (fever, coughing, requiring hospitalization) and has been in close contact with a confirmed new coronavirus case in the last 14 days or has been in China, they shall be evaluated as a case. Appropriate samples shall be taken and Provincial Directorate of Health shall be informed for definitive diagnosis and the patient shall be transferred to reference hospital.
Is there a medication?
Research for the vaccine continues. There is no specific treatment, supportive treatments are applied.How is the disease transmitted?
It is thought that the disease spreads through respiratory secretion. Respiratory secretion particles spread around by the diseased people during coughing, sneezing, laughing or talking contaminate mucosas of healthy people and cause them to have the disease. Close contact (closer than 1 meter) is required for the disease to be transmitted from one human to another this way.
To protect from these kinds of viruses:
• Strengthen your immune system: Regular and healthy diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise strengthens immune system.• Consume sufficient liquids: Upper respiratory tract mucosa like nose, nasal passage should be humid. It is easier for the virus to pass through fragile dry mucosa.
• Especially pay attention to hand hygiene: By coughing or sneezing, saliva particles of the sick person can contaminate surfaces of chairs, tables etc. through the air. After touching a surface that has been contaminated by the virus, the person can touch their mouth, eyes or nose, thus contaminating themselves. These surfaces that have been contacted by the patient or may have been contaminated shall not be touched and if touched for any reason; hands shall be washed.
• Avoid contact with sick people.
• Try staying away from crowded areas and sick people.
• Masks are useful in preventing you from spreading germs around. However, it is wrong to think that just because you wear a mask that you are protected from the disease completely. As the standard unqualified masks do not have the feature to filter viruses. Other measurements shall be taken even if masks are worn.
• Avoiding high risk areas and countries at least until the epidemic is over is an important way of protection.
* Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
* Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
* Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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