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Urinary Incontinence Adversely Affects Both Social and Business Life

Urinary Incontinence Adversely Affects Both Social and Business Life

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Liv Hospital Ulus
Op. MD. Sibel Malkoç
Obstetrics and Gynecology
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03 September 2019
Article Content
  • Laser treatment is possible
  • What are the advantages of laser treatment?
  • Studies show that 20-46% of women at fertility age and 40-69% of women at menopause suffer from urinary incontinence. Many women attempt to solve this problem on their own either by isolating themselves from social life and staying at home. In the long term, aside from physical problems, urinary incontinence can cause pathological condition as well. Liv Hospital Obstetrician and Gynecologist Op. Dr. Sibel Malkoc explained the non-surgical laser treatment of urinary incontinence, a problem that adversely affects both social and business life.

    Laser treatment is possible

    Urinary incontinence can be treated with Incontilase (Laser Treatment for Urinary Incontinence) method without surgery, anesthesia, incision and suture. Incontilase is an effective treatment method for mild and moderate stress and mixed urinary incontinence problems; Er:YAG laser technology tightens the urethral region and front wall of the bladder with its photothermal (heat) effect. One session is usually sufficient for most of the patients, however, procedure may be repeated for some patients one month later, if necessary.

    What are the advantages of laser treatment?

    •    No care is required before or after the operation.
    •    No surgery, anesthesia, incision and suture is required.
    •    No pain during and after the procedure.
    •    Short operation that lasts 20-25 minutes.
    •    Patients can return their daily life immediately after the procedure.
    •    Effective method with high success rates and patient satisfaction.
    •    No complication risk and side effects.

    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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