
TrueBeam is an advanced medical device designed for precision radiotherapy and radiosurgery in the field of oncology. 

What is TrueBeam?

TrueBeam is an advanced medical device designed for precision radiotherapy and radiosurgery in the field of oncology. TrueBeam combines state-of-the-art imaging and treatment delivery technologies to provide highly accurate and targeted radiation therapy. This versatile system is equipped with a multitude of features, including real-time imaging capabilities and a sophisticated beam delivery system. TrueBeam is recognized for its ability to adapt to the unique anatomy and motion of each patient, ensuring precise and effective cancer treatment. Its intuitive interface and automation features enable healthcare professionals to optimize treatment plans and minimize the impact on surrounding healthy tissues.












What TrueBeam is Used For?

TrueBeam is primarily used for delivering various forms of radiation therapy to treat cancer. It is particularly effective in the treatment of tumors in sensitive and complex anatomical locations, such as the brain, spine, lung, and abdomen. TrueBeam's advanced imaging technology allows for real-time visualization of the tumor and surrounding tissues, enabling clinicians to make on-the-fly adjustments to ensure accurate targeting. The device is employed for a range of radiation therapy techniques, including intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). With its precision and adaptability, TrueBeam plays a crucial role in improving treatment outcomes and minimizing side effects for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.