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The Key Point in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment is Early Diagnosis.

The Key Point in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment is Early Diagnosis.

Article Content
  • Does Pancreatic Cancer Show Symptoms?
  • What are the Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer?
  • How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed?
  • Does Pancreatic Cancer Show Symptoms?

    Although there are no definitive symptoms, pancreatic cancer, which can manifest itself with unexplained weight loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, jaundice, and newly emerging diabetes, the most important key point in treatment is early diagnosis. Liv Hospital Gastroenterology Specialist Prof. Dr. Erdem Koçak explained the diagnostic methods.

    What are the Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer?

    The main risk factors for pancreatic cancer are as follows:

    • Advanced age
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Smoking
    • Intense and long-term alcohol use
    • History of chronic pancreatitis
    • Certain genetic diseases
    • Exposure to harmful substances such as pesticides, benzene, and petrochemicals
    • Consuming high-fat foods

    "Even if there are no complaints, it is necessary to have an abdominal ultrasound and general examination once a year after the age of 50 for early diagnosis."

    How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed?

    Diagnosis can be made through laboratory and imaging methods. Imaging methods are used to determine the precise diagnosis of the tumor, its relationship with the blood vessels around the pancreas, and whether the tumor has spread to another organ.

    • Imaging methods: Computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) methods are used for diagnosis and staging.
    • Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Both methods are highly useful, effective, and reliable for both diagnosing and staging pancreatic cancer.
    • EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasonography): With the use of specialized needles, tissue sampling can be performed from the mass lesion in the pancreas, providing a chance for histopathological diagnosis. It is a highly effective and reliable method for diagnosis and staging.
    • ERCP: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is used for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and in some cases for the treatment of conditions such as jaundice associated with the disease, enabling detailed imaging of the pancreas.
    • Transabdominal ultrasound: Classic transabdominal ultrasound (US), a non-invasive method used in annual health and screening programs for asymptomatic individuals, is highly useful and cost-effective for diagnosing pancreatic cancer.
    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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