Spec. MD.
Tevfik Demir
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
- General pediatry
- Pediatric cardiology
- Undergraduate and master's degree: Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (1995)
- Child Health and Diseases - Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (2002)
- Pediatric Cardiology -Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (2010)
- Associate Professorship in Child Health and Diseases
Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
- Erkan, T., T. Kutlu, F. Cullu, M. Celik, T. Demir, B. Tüysüz and G. Tümay, “[Hennekam syndrome]”, Arch. Pediatr., 5,1344-6 (1998).
- Vural, M., B. Ilıkkan, P. E, T. Demir and Y. Perk, “A premature newborn with vesiculobullous skin lesions”, Eur. J. Pediatr., 162, 197-9 (2003).
- Demir, T., T. Celkan, G. Ahunbay, A.K. Babaoglu and R. Besikci, “Venous and intrapericardial thrombosis: secondary to transient protein C deficiency”, Pediatr Cardiol., 27, 497-499 (2006).
- Babaoglu K, A.G. Eroglu, F. Oztunc, L. Saltık, T. Demir, G. Ahunbay, A. Güzeltaş and G. Çetin, Echocardiographic Follow-Up of Children with Isolated Discrete Subaortic Stenosis. pediatrician Cardiol., 27, 699-706 (2006).
- Eroglu, A.G., K. Babaoglu, L. Saltık, F. Oztunc, T. Demir, G. Ahunbay, A. Güzeltaş and G. Çetin, “Echocardiographic Follow-Up of Congenital Aortic Valvular Stenosis”, Pediatr. Cardiol., 27, 713-719 (2006).
- Eroglu, A.G., K. Babaoglu, F. Oztunç, L. Saltık, T. Demir, G. Ahunbay, A. Güzeltaş and G. Cetin, “Echocardiographic Follow-Up of Children with Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis”, Pediatr. Cardiol., 27, 707-712 (2006).
- Ozkara, A., G. Cetin, E. Tireli, A. Akçevin, O. Koner, İ. Soyler, T. Demir and L. Saltık, “Off pump repair of aortic arch anomalies with concomitant intracardiac defects via anterior approach”, J. Card. Surg., 21, 550-2 (2006).
- Demir, T., F. Oztunç, G. Cetin, L. Saltık, A.G. Eroğlu, K. Babaoğlu and G. Ahunbay, “Patency or recanalization of the arterial duct after surgical double ligation and transfixion”. Cardiol. Young, 17,148-50 (2007).
- Oztunc, F., T. Demir, L. Saltık and A. Güzeltaş, “Aneurysmal formation in the setting of muscular ventricular septal defects”, Cardiol. Young. 17,319-21 (2007).
- Dogangün, B., A. Güzeltaş, M. Emül, T. Demir, G. Karacetin, F. Oztunc and L. Kayaalp, “Assessment of P Wave Dispersion in Children Treated with risperidone”, Neurology, psychiatry and Brain Research, 14 , 115-118 (2007).
- Demir, T., F.Oztunç, A.G.Eroğlu, L.Saltik, G. Ahunbay, S. Kutluğ, A. Güzeltaş and G. Altun, “Outcome for patients with isolated atrial septal defects in the oval fossa diagnosed in infancy”, Cardiol. Young. 8, 1-4 (2008).
- Guven, B., A.G. Eroglu, K. Babaoglu, T. Demir, A. Güzeltas, F. Oztunc and L. Saltik, “QT Dispersion and Diastolic Functions in Differential Diagnosis of Primary Mitral Valve Prolapse and Rheumatic Mitral Valve Prolapse”, Pediatr. Cardiol., 29, 352-8 (2008).
- Narcı, A., M. Korkmaz, R. Albayrak, B.H. Guvenç, S. Sözcübir, R. Köken, T. Demir and O. Doğru, “Preoperative Sonography of Nonreducible Inguinal Masses in Girls”, J. Clin. Ultrasound, 36, 409-12 (2008).
- Hatemi A.C., T. Demir, İ. Adaletli, G. Cetin and F. Oztunc, “Third left pulmonary vein with abnormal return associated with arteriovenous fistula”, J. Card. Surg., 23, 366-8 (2008).
- Köken, R., T.A. Sen, A. Bukulmez, A. Aycicek, T. Demir, H. Melek, O. Öztekin and M. Emul, “Enlightening the Role of breastfeeding in Hyperactivity and Snoring”, Neurology, psychiatry and Brain Research, 15, 85-88 (2008).
- Emul, M., A. Asik, T. Sen, C. Gunes and T. Demir, “Hyperglycaemia in an 11-year-old girl after quetiapine treatment”, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 13;33, 1568-9 (2009). ).
- Köken, R., T. Demir, T.A. Sen, A.A. Kundak, O. Oztekin and F. Alpay, “The relationship between P-wave dispersion and diastolic functions in diabetic children”, Cardiol Young, 20, 133-7 (2010).
- Şen, T.A., A.A. Kundak, Ö. Güraksın, T. Demir, A. Narcı, “Acute Rheumatic Carditis Developing with Schoenlein-Henoch Vasculitis” Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, 10, 465-466 (2010).
- Kucuker, H., T. Demir, R. Oral, “Pediatric condition falsification (Munchausen syndrome by Proxy) as a continuum of maternal factitious disorder (Munchausen syndrome)”, Pediatr Diabetes, 11, 572-8 (2010).
- Yıldırım, A., T. Demir, B. Sevin, G. Ozdemir, “Severe tricuspid regurgitation after blunt chest trauma due to chordal rupture: a rare complication”, Anadolu Kardiyol Derg, 13, 712-4 (2013).
- Demir, T., Y. Ergül, C. Akdeniz, V. Tuzcu, “Electroanatomic mapping-guided radiofrequency ablation of multifocal atrial tachycardia in a child”, Anadolu Kardiyol Derg, 13, 391-3 (2013).
- Barsan, T., Z. Kılıç, N.Uzuner, A. Yıldırım, B. Uçar, T. Demir, “Cerebral blood flow of children with vasovagal syncope”, Cardiol Young, 2, 1-7 (2014). A24. Koca B, T. Demir, Kasapçopur Ö, “Use of tissue Doppler and its comparison with other pulse Doppler echocardiography in the evaluation of diastolic functions in patients with active juvenile idiopathic arthritis”, Clin Rheumatol, 34, 1391-6 (2015)
- Toker RT, Yildirim A, T. Demir, Ucar B, Kilic Z, “Circadian blood pressure rhythm in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents”, Cardiol J, 22,172-8 (2015)
- Yildirim A, Aydin A, Demir T, Kosger P, Ozdemir G, Ucar B, Kilic Z, “Acute rheumatic fever: a single center experience with 193 clinical cases” Minerva Pediatr, 68, 134-42 (2016)
- Yildirim A, Aydin A, Demir T, Aydin F, Ucar B, Kilic Z, “Echocardiographic Follow-Up of Patent Foramen Ovale and the Factors Affecting Spontaneous Closure” Acta Cardiol Sin, 32, 731-737 (2016)
Articles published in national refereed journals:
- Kasapçopur, Ö., Y. Taşdan, T. Demir, S. Çalışkan, C. Koşan, L. Sever and N. Arısoy, “Juvenile Episodic Arthritis”, Turk Pediatric Archives, 33, 48-51 (1998).
- Demir, T., “Acute epiglottitis (supraglottitis)”, Journal of Current Medicine, 8, 34-5 (2003).
- Oztunc F, A.G.Eroglu and T. Demir, “Annular insertion levels of atrioventricular valves along the interventricular septum alone can lead to misdiagnosis of ventricular morphology”, Anadolu Kardiyol. Journal, 5,142-4 (2005).
- Doğru Ö, T. Demir, M. Kulaç and A. Kundak, “The phenomenon of the month”, Turkish pediatrics archive, 41, 173-4 (2006).
- Adaletli İ, S. Kuruğoğlu, F. Kılıç, S. Alhaj and T. Demir, “Multi-slice computed tomography angiography findings in an infant diagnosed with interrupted aortic arch”, Computerized Tomography Bulletin, 9, 37-39 (2006).
- Köken, R., A. Bükülmez, H. Melek, T. Demir and Ü. Yiğit, “Congenital Factor XIII Deficiency: Case Report - Congenital Factor XIII Deficiency: Case Report” Zeynep Kamil Medical Bulletin, 37, 77-79 (2006).
- Demir, T., S. Alhaj, A.G. Eroğlu and A. Güzeltaş, “Coexistence of restrictive cardiomyopathy and middle cerebral artery infarction: Case report”, Düzce Medical Faculty Journal, combined (1,2,3) issue, 11-13 (2006).
- Demir, T., R. Köken, Ö. True, Ş. Karaca and T.A. Şen, “A case of Henoch-Schonlein vasculitis with penis involvement”, Düzce Medical Faculty Journal, combined (1,2,3) issue, 8-9 (2006).
- Köken, R., T. Demir, O. Öztekin, T.A. Şen and A. Bükülmez, “Tuberculin Skin Test in Childhood”, Journal of Medical Research, (In press - Date of acceptance: 2007).
- Oztunç, F., K. Babaoğlu, E. Yilmaz, T. Demir and G. Ahunbay, “Predictive value of cardiothoracic ratio as a marker of severity of aortic regurgitation and mitral regurgitation”, Anadolu Kardiyol. Journal, 7,146-9 (2007).
- Babaoğlu K, T. Demir, Ş. Kutluğ, L. Saltık and C. Işlak, “Moyamoya disease and aortic coarctation in a patient with common brachiocephalic trunk”, Anadolu Kardiyol. Journal, 7, 85-7 (2007).
- Şen T. A., R. Köken, T. Demir, H. Melek and A. Narcı, “Evaluation of Calcium Excretion with Spot Urine Calcium/Creatinine Ratios and 24-Hour Urine in Healthy Children in Afyonkarahisar Center”, Current Pediatrics, 5, 41-46 (2007) .
- Melek, H., R. Köken, A. Bükülmez, T.A. Şen, T. Demir and E. Bahçeli, “Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome: A Case Report”, Current Pediatrics, 5, 82-84 (2007).
- 14. Melek, H., T.A. Şen, R. Köken and T. Demir, “Coexistence of Collodion Baby and Congenital Hypothyroidism: Case Report”, Current Pediatrics, 5, 118-120 (2007).
- Şen, T. A., O. Öztekin, A. Bükülmez, R. Köken, T. Demir and A. Narcı “Jarcho-Levin Syndrome in Our Newborn Case with Cleft Palate”, Current Pediatrics, 5, 125-128 (2007).
- Demir, T. and G. Ahunbay, “Serum Carnitine Levels in Infants with Congestive Heart Failure”, Düzce Faculty of Medicine Journal, 10,10-14, (2008).
- Şen, T.A., A. Bükülmez, R. Köken, H. Melek, T. Demir, R. Albayrak, B. Değirmenci and M. Acar, “Retinal Doppler Ultrasonography Findings and Homocysteine Levels of Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus”, Current Pediatrics, 6, 19-25, (2008).
- Ela, Y., H. Fidan, R. G. Sıvacı, T. Demir and E. Bakı, “Reflex Bradycardia During Intubation”, Journal of Surgical Arts, 2, (2009).
- Ela, Y., R. G. Sıvacı, T. Demir and E. Bakı, “The Importance of Preoperative ECG Evaluation in the Light of a Case with Prolonged QT Syndrome; Case Report”, Journal of Surgical Arts, 2, (2009).
- Şen, T.A., R. Köken, H. Melek, T. Demir, Ö. Güraksın, H. Uçar, G. Gün and F. Alpay “Hypothyroidism and muscle pseudohypertrophy: Kocher-Debre Semelaigne Syndrome”, Current Pediatrics, 7,37-40, (2009).
- Şen, T.A., R. Köken, T. Demir and A. Bükülmez, “The Effect of Glycemic Control on Plasma Ghrelin and Serum IGF-1 Levels in Female Cases with Type 1 Diabetes”, Current Pediatrics, 7, 104-110 (2009).
- Şen, T.A., R. Köken, T. Demir, Ö. Doğru, E. Bahçeli, “Acute cyanide poisoning occurring after eating apricot seeds”, Turkish journal of pediatrics, 3, 38-41, 2009
- Şen, T.A., T. Demir, R. Köken, A.A. Kundak and F. Alpay, “Two Cases of Childhood Brucellosis with Atypical Presentation”, Current Pediatrics, 8, 39-43 (2010).
- Reşit, K., A. Bükülmez, G.N. Köken, B. Eser, H. Şamlı, T. Demir and M. Solak, “Double Aneuploidy: A Case of Trisomy 21 with XYY” European Journal of General Medicine, 8, 338-341 (2011).
- Cemalettin, G., A.A. Kundak, T. Demir, H. Uçur and F. Akci, “Portal Vein Agenesis: Case Report”, Abant Medical Journal, 1, 26-27 (2012).
- Turkish Pediatric Institution
- Turkish Pediatric Cardiology Association
- Advanced Life Support in Children Educator Training - T.R. Afyokarahisar Governorship Provincial Health Directorate - 2008
- Advanced Life Support Practitioner Training in Children - T.R. Afyokarahisar Governorship Provincial Health Directorate-2008
- Ethical Approach in Clinical Research Course - T.R. Ministry of Health General Directorate of Medicine and Pharmacy - Ankara - 2009
- Training of Trainers Course- Afyon Kocatepe University-2009
- Educational Skills Course- Eskişehir Osmangazi University- 2012
- Problem Based Education Course- Eskişehir Osmangazi University- 2012
- Workshop on Examination with Multiple Choice Questions - Eskişehir Osmangazi University - 2012
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