Spec. MD. Samire Haqverdiyeva
Spec. MD. Samire Haqverdiyeva
Spec. MD.

Samire Haqverdiyeva

Liv Bona Dea Hospital Bakü
Areas of Interests
    • Cataract surgery (application of mono-focal, premium; toric, trifocal, EDOF intraocular lenses)
    • Refractive surgery (No Touch, PRK, LASIK)
    • Medical Retina (diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, vascular diseases of the retina)
    • Surgical Retina (Retinal Detachment, recovery from complications of cataract surgery, macular surgery)
    • Glaucoma
    • Uveitis

  • 2004-2011 - Azerbaijan Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine
  • 2014-2018 - Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Eye Diseases department
Work experience:

  • 2018-2022 - Ophthalmologist Surgeon at Yeni Yüzyıl University Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital.

Articles Published in International Peer-reviewed Journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

  • Ophthalmologic findings and complications before and after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a single-center study

Sarbay H, Hagverdiyeva S, Turkkan E, Akcay S, Atay A, Malbora B.: Int Ophthalmol., 2021 Jul;41(7):2533-2538. doi: 10.1007/s10792-021-01811-3. Epub 2021 May 6. PMID: 33956257

  • Effect of the Rigid Gas-Permeable Contact Lens Use on the Endothelial Cells in Patients with Keratoconus

Dogan C, Hagverdiyeva S, Mergen B, İskeleli G.: Eye Contact Lens., 2018 Nov;44 Suppl 2: S314-S317.

  • First report of traumatic scleral rupture after penetrating keratoplasty

Arıcı C, Hagverdiyeva S, Mergen B, Mangan MS, Arslan OS: Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. (Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery), 2019 Nov;25(6):631-634. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.55014.

  • Evaluation of macular microvascular structure with optical coherence tomography angiography in children with a history of treatment for retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Kılıçarslan O, Akar S, Yılmaz Çebi A, Hagverdiyeva S, Arvas S.: Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2022 Sep 26. doi: 10.1007/s00417-022-05834-z. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36161517
  • Longitudinal evaluation of retinal thickness and OCTA parameters before and following silicone oil removal in eyes with macula-on and macula-off retinal detachments Bayraktar Z, Pehlivanoglu S, Hagverdiyeva S, Albayrak S, Karakaya M, Bayraktar Ş.: Int Ophthalmol., 2022 Jun; 42(6): 1963-1973. doi: 10.1007/s10792-021-02196-z. Epub 2022 Jan 8. PMID: 34997372

Articles Published in National Peer-reviewed Journals

  • Altınbaş R, İskeleli G, Çolakoğlu S, Hagverdiyeva S, Kuşkucu MA, Doğan C, Midilli K, Bahar Tokman H, An Isolated Case of Keratitis from Aspergillus flavus: The Medical Journal of Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital. 2018;34(1):50-53 doi:10.5222/otd.2018.75688

Proceedings presented at national scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book

  • Our early trifocal IOL results

Bilge Batu, Osman Şevki Arslan, Necdet Cinhüseyinoğlu, Erdoğan Cicik, Mustafa Ünal, Belgin Kılıç, Faig Cebrayilov, Samira Hagverdiyeva: 49. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya, 2015. (Oral presentation)

  • Our Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) experience

Samira Hagverdiyeva, Osman Şevki Arslan, Cezmi Doğan, M. Necdet Cinhüseyinoğlu, Belgin Kılıç, Fatih Baltu: 49. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Istanbul, 2015 (Poster presentation)

  • Our surgical results continued without the formation of big-bubble during DALK surgery

Faig Jabrayılov, Osman Şevki Arslan, Mustafa Ilker Toker, Cezmi Dogan, Samira Hagverdiyeva, Fatih Baltu, Ozan Burgazdere: 49. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Istanbul, 2015 (Poster presentation)

  • Our results of early-onset infliximab treatment in the treatment of uveitis due to Behcet's Disease

Samira Hagverdiyeva, Didar Uçar, Yılmaz Özyazgan, Burak Mergen, Gül Güzelant, Emire Seyahi: 50. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya, 2016 (Poster presentation)

  • Our surgical results continued without the formation of big-bubble during DALK surgery

Faig Jabrayılov, Osman Şevki Arslan, İlker Toker, Cezmi Doğan, Mustafa Ünal, Samira Hagverdiyeva, Fatih Baltu, Ozan Burgazdere: 50. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya, 2016 (Poster presentation)

  • Interferon alpha 2b Treatment in Patients with Behcet's disease with Advanced Eye Involvement

Bilge Batu, Didar Uçar, Yılmaz Özyazgan, Atilla Şahin, Emire Seyahi, Samira Hagverdiyeva: 50. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya, 2016 (Poster Presentation)

  • Long-Term Results of Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Administration in the Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurity

Samira Hagverdiyeva, Solmaz Balcı Akar: 52. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya, 2018 (Oral presentation)

  • Sclerochoroidal calcification with hypovitaminosis D

Samira Hagverdiyeva, Seren Pehlivanoğlu, Zerrin Bayraktar: 53. Turkish Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya, 2019. (Poster presentation)

  • Bilateral Isolated Optic Nerve Relapse in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

      Samira Hagverdiyeva, Hakan Sarbay, Sinan Albayrak, Muharrem Karakaya: 56. Turkish     Ophthalmological Association National Congress, Antalya 2022. (Poster presentation)

  • Turkish Ophthalmological Association
  • Turkish Republics Ophthalmology Society
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