İsmayıl Meherremli
Knee and hip joint diseases and prosthetic surgery
Arthroscopy, arthroscopic surgery of the knee and shoulder joints (Shoulder pain, shoulder dislocations, shoulder muscle and tendon tears, knee meniscal tears and cartilage diseases, arthroscopic repair of anterior cruciate ligament/posterior cruciate ligament tears, cruciate ligament injuries)
Hand surgery (Tendon, vein, nerve cuts, tendon transvers, deep and superficial hand injuries, replantations (regeneration of severed finger, hand, arm, foot by microsurgical methods), congenital anomalies of the hand, trauma of carpal bones and phalanges (fracture, dislocation, deformation), carpal/ cubital tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, other surgical diseases of the thumb and fingers, surgical treatment of paralysis of the axillary sheath in children, etc.)
Foot diseases (Hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, tailor's bunion, Freiberg's disease, Morton's neuroma, pes planus (flat feet), pes cavus, hammer toe, other foot deformities, etc.)
Spinal diseases (scoliosis, kyphosis, spinal stenosis)
Injuries (Isolated and joint traumas, open and closed fixation of fractures (clavicula, humerus, radius, elbow, pelvis, femur, tibia, foot bones), dislocations (humerus, elbow, hip, knee, talotibial joint dislocation) surgical and conservative treatment, nonunion after bone fractures (pseudoarthrosis) and surgical treatment of deformations, surgical treatment of limb shortenings and curvatures, etc.)
- Azerbaijan Medical University Faculty of General Medicine - 09/2010- 09/2012
- Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine - Samsun, Türkiye 09/2012- 06/2017
- İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Turgut Özal Medical Center 07/2018- 10/2020
- Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine - Istanbul, Türkiye 10/2020- 10/2023
- 10/2020- 10/2023 Maltepe Universiteti Tibb Fakultəsi Xəstəxanasında rezidentura
- 06/2016- 06/2017 Internship at Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Faculty Hospital
- 07/2018- 10/2020 Residency at İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Turgut Özal Medical Center
- 10/2020- 10/2023 Residency at Maltepe University Medical Faculty Hospital
Biomechanical comparison of suture techniques in flexor tendon repairs - 2023
TOTBİD - Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology