Spec. MD.
Hatice Çil
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
- Movement disorders and Parkinson's disease
- Epilepsy
- Migraine and other headaches
- Botulinum toxin application in neurological diseases
- Faculty of Medicine - Ondokuz Mayıs University - 2002
- Neurology - Kırıkkale University - 2009
- General practitioner Samsun Ladik State Hospital 2002-2003
- Neurology Specialization Student Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine 2004-2009
- Neurology Specialist Eskisehir State Hospital 2009-2012
- Neurology Specialist Diyarbakır Training and Research Hospital 2012-2015
- Neurology Specialist Ankara Oncology Hospital 2015-2020
- Neurology Specialist Eskisehir City Hospital 2020-2021
- Neurology Specialist Medikalpark Florya Hospital 2021-2024
Articles published in international refereed journals
- Tan f, Akarsu C, Güllü R, Döner h Retinal nerve fiber layer analysis in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Neurology India 54(2)168-172
- Ozturk V, Baykan B, Ertas M Efficacy and safety of 400 and 800 mg etodolac vs. 1,000 mg paracetamol in acute treatment of migraine: a randomized, double-blind, crossover, multicenter, phase III clinical trial. National Library of Medicine 2013 Mar;13(3):191-7
- Kaya Ş, Deveci Ö, Çil H A Tetanus Case Developing Despite Vaccination; Early Onset Good Prognosis December 2014-Cumhuriyet Medical Journal36 (4):555
- Turkish Neurology Association Membership
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