Spec. MD. Ece Çalışkan
Spec. MD. Ece Çalışkan
Spec. MD.

Ece Çalışkan

Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
    • Endodontic Treatment Repeat
    • Endodontic Surgery
    • Aesthetic Restorations
    • Aesthetic Prosthetic Restorations


  • Sakip Sabanci Anatolian High School ( 2002)
  • Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 2007
  • PhD Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodontics (2012)
  • 2. Master's Degree: Istanbul University Health Institutions Management / MsC (2021)
  • Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodontics (2007-2012)  Research Assist.
  • Istanbul Aydin University Dentaydin Dental Hospitals Medical Director (2018- 2021)
  • Istanbul Aydın University Dentaydın Dental Hospitals Center Manager (2020-2021)
  • Istanbul Aydın University Dentaydın Dental Hospitals Assistant Medical Director (2014- 2016)
  • Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodontics - Head of Department / Faculty Member (2012- 2022)
  • Şişli Osmanoğlu Hospital Oral and Dental Health Clinic /Business partner / Dentist (2007- 2012)
  • Private Yeşilyurt Clinic Endodontics Specialist (2007-2012)
  • Republic of Turkey Nisantasi Uni. English Faculty of Dentistry. Endodontics USA Lecturer (2022-Present)

7.1. Articles Published in Sci (Science Cıtatıon Index), Sci Expanded Journals
       7.1.1. Ersev H., Yilmaz B., Pehlivanoğlu E., Ozcan-Caliskan E., Erişen FR. Resistance to vertical root fracture of endodontically treated teeth with MetaSEAL. J Endod. 2012 May;38(5):653-6. 
7.2.Oral Proceedings Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Texts Published in the Proceedings Book  
7.2.1.Ozcan-Caliskan E., Erisen R. Endodontide Kullanılan Biyomateryallerin (MTA ve Ca(OH)2) MIF Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi - Investigation of The Effects of Commonly Used Endodontic Biomaterials (MTA and Ca(OH)2) on MIF. 8. International Hippocrates Health and Medical Sciences Congress March 2022. Full text paper/ Oral presentation,
7.2.2. Ozcan Caliskan E., Yegin C., Sunay H. Surgical Endodontic Retreatment of Gutta Percha Overfilling Due to Periapical and External Root Resorption - Clinical Report, September 2017 Turkish Endodontic Society International Symposium, Cyprus 
 7.2.3.Ozcan Caliskan E., Gonul N.Y., Caliskan G., Sandallı N. Oktay I. Interproffesional
Education: The Need of Oral Health Knowledge of Medical Students ‘ Shaping the Future Dental Education: ADEE Congress’, London 2017
 7.2.4.Cakan E.F., Dikmen B., Batu Z., Elçin M., Caliskan E. Short- term Clinical Efficacy of Two Topical Treatment for Dentine Sensitivity, IADR/CED Congress, Antalya Turkey, October 2015
Gunal S., Caliskan E., Batu Z. Effect of Desensitizers on Microtensile Bond Strength of
Bonding Agents, IADR/PER Congress, Croatia, Dubrovnik, September 2014 
 7.2.5.Ozcan-Caliskan E., Erisen R. Intraosseous evalution and effect on macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide, 16th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Lisbon, September 11-14,
 7.2.6.Dağlaroğlu R., Erdin H.H., Ozcan-Caliskan E., Erisen R. In vitro radicular temperatures produced by three different warm gutta percha techniques, 16th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Lisbon, September 11-14, 2013
 7.2.7.Erdin H.H., Dağlaroğlu R., Ozcan-Caliskan E., Erisen R. Rubberdam Clamp Ingestion During Root Canal Treatment: a case report, 16th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Lisbon, September 11-14, 2013
7.2.8.Caliskan E., Ozdas D. Effects of Rotary Instruments on Treatment of Young Permanent
Tooth, FDI 101. World Congress of Dentistry, Istanbul, August 28-31, 2013
 7.2.9.Ersev H., Yılmaz B., Erisen R., Ozcan E., Pehlivanoglu E. Effect of different singlecone obturation techniques on vertical root fracture resistance. Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul University,Istanbul,Turkey. 15th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Rome, September 14-17, 2011
 7.2.10.Emes Y., Kaya S., Ozcan E., Aybar B., Köseoğlu B.G. Overflow of sodium hypochlorite solution into periapical tissue during endodontic treatment. Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 15. International Congress, Antalya, October 29-November 02, 2008
7.3.Articles Published in National Refereed Journals 
 7.3.1.Caliskan E., Sunay H. Advanced Treatment Techniques on Adolescents with Deep Dentin Caries  Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Dent-Special Topics 2018;4(1):68-74
7.3.2.Caliskan E., Erdin H.H., Dağlaroğlu R., Erisen R. Rubberdam Clamp Ingestion During
Root Canal Treatment: a case report, Aydın Dental, Journal of the Istanbul Aydın University
Faculty of Dentistry, October 2015, no: 1, ISSN 2149-5572, page 31
7.3.3.Gokyay S., Caliskan E. Endodontic Systems Working with Reciprocal Movements for
Instrumentation of Root Canals, Aydın Dental, Journal of the Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Dentistry, 2015 October, issue: 1, ISSN 2149-5572, page 49
7.3.4.Karaduman B. Koyuncuoğlu C. Atalay S., Caliskan E., Tezci N., Meric S. A Multidisciplinary Approach To Localized Gingival Recession: a case report , Aydın Dental, Journal of  the Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Dentistry, 2015 October, issue: 1, ISSN 21495572, page 35
7.3.5.Emes Y., Kaya S., Ozcan E., Aybar B., Köseoğlu B.G. Overflow of Sodium Hypochlorite into Periapical Tissues, Turkish Journal of Dentistry, 2009 February, Volume 16, Issue 75, Page 87.
7.3.6.Tuna B., Ozcan E., Akıncı T. The Effect of Radiotherapy Applied in Childhood on Dental Tissues, Academic Dental, 2007 October-December, Volume 9, Issue 4, Page 6.
Papers presented at 7.4.Ulusal scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

7.4.1.Uzuner Tas Y., Buyukbayram I, Caliskan E., Colakoglu G., Bilateral Taurodontism: a case report, Turkish Society of Endodontics 6th Scientific Endodontics Symposium, Erzurum, March 2015 Karaduman B. Koyuncuoglu C. Atalay S., Caliskan E., Tezci N., Meric S.
7.4.2.  Karaduman B. Koyuncuoglu C. Atalay S., Caliskan E., Tezci N., Meric S. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Localized Gingival Recession with Platelet Rich Fibrin, Gingival Leveling and Zirconium Dentures: Case Presentation. Turkish Periodontology Society Congress, Istanbul, May 2014
7.4.3.Ozcan E., Aybar B., Erisen R., A case of pigmentation and paresthesia due to AH 26 overflow: case presentation. Turkish Endodontic Society 4. Scientific Endodontics Symposium, Antalya, April 2009
7.4.4.Ozcan E., Pehlivanoglu E., Erisen R.,Investigation of the Effect of Prophylactic NSAID Use on Flare-up and Anesthesia Efficacy in Root Canal Treatment, Turkish Society of Endodontics 4. Scientific Endodontics Symposium, Antalya, April 2009
7.5.Authored International Books or Chapters in Books
7.5.1.Ozcan E., Erişen R.,Editör, Endodontics: Principles and Practice, book translation, Endodontics: Basic Principles and Applications, Istanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2011, Böl:16, pp:287298.
7.5.2.Ozcan E., Erişen R., Editör, Endodontics: Principles and Practice, book translation, Endodontics: Basic Principles and Applications, Istanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Böl:20, 2011, pp:357376.
7.6.Other Publications 
7.7.International Citations
7.7.1.Ersev H., Yilmaz B., Pehlivanoğlu E., Ozcan-Caliskan E., Erişen FR. Resistance to vertical root fracture of endodontically treated teeth with MetaSEAL. J Endod.2012 May;38(5):653-6. (41 citations) 
7.7.2.Cicek E., Aslan M.A., Akkocan O. Comparison of the Resistance of Teeth Instrumented with Different Nickel-Titanium Systems to Vertical Root Fracture: An In Vitro Study, J Endod. 2015, Volume: 41 Issue: 10, Pages: 1682-1685.
7.7.3.Adanir N., Kaya B.U., Kececi A.D. Fracture Resistance of Roots Restored with Four Different Fiber-Reinforced Composite Posts.  Med. Prin. and Prac. ,2015.  Volume 24 Issue: 6, Pages: 538-543.
7.7.4.Sun Y., Li Y., Fan M. Push-out bond strength of self-adhesive methacrylate resin-based sealers to root dentin. Journal of  Huazhong University of  Science and Technology Med. Science 2014.  Volume 34 Issue: 1, Pages: 108-113
7.7.5.Topcuoglu, Huseyin Sinan; Tuncay, Oznur; Karatas, Ertugrul. In Vitro Fracture Resistance of Roots Obturated with Epoxy Resin-based, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate-based, and Bioceramic Root Canal Sealers. J Endod. 2013, Volume: 39 Issue: 12, Pages: 16301633.
7.7.6.Sagsen, Burak; Zortuk, Mustafa; Ertas, Huseyin. In Vitro Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Roots Filled with a Bonded Filling Material or Different Types of Posts. J Endod. 2013. Volume 39 Issue: 11, Pages: 1435-1437   
7.7.7.  Samran, Ahlam  ; Habib, Adnan  ; Doumani, Mazen ; Samran, Abdulaziz  ; Fracture Resistance of Roots Obturated with Resilon and EndoREZ with Self-Adhesive Root Canal Sealers, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Volume 12, Number 3, March 2022, pp. 569-573(5)
7.7.8. Fatma Furuncuoglu  and Elif Kalyoncuoglu, Effect of Different Heat-treated Nickel-Titanium Files on Vertical Root Fracture Resistance. Meandros Medical and Dental Journal 2000;1(2):47-52 22, Issue 2)
       7.7.9. Emel Uzunoglu-Özyürek , Selen Küçükkaya Eren , Sevilay Karahan , Effect of root canal sealers on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth: a systematic review of in vitro studies, Clin Oral Investig, 2018 Sep;22(7):2475-2485.
       7.7.10.  Abhijeet K Kakani , Chandrasekhar Veeramachaneni , Muralidhar Tummala , Chandrakanth Majeti , Ravichandra Ravi , Wasifoddin A Chaudhari , Relationship  between the Depth of Penetration and Fracture Resistance of Various Sealers: A Comparative Study , J Contemp Dent Pract, 2021 Jan 1;22(1):34-38.
7.7.11. Selen İnce Yusufoglu , Melek Akman, Makbule Bilge Akbulut , Ayce Ünverdi Eldeniz Fracture resistance of roots enlarged with various rotary systems and obturated with different  sealers, J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects Summer 2019;13(3):215-220.
  • Europen Society of Endodontics (ESE Member)
  • EDAD
  • Turkish Endodontic Society
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