Spec. MD. Didem Katar
Spec. MD. Didem Katar
Spec. MD.

Didem Katar

Liv Hospital Ankara
Areas of Interests
    • Infectious Lung Diseases
    • Bronchial Asthma
    • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
    • Pulmonary Embolism
    • Respiratory Failure
    • Intensive Care
    • End-Stage Lung Diseases and Palliative Care
    • Pregnancy and Lung Diseases
    • Lung Diseases Related to SARS-CoV-2 Infection
    • Occupational Lung Diseases
    • Interstitial Lung Diseases
    • Tobacco Addiction and Treatment
Education and Experience

  • 2020 -Liv Hospital Ankara Hospital
  • 2003-2006 Bağkur General Directorate Health Board
  • 1998-2002 Ondokuz Mayıs University Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis Clinic (Speciality training)
  • 1996--1998 S.B. Ardeşen Health Centre
  • 1995 -1996 S.B Terme Dibekli Health Centre (compulsory service)
  • 1988-1994 Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine
  1. Saudi Med J. 2003 Jun;24(6):628-31.
    Cisplatin and etoposide alternating ifosfamide, vincristine, epirubicin in small cell lung cancer. 
    Unsal M,  Erturk D

  2. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2003 Nov 10;111(1):33-7.
    Pulmonary functions in pre-eclamptic women.
    Unsal M, Yanik FF, Gürkan N, Katar D.

  3. Respirology. 2004 Mar;9(1):134-6.
    Pulmonary and cerebral oil embolism after hysterosalpingography with oil soluble contrast medium.
    Uzun O, Findik S, Danaci M, Katar D, Erkan L.
  4. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2008;3(3):463-7.
    Role of bacteria in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
    Erkan L, Uzun O, Findik S, Katar D, Sanic A, Atici AG.
  5. Pak J med Sci 2011 vol 27 no 5
    Evaluation of thrombophilic risk factors in patients diagnosed  with pulmonary embolism:Single center experience
    Albayrak M, Çelebi H,Aslan V, can ES, Onec B, Koluman BU, Katar D

    Levels of Serum - Activated Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP) in Patients With Asthma
     Didem KATAR Hülya KÖKSAL Aydın ÇİFCİ, Salih CESUR, Yasemin FİDAN, Sami KINIKLI, Meral SAYGUN, Emel BULCUN, Zeynep GENÇTÜRK

  7. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:3068467. doi: 10.1155/2016/3068467. Epub 2016 Jun 20.
    Effects of Low-Flow Sevoflurane Anesthesia on Pulmonary Functions in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery.
    Doger C, Kahveci K, Ornek D, But A, Aksoy M, Gokcinar D, Katar D
  8. KLİMİK 2019/Sözel Bildiri (uluslar arası kongre statüsünde )
    Yoğun Bakım ünitesinde yatan ventilatörle  ilişkili pnömonısı olan hastalarda (veya  ventilatörle ilişkili pnömonı hastalarında ) serum  sTrem-1 düzeylerinin tanısal ve prognostık değerinin  belirlenmesi 
    Öztürk R, Katar D, Tülek N,Cesur S,Topal E, Kılıç AŞ, Süer H, Ilgar T

  9. Bratislava  Medical Journal, 121,2020 No4Anew inflamatory marker in owerwight patıents : triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1
    Cifci A, Durmaz Ceylan S, Oklu K, Gungunes A, Katar D, Karahan I ,Boyunaga H,Dindar Badem N
  • Turkish Thoracic Society


  • Turkish Respiratory Research Society


  • Turkish Medical Association


  • European Respiratory Society

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