Assoc. Prof. MD.
Burak Karabulut
Liv Hospital Ulus
Areas of Interests
- Rhinoplasty
- Head and Neck Cancers (facial and scalp, tongue, lips, mouth, pharynx, larynx, neck lymph nodes, salivary glands and thyroid cancer surgeries)
- Childhood ENT diseases
- Sleep apnea and snoring surgery
- Surgeries for functional nasal obstructions (turbinates, nasal polyps, etc.)
- Surgical treatments of hearing loss
- Ear diseases
- Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (English Department)
- Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (Capa) ENT Diseases
- Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Surgery Qualification Certificate
- University of Pittsburgh Department of ENT Diseases (UPMC) observer physician
- Italy Insubria University Department of ENT Diseases observer physician
- Liv Hospital Ulus
- Gaziosmanpasa Medical Park Hospital
- Bahcelievler Memorial Hospital
- Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital
- Umraniye Training and Research Hospital
- Ardahan State Hospital (compulsory service)
Articles published in international refereed journals
- Şahin Ş, Aktaş B, Erkmen B, Duymaz YK, Tekin AM, Önder S, Karabulut B. The Effects of Smoking on Eustachian Tube Function and Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media. Journal of Ear Nose Throat and Head Surgery 2023; 31(4): 194-199.
- Duymaz YK, Karabulut B, Önder S, Sürmeli M, Tarlanova A, Savran F. Mean Platelet Volume and Red Blood Cell Distribution Width as Predictors of Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 2023; 33(2): 57-70.
- Şahin Ş, Duymaz YK, Erkmen B, Karabulut B, Deveci I, Sürmeli M, Yılmaz AS, Oysu AS, Oysu C. Correlation of Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging and FDG PET/CT in the Diagnosis of Metastatic Lymph Nodes of Head and Neck Malignant Tumors. European Journal of Therapeutics 29 (4), 1001-1002.
- Avcı H, Karabulut B, Eken HD, Faraşoğlu A, Çakıl T, Çoruk S, Özel S, Kaya NK, Öztürk Özbalta S. Otolaryngology-Specific Symptoms May Be Highly Observed in Patients With a History of COVID-19 Infection After Inactivated Coronavirus Vaccination. Ear Nose Throat J 2023; 102(11): 715-719. doi: 10.1177/01455613211028493.
- Savran F, Karabulut B, Yılmaz AS, Sürmeli M, Güler EM, Genç S, İhvan A. Mucolytic and Antioxidant Effect on Intranasal Acetylcysteine Use in Acute Rhinosinusitis in Rats with an Acute Rhinosinusitis Model. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2022 Jun 3:1-6. doi: 10.1159/000524869.
- Şahin Önder S, Savran F, Karabulut B, Sürmeli M, Çetemen A. Impact of Allergic Rhinitis on Voice in Children. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2021; 83(5): 335-340.
- Avcı Hakan, Karabulut Burak. The Relation Between Otolaryngology-Specific Symptoms and Computed Tomography Findings in Ambulatory Care COVID-19 Patients. Ear Nose Throat J. 2020 Dec 4.
- Avcı Hakan, Karabulut Burak. Is It Important Which Suturing Technique Is Used for Pharyngeal Mucosal Closure in Total Laryngectomy? Modified Continuous Connell Suture May Decrease Pharyngocutaneous Fistula. EAR NOSE THROAT JOURNAL; 99: 664-670.
- Avcı Hakan, Karabulut Burak, Faraşoğlu Samet, Boldaz Eren, Evman Melis. Relationship Between Anosmia and Hospitalisation in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019: An Otolaryngological Perspective. THE JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY & OTOLOGY; 2020; 134:710-716.
- Karabulut Burak. Supraclavicular Flap Reconstruction in Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery. JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY, 31(4), 372-375.
- Karabulut Burak, Şahin Önder Serap, Erkmen Burak, Çetemen Ayşe, Gergin Özgül. Predictive Fiberoptic Endoscopic Findings of Upper Airway in Children with Allergic Rhinitis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, 129, 143-146.
- Karabulut Burak, Sürmeli Mehmet, Bozdağ Şenol, Deveci İldem, Doğan Rıza, Oysu Çağatay. Effect of Hyperbilirubinemia on Medial Olivocochlear System in Newborns. THE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED OTOLOGY, 15(2), 272-276.
- Karabulut Burak. AHNS Series: Do You Know Our Guidelines? Review of Current Knowledge on Laryngeal Cancer. HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK, 41(3), 828-828.
- Sürmeli Mehmet, Deveci İldem, Çanakçı Hasan, Canpolat Mustafa Salih, Karabulut Burak, Şahin Yılmaz Ayşe Aslı. Effect of Body Mass Index on Auricular Morphology and Auditory Functions. ENT-EAR NOSE THROAT JOURNAL, 98(7), 81-86.
- Önder Serap, Gergin Özgül, Karabulut Burak. A Life-Threatening Subglottic and Mediastinal Hemangioma in an Infant. JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY, 30(5), 402-404.
- Karabulut Burak, Mutlu Fatih, Şahin Şamil, Cırık Ahmet Adnan. Anatomical and Functional Long-Term Results of Endoscopic Butterfly Inlay Myringoplasty. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY, 275(11), 2653-2658.
- Karabulut Burak, Deveci İldem, Sürmeli Mehmet, Yılmaz Aslı Şahin, Oysu Çağatay. Comparison of Functional and Oncological Treatment Outcomes After Transoral Robotic Surgery and Open Surgery for Supraglottic Laryngeal Cancer. JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY, 132(9), 832-836.
- Karabulut Burak, Şahin Önder Serap. A Comparative Study between Universal Eclectic Septoplasty and Cottle. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, 22(4), 336-336.
- Karabulut Burak. Comparison of Dexamethasone-Dimenhydrinate and Dexamethasone-Ondansetron in Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting in Postoperative Patients. AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY, 42(1), 333-333.
- Deveci İldem, Önder Serap, Sürmeli Mehmet, Şahin Şamil, Aktaş Kipoğlu Betül, Karabulut Burak, Çaypınar Eser Başak. Impact of Nasal Septal Surgery on Sleep Quality and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY, 29(7), 632-635.
- Yalnız Zübeyde, Demokan Semra, Karabulut Burak, Ulusan Murat, Suoğlu Yusufhan, Dalay Nejat. Copy Number Profiling of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Head and Neck Cancer. HEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK, 39(2), 341-346.
- Gökdoğan Ozan, Çakabay Taliye, Baran Hacer, Karabulut Burak, Taşdemir Cihan, Vatansever Zatı. Otoacariasis: Demographic and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Ticks in the Ear Canal. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, 82(4), 416-421.
- Karabulut Burak, Orhan Kadir Serkan, Ulusan Murat, Başaran Bora, Değer Kemal. Foreign Body Aspiration: An Urgent Airway Condition. KULAK BURUN BOĞAZ İHTİSAS DERGİSİ, 24(5), 283-286.
- Karabulut Burak, Orhan Kadir Serkan, Ulusan Murat, Başaran Bora, Değer Kemal. Foreign Body Aspiration: An Urgent Airway Condition. KULAK BURUN BOĞAZ İHTİSAS DERGİSİ, 24(5), 283-286.
- Karabulut Burak, Başaran Bora, Yenice Hakan, Ulusan Murat, Orhan Kadir Serkan, Hafız Günter. The Relationship Between Surgery Type, Adjuvant Radiotherapy, and Spinal Accessory Nerve with Quality of Life in Patients with Laryngeal Cancer. KULAK BURUN BOĞAZ İHTİSAS DERGİSİ, 23(3), 153-162.
- Karabulut Burak, Orhan Kadir Serkan, Güldiken Yahya, Doğan Öner. Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma of the Nasopharynx. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 41(2), 218-220.
- B1. Karabulut Burak (2020). Demographic Characteristics of Patients Referred from Family Medicine to ENT Clinics. 19th International East Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress.
- B2. Avcı Hakan, Karabulut Burak (2020). Comparison of Functional Outcomes of Modified Continuous Connell Suture Technique and Submucosal Single Suture Technique in Pharyngoplasty for Total Laryngectomy Cases. 14th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
Articles Published in National Refereed Journals:
- D1. Karabulut Burak, Avci Hakan (2020). The Buccal Myomucosal Flap for Reconstruction of the Oral Cavity Cancers. Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 31(2), 113-116.
- D2. Karabulut Burak, Avcı Hakan (2020). Double Reversing Z Plasty for Tracheostomal Stenosis After Total Laryngectomy. Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia, 31(3), 261-264.
- D3. Çalım Gürbüz Begüm, Karabulut Murat Hakan, Karabulut Burak, Aydemir Merve, İnceman Hande Nur, Zemheri Itır Ebru (2020). Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma on Lower Lip and Microinvasive Verrucous Carcinoma in Vocal Cord: Case Report. Northern Clinics of Istanbul, 7(2), 187-191.
- D4. Sürmeli Mehmet, Oysu Çagatay, Şahin Yılmaz Ayşe Aslı, Deveci İldem, Karabulut Burak, Sunter Ahmet Volkan, Yiğit Özgür, Ceylaner Bıçakçı Beyhan (2019). Comparison of Voice Quality and Cost Effectiveness of Endoscopic Cordectomy Using Microdissection Electrodes with Laser Cordectomy and Radiotherapy. Turkish Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 57(1), 1-6.
- D5. Deveci İldem, Sürmeli Mehmet, Önder Serap, Karabulut Burak, Deveci Senem Hande, Oysu Çağatay (2019). Correlation of Histopathological Findings in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Inflammatory Biomarkers. ENT Updates, 9(1), 44-52.
- D6. Çelik Mehmet, Orhan Kadir Serkan, Kocasoy Orhan Elif, Karabulut Burak, Gürses Rabia Candan, Aslan İsmet (2016). A Rare Complication After Repairing Temporal Lobe Herniation into Mastoid Cavity: Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus. Istanbul Medical Faculty Journal, 79(2), 94-96.
- D7. Aydın Salih, Karabulut Burak, Orhan Kadir Serkan, Kılıçaslan Işın, Değer Kemal (2015). A Case of Sinonasal Paraganglioma with a Different Morphology: Nine-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 210(25), 43-45.
- D8. Gökdoğan Ozan, Baran Hacer, Çakabay Taliye, Karabulut Burak, Çatlı Tolgahan (2014). Otorhinolaryngology Practice in the Rural Area. ENT Updates, 4(3), 117-121.
- D9. Orhan Kadir Serkan, Çelik Mehmet, Başaran Bora, Ulusan Murat, Çomoğlu Şenol, Karabulut Burak, Süoğlu Yusufhan, Güldiken Yahya, Değer Kemal (2012). Revision Surgery in Cochlear Implantation. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 22(6), 311-318.
- D10. Akkaya Okan, Bellek Devrim, Karabulut Burak, Özkan Yavuz (2005). Eagle Syndrome Causing Asymmetry in the Neck During Swallowing. Göztepe Medical Journal, 20(3), 185-187.
- Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
- Turkish Facial Plastic Surgery Association
- European Rhinology Society
- Head and Neck Cancers Association
- Oral presentation 1st prize Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress 2020 Mucolytic and Antioxidant Effects of Intranasal Acetylcysteine Use on Acute Rhinosinusitis in Rats with Acute Rhinosinusitis Model.
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