Sexual Therapy
Sexual therapy is becoming a department that is used more frequently by men and women with the increasing awareness of sexual health in society. The sexual therapy service provided in Liv Hospital Family and Couple Counseling department is carried out by experts in this field, protecting your privacy.
What is Sexual Therapy?
Sexual therapy is a specialist service used in the field of mental health. It examines why and where sexual problems occur in men and women. It offers solutions to the psychological and sociological causes of problems and implements them. It is a multidisciplinary field that works with many medical fields, especially urology and gynecology.
Who Can Receive Sexual Therapy?
For the sexual therapy service provided under Family and Couple Counseling, you can be referred from the urology and gynecology departments, or you can apply in person regarding the following issues:
- Vaginismus
- Premature ejaculation
- Dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse)
- Erection
- Frigidity
- Orgasm
- Female and male sexual dysfunctions
- Sexual intercourse satisfaction
- Vaginal ejaculation problems
- Masturbation
- Vaginal intercourse dissatisfaction
- Fear of sexual intercourse
- Complaints about excessive sexuality
- Increasing sexual satisfaction
- Sexual education
When to See Sexual Therapy?
When your sexual discomfort begins, you should immediately consult a relevant specialist before it becomes established.
Can Sexual Problems Be Solved?
The information that sexual problems that last for many years are a "destiny" is completely wrong. Every sexual problem has the potential to be solvable, even if the problem involved has persisted for decades. In this regard, we can only say that the consultation process may need some time depending on a newly emerging problem.