Prof. MD.
Yusuf Oğuz Acar
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
- BPH Surgery (TULEP/Bipolep/TUR)
- Urooncology (Kidney, Bladder, Prostate, Testicular Cancers)
- Endoscopic Surgery
- Kidney and Urinary Tract Stone Surgery
- Varicocele Surgery
- Specialty Training - SB Beyoglu Hospital / Frankfurt University Urology Clinics
- Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
- Istanbul High School for Boys
- Liv Vadistanbul Urology Clinic (Currently)
- Memorial Sisli Hospital Urology Clinic (2007-2022)
- Faculty Member at Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology (1996-2008)
- Department of Urology/Urooncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland (1997-1999)
- Department of Urology/Urooncology, Offenbach Academic Hospital, University of Frankfurt, Germany (1992-1994)
- Clinic of Urology/Laparoscopy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland (2005-2005)
- The Role of Neoadjuvant Therapy in Prostate Cancer (1992-1994/Frankfurt University Offenbach Academy Hospital Urology Clinic)
- Use of the Stomach as an Orthotope Bladder in Invasive Bladder Cancer (1997-1999 / University of Zurich Medical Faculty Urology Clinic)
- Gastrocystoplasty Model in Pigs (2003 / Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Clinic of Urology)
Foreign Publications
- Tunn UW, Acar O, Goldschmidt AJ: Effects of androgen deprivation prior to radical prostatectomy in 375 patients. Urol Int. 1996; 56 Suppl 1:6-12.
- Acar O, John H, Hauri D: Urodynamic features of the gastric pouch after radical cystectomy and the relationship to oral intake. J Urol. 1999 Jun; 161(6):1888-1892.
- Acar O, Bauerfeind P, Ambühl PM, Cathomas G, Fried M, Hauri D: Gastric pouch acid secretion in response to physiologic digestive function. Urology. 1999 Sep; 54(3):553-556.
- Acar O, Schwizer W, Hauri D: The use of Congo-red mapping and marking for delineating the antral-corpus boundary during gastric bladder augmentation and replacement. BJU Int. 1999 Oct; 84(6):725-726.
- Acar O, Schwizer W, Hauri D: Demonstration of acid secretion in the gastric pouch through the pentagastrin stimulation test. Urol Int. 2003; 70(3):178-180.
- Acar O, Demirtaş M, Kaçar S, Vural P, Devecioğlu Y, Saroğlu M, Çulha M, Gökalp A: Gastrocystoplasty in pigs and effect of selective antral vagotomy on acid secretion of the reconstructed bladder. Urol Int. 2003;71(2):211-4.
- Culha M, Acar O, Mutlu B, Ozdamar S, Mutlu N, Komur O, Gokalp A. Prosthesis culture 6 months after implantation and the effect of haematogenous seeding in a rat model. Int J Impot Res. 2004 Jun;16(3):231-4.
- Acar O, Mutlu B, Cimen K, Mutlu N, Demirtas M, Culha M, Gokalp A. The role of intraoperative antibiotic irrigation and postoperative antibiotic therapy for contaminated implantable prosthesis: in a rat model in vivo. Int J Impot Res. 2000 Oct;12(5):285-8.
- Culha M, Mutlu N, Acar O, Alici B. Patient-partner satisfaction with intracavernous medication supported with oral agents in selected cases of Peyronie's disease. A ten-month follow-up study. Int Urol Nephrol. 1999;31(2):257-62.
- Mutlu N, Culha M, Mutlu B, Acar O, Turkan S, Gokalp A. Cobb's collar and syringocele with stone.
- Int J Clin Pract. 1998 Jul-Aug;52(5):352-3.
- Alkan E, Avcı E, Özkanlı AO, Acar O, Balbay MD: Same-session bilateral retrograde intrarenal surgery for upper urinary system stones: safety and efficacy. J Endourol. Jul;28(7):757-62. doi: 10.1089/end.2013.0766. Epub 2014 Mar 13 (2014).
- Alkan E, Özkanlı O, Avcı E, Turan M, Başar MM, Acar O, Balbay MD: Effectiveness of Flexible Ureterorenoscopy and Laser Lithotripsy for Multiple Unilateral Intrarenal Stones Smaller Than 2 cm. Adv Urol.; 2014:314954. doi: 10.1155/2014/314954. Epub 2014 Jun 12. (2014).
- Alkan E, Arpalı E, Özkanlı AO, Basar MM, Acar O, Balbay MD: RIRS is equally efficient in patients with different BMI scores. Urolithiasis. Jun;43(3):243-8. doi: 10.1007/s00240-015-0750-z. Epub 2015 Jan 9, (2015).
- Alkan E, Turan M, Özkanlı O, Avcı E, Basar MM, Acar O, Balbay MD: Combined ureterorenoscopy for ureteral and renal calculi is not associated with adverse outcomes. Cent European J Urol. 68(2):187-92. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2015.538. Epub 2015 Apr 24, (2015).
- Alkan E, Sarıbacak A, Özkanlı AO, Başar MM, Acar Oğuz, Balbay MD: Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery in Patients Who Previously Underwent Open Renal Stone Surgery. Minim Invasive Surg. 2015:198765. doi: 10.1155/2015/198765. Epub 2015 Aug 18. (2015).
- Alkan E, Sarıbacak A, Özkanlı AO, Basar MM, Acar O, Balbay MD: Flexible Ureteroscopy Can Be More Efficacious in the Treatment of Proximal Ureteral Stones in Select Patients. Adv Urol. 2015:416031. doi: 10.1155/2015/416031. Epub 2015 Nov 4. (2015)
- Alkan E, Sarıbacak A, Özkanlı AO, Acar O, Balbay MD: Effectiveness of flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy in the management of urinary calculi in patients with congenital abnormalities of the kidney and ureter. EMJ Urol. 2015;3 (3):67-72, (2015).
- Turkish Urology Association (TÜD)
- Endourology Association
- European Association of Urology (EAU)
- Swiss Society of Urology (SGU)
Vocational Trainings, Courses and Conferences Attended
- Department of Urology, University of Basel Faculty of Medicine, Laparoscopy Training, 2005
- Participation in over 100 national and international congresses, symposiums and conferences
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