Prof. MD.
Volkan Tuğcu
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
- Urooncology
- General Urology
International Articles
- 2021-Present Liv Hospital Vadi İstanbul
- 2018-2021 Bahçelievler Memorial Hospital / İstanbul
- 2017-2018 İstanbul Health Sciences University / Urology Chairman of the Department
- 2010-2017 SBU Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital / İstanbul / Associate Professor of Urology
- 2004-2010 Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training And Research Hospital / Istanbul / Urology Specialist
Medical Training
- 1998-2003 Bezm-i Alem University, Faculty of Medicine İstanbul Urology Specialty Training
- 1992-1997 Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Bursa Medical Doctor Training
- *He trained 90 Turkish and foreign urologists on Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery.
- *Organized 14 Pig Courses for the training of urologists.
- *Laparoscopy Training, Heillborn / Heidelberg University, Germany, 2006.
- The street he was born in Pamukova was named after him by the Municipal Council.
- *97 scientific articles published in international journals.
- *60 scientific articles published in national journals.
- Turkish Urology Association, Member of the Board of Directors, 2017
- The Endourological Society, Member, 2015.
- Europen Association of Urology , Member, 2010.
- Turkish Endourology Association, Member, 2010.
- Turkish Andrology Association, 2010
- *Robotic Surgery operation method which he devoloped himself has entered the World Medical Literature with the name of "Tuğcu Bakırköy Technique".
- *Ministry Of Health – Physician of the Year Award ,2016.
- *The article titled "Chronic Prostatitis" in the European Journal of Urology, which has the highest impact value among Urology Journals, was selected to CME, 2007.
- *"Best Research Article" in the American Journal of Urology, Journal of Endourology 2008-2009
- *European Urology Congress "Best Poster" award France, 2012.
- * "Best Video" award at the International Symposium on Robotic Surgery and New Technologies in Prostate Cancer, 2018.
- *Certificate of Appreciation by Urooncology Eurasia Congress 2010.
- *Certificate of Appreciation by Bakırköy District Governorship, 2010..
- Istanbul Governorship Provincial Health Directorate "Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Effort ", 2007 and 2008.
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