Prof. MD.
Uğur Haklar
Liv Hospital Ulus
Orthopedic Surgery
Areas of Interests
- Knee Problems, Surgery & Sports Injuries
- Non-Surgical Treatments for Knee
- Knee Surroundings Sports Injuries
- Knee Ligaments Surgeries
- Knee Cartilage Surgeries, Cartilage Production & Transplantation
- Meniscus Surgery, Meniscus Repairs, Meniscus Implants & Meniscus Transplantation
International Articles
- Istanbul University – Medical Faculty
- Istanbul University – Medical Faculty Pediatrics Department Specialty Training
- Liv Hospital Ulus, Orthopedics & Traumatology Department (2012 – Continued)
- Acıbadem Kadıköy Hospital, Orthopedics & Traumatology Department, Knee Surgery Responsible (2001-2012)
- Acıbadem Health Group, Accreditation Board Information Management (2004 -2007)
- Harvard Medical School, Boston, Knee Surgery Department, USA. (2004)
- Istanbul University Medical Faculty, Orthopedics & Traumatology Department (1998)
- Baylor College School of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA, Sports Medicine Department (1995)
- Vehbi Koç Foundation, American Hospital Orthopedics & Traumatology Department (1993-1996)
- Ministry of Health Haydarpaşa Numune Education & Research Hospital Orthopedics & Traumatology Clinic, (1993-2002)
- Ministry of Health Çatalca State Hospital, Specialist Doctor (1992)
- SSK Okmeydanı Hospital Orthopedics & Traumatology Clinic, (1988-1992)
- SSK Ballıdağ Sanitarium, Daday, Kastamonu (1987-1988)
- Hacettepe University, Medical Faculty, Bachelor’s (1987)
- A1. Haklar U, Yüksel M, Velioglu A, Turkmen M, Haklar G, Yalçin AS. Oxygen Radicals and Nitric Oxide Levels in Chondral or Meniscal Lesions or Both. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Oct,(403): 135-42, 2002.
- A2. Durakbaşa O, Haklar U, Tuygun H, Türkmen M. Intramedullary Nailing of Adult Femoral Fractures. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, 36(4): 316-321, 2002.
- A3. Tüzüner T, Uygur İ, Sercan İ, Haklar U, Oktaş B, Özdemir D. Elution Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Calcium Sulfate-Loaded Bone Cement Containing Teicoplanin. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, Mar;12(2):170-177, 2007.
- A4. Haklar U, Tuzuner T, Uygur I, Kocaoglu B, Guven O. The Effect of Overlapping on the Primary Stability of Osteochondral Grafts in Mosaicplasty. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy, Jul; 16(7): 651-654, 2008.
- A5. Haklar U, Kocaoglu B, Gereli A, Nalbantoglu U, Guven O. Arthroscopic Inspection After the Surgical Treatment of Patella Fractures. International Orthopaedics, Apr 15, 2008, (Epub ahead of print).
- A6. Nalbantoğlu U, Gereli A, Kocaoğlu B, Haklar U, Türkmen M. Surgical Treatment of Acute Coronoid Process Fractures. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, Mar-Apr; 42(2): 112-118, 2008.
- A7. Haklar U, Kocaoglu B, Nalbantoglu U, Tuzuner T, Guven O. Arthroscopic Repair of Radial Lateral Meniscus Tear by Double Horizontal Sutures with Inside-Outside Technique. Knee, Oct; 15(5): 355-9, 2008 (Epub 2008 Aug 5).
- A8. Haklar U, Tüzüner T, Kocaoğlu B, Güven O. Mosaicplasty Technique in the Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Knee. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, 42(5):344-349, 2008.
- A9. Kus S, Haklar U, Aktas S, Cengizoglu I. Bilateral Osteochondritis Dissecans-Like Osteochondral Lesions In Two Patients: Could Isotretinoin be a Cause? 2008 British Association of Dermatologists. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Mar 19, 2009 (Epub ahead of print).
- A10. Kocaoglu B, O. Guven, Aydın N, Nalbantoglu U, Haklar U., No difference between knotless sutures and suture anchors in arthroscopic repair of Bankart lesions in collision athletes Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Ref.: Ms. No. KSST-D-09-00031R2 Accepted on 08-04-2009.
- A11. Haklar U, Donmez F, Basaran SH, Canbora MK., Results of arthroscopic repair of partial- or full-thickness longitudinal medial meniscal tears by single or double vertical sutures using the inside-out technique.Am J Sports Med. 2013 Mar;41(3):596-602. doi: 10.1177/0363546512472046. Epub 2013 Jan 22
- A12. Haklar U, Ayhan E, Ustundag S, Canbora K., A new arthroscopic technique for lateral parameniscal cyst decompression. Knee. 2013 Jul 10. doi:pii: S0968-0160(13)00080-X. 10.1016/j.knee.2013.04.019. [Epub ahead of print]
- A13. Canbora K, Kose O, Gurkan U, Polat A, Erdem S, Haklar U.,Cardiovascular effects of abduction shoulder sling in elderly patients; is it really safe? Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013 Sep 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- B1. Haklar U, Yüksel M, Polat A, Velioğlu A, Türkmen M, Yalçın A.S. Oxygen Free Radicals and Nitric Oxide Play Important Roles in the Injury Mechanism of Degenerative Joint Disease. 9th Transactions of the European Orthopedic Research Society and 4th Efort Congress, O39, Brussels, June 3-4, 1999. (Oral presentation) Published in the Journal of Clinical Orthopedic and Related research.
- B2. Haklar U, Seyhan M, Aydoğdu S, Türkmen M. Neuromas existing around the Knee and Their Treatment by Surgical Denervation. 9th ESSKA Congress, P313, London, England, 16-20 September 2000. (Poster Presentation)
- B3. Taser O, Haklar U, Akgun I. Treatment of the Knee Arthrofibrosis by Arthroscopic Arthrolysis: Difficulties and Pathological Features. 3rd ISAKOS Congress, Montreux, Switzerland, May 14-18, 2001. (Poster Presentation)
- B4. Nalbantoğlu U, Seyhan M, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Displaced Fractures of the Radial Head. 59th Annual meeting of the ASSH, PS067, New York, 9-11 September 2004. (Oral presentation)
- B5. Haklar U, Koyuncu LO, Kılıçoğlu O, Bozdağ E, Sünbüloğlu E. Comparison of Load to Failure and Elongation to Failure of Surgical Suture Materials, VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, S: 265, Ankara, 01-04 November 2004. (Best poster award).
- B6. Haklar U, Güven O, Nalbantoğlu U, Aktaş Ş, Canbora K. Different Faces of Medial Discoid Meniscus, VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, S: 202, Ankara, 01-04 November 2004. (Oral presentation)
- B7. Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U, Gereli A, Seyhan M. Introduction of Double Tunnel PCL Hamstring Reconstruction Technique Using Transfix Screw on the Tibia and its Results. VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, S: 140, Ankara, 01-04 November 2004. (Oral presentation)
- B8. Haklar U, Aktaş Ş, Seyhan M, Güven O, Abbasoğlu A. Spontaneous Rupture of Plantar Fascia in an Athlete (Case Report), VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia -Pacific Knee Society APKSA, S: 79, Ankara, 01-04 November 2004. (Oral presentation)
- B9. Haklar U, Gereli A, Seyhan M, Canbora K, Güven O. There is No Standard Treatment for Acute Patellar Dislocation, VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, S: 42, Ankara, 01-04 November 2004. (Oral presentation)
- B10. Kocaoglu B, Aktas S, Gereli A, Haklar U, Güven O. Incidence of Chondral Lesions of Talat Dome in Ankle Fractures, Knee Surgery Sports Trumatology Arthoscopy Congress, Abstracts of the 13th ESSKA 2000, Volume 16, Supplement 1, P23-699, S217, Porto, Portugal, 21-24, May 2008. (Poster presentation)
- B11. Kocaoglu B, Haklar U, Gereli A, Güven O. Arthroscopic Repair of Radial Lateral Meniscus Tear by Double Horizontal Sutures with Inside-outside Tecnique, Knee Surgery Sports Trumatology Arthoscopy Congress, Abstracts of the 13th ESSKA 2000 Volume 16, Supplement 1, P17- 556, S148, Porto, Portugal, 21-24, May 2008. (Poster presentation) Published in Kneed magazine.
- B12. Haklar U, Kocaoglu B, Güven O. Arthtoscopic Inspection After the Surgical Treatment of Patella Fractures. 5th Meeting of the EFOST (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedic and Sports Traumatology), S: 53, Antalya, 26-30 November 2008. (Oral presentation) Published in International Orthopedic magazine.
- B13. Haklar U, Ulku K, Canbora M. K. A New Practical Evaluation of Trochlear Dysplasia on MRI 8th Biennial ISAKOS (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine) Congress, 15-19 May 2011, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Paper presentation 108 , p:62. (Oral presentation)
- B14. Haklar U., Ayhan E., Sarioglu E.A new arthroscopic technique using intraarticular portal for lateral parameniscal cyst decompression. 15th European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) Congress in Geneva, May 2-5, 2012. (Poster presentation)
- B15. Haklar U., Dönmez F., How Successful are the Results of Double-Vertical Meniscal Sutures, 9th ISAKOS Congress Toronto 12-16 May 2013. (Oral presentation)
- C1. Akgün I, Kesmezacar H, Haklar U: Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association Publication, Editor: Reha Tandoğan, "Closed Wedge Osteotomies in the Treatment of Gonarthrosis" section of the book Non-Arthroplasty Treatment Methods in Gonarthrosis, pages 83-101, Ankara, 2004.
- C2. Taşer Ö, Haklar U, Our Story (Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association's Book on the History of Arthroscopy in Turkey and the World) Istanbul, 18 October 2008.
- C3. Haklar U., Ulkü K., Overview of Patellar Dislocations in Athletes. Sports Injuries, Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation. pp: 585-596 Springer 2012
- C4. Haklar U. Knee Ligament Injuries, TOTBİD, Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries 201
- D1. Bursalı A, Erçetin Ö, Haklar U, Yurtoğlu C. Early Results of Posteromedial and Complete Subtalar Relaxation in the Surgical Treatment of Pes Equinovarus, Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery, Volume 4, no 6, 49-52, 1993.
- D2. Esenkaya İ, Tuygun H, Haklar U, Türkmen M, Aydoğdu S. Irreducible Dislocation of the Big Toe in Football, Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, 31: 370-373, 1997.
- D3. Haklar U, Seyhan M, Aydoğdu S, Türkmen M. Neuromas Around the Knee Joint and Their Treatment with Surgical Denervation. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, 32: 411-413, 1998.
- D4. Canbora M.K, Haklar U, Bombacı H, Okan N, Türkmen İ. Surgical Treatment of T. Tibia Plateau Fractures (Long-Term Results). Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 4(1) 17-23, 2002.
- D5. Canbora M.K, Tüzüner T, Haklar U, Görgeç M. Diagnosis and Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis. Journal of Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine, 4(1) 44-47. 2002.
- D6. Haklar U, Synevectomy in the Knee Joint, Journal of the Turkish Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology (TOTBİD), Volume 4, Issue 3-4, pages 108-117, 2005.
- D7. Haklar U. Başaran S. H., Distal Femoral Osteotomies in Young Arthritic Tongues, Turkey Clinics Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Pages: 92-97, 2013.
- E1. Haklar U, Bursalı A, Enson C, Erkula G. Evaluation of Treatment Results of Congenitally Clubfoot Cases with Computed Tomography Method, 13th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Book, S: 851-854, 1993. (Oral presentation)
- E2. Haklar U, Seyhan M, Treatment of Our Global Artofibrosis Cases with Arthroscopic Arthrolysis, 15th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Book, Istanbul, 13-17 September 1997. (Poster presentation)
- E3. Haklar U, Ateşalp A, Seyhan M, Türkmen M. Diagnostic Value of Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technique (Evaluation of Results with Arthroscopy), 15th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Book, P: 567-570, Istanbul, 13-17 September 1997. (Oral presentation)
- E4. Haklar U, Seyhan M, Aydoğdu S, Türkmen M. Neuromas Around the Knee Joint and Their Treatment with Denervation, 4th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, A20, P: 24, İzmir 29 September-2 October 1998. (Oral presentation )
- E5. Haklar U, Aydoğdu S, Demiryontar A, Abbasoğlu A. Evaluation of Extremity Length Differences and Rotation Abnormalities with CT after Conservative Treatment of Femur Shaft Fractures in Children, 16th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Book, 592-596, No: 592-596, 1999 (Oral presentation)
- E6. Haklar U. Arthroscopic Hamstring Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament with Endobutton Technique, 5th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, V-6, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2000. (Video presentation)
- E7. Haklar U, Yüksel M, Velioğlu A, Türkmen M, Yalçın A.S. Different Levels of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide were Detected in Synovial Fluid of Osteoarthritic Patients with Chondral and/or Meniscal Lesions, 5th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, O-83, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2000. (Oral presentation) was published in CORR magazine.
- E8. Haklar U, Canbora K, Murabi S, Türkmen M. A New Technique in the Treatment of Pronation External Rotation Type Ankle Fractures with Syndesmosis Rupture, 5th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, O-80, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2000. ( Oral presentation)
- E9. Haklar U, Baykan A, Solakoğlu C, Türkmen M. Investigation of Tunnel Expansions in Hamstring Reconstructions Using Endobutton and Pos Screw in ACL Ruptures with Computed Tomography Reconstructions, 5th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, O-37, S: 44, Istanbul , 24-27 October 2000. (Oral presentation)
- E10. Durakbaşa O, Murabi S, Haklar U, Görgeç M. Factors Determining Prognosis in Traumatic Hip Dislocation, XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-TRA/203, S: 686 Antalya, 24-29 October 2001. (Poster presentation)
- E11. Tuygun H.U, Haklar U, Murabi S, Görgeç M. Our Results in Surgically Treated Achilles Tendon Ruptures, XVII. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-AYB/086, S: 555, Antalya, 24-29 October 2001. (Poster presentation)
- E12. Haklar U, Güven O, Seyhan M, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U. In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructions, Does Transfixation Interference Screw or Endobutton-CL + Post Screw Cause More Tunnel Expansion? 6th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, OP-73, S: 28, Antalya, 21-26 October 2002. (Oral presentation)
- E13. Haklar U, Güven O, Seyhan M, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U. Treatment of Arthrofibrosis in the Knee Joint with Arthroscopic Arthrolysis, 6th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, OP-79, P 29, Antalya, 21-26 October 2002. (Oral presentation)
- E14. Haklar U, Nalbantoğlu U, Seyhan M, Güven O, Abbasoğlu A. Double Tunnel PCL Reconstruction Technique and Results Using Endobuton Tape, 6th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, OP-80, S: 29, Antalya, 21- 26 October 2002. (Oral presentation)
- E15. Haklar U, Seyhan M, Nalbantoğlu U, Canpolat A, Abbasoğlu A. Traumatic Patella Dislocations in Knees Without Structural Defects and Primary Surgical Treatment Results, 6th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, OP-88, S: 31, Antalya, 21-26 October 2002. (Oral presentation)
- E16.Seyhan M, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Canpolat A, Abbasoğlu A. Osteosynthesis, Orthopedics and Traumatology in Adult Collum Femoris Fractures 2002 Meeting, Antalya 15-18 September, 2002. (Poster presentation)
- E17. Seyhan M, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Aktaş Ş. Treatment of Femoral Diaphyseal Fractures with Locking Intramedullary Nail, XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, SS-051, Istanbul, 18-23 October 2003. (Oral presentation)
- E18. Seyhan M, Güven O, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Aktaş Ş, Abbasoğlu A. Application of Primary Non-Reamed Intramedullary Nail in Open Tibia Diaphyseal Fractures, XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, SS-139, Istanbul 18-23 October 2003. (Oral presentation)
- E19. Seyhan M, Nalbantoğlu U, Abbasoğlu A, Haklar U, Güven O, Aktaş Ş. Surgical Treatment of Clavicle Middle Diaphyseal Fractures, XVIII. MilliTürk Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, SS-4, Istanbul, 18-23 October 2003. (Oral presentation)
- E20. Seyhan M, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U, Aktaş Ş, Güven O. Early Application of Non-Reamed Intramedullary Nail in Femur and Tibia Diaphyseal Open Fractures Due to Gunshot Injury, XVIII. MilliTürk Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-TRA/243, Istanbul, 18-23 October 2003. (Poster presentation)
- E21. Abbasoğlu A, Seyhan M, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Aktaş Ş. Advantages of Mini Cannulated Screw and Regional Block Applied in Hallux Valgus Cases Treated with Turan Osteotomy, XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-AYB/104, Istanbul, 18-23 October 2003. (Poster presentation)
- E22. Nalbantoğlu U, Seyhan M, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A, Güven O. Application of Double Plates in the Treatment of Upper Extremity Comminuted Fractures and Pseudoarthroses, XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-ELC/125, Istanbul, 18-23 October 2003. (Poster presentation)
- E23. Nalbantoğlu U, Seyhan M, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A, Aktaş Ş. Surgical Treatment of Metacarpal Fractures, XVIII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-ELC/132, Istanbul, 18-23 October 2003. (Poster presentation)
- E24. Nalbantoğlu U, Seyhan M, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A. Detection of Metacarpal Fractures with Open Reduction and Mini Fragment Plate-Screw System, IX. Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, Paper ¾, P: 180, Bodrum, 19-23 May 2004. (Oral presentation)
- E25. Nalbantoğlu U, Seyhan M, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A, Güven O. Surgical Treatment of Hamato-Metacarpal Joint Fracture Dislocations, XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-112, S: 153, Antalya, 14-19 May 2005. (Poster presentation)
- E26. Seyhan M, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Aktaş Ş, Güven O. Use of Cable Cerclage in Intramedullary Nailing of Femur and Tibia Fractures, XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-295, S: 211, Antalya, 14-19 May 2005. (Poster presentation)
- E27. Seyhan M, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Aktaş Ş, Güven O. Comparison of Reamed and Unreamed Intramedullary Nails in Femur and Tibia Fractures Due to Gunshot Injury, XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, S-197, S:102, Antalya 14-19 May 2005. (Oral presentation)
- E27. Seyhan M, Abbasoğlu A, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Aktaş Ş, Güven O. Comparison of Compression Screw Plate Application and Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing in Supracondylar Femur Fractures, XIX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, P-310, S:217, Antalya 14-19 May 2005. (Poster presentation)
- E29. Nalbantoglu U, Kocaoğlu B, Seyhan M, Haklar U. Treatment Results with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation / Ligament Repair in Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Fractures or Fracture Dislocations. X, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, S-16, S: 42, Antalya, 25–28 May 2006. (Oral presentation)
- E30. Haklar U, Kocaoğlu B, Gereli A, Nalbantoğlu U, Güven O. Repair of Radial Meniscus Tears with the Inside-Outside Suture Method and Follow-up Results, VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, 10-14 October 2006 Kuşadası, P-08, P: 95. (Poster presentation) Published in Knee magazine.
- E31. Haklar U, Gereli A, Kocaoğlu B, Seyhan M, Güven O. Arthroscopic Evaluation of Intraarticular Patella Fractures with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation at the End of an Average Year, VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, P-37, S: 127, Kuşadası, 10-14 October 2006. (Poster presentation) Published in International Orthopedics magazine.
- E32. Kocaoğlu B, Haklar U, Nalbantoğlu U, Aktaş Ş, Güven O. Treatment and Follow-up Results of Patients Who Had Combined Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression and Distal Claviacula Resection. VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, P-19, S: 107, Kuşadası, 10-14 October 2006. (Poster presentation)
- E33. Haklar U, Gereli A, Kocaoğlu B, Nalbantoğlu N, Güven O. Comparison of the Results of Medial Meniscus Repair Performed with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with the Results of Medial Meniscus Repair Performed in Knees with Intact Anterior Cruciate Ligament, VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, S-33, S: 50, Kuşadası 10-14 October 2006. (Oral Presentation)
- E34. Nalbantoğlu U, Gereli A, Kocaoğlu B, Haklar U, Abbasoğlu A. Surgical Treatment Results in Unstable Fracture Dislocations of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint, 20th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, ACTA Suplementum III, Volume 41, S-48, S: 24, Ankara , 23-28 October 2007. (Oral Presentation)
- E35. Seyhan M, Gereli A, Nalbantoğlu U, Haklar U, Güven O. Comparison of Surgery Time and Amount of Bleeding in the Removal of Steel and Titanium Intramedullary Nails from Femur and Tibia, 20th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, ACTA Suplementum III, Volume 41, P-211 , No. 175, Ankara, 23-28 October 2007. (Poster presentation)
- E36. Haklar U, Kocaoğlu B, Gereli A, Nalbantoğlu U, Güven O. Repair of Radial Meniscus Tears with the Inside-Outside Suture Method and Follow-up Results, 20th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, ACTA Suplementum III, Volume 41, P-360, S : 219, 23-28 October, Ankara, 2007. (Poster presentation) Published in Knee magazine.
- E37. Haklar U, Kocaoğlu B, Güven O. Arthroscopic Inspection After The Surgical Treatment of Patella Fractures, IX. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, P-08, Istanbul, 14-18 October 2008. (Poster presentation) was published in the International Orthopedics magazine.
- E38. Haklar U, Kocaoğlu B, Güven O. Arthroscopic Repair of Radial Lateral Meniscus Tear by Double Horizontal Sutures with Inside-Outside Tecnique, IX. Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress. OP-037, Istanbul, 14-18 October, 2008. (Oral presentation) Published in Knee magazine.
- E39. Haklar U, Tüzüner T, Uygur I, Kocaoğlu B, Güven O. The Effect of Overlaping on Primary Stability of Osteochondral Grafts in Mosaicplasty, IX. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, OP-05, Istanbul, 14-18 October 2008. (Oral presentation) Published in ESSKA magazine.
- E40. Haklar U, Dönmez F. Allograft Meniscus Transplantation After Total Lateral Meniscectomy, XI. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, SS-42, Ankara, 02-06 October 2012. (Oral presentation)
- E41. Haklar U, Dönmez F, Başaran S.H., Canbora K. Results of Arthroscopic Repair of Longitudinal Medial Meniscal Tears by Vertical or Double Vertical Sutures with Inside-out Technique, XI. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, SS-43, Ankara, 02-06 October 2012. (Oral presentation)
- E42. Haklar U, Ayhan E, Sarıoğlu E, Dönmez F. A New Arthroscopic Technique for Lateral Parameniscal Cyst Decompression, XI. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, SS-44, Ankara, 02-06 October 2012. (Oral presentation)
- E43. Haklar U, Ülkü T. K, Dönmez F, Canbora K. A New Practical Method to Evaluate the Trochlear Dysplaisa on MRI, XI. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, SS-49, Ankara, 02-06 October 2012. (Oral presentation)
- F1. Haklar U. Surgical Synovectomy of the Knee. VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, Ankara, November 2004. (Published as text in the congress book).d Resurfacing system for knee joint, EFORT Congress Scientific and Social Event 6th of June 2013
- F2. Haklar U. Mechanism of Injury of the Posterolateral Corner. 12th ESSKA 2000 Congress, Insbruck, Austria, May 24-27 2006.
- F3. Haklar U. Arthroscopic Surgery of Synovitis for Degenerative Arthritis. 3rd Congress of The International Association of Physical Therapists Working With Older People (IPTOP). Istanbul, 03-05 November 2006.
- F4. Haklar U. Biomechanics, Evaluation and Management of Medial Collateral Ligament Rehabilitation. 13th ESSKA 2000 Congress, Porto, Portugal, May 21-24 2008.
- F5. Haklar U. Overview of Patellar Dislocations in Athletes. 5th Meeting of the EFOST (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology). Antalya, 26-30 November 2008.
- F6. Haklar U. Anatomy and Surgical Approaches of the Posterolateral Corner of the Knee. 4th InternationalSyphosium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA). Ankara 30 June 2012
- F7. Haklar U. LimiteF11. Haklar U. Autologous Chondrocytes Implantation Technique. Cadaver Course, Ankara Cartillage Symposium 27 April 2014
- F8. Haklar U. Robotic Surgery at Arthroplasty EXPOMED Eurosia TUYAPBAU TIP School of Medicine Istanbul Orthopedy Dept. 05 April 2014
- F9. Haklar U. Robotic assisted partial knee replacement. Türk-Yunan Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Günleri S.B.Metin Sabancı Baltalimanı Kemik Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul 10-12 Nisan 2014
- F10. Haklar U. Robotic Arthroplasty. Ankara Cartillage Symposium 26 April 2014
- F11. Haklar U. Autologous Chondrocytes Implantation Technique. Cadaver Course, Ankara Cartillage Symposium 27 April 2014
- F1. Rights U. Surgical Synovectomy of the Knee. VIIth Congress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, Ankara, November 2004. (Published as text in the congress book).
- F2. Haklar U. Mechanism of Injury of the Posterolateral Corner. 12th ESSKA 2000 Congress, Insbruck, Austria, May 24-27 2006.
- F3. Haklar U. Arthroscopic Surgery of Synovitis for Degenerative Arthritis. 3rd Congress of The International Association of Physical Therapists Working With Older People (IPTOP). Istanbul, 03-05 November 2006.
- F4.Haklar U. Biomechanics, Evaluation and Management of Medial Collateral Ligament Rehabilitation. 13th ESSKA 2000 Congress, Porto, Portugal, May 21-24 2008.
- F5. Haklar U. Overview of Patellar Dislocations in Athletes. 5th Meeting of the EFOST (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology). Antalya, 26-30 November 2008.
- F6. Haklar U., Anatomy and Surgical Approaches of the Posterolateral Corner of the Knee. 4th InternationalSyphosium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA). Ankara 30 June 2012
- F7. Haklar U. Limited Resurfacing system for knee joint, EFORT Congress Scientific and Social Event 6th of June 2013
- F8. Haklar U. Robotic Surgery at Arthroplasty EXPOMED Eurosia TUYAPBAU TIP School of Medicine Istanbul Orthopedy Dept. 05 April 2014
- F9. Rights U. Robotic assisted partial knee replacement. Turkish-Greek Orthopedics and Traumatology Days S.B.Metin Sabancı Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul 10-12 April 2014
- F10. Rights U. Robotic Arthroplasty. Ankara Cartillage Symposium 26 April 2014
- G1. Haklar U. Nonspecific Bone Infections. Istanbul Hospitals Monthly Training Meeting, Istanbul, 22 October 1997.
- G2. Haklar U. Anatomy, Biomechanics and Injury Mechanisms of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, 5. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2000.
- G3. Haklar U. Anatomy, Biomechanics and Injury Mechanisms. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Problems, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Postgraduate Training Meeting. Istanbul, 23 June 2001.
- G4. Haklar U. Long Bone Fractures Seen in Skiing and Their Treatment. Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2nd Skiing Injuries Symposium. Eğirdir, Isparta, 15-18 February 2001.
- G5. Haklar U. Graft Types in Posterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery AssociationAdvanced Arthroscopic Surgery Course, Ankara, 28-31 June 2001.
- G6. Haklar U. Pharmacological Treatment in Arthralgia. Postgraduate Education Program, Antalya, 5-7 April 2002.
- G7. Haklar U. Meniscus Repair with Fast Fix (Workshop). Meniscus Lesions, Istanbul University Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Postgraduate Education Meeting, Istanbul, 14 June 2003.
- G8. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synevectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association14. Basic Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Antalya, 24-26 March 2005.
- G9. Haklar U. Approach to Acute Patella Dislocation. TOTBİD 19th National Congress, Antalya, 14-19 May 2005.
- G10. Haklar U. Drainage and Microfracture in Cartilage Lesions. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery AssociationAdvanced Arthroscopic Surgery Course, Ankara, 23-25 June 2005.
- G11. Haklar U. Kayaalp A, Aydın A.T, Baydar M.L, Atay A, Uslu B, Kocabet Y, Pınar H, Aşık M, Tetik O.ACL Reconstruction: Interactive session and Practical Applications. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery AssociationAdvanced Arthroscopic Surgery Course, Ankara, 23-25 June 2005.
- G12. Haklar U. Clinical Evaluation in Knee Ligament Injuries. 3rd National Sports Physiotherapists Congress, Istanbul, 16-18 September 2005.
- G13. Haklar U. Repair with Meniscus Fixators, Developments and Practical Applications in Arthroscopic Knee Surgery. Başkent University Faculty of Medicine Orthopedics and Traumatology Department. Meeting, Adana, 25-26 November 2005.
- G14. Haklar U. Synevectomy in the Knee Joint. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association Istanbul Branch, Istanbul Chamber of Chambers Meeting. Istanbul, 12 December 2005.
- G15. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synevectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association15. Basic Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Antalya, 30 March-1 April 2006.
- G16. Haklar U. Mechanism of Injury of the Posterolateral Corner. Team Physcian and New Horizons, Isparta, 27-29 April 2006.
- G17. Rights U. Patella Instability. Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Meeting, Gaziantep, 13-14 May 2006.
- G18. Haklar U. Our Approach to Acute Patella Dislocations. Acıbadem-Harvard Medicine Days Orthopedics Traumatology and Rehabilitation Symposium, Istanbul, 31 May 2006.
- G19. Haklar U. Synovial Pathologies and Synovectomy in the Knee Joint. VIII. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Kuşadası, 10-14 October 2006.
- G20. Haklar U. Aydın A. T, Pınar H.Interactive Case Report. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association6. Aegean Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days, Izmir, 2-3 February 2007.
- G21. Haklar U. Biomechanical Changes and Early Clinical Diagnosis in Gonarthrosis. 6th Aegean Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days, Izmir, 2-3 February 2007.
- G22. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synevectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association16. Basic Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Antalya, 5-7 April 2007.
- G23. Haklar U. Arthroscopic Total Synevectomy: Indications and Technique. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association IX. Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Ankara, 8-9 June 2007.
- G24. Rights U. Neuromas Around the Knee. XX. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Ankara, 23-28 October 2007.
- G25. Haklar U. Innovations in Knee Surgery. Sports Biennial, Zonguldak, 15-17 November 2007.
- G26. Haklar U. Physical Examination and Classification in Multiple Knee Ligament Injuries. Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Istanbul Branch, III Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 30 November – 1 December 2007.
- G27. Rights U. Patella Dislocation. XI. National Sports Medicine Congress, Antalya, 6-9 December 2007.
- G28. Haklar U. Synovial Problems, Plica Syndrome and Synevetomy in the Knee. Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Adana Branch, 1st Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Knowledge Renewal Course, Adana, 11-12 January 2008.
- G29. Rights U. Mozaikplasti. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association7. Aegean Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Days, Marmaris, 22-23 February 2008.
- G30. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synevectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery AssociationXVII. Basic Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Antalya, 3-5 April 2008.
- G31. Haklar U. Posterolateral Corner Injury Mechanisms and Diagnosis. IX. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, 14-18 October 2008.
- G32. Mosaicplasty in the Knee Joint. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association Istanbul Branch, ODA Meeting, Istanbul, 10 November 2008.
- G33. Haklar U. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rigidfix system and Workshop. 8th Aegean Knee Surgery Days, Çeşme İzmir, 5-7 February 2009.
- G34. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synevectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association18. Basic Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Antalya, 26-28 March 2009.
- G35. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synovectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association19. Basic Surgical Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Speaker, Session moderator and Practical program trainer. Antalya, 01-03 April 2010.
- G36. Haklar U. Clinical applications in patello-femoral pain: My technique, reasons, results from the perspective of an orthopedist surgeon. Current Concepts in Sports Traumatology, Hacettepe University Ankara, 16-17 June 2010.
- G37. Haklar U, Arthroscopic Double Bundle ACL Repair, Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, 10th Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress. Antalya, 12 – 16 October 2010.
- G38. Haklar U. Microfracture and Mosaicplasty. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 10th Aegean Knee Surgery Days. Çeşme, 4-5 February 2011.
- G39. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synovectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association20. Basic Surgical Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Speaker, Session moderator and Practical program trainer. Antalya, 07-09 April 2011.
- G40. Haklar U. Rehabilitation process after surgical treatment of cartilage lesions. TFF Health Education Program, Information Renewal Course, Istanbul, 6-7 June 2011.
- G41. Rights U. Mozaikplasti. Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Ankara, 9-11 June 2011.
- G42. Haklar U. Single Bundle – Double Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Practical Application. Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Ankara, 9-11 June 2011.
- G43. Haklar U. Current Approach to Cartilage Problems: Microfracture and Mosaicplasty. XXII. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress. Antalya, 31 October – 04 November 2011.
- G44. Rights U. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI). Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 5th Istanbul Spring Meeting Istanbul, 09 – 10 December 2011.
- G45. Haklar U. Meniscus Implants and Transplantations. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 11th Aegean Knee Surgery Days. Izmir, 24-26 February 2012.
- G46. Rights U. Arthroscopic Synovectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association21. Basic Surgical Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Speaker, Session moderator and Practical program trainer. Antalya, 04-05 April 2012.
- G47. Haklar U. Meniscus transplantation and meniscus implants. The twelfth of the monthly training meetings jointly organized by the Ankara and Çankaya Branches of the Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association and TOTBID Sports Injuries Branch. Ankara, 26 April 2012.
- G48. Haklar U. Surgical Treatment of Acute Patella Dislocation with Physio Open. Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting. Istanbul, 02 June 2012.
- G49. Haklar U. The Role of Surface Coatings and Medial Implants in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis. Bursa Monthly Orthopedics and Traumatology Meeting. Bursa, 06 June 2012.
- G50. Rights U. Mozaikplasti. Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Ankara, 22 June 2012.
- G51. Rights U. Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Trans Tibial Techniques, XI. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Ankara, 02-06 October 2012.
- G52. Haklar U. Arthrofibrosis in the Knee Joint. When, What should we do?, XI. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Ankara, 02-06 October 2012.
- G53. Haklar U., Meniscus Transplantation and Implants, TUSYAD (Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery), 50th ODA meetings, Istanbul, 10 December 2012.
- G54. Haklar U., Surface veneer arthroplasty. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 12th Aegean Knee Surgery Days. Izmir, 1-2 March 2013.
- G55. Haklar U., Meniscus Implants and Transplantation. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 12th Aegean Knee Surgery Days. Izmir, 1-2 March 2013.
- G56. Haklar U., Arthroscopic meniscus transplantation; use of synthetic and autograft Seventh Uludal Orthopedics and Traumatology Days, 14-17.March.2013
- G57. Haklar U., Arthroscopic Synovectomy. Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association22. Basic Surgical Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Speaker, Session moderator and Practical program trainer. Antalya, 02-03 April 2013.
- G58. Haklar U., Meniscus allografts, 2nd Memorial Orthopedics Days, Istanbul, 4 May 2013
- G59. Haklar U., Initial Evaluation and Emergency Treatment in Knee Dislocation, Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, XIV. Advanced Arthroscopy Course Ankara 30 May–1 June 2013
- G60. Haklar U. Our Knees Tennis Players Health Symposium, Istanbul 08 June 2013
- G61. Haklar U. Partial Knee Arthroplasty with Robotic Surgery. Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 6th Istanbul Spring Meeting Istanbul, 27 – 28 September 2013.
- G62. Rights U. Meniscus Transplantations. Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 6th Istanbul Spring Meeting Istanbul, 27 – 28 September 2013.
- G63. Rights U. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI). Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association 6th Istanbul Spring Meeting Istanbul, 27 – 28 September 2013.
- G64. Haklar U. Live Surgery, Partial Knee Prosthesis with MAKOplasty Technology, Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics Launch Meeting, Liv Hospital Istanbul 01 October 2013
- G65. Haklar U. MAKOplasty History, Technology, First Impressions and Surgical Experiences in Partial Knee Prostheses, First Impressions, Robotic Surgery Launch Meeting in Orthopedics, Liv Hospital Istanbul 01 October 2013
- G66. Haklar U. Meniscus Suture Techniques, 23rd National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, Susesi Congress Center – Belek - Antalya, 29 October - 3 November 2013
- G67. Haklar U. Patellofemoral Arthritis and Arthroplasty, 13th Aegean Knee Surgery Days, Izmir 21-23 February 2014
- G68. Haklar U.Our Knees Tennis Players Health Symposium II, Istanbul 07 June 2014
- G69. Haklar U. Robotic Partial Knee Arthroplasty, What's New in Orthopedics / Current approaches in orthopedics, Istanbul 21 June 2014
- G70. Haklar U. Treatment of Unicompartment Osteoarthritis (What Should I Do-UKP, Surface Replacement) 7th National Arthroplasty Congress, Susesi Congress Center, Antalya, 08-11 May 2013
- G71. Haklar U. Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association. XV. Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Hacettepe University, Ankara, 13-14 June 2014
- H1. Organizing Committee Member, 5th Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2000.
- H2. Organizing Committee Member, Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association Istanbul Branch 1st Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 2003.
- H3. Organizing Committee Member, Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association Istanbul Branch 2nd Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 30 September-1 October 2005.
- H4. Organizing Committee Member, Acıbadem-Harvard Medical Days Orthopedics Traumatology and Rehabilitation Symposium, Istanbul, 31 May 2006.
- H5. Organizing Committee Member, Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Istanbul Branch, 3rd Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 30 November – 1 December 2007.
- H6. Organizing Committee Member, IX. Turkey Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, Istanbul, 14-18 October 2008.
- H7. Organizing Committee Member, Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Istanbul Branch, 4th Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 25-26 September 2009.
- H8. Organizing Committee Member, Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Istanbul Branch, 5th Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 09-10 December 2011.
- H9. Meeting Chairman, Tennis Players Health Symposium, Istanbul 08 June 2013
- H10. Organizing Committee Member, International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) Congress Izmir – Turkey, 15-18 September 2013
- H11. Meeting Scientific Secretary, Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Istanbul Branch, 6th Spring Meeting, Istanbul, 27-28 September 2013.
- H12. Meeting Chairman, Robotic Surgery in Orthopedics, Liv Hospital Istanbul 01 October 2013
- H13. Meeting Chairman, Tennis Player Health Symposium II, Istanbul 07 June 2014
- H14. Meeting Chairman, What's New in Orthopedics / Current approaches in orthopedics, Istanbul 21 June 2014
- I. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2010...
- J1. Arthroscopy, The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery (since 2004)
- J2. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons-Turkish Edition. (between 2004-2007)
K. Citations of My Published Articles (as of July 29, 2014) Total 148 sites
- A1. Haklar U, Yüksel M, Velioglu A, Turkmen M, Haklar G, Yalçin AS. Oxygen Radicals and Nitric Oxide Levels in Chondral or Meniscal Lesions or Both. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Oct,(403): 135-42, 2002. Cited by 46
- A2. Durakbaşa O, Haklar U, Tuygun H, Türkmen M. Intramedullary Nailing of Adult Femoral Fractures. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, 36(4): 316-321, 2002. Cited by 19
- A3. Tüzüner T, Uygur İ, Sercan İ, Haklar U, Oktaş B, Özdemir D. Elution Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Calcium Sulfate-Loaded Bone Cement Containing Teicoplanin. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, Mar;12(2):170-177, 2007.Cited by 6
- A4. Haklar U, Tuzuner T, Uygur I, Kocaoglu B, Guven O. The Effect of Overlapping on the Primary Stability of Osteochondral Grafts in Mosaicplasty. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy, Jul; 16(7): 651-654, 2008. Cited by 7
- A5. Haklar U, Kocaoglu B, Gereli A, Nalbantoglu U, Guven O. Arthroscopic Inspection After the Surgical Treatment of Patella Fractures. International Orthopaedics, Int Orthop. 2009 Jun;33(3):665-70. Cited by 16
- A6. Nalbantoğlu U, Gereli A, Kocaoğlu B, Haklar U, Türkmen M. Surgical Treatment of Acute Coronoid Process Fractures. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, Mar-Apr; 42(2): 112-118, 2008. Cited by 4
- A7. Haklar U, Kocaoglu B, Nalbantoglu U, Tuzuner T, Guven O. Arthroscopic Repair of Radial Lateral Meniscus Tear by Double Horizontal Sutures with Inside-Outside Technique. Knee, Oct; 15(5): 355-9, 2008 (Epub 2008 Aug 5). Cited by 19
- A8. Haklar U, Tüzüner T, Kocaoğlu B, Güven O. Mosaicplasty Technique in the Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Knee. Acta Orthopedica Traumatologica Turcica, 42(5):344-349, 2008. Cited by 6
- A9. Kus S, Haklar U, Aktas S, Cengizoglu I. Bilateral Osteochondritis Dissecans-Like Osteochondral Lesions In Two Patients: Could Isotretinoin be a Cause? 2008 British Association of Dermatologists. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Mar 19, 2009 (Epub ahead of print). Cited by 0
- A10. Kocaoglu B, O. Guven, Aydın N, Nalbantoglu U, Haklar U. No difference between knotless sutures and suture anchors in arthroscopic repair of Bankart lesions in collision athletes Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Ref.: Ms. No. KSST-D-09-00031R2 Accepted on 08-04-2009. Cited by 24
- A11. Haklar U, Donmez F, Basaran SH, Canbora MK., Results of arthroscopic repair of partial- or full-thickness longitudinal medial meniscal tears by single or double vertical sutures using the inside-out technique.Am J Sports Med. 2013 Mar;41(3):596-602. doi: 10.1177/0363546512472046. Epub 2013 Jan 22 Cited by 1
- A12. Haklar U, Ayhan E, Ustundag S, Canbora K., A new arthroscopic technique for lateral parameniscal cyst decompression. Knee. 2013 Jul 10. doi:pii: S0968-0160(13)00080-X. 10.1016/j.knee.2013.04.019. [Epub ahead of print]Cited by 0
- A13. Canbora K, Kose O, Gurkan U, Polat A, Erdem S, Haklar U.,Cardiovascular effects of abduction shoulder sling in elderly patients; is it really safe? Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013 Sep 1. [Epub ahead of print] Cited by 0
- TOTBID (Turkish Orthopedics & Traumatology Association)
- TOTBID Sports Injuries Branch Board Member (2007-2010)
- TOTBID Arthroplasty Branch
- TUSYAD (Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroplasty & Knee Surgery Association, Board Member (2006 – 2010), 2000 & 2001 Congresses Organization Committee Member, 2013 Istanbul Spring Meeting Scientific Secretary
- ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopy)
- ISAKOS (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine)
- ICRS (International Cartilage Repair Society), ICRS COngress Organization Committee Member 2013
- Haklar U., Dönmez F., How Successful are the Results of Double-Vertical Meniscal Sutures, 9th ISAKOS Congress Toronto 12-16 May 2013. (Best Presentation Award from Turkey at the 9th ISAKOS Congress)
- Haklar U, Koyuncu LO, Kılıçoğlu O, Bozdağ E, Sünbüloğlu E. Comparison of Load to Failure and Elongation to Failure of Surgical Suture Materials. VIIth Cogress of the Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, and Knee Surgery Combined with the IIIrd Congress of Asia-Pacific Knee Society APKSA, November 2004, Ankara (Best Poster Award)
- Ministry of Labor & Social Security Workplace with Doctor Certificate 2015
- Vaccine School Antalya 2017
- 41st Turkish Pediatrics Congress Ankara 2005
- XXXV. Turkish Pediatrics Congress Anara 1999
- Newborn Resuscitation Training 1998
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