Tahir Karadeniz
- Bladder Cancer
- Orthotopic Neobladder
- Robotic Urological Surgery
- Laparoscopic Urological Surgery
- Prostate Cancer
- Kidney Cancer (Robotic Partial Nephrectomy)
- Testicular Cancer
- Stone Surgery (Flexibl – Rigid Ureteroscopy, Percutaneous Stone Surgery)
- Female Urology (Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, Chronic cystitis treatments)
- Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)
- Urethra Surgery
- Reconstructive Urology
- Microscobic Varicocele Surgery
- Istanbul University Istanbul Medical School, Department of Urology, Urology Residency (1984-1989)
- Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School (1975-1982)
- Liv Hospital Ulus: Nisan 2017 –
- Medicana International İstanbul: 2012 - Mart 2017
- Head of Urology Department: SB Okmeydanı Education and Research Hospital, 1998-2012
- Staff Urologist: SB Okmeydanı Education and Research Hospital, 1992-1998
- Military Duty: Denizli Mlitary Hospital Urology Department, Lieutenant Dr.
- Compulsory Duty: Kastamonu, Seyidiler Health Center, 1982-1984
- Prof. Dr. Tahir Karadeniz, has graduated 12 Urologists when he was head of Urology department of SB Okmeydanı Education and Research Hospital for 14 years (1998-2012).
1. Book translation: Campbell-Walsh Urology, 10th edition; 2014
Editors: Louis R. Kavoussi, Andrew Novick, Alan W Partin, Craig A Peters
Translation editor: Önder Yaman
Chapter 82; 2356-2375 : Metastatic and Invasive Bladder Cancer Treatment
Authors: Seth P Lerner, Cora N Sternberg
Translation: Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç
2. Open Kidney Stone Surgery: Merder E, Baran C, Karadeniz T. (Translation)
Urinary System Stone Disease Chapter 43, 391-397
Editor: Peter Alken,
Translation editor: Muslimoglu, Esen, Tefekli, 2007
3. Imaging of the Urinary System-Basic Principles. (Translation) Karadeniz T, Beşışık AT, Sevinç C.
Campbell Urology Part 5, 122-166
Editor: Walsh, Retik, Vaughan, Wein
Translation Editor: Anafarta K, Yaman Ö Eighth Edition 2005
4. Cancer and Male Infertility. Karadeniz T, Beşışık AT, Sevinç C.
Male Reproductive System Diseases and Treatment, Chapter 43, 527-545
Editor: A Kadıoğlu, S Çayan 2002
1. Sevinc C, Ozkaptan O, Balaban M, Karadeniz T.
The Effects of Pelvic Dimensions on Postoperative of Radical Cystoprostatectomy and Ileal Orthotopic Neobladder Reconstruction.
37th Congress of the Societe Internationale d’Urologie, October 19-22, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
2. Tahir Karadeniz, Orkunt Özkaptan, Vahit Guzelburç, Kayhan Yılmaz
The Effect of Pelvic Dimensions on clinical and pathological outcome after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy 26th. ANNUAL EAU CONGRESS,18-22 March,VIENNA, 2011
12-13 September 2008, Vilnius Lithuania
1. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Topsakal M
T1 GIII or not
2. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Kavukcu E, Topsakal M.
Significance of Presacral Lymph Node Dissection during Radical Cystoprostatectomy
4. Karadeniz T, Kavukcu E, Baran C, Topsakal M
Long term urodynamic analysis of orthotopic Studer Ileal Neobladder Following radical cystectomy.
5. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Topsakal M
Inflation Of Nephrostomy Balloon Catheter: A Safe Technique For the Control Of Bleeding After Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
6. Tahir Karadeniz, Kemal Yenmez, Medih Topsakal, Cuneyd Sevinc, Osman,Kılıc
6th Seminar Of The International Cooperative Study Of Diagnostic Ultrasound And Prostat Cancer;
The Relationship between Patients age and the Radical Prostatectomy Pathology
3-5 October 2002, Antalya
7. Medih Topsakal, Ergun Sumer, Tahir Karadeniz
Effect of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy on serum PSA Concentration
14-17 November, Bangkok, 2001
8. Medih Topsakal, Tahir Karadeniz, Serhat Dönmezer
Assesment of Fibrin Fibrinogen Degradation products (ACCU-Dx) Test in Bladder Cancer Patients
15th. EAU CONGRESS, 12-15 April, Brussels, 2000
9. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Serhat Dönmezer, Mustafa Anaç
The role of Color Doppler Sonography in Predicting Iatrogenic Priapism when Evaluating Erectile Dysfunction.
October 1-4;1997,Madrid-SPAIN
10. Doğan Başak, Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal
Penile fracture: clinical approach, early and late results of management
20-23 September,1995,Hamburg
11. Dogan Başak, Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Ahmet Aydoğmuş
Correlation of Ultrastructural Alterations in cavernous tissue with the clinical diagnosis Vasculogenic Impotence
20-23 September,1995, Hamburg
12. Doğan Başak, Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Ali Ekşioğlu
Value of color Doppler Sonography in the Diagnosis of Venous Impotence
14-17 September, 1994, Stutgart
13. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal et.al.
Renal Hemodynamics in patients with Obstructive Uropathy Evaluated by Color Doppler Sonography
13-16 June, 1994, Berlin
14. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, İhsan Kayılı
Importence of early treatment of invasive bladder cancer by radical cystectomy.
30 June-03 July 1993, ISTANBUL
15. Ahmet Arıman, Medih Topsakal, İhsan Kayılı, Tahir Karadeniz, Tamer Engin, Doğan Başak.
The importance of regional lymphadenectomy in the management of renal cell carcinoma.
15-18 September,1992, Athens / GREECE
1. Sevinc C, Balaban M, Ozkaptan O, Karadeniz T.
Efficiency of obturator nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance and nerve stimulation device to prevent complications in transurethral bladder cancer surgery.
5. National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress. 1-4 March 2018, Antalya
2. Balaban M, Sevinc C, Özkaptan O, Karadeniz T.
The role of minimally invasive approach in the treatment of renal transplant complications.
National Urological Surgery Association Meeting, 2-6 November, 2016, Antalya
1. Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Medih Topsakal, Kayhan Yılmaz, Oğuz Yılanoğlu
Different Ureteroileal Anastomosis Techniques
2. Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Oğuz Yılanoğlu, Medih Topsakal, Kayhan Yılmaz
Factors Affecting Continence in Orthotopic Bladder Patients
3. Tahir Karadeniz, Kayhan Yılmaz, Vahit Güzelburç, Medih Topsakal, Hüseyin Beşiroğlu
Evaluation of Active Monitoring Protocols in Prostate Cancer
4. Tahir Karadeniz, Oğuz Yılanoğlu, Vahit Güzelburç, Medih Topsakal, Erkan Merder
Is Obesity a Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer?
5. Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Kayhan Yılmaz, Medih Topsakal, Orkunt Özkaptan
The Effect of Gleason Score on Surgical Border in Biochemical Recurrence in Patients with Surgical Limit Positive Radical Prostatectomy
6. Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Kayhan Yılmaz, Medih Topsakal, Hüseyin Beşiroğlu
Lymph Node Dissection in Radical Cytoprostatectomy (Video Presentation)
7. Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Medih Topsakal, Oguz Yılanoğlu, Süleyman Şahin (Oral Presentation)
Recurrences of the Upper Urinary Tract After Radical Cystoprostatectomy
1. Kayhan Yılmaz, Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Ender Kavukcu, Caner Baran
Evaluation of the recommended active surveillance protocols in prostate cancer
20th NATIONAL NATIONAL UROLOGY CONGRESS (1-6 November 2008, Antalya)
1. Tahir Karadeniz, Oguz Yılanoğlu, Caner Baran, Vahit Guzelburç, Kayhan Yılmaz, Medih Topsakal
Urethral recurrences after radical cystoprostatectomy
2. Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Caner Baran, Oguz Yılanoğlu, Kayhan Yılmaz, Medih Topsakal
Comparison of bladder urethral anastomosis techniques in radical retropubic prostatectomy
19th NATIONAL NATIONAL UROLOGY CONGRESS (10-15 Haziran 2006, Antalya)
1. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Beşışık, Erkan Merder, Caner Baran, Vahit Guzelburc, Oguz Yılanoglu
Bulbourethral sling for prostatectomy incontinence treatment
2. Ahmet Beşışık, Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Ender Kavukcu, Caner Baran
Artificial ureter replacement in patients with total ureteral dysfunction
3. Tahir Karadeniz, Medih Topsakal, Vahit Guzelburç, Ender Kavukcu, Kayhan Yılmaz
Urinary diversion after radical cystectomy in high-risk elderly patients: Comparison of ileal conduit with reterocutaneostomy
1. Karadeniz T, Sevinç C, Beşışık AT, Yenmez K, Güzelburç V
The effect of segment length on micturation parameters for orthotopic bladder substitutes performed by Studer technique
2. Karadeniz T, Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Yenmez K, Topsakal M, Güzelburç V
Our 5-year follow-up results for organ-limited disease in patients who underwent radical nephrectomy and nephron-sparing surgery
3. Sevinç C, Beşışık AT, Yenmez K, Güzelburç V, Karadeniz T
Our experience with stone cone catheter for proximal ureteral stones
4. Beşışık AT, Yenmez K, Sevinç C, Güzelburç V, Karadeniz T
Should TIPU be used instead of fistula repair in patients with uretrocutaneous fistula after TIPU?
5. Beşışık AT, Yenmez K, Sevinç C, Güzelburç V, Karadeniz T
Our experience with diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis in men
6. Karadeniz T, Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Topsakal M, Güzelburç V
Efficacy of 80W KTP photoselective laser vaporization in BPH treatment
7. Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Yenmez K, Güzelburç V, Karadeniz T
ACMI VISTA (AVBL-TUR-P) Comparison of prostate resection with bipolar loop electrode with TUR-P with conventional monopolar current
1. Karadeniz T, Kılıç O, Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Beyazıt K, Topsakal
Evaluation of Renal Functions After Anatrophic Nephrolithotomy
2. Karadeniz T, Yenmez K, Sevinç C, Beyazıt K, Topsakal M.
The Effect of Lymph Node Positivity on Disease Recurrence and Survival After Radical Cystoprostatectomy
3. Karadeniz T, Sevinç C, Beyazıt K Yenmez K, Kılıç O, Beşışık AT
Radical Cystoprostatectomy in Patients Over 70 Years
4. Karadeniz T, Sevinç C, Yenmez K, Beşışık AT, Şekeroğlu M, Topsakal M
Comparison of Recurrence Rates of Organ-Restricted Lymph Node-positive Bladder Tumor and Lymph Node-negative Tumors Over Radical Cystoprostatectomy
5. Beyazıt K, Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Yenmez K, Kılıç O, Karadeniz T
The effect of sildenafil citrate on nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity (NPTR) at different doses
6. Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Beyazıt K, Yenmez K, Şekeroğlu M, Karadeniz T
The role of Whitaker test in patients with symptomatic UPJ stenosis
7. Beşışık AT, Yenmez K, Topsakal M, Şekeroğlu M, Kılıç O, Karadeniz T
The effect of suture material used in distal hypospadias on postoperative complications
8. Karadeniz T, Sevinç C, Beşışık AT, Şekeroğlu M, Topsakal M
Approach to vesicourethral anastomosis stenosis after radical prostatectomy
9. Sevinç C, Karadeniz T, Beyazıt K, Yenmez K, Kılıç O, Topsakal M
Comparison of anesthesia techniques in patients undergoing prostate biopsy: a prospective randomized trial
10. Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Beyazıt K, Yenmez K, Karadeniz T
The Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment of Fournier's Gangrene
11. Karadeniz T, Yenmez K, Sevinç C, Şekeroğlu M, Topsakal M
Efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with lymph node positivity after radical cystoprotatectomy
12. Beşışık AT, Sevinç C, Beyazıt K, Yenmez K, Kılıç O, Karadeniz T
The results of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in hemorrhagic cystitis due to radiotherapy
13. Beşışık AT, Şekeroğlu M,Sevinç C, Beyazıt K, Kılıç O, Karadeniz T
Should diagnostic laparoscopy be the first choice in non-palpable testes that cannot be localized by conventional diagnostic methods?
1. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Beşışık, Kubilay Beyazıt, Medih Topsakal
Effect of sildenafil citrate on Nocturnal Penile Thumescence Rigidity (NPTR)
2. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Beşışık, Cüneyd Sevinç, Medih Topsakal
Comparison of two different intravesical immunotherapeutic agents: high-dose interferon alpha-2b (IFN) as effective as BCG? Preliminary data
3. Ahmet Beşışık, Tahir Karadeniz, Cüneyd Sevinç
The role of intravesical Kcl susceptibility test in the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis.
4. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Beşışık, Cüneyd Sevinç
Recurrence of upper urinary tract after radical cystectomy: evaluation of 103 patients
5. Ahmet Beşışık, Serhat Dönmezer, Cüneyd Sevinç, Tahir Karadeniz
Evaluation of nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity in paraplegic patients
Total: 13
1. February 2011, Laparoscopy course at Avcılar Veterinary Faculty organized by Turkish Urology Association (Turkish Urology Association accredited Ulaparoscopy Course, Istanbul)
2. March 2010, 5th International Meeting on Reconstructive Urology (IMORU V) (Hamburg, Germany).
3. September 2007, 1. ESGURS (European Society of Genitourinary Surgery) and ESAU (European Society of Andrological Urology) course (Madrid, Spain).
4. March 2006, 4. International Reconstructive Urology course (Hamburg, Germany).
5. June 2004, Green Light Laser Prostatectomy course in Westland (Michigan, USA).
6. January and-May 2004, Northeastern Institute of Urology, Radical Perineal Prostatectomy course (Michigan, USA).
7. September 2003, EBU (European Urology Board) Theoretical Examination passed.
8. April-May 2002, University of Bern, Work with Prof.Dr. Urs Studer in the fields of Uro Oncology and Reconstructive Urology (Radical Cystectomy, Ileal Neobladder, Radical Prostatectomy, Nephon Sparing Surgery - Partial Nephrectomy)(Bern, Switzerland).
9. January-March 2001, University of Texas, MD Andersen Cancer Center, Uro-oncology (Surgical treatment of Prostate, Bladder, Urinary System, Kidney and Testicular Cancers)(Houston, Texas USA).
10. January 2000, UCLA Cedar's Sinai Medical Center Work with Prof. G. Leach about female urology (urinary incontinence)(Los Angeles, USA).
11. June 1998, Crawford Memorial Hospital, Southwest Impotency Center, Surgery of problematic Penile Prosthesis with Dr. Steven K Wilson (Arkansas, USA).
12. February 1995, Heidelberg University Clinicum Mannheim, Urology Clinic, Work with Prof. Peter Alken in the field of Uro-oncology (Kidney, Bladder, Prostate, Testicular Cancer Surgery) and endoscopic Stone Surgery URS and PCNL / Percuteneous Stone Surgery) (Germany).
13. September 1992, 20. Munich Endourology Course (Munich / Germany).
Total: 33
1. 25th National Urology Congress
6-9 October 2016, Kyrenia / Cyprus
Topic: Post-Primary Surgery Treatment for Upper Urinary System Tumors
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
29 April 2016, Bursa
Subject: Radical Prostatectomy course (How do I do it? Video surgery training)
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
3. AHEKON 2015 (6th Family Medicine Congress with International Participation)
6 November 2015, Antalya
Topic: Prostate Enlargement (BPH) and Prostate Cancer
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
4th Current Andrology Symposium
19-22 September 2012, Şanlıurfa
Topic: "How I do it panel: Prostate Cancer - Open Radical Prostatectomy Surgery"
Video Screening-Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
5. Turkish Urology Qualification Boards 8. Urology Proficiency Exam Preparation Course
6-10 June 2012, Ankara
Topic: "Transitional Cell Cancers and Diversions Discussion with Cases"
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
6. Turkish Urology Qualification Boards 8. Urology Proficiency Exam Preparation Course
6-10 June 2012, Ankara
Subject: "Urinary Diversion After Radical Cystectomy in Bladder Cancer Treatment"
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
7. 22nd National Urology Congress
2-6 May 2012, Kyrenia / Cyprus
Subject: Let's Learn During Lunch Course How Do I Perform Radical Prostatectomy?
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
8. Proceedings of the 6th EURASIAN ANDROLOGY SUMMIT
15 April 2011, Tirana / Albania
Subject: "Cavernosal Nerve and Radical Prostatectomy: Which is the best way to protect?"
Tahir Karadeniz: Open Intrafascial Radical Prostatectomy (Prostate Cancer Surgery) Video Presentation
9. 4th Urooncology Winter Symposium
2-6 February 2011, Antakya
Topic: Approach to Advanced Stage Kidney Tumors Session,
03/02/2011 "Cytoreductive Nephrectomy and Metastasectomy Results in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma"
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
10. 4th Urooncology Winter Symposium
2-6 February 2011, Antakya
Panel: Difficult Cases in Prostate Cancer Session
Panelist: Tahir Karadeniz
11. 21st National Urology Congress
2 November 2010, Istanbul
Urology Nurses Association Session
Subject: Surgical Treatment of a Patient with Prostate Cancer
12. 21st National Urology Congress
2 November 2010, Istanbul
Topic: Operative Techniques - Reconstructive Techniques - Oncology Video Presentation Session
Session Chairs: S. Albayrak, Tahir Karadeniz
13. 21st National Urology Congress
2 November 2010, Istanbul
Topic: Oncology Sub-Session - Case Discussions in Bladder Tumors
Panelists: Tahir Karadeniz, F. Özcan, R. Büyükalpelli, M. Bozlu
14. 21st National Urology Congress
31 October 2010, Istanbul
Subject: Let's Learn During Dinner Course - Re-TUR in Bladder Tumors
Instructor: B. Akduman, Tahir Karadeniz
15. 8th National Andrology Congress
22 May 2009, Izmir
Topic: What is the Best Method to Preserve the Cavernous Nerve in Radical Pelvic Tumor Surgeries Panel (Video Presentations) - Open Radical Cystectomy Video Presentation
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz, Video Presentation
16th Turkish Urology Congress Istanbul Assistant Training Meetings
6-9 December 2007
Topic: Orthotopic Bladder (New Bladder Made from Intestine) / Metastatic Testicular Tumors
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
17th Turkish Urology Association Istanbul Assistant Training Meetings
2-9 December 2006
Topic: Metastatic Testicular Tumors
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
18th Turkish Urology Association Istanbul Assistant Training Meetings
2-9 December 2006
Subject: Orthotopic Bladder (New Bladder Made from Intestine)
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
Participation as a trainer in the 19th Turkish Urology Qualification (TUYK) 3rd Preparatory Exam
December 9, 2006
Topic: Basic Urodynamics
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
20. 19th National Urology Congress
June 12, 2006
Topic: Urothelial Cancers Session (Kidney/Ureter/Bladder Cancers)
Session Chair: Tahir Karadeniz
21st Kartal Training and Research Hospital Urooncology Symposium
29-30 April 2005
Panel 2: Treatment in Prostate Cancer
Moderator and Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz, Treatment of Localized Disease
22. 18th National Urology Congress
2-7 October 2004, Antalya
Topic: Bladder Cancer Treatment: How to Avoid Complications of Urinary Diversions After Radical Cystectomy?
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
23. Turkish Urology Qualification Boards (TUYK) Participation as a Trainer
30 June-4 July 2004
Subject: Testicular Cancer: Germ Cell Testicular Tumors, Treatment, Follow-up, RPLND, Chemotherapy Panel
Panelist: Tahir Karadeniz
24th Turkish Urology Association Istanbul Assistant Training Meetings
1-4 April 2004
Topic: Bladder Cancer: Urinary Diversions Session - Orthotopic Bladder (New Bladder Made from Intestine)
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
25th Turkish Urology Association Istanbul Assistant Training Meetings
16-19 December 2004
Topic: Testicular Tumors Session - Metastatic (Seminoma/Non-Seminoma) Disease Treatment
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
26. 5th National Andrology Congress
July 5, 2003
Panel: Prostate Cancer Treatment: Secrets of Protecting Cavernosal Nerves During Radical Prostatectomy
Panelist: Tahir Karadeniz
27th Turkish Urology Association Istanbul Assistant Training Meetings
16-19 October 2003
Topic: Bladder Cancer Treatment: Urinary Diversions Session - Orthotopic Bladder (New Bladder Made from the Intestine)
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
28. Istanbul University Urology Department, Andrology Department 2002-2003 Training Program
Topic: Arteriogenic ED and its Treatment
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
24 March 2001
Topic: The Relationship Between Pre-operative Physical Examination and Pre-operative Radiological Examination and the Post-operative Course of Prostate Cancer - Interactive Symposium
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
30. 16th National Urology Congress
8-12 October 2000
Andrology Poster Session
President: Tahir Karadeniz
31. 16th National Urology Congress
8-12 October 2000
Panel: New Developments in Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
Panelist: Tahir Karadeniz
27 May 2000
Interactive Symposium: Recurrence in Prostate Cancer
Speaker: Tahir Karadeniz
33. Schering - Plow
21 June 1999, The Marmara / Taksim
Topic: Aminoglycosides and Nephrotoxicity in Urinary System Infections
Speakers: Assoc. Dr. Halit Özsüt, Dr. Tahir Karadeniz
International manuscripts: 30
National manuscripts: 37
1. Özkaptan O, Balaban M, Sevinc C, Karadeniz T
An Open Radical Prostatectomy Approach that mimics the Technique of Robot-assisted Prostatectomy: A Comparison of Perioerative Outcomes
Urol J. 2019 Mar 18. doi: 10.22037/uj.v0i0.4739.
2. Balaban M, Ozkaptan O, Sevinc C, Karadeniz T
Minimally Invasive Approach To Ureteral Stricture in Transplant Kidney by Periodic Retrograde Ureteral Stent Placement and Exchange, Transplant Proceedings
Transplant Proc. 2018 Dec;50(10):3405-3410. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2018.06.029. Epub 2018 Jun 30.
3. Ozkaptan O, Sevinc C, Balaban M, Karadeniz T
Minimally invasive approach fort he management of urological complications after renal transplantation: Single center experience.
Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica 2018 March; Doi: 10.23736/S0393-2249.18.03078-3
4. Sevinc C, Ozkaptan O, Balaban M, Yucetas U, Karadeniz T.
Outcome of penile prosthesis implantation: are malleable prostheses an appropriate treatment option in patients with erectile dysfunction caused by prior radical surgery?
Asian Journal of Andrology. Asian J Androl. 2017 Jul-Aug;19(4):477-481
5. Sevinc C, Ozkaptan O, Balaban M, Yucetas U, Karadeniz T.
Radical Cystoprostatectomy in Patients with Behçet's Disease: The Report of Four Cases and Review of The Literature.
Urol J. 2016 Oct 10;13(5):2871-2875
6. Sevinc C, Balaban M, Ozkaptan O, Kutlu N, Karadeniz T.
Salvage urethroplasty using skin grafts for previously failed long-segment urethral strictures.
Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2016 Sep;32(9):464-8.
7. Karadeniz T, Sevinc C, Topsakal M.
Epistaxis: Bizarre Manifestation of Renal Cell Carcinoma with Vena Cava Thrombosis and Metastasis to Pancreas
Kuwait Medical Journal 2016; 48 (3): 249-252
8. Cüneyd Sevinç, Muhsin Balaban, Orkunt Özkaptan, Tahir Karadeniz
Flexibl Ureterorenoscopy and Laser Lithotripsy for the treatment of Allograft Kidney Lithiasis
Transplant Proc.47(6):1766-1771:2015
9. Orkunt Özkaptan, Tahir Karadeniz, Vahit Güzelburç, Kayhan Yılmaz, Oğuz Yılanoğlu
The Effect of pelvik Dimensions on Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy
Canadian J Urology, 2013;20(3): 6762-6767
10. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Topsakal M, Kavukçu E.
Importance of the Number of Retreived Lymph Nodes During Cystectomy.
Urol J. 2011:8:197-202
11. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Topsakal M.
Giant desmoid tumor in a case of ileal neobladder.
Can J Urol. 2010 Feb;17(1):5038-9.
12. Ozyuvaci E, Altan A, Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Besisik A, Yucel M.
General Anesthesia versus Epidural and General Anesthesia in Radical Cystectomy.
Urol Int 2005;74:62–67
13. Topsakal M, Sumer E, Karadeniz T.
Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy on Serum Prostate Specific Antigen Concentration
Journal of Endourology. August 2004, 18(6): 531-533.
14. Karadeniz T. Topsakal, M., Aydogmus, A., and Basak, D. (2004)
Erectile dysfunction under age 40: etiology and role of contributing factors.
The Scientific World JOURNAL 4 (S1), 171–174
15. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Anaç M, Dönmezer S, Besısık A.
Assessment of Fibrin–Fibrinogen Degradation Products (Accu–Dx) Test in Bladder Cancer Patients.
Eur Urol 2001;39:287-291
16. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Aydogmus, Beksan M.
Role of RigiScan in the Etiologic Differential Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction
Urol Int 1997;59:41-45
17. Tahir Karadeniz, Ahmet Aydoğmuş, Medih Topsakal, Doğan Başak.
Kırk Yaş Altındaki Erkeklerde Erektil Disfonksiyon: Etyoloji ve Rol Oynayan Faktörler
Üroloji Bülteni,8,2:77- 80,1997
18. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Ariman A, Erton T, Basak D.
Judgment of Color Doppler Ultrasound with Respect to Cavernous Artery Occlusion Pressure in Dynamic Infusion Cavernosometry When Evaluating Arteriogenic Impotence
Urol Int 1996;57:85-88
19. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Aydogmus A, Gülgün C, Aytekin Y, Basak D.
Correlation of Ultrastructural Alterations in Cavernous Tissue with the Clinical Diagnosis Vasculogenic Impotence.
Urol Int 1996;57:58–61
20. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Eksioğlu A, Ariman A, Basak D.
Renal hemodynamics in patients with obstructive uropathy evaluated by color Doppler sonography.
European Urology 1996, 29(3):298-301
21. T. Karadeniz, M. Topsakal, A. Ariman, A. Eksioglu, H. Erton, T. Ozpacaci and D. Basak.
Prospective comparison of colour doppler ultrasonography and testicular scintigraphy in acute scrotum.
International Urology and Nephrology Volume 28, Number 4 1996
22. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Arıman A, Erton H, Başak D.
Penile fracture: differential diagnosis, management and outcome.
British Journal of Urology (1996), 77, 279-281.
23. Karadeniz T, Ariman A, Topsakal M, Eksioglu A, Engin T, Basak D.
Value of Color Doppler Sonography in the Diagnosis of Venous Impotence
Urol Int 1995;55:143-146
1. Sevinc C, Balaban M, Ozkaptan O, Yucetas U, Karadeniz T.
The management of total avulsion of the ureter from both ends: Our experience and literature review.
Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2016 Jul 4;88(2):97-100
2. Kayhan Yılmaz, Tahir Karadeniz, Orkunt Özkaptan, Oğuz Yılanoğlu
Evaluation of Various Active Surveillance protocols in Prostate Cancer
3. Otunctemur A, Dursun M, Beşiroğlu H, Canpolat, H,Çakır S, Özbek E, Karadeniz T
The efffectivity of periprostatic nevre blockade for the pain control during transrectal Ultarsound guided prostat biopty
Arch.Ital.Urol.Androl.; 2013,24; 85(2) :69-72
4. Soner Yalçınkaya, Mehmet Yücel, Namık Kemal Hatipoğlu, Galip Dedekargınoğlu, Tahir Karadeniz
Factors affecting success and complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine,2012;3(2): 147-51
5. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Özkaptan O, Çakır Ç.
Bilateral renal choriocarcinoma in a postmenopausal woman.
Korean J Urol 2011;52:498-501
6. Baran C, Topsakal M, Kavukçu E, Karadeniz T.
Superficial Dorsal Vein Rupture Imitating Penile Fracture.
Korean J Urol. 2011 April; 52(4): 293–294
7. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Topsakal M, Ozkaptan O.
A Safe Technique for Control of Bleeding after Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy.
Curr Urol 2010;4:33-36
1. Sevinc C, Ozkaptan O, Balaban M, Karadeniz T, As A, Kuşlu Cicek SN, Sarıyar M, Şahin S, Tugcu V.
Hand-assisted laparoscopic and laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: A comparison of surgical outcomes from two centres.
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2. Yalçınkaya S, Yücel M, Hatipoğlu NK, Dedekargınoğlu G, Karadeniz T.
Factors affecting success and complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine,2012;3(2): 147-51
3. Karadeniz T, Güzelburç V, Şahin S, Beşiroğlu H
The relationship between multifocality and prognostic factors in renal cell cancers.
Okmeydanı Medical Journal 28(1):35-41,2012
4. Karadeniz T, Kavukcu E, Baran C, Topsakal KM.
Urodynamic evaluation of patients with studer orthotopic urinary diversion and the
impact of body mass index on micturition parameters
Turkish Journal of Urology - Turkish Journal of Urology 2 20 011;37(1):20-24
5. Karadeniz T, Güzelburç V.
Locally advanced prostate cancer: place for surgery.
Urooncology Bulletin June 2010, issue 2, 9-13
6. Karadeniz T, Baran C, Topsakal M, Kavukcu E
Genital organ involvement in female patients with bladder cancer: evaluation of radical cystectomy specimens.
Turkish J. Urology; 35(4):269-273; 2009
7. Yenmez MK, Mert M, T. Karadeniz, Acar M.
Pathophysiology of sexual dysfunction and diabetes in women.
Diabetes Science, 2004, Volume 2 Issue 1, 6-8
8. Topsakal M, Sevinç C, Uysal V, Karadeniz T
Two cases of collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney.
Find Med. Istanbul 35:2 104-107, 2002
9. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Dönmezer S, Anaç M, Sevinç C.
Our reconstructive surgery results in posterior urethral strictures.
Turkish Journal of Urology:28 (1): 95-98, 2002
10. Medih Topsakal, Tahir Karadeniz, Serhat Dönmezer
Polyarteritis nodosa: a cause of spontaneous perirenal hematoma
Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty, 33:1, 2000
11. Karadeniz T, Dönmezer S
Use of Sildenafil Citrate after radical retropubic Prostatectomy
Andrology Bulletin,3; January 2000
12. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Dönmezer S, Anaç M.
The value of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging methods in staging bladder tumors.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 26(2): 189-192-2000
13. Karadeniz T, Beşışık A, Topsakal M, Sevinç C, Dönmezer S. Anaç M.
The role of transition zone index and longitudinal diameter index in determining obstruction in benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 26(2): 225-229, 2000
14. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Dönmezer S, Başak D.
Reliability of Bard BTA test in the diagnosis of bladder cancer.
Urology Bulletin (1998), 9.7-10
15. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Dönmezer S,Anaç M.
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: diagnosis and treatment in 23 cases.
Urology Bulletin (1998), 9, 53-56
16. Karadeniz T, Engin T, Topsakal M, Arıman A, Başak D.
Diuretic Ultrasonography: A Simple Technique in the Differential Diagnosis of Upper Urinary Tract Dilations.
Urology Bulletin (1996), 7,167-170
17. Arıman A, Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Aydoğmuş A, Başak D.
Comparison of our Tulap and TUR-P results in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Preliminary Report.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 22(2): 120-24,1996
18. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Aydoğmuş A, Başak D.
Rare bladder tumors.
Urology Bulletin (1996), 7, 117-119
19. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Dinç E, Erton H, Arıman A, Başak D.
Bacterial Tissue Culture Results in Prostatectomy Specimens.
Urology Bulletin (1996), 7, 21-23
20. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Beksan M, Başak D.
Thoracic Kidney: A Case Report.
Marmara Medical Journal, Vol 9 No 1 January 1996
21. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Arıman A, Kayılı İ, Aydoğmuş A, Başak D.
Single dose netilmicin prophylaxis in transurethral procedures.
Okmeydanı Hospital Bulletin 13:2-3,1995
22. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Arıman A, Erton H, Kayılı İ, Başak D.
Residual Masses After Primary Chemo/Radiotherapy in Testicular Tumors.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 21(4): 319-323,1995
23. Karadeniz T, Arıman A, Topsakal M, Kayılı İ, Erton H, Başak D.
Importance of early treatment of invasive cancer bladder by radical cystectomy.
Med Bull Istanbul 28:2, 67-69, 1995
24. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Arıman A, Kayılı İ, Başak D.
Evaluation of One Hundred and Twenty-One Kidney Tumor Cases.
Haseki Medical Bulletin, Volume 33, Issue 4, 295-298,1995
25. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Aydoğmuş A, Arıman A, Kayılı İ, Başak D.
Prophylactic Intravesical Treatment in Superficial Bladder Tumors: Results of BCG, Epirubicin and Mitoxantrone.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 21(3): 217-220,1995
26. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Arıman A, Ekşioğlu A, Kayılı İ, Başak D.
Multidisciplinary approach to erectile dysfunction and evaluation of 100 cases.
Urology Bulletin (1995), 6, 161-164
27. Topsakal M, Karadeniz T, Erton H, Yüney E, Başak D.
Urinary Diversion After Radical Cystectomy: Ileal Conduit.
Urology Bulletin (1995), 6, 41-43
28. Karadeniz T, Topsakal M, Erton H, Arıman A, Başak D.
Investigation of Penile Hemodynamics with Color Doppler Ultrasonography in the Etiological Differentiation of Erectile Dysfunction.
Urology Bulletin (1994), 5, 74-76
29. Özen A, Karadeniz T, Engin T, Topsakal M, Arıman A, Kayılı İ, Başak D.
Immuno/Chemoprophylaxis in Recurrent Superficial Bladder Tumors.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 20 (2): 236-238,1994
30. Karadeniz T, Arıman A, Topsakal M, Başak D.
Retrospective Analysis of One Hundred and Eighteen Cases with Hypospadias.
Okmeydanı Hospital Bulletin 11:1-2,1993
31. Kadıoğlu TC, Esen T, Ander H, Karadeniz T, Karaman Mİ.
A Case of Priapism Following Shot-Gun Wounding Of Medulla Spinalis.
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32. Karadeniz T, Ander H, Esen T, Tellaloğlu S.
Immunotherapy with Intravesical BCG in Superficial Bladder Cancer Prophylaxis.
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33. Tunç M, Kadıoğlu A, Karadeniz T, Akıncı M, Tuzlalı S, Nane İ.
A Case of Adenocarcinoma in a Solitary Renal Cyst.
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34. Akıncı M, Tellaloğlu S, Macit F, Özsoy C, Selhanoğlu M, Karadeniz T.
Single Session Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy with Amplatz Sheath.
Turkish Journal of Urology: 15 (1): 111-118,1989
35. K Erdoğan, D Erden, M Çek, A Özkan, T Karadeniz
Horseshoe kidneys: a study of 25 cases.
Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Medical Journal.27:259-264;1987
36. Sözer T, Ocak YV, Kamberoğlu H, Karadeniz T.
Tumor in the Urinary Bladder Diverticula: Review of Diverticula Based on Two Cases.
Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Medical Journal, issue 4 (25), 483-497, 1985
37. Sözer T, Erdoğan K, Ocak YV, Kamberoğlu H, Karadeniz T, Yücel O
Surgical wound Infections in Urology (a study of 176 cases)
Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital Medical Journal, Volume 11 Issue 2,153-162, 1985
- EAU (European Association Urology)
- AUA (American Association Urology)
- Turkish Urology Association
- Urooncology Society
- Turkish Andrology Association