Süleyman Semih Dedeoğlu
- Sports Injuries and Surgical Treatment (Arthroscopic and Open Surgery Treatments for Knee, Hip, Elbow, Shoulder, Ankle area injuries)
- Shoulder and Elbow Diseases and Surgical Treatment
- Joint and Cartilage injuries
- Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery and Reconstruction
- Joint Arthroplasty (Knee, Hip and Shoulder Prosthesis Surgery)
- Trauma (Orthopedic Fracture, Dislocation and Soft tissue injuries) Treatment
- Graduation, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (1999-2005)
- Specialization Training, Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2005-2010)
- South Korean Shoulder Elbow Surgery Association (KSES) Traveling Fellowship Scholarship Award in South Korea (2023)
- Orthopedic Trauma Research Assistant, Thomas Jefferson University Research Fellowship Program (2015-16)2011, Director: Prof. Dr. Javad Parvizi)
- Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Fellowship Program (01.12.2008-13.02.2009)
- State service obligation, Ordu Ünye State Hospital (2011-2012)
- Istanbul Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital (2014-2018)
- Associate Professor, Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital (2018-2023)
- Clinical administrative responsibility, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital (2019-2020)
- Professor Doctor, Chief Physician, Clinical Education Officer, Istanbul Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital (2023)
Articles published in international refereed journals:
- Alıcı T, Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y,Gündeş H (2009). Congenital Fibular Sesamoid Aplasia: A case report. The Foot and Ankle Online Journal, 2(2), Doi: 10.3827/faoj.2009.0202.0001,
- Bulbul M,Ayanoglu S, Imren Y, Dedeoglu SS,Esenyel CZ,Gurbuz H. Assesment of functional outcomes of either simultaneous or staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty at year one.Nobel Medıcus, 7(2), 26-29.
- Uzun M, Bulbul M, Ayanoglu S, Dedeoglu S, Esenyel CZ, Gurbuz H. Mid-term results for unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2013;80(3):226-9. PubMed PMID: 23777949.
- Esenyel CZ, Dedeoğlu S, Imren Y, Kahraman S, Çakar M, Öztürk K. Relationship between axillary nerve and percutaneously inserted proximal humeral locking plate: a cadaver study. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2014;48(5):553-7. doi: 10.3944/AOTT. 2014.13.0083. PubMed PMID: 25429582.
- Tekin AÇ,Dedeoğlu SS,Çakar M,Çabuk H,Büyükkurt CD,EsenyelCZ,Bayraktar TO. E. Coli septic arthritis and distal clavicle lysis after subacromial injection: A case report. International Journal Of Advances In Case Reports, 2(15), 972-974., Doi: 10.21276/ijacr,
- Ayanoğlu S, Esenyel CZ, Adanır O, Dedeoğlu S, İmren Y, Esen T. Effects of hyaluronic acid (Hyalonect) on callus formation in rabbits. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2015;49(3):319-25. doi: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0231. PubMed PMID: 26200413.
- Barçak ÖF,Karkucak M,Çapkın E,Karagüzel G,Dilber B,Dedeoğlu SS. Prevalence of Generalized Joint Hypermobility and Fibromyalgia Syndrome in the Children Population of Trabzon: A Turkish Study. Türkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 61(1), 6-11., Doi: 10.5152/tftrd.2015.65002
- Tekin AÇ, Saygılı MS, Adaş M, Çabuk H, Arslan SM, Dedeoğlu SS. Outcome of Type 3 Open Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures Managed with a Limb Reconstruction System: Analysis of a 49-Patient Cohort. Med Princ Pract. 2016;25(3):270-5. doi:10.1159/000443257. Epub 2015 Dec 10. PubMed PMID: 26655399; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC558838
- Tekin AÇ,İmren Y,Dedeoğlu SS,Çabuk H,Bayraktar TO. Knee arthrodesis with external fixation in infected revision knee arthroplasty: a need to use patellar autograft?.International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine, 9(10), 19114-19121
- Imren Y, Sofu H, Dedeoglu S, Desteli E, Cabuk H, Kir M. Predictive value of different radiographic parameters evaluating the proximal femoral geometry for hip fracture in the elderly: what is the role of the true moment arm?. Archives of Medical Science - Civilization Diseases. 2016;1(1):58-62. doi:10.5114/amscd.2016.60904.
- Tekin AÇ, Çabuk H, Dedeoğlu SS, Saygılı MS, Adaş M, Esenyel CZ, Büyükkurt CD, Tonbul M. The results of bone deformity correction using a spider frame with web-based software for lower extremity long bone deformities. SICOT J. 2016 Mar 22;2:11. doi: 10.1051/sicotj/2016005. PubMed PMID: 27163100; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4849258
- Tekin AÇ, Çabuk H, Dedeoğlu SS, Saygılı MS, Adaş M, Büyükkurt CD, Gürbüz H, Çakar M, Tekin ZN. Anterograde Headless Cannulated Screw Fixation in theTreatment of Medial Malleolar Fractures: Evaluation of a New Technique and Its Outcomes. Med Princ Pract. 2016;25(5):429-34. doi: 10.1159/000447426. Epub 2016Jun 7. PubMed PMID: 27287216;
- PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5588438.
- Tekin AÇ, Çabuk H, Büyükkurt CD, Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Gürbüz H. Inferior hip dislocation after falling from height: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep.2016;22:62-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2016.02.041. Epub 2016 Mar 31. PubMed PMID:27058153; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4832043.
- Çabuk H, Dedeoğlu SS, Adaş M, Tekin AÇ, Seyran M, Ayanoğlu S. Medial Spike and Obesity Associate with Open Reduction in Type III Supracondylar Humeral Fracture.Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2016;83(2):102-5. PubMed PMID: 27167414.
- Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Çabuk H, Tekin AC, Türe YC, Gürbüz H. Results of percutaneous fixation and distal radius core decompression in scaphoid waist non-unions treated without grafting. Hand Surg Rehabil. 2018 Feb;37(1):43-47. doi: 10.1016/j.hansur.2017.11.001. Epub 2017 Dec 8. PubMed PMID: 29229541.
- Çabuk H, İmren Y, Tekin AÇ, Dedeoğlu SS, Gürbüz H. High Varus Angle and Lower Posterior Tibial Slope Associated with PCL Injury in Cruciate Retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty: An MRI Study. J Knee Surg. 2018 Mar;31(3):277-283. doi:10.1055/s-0037- 1603334. Epub 2017 May 23. PubMed PMID: 28561157.
- Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Çabuk H, Çakar M, Arslan SM, Esenyel CZ. Results of minimal invasive coracoclavicular fixation by double button lift-up system in Neer type II distal clavicle fractures. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017 Jan;25(1):2309499016684722. doi: 10.1177/2309499016684722. PubMed PMID: 28118807.
- İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS, Çakar M, Çabuk H, Bayraktar TO, Gürbüz H. Infrapatellar Fat Pad Excision during Total Knee Arthroplasty Did Not Alter the Patellar Tendon Length: A 5- Year Follow-Up Study. J Knee Surg. 2017 Jun;30(5):479-483. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1593360. Epub 2016 Sep 29. PubMed PMID: 27685767.
- Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Çabuk H, Tekin AÇ, Kır MÇ, Gürbüz H. Arthroscopy-assisted versus standard intramedullary nail fixation in diaphyseal fractures of the humerus. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017 Sep Dec;25(3):2309499017727949. doi: 10.1177/ 2309499017727949. PubMed PMID:28862100.
- Çabuk H, Kuşku Çabuk F, Tekin AÇ, Dedeoğlu SS, Çakar M, Büyükkurt CD. Lower numbers of mechanoreceptors in the posterior cruciate ligament and anterior capsule of the osteoarthritic knees. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Oct;25(10):3146-3154. doi: 10.1007/s00167-016-4221-z. Epub 2016 Jun 23. PubMed
- PMID: 27338958.
- Çabuk H, Çelebi F, İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS, Kır MÇ, Uyanık AF, Gürbüz H. Compatibility of Lauge-Hansen Classification Between Plain Radiographs and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ankle Fractures. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 Jul - Aug;57(4):712-715. doi: 10.1053/j.jfas.2017.12.009. Epub 2018 Apr 19. PubMed PMID: 29681436.
- Esenyel CZ, Kalkar I, Adaş M, Dedeoğlu SS, Büyükkurt CD, Cabuk H, Esenyel AE.Is medial calcar continuity necessary in plate osteosynthesis for proximal humerus fractures? Niger J Clin Pract. 2018 Mar;21(3):362-366. doi:10.4103/njcp.njcp_400_16. PubMed PMID: 29519987.
- Cakar M, Ayanoglu S, Cabuk H, Seyran M, Dedeoglu SS, Gurbuz H. Association between vitamin D concentrations and knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis.PeerJ. 2018 Apr 24;6:e4670. doi: 10.7717/peerj.4670.2018. PubMed PMID: 29707434; PubMed Central
- Kir MC, Ayanoglu S, Cabuk H, Dedeoglu SS, Imren Y, Karslioglu B, Yuce A,Gurbuz H. Mini-plate fixation via sinus tarsi approach is superior to cannulated screw in intra-articular calcaneal fractures: A prospective randomized study. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2018 May- Aug;26(3):2309499018792742. doi:10.1177/2309499018792742. PubMed PMID: 30101667.
- Çabuk H, İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS, Kır MÇ, Gürbüz S, Gürbüz H. The epiphyseal scar joint line distance and age are important factors in determining the optimal screw length for medial malleoli fractures. Injury. 2019 Apr;50(4):1000-1003. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2019.03.006. Epub 2019 Mar 11. PubMed PMID: 30878257.
- Imren Y, Karslioglu B, Dedeoglu SS, Cabuk H, Atar S, Gurbuz S, Gurbuz H. The effect of gluteus maximus tenotomy in primary total hip arthroplasty with posterior approach: Kinematic analysis of hip extensor strength. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2021 Jan- Apr;29(1):23094990211003349. doi: 10.1177/23094990211003349. PMID: 33779410.
- Karslioglu B, Keskin A, Ocak O, Imren Y, Dedeoglu S, S: A Very Rare Fracture: Isolated Fresh Lunate Fracture. Case Rep Orthop Res 2021;4:79-83. doi: 10.1159/000515812
- Karslıoğlu B, Taşatan E, Dedeoğlu SS, Gürbüz H. Perilunate Injuries as an Important Cause of Hand Morbidity. Eur Arch Med Res 2021;37(2):116-20
- Karslioglu, B., Uzun, M., Dedeoglu, S. S., Imren, Y., & Keskin, A. (2021). Coracoclavicular ligament augmentation at clavicle distal-third fracture treatment. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (3(42), 27–31.
- Yuce, A., Dedeoglu, S. S., Imren, Y., Yerli, M., & Gurbuz, H. (2021). First-time anterior shoulder dislocation after snowboard accidents in amateur athletes. Annals of Medical Research, 28(7), 1341–1345.
- Niyazi Igde, Murat Cakar, Ali Yuce, Yunus Imren, Suleyman Semih Dedeoglu, Hakan Gurbuz. Functional and radiographic outcomes after surgery for displaced intraarticular calcaneal fractures: Comparison between the sinus tarsi approach and the extensile lateral approach. Med- Science. 2021; 10(3): 752-7
- Yüce,A., Mısır, A., Karslıoğlu, B., Yerli, M., İmren, Y., Dedeoğlu, S. Does sectioning and then repairing of the calcaneofibular ligament at subtalar approach lead to residual lateral ankle instability? The Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery.doi:10.22038/abjs.2021.54080.2702
- Yerli, M., Ocak, O., Yüce, A. et al. Retrospective analysis of 35 pediatric femoral neck
- fractures. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00590-021-03126-6
- Yüce,A.,Mısır,A.,Yerli,M.,Bayraktar,T.O.,Tekin,A., Dedeoğlu,S.S.,İmren,Y.,Gürbüz,H.,The effect of syndesmotic screw level on postoperative syndesmosis malreduction,The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery,2021
- Atar, S., Demirhan, E., Cabuk, H. et al. Comparison of Pain, Muscle Strength, and Functional Status Following Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty, Total Knee Arthroplasty,
- and Conservative Management of Gonarthrosis. JOIO (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43465-
- 021-00549-5
- Dedeoglu, S.S., Karslioglu, B., Imren, Y. et al. Does forearm position matter in subpectoral
- …biceps tenodesis? A randomised controlled trial. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (2022).
- Dedeoglu SS, Imren Y, Karslioglu B, Keskin A, Atar S, Bilsel K. Kinesiotaping therapy for midshaft clavicular fractures: a randomised trial study. Acta Orthop Belg. 2022 Mar;88(1):143- 150. doi: 10.52628/88.1.18. PMID: 35512165.
- Güler, Y., Keskin, A., Mıhlayanlar, F. et al. Shoulder Proprioception Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Unreconstructable Upper Third Fractures of the Humerus: 2-Year
- Outcomes. JOIO 56, 2245–2252 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43465-022-00769-3
- Pehlivan AT, Keskin A, Yuce A, Guler Y, Karslioglu B, Dedeoglu SS. Is the long head of the biceps related to anterior shoulder pain? A histopathological study. J Clin Investig Surg. 2022;7(2):159-163. doi:10.25083/2559.5555/7.2.7
- Güler, Y., Keskin, A., Mıhlayanlar, F. et al. Shoulder Proprioception Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Unreconstructable Upper Third Fractures of the Humerus: 2-Year Outcomes. JOIO 56, 2245–2252 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43465-022-00769-3
- KARSLIOGLU, B., GULER, Y., DEDEOGLU, S., IMREN, Y., TEKIN, A., & ADAS, M. (2023). Is arthroscopic assisted double tibial tunnel fixation a good option for tibial eminentia fractures?. acta orthopaedica belgica, 89(1), 117-121.
- Cakar, M., Karslioglu, B., Bayraktar, M. K., Dedeoglu, S. S., Imren, Y., & Keskin, A. (2023). A new etiological cause for anterior cruciate ligament injury: e-scooter. acta orthopaedica belgica, 89(1), 112-116.
- Karslioglu, B., Dedeoglu, S. S., Imren, Y., Yerli, M., Guler, Y., & Keskin, A. (2023). Pectoralis major pedicle bone grafting vs. tricortical iliac grafting for Neer 4-part proximal humerus fractures: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.). ( DEDEOGLU TECHNİQUE )
- Yerli, M., Yüce, A., Ayaz, M. B., Bayraktar, T. O., Erkurt, N., Dedeoğlu, S. S., ... & Gürbüz, H. (2023). Effect of psoas and gluteus medius muscles attenuation on hip fracture type. Hip International, 33(5), 952-957.
- Güler Y, Keskin A, Yerli M, Imren Y, Karslıoglu B, Dedeoglu SS. Arthroscopic Biological Augmentation With Subacromial Bursa for Bursal-Sided Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears. Orthop J Sports Med. 2023 Aug 29;11(8):23259671231190335. doi: 10.1177/23259671231190335. PMID: 37655250; PMCID: PMC10467416.
- Yüce, A., Bayraktar, T. O., Yerli, M., Karslıoğlu, B., Dedeoğlu, S. S., İmren, Y., . & Gürbüz, H. (2023). Comparison of Supination-Adduction Type 2 and Supination–External Rotation Type 4 in Bimalleolar Ankle Fractures: Does Partial Pylon Variant of Supination-Adduction Type Fracture Affect Functional Outcomes?. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 113(5).
- Yüce, A., Yerli, M., Imren, Y., Dedeoglu, S. S., Cabuk, H., & Gurbuz, H. (2023). Distal Tibiofibular Malreduction in Ankle Fractures Received Fibula Plate and Syndesmotic Screw Fixation. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 113(5), 21-167. Retrieved Dec 9, 2023, from https://doi.org/10.7547/21-167
- Imren, Y., Karslioglu, B., Dedeoglu, S. S., Keskin, A., Berkay, A. F., & Tekin, A. C. (2023). Feasibility of diagnosing osteoporosis using routine computed tomography scans for hip fractures: Correlation with histopathological diagnosis of head and neck regions. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 57(6), 384.
- Yüce, A., Misir, A., Yerli, M., Bayraktar, T. O., Tekin, A. Ç., Dedeoğlu, S. S., ... & Gürbüz, H. (2023). Syndesmosis Injuries in Lateral Malleolar Fractures Accompanied by a Posterior Malleolar Fracture: A Nonfixed Posterior Fracture Fragment May Not Affect Postoperative Tibiofibular Joint Malreduction Rates. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 113(6).
- Kahraman, Sinan & Karslioglu, Bulent & Imren, Yunus & Keskin, Ahmet & Bilsel, Kerem & Dedeoglu, Suleyman. (2024). Comparison of Functional Outcomes and Complications of Inlay and Onlay Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty in Neer Type 4 Proximal Humerus Fractures and Cuff Tear Arthropathy: A Multicentric Study. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 10.1007/s43465-023-01084-1.
B. Articles published in national refereed journals
- Pehlivan AT, Polat Ö, Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Ceylan HH. Comparison of platelet-rich plasma and steroid injections in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Caucasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(3), 102-106., Doi: 10.5505/kjms.2014.13007
- Pehlivan AT, İmren Y, Ceylan HH, Dedeoglu SS, Özden E, Polat Ö. Clinical Results of Cross Pin and Button Implant in Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Turkish Medical Journal, 7(3), 203-207
- Gurbuz H, Dedeoglu SS, İmren Y, Tekin AÇ, Kır MÇ, Güler Y. Effects of simple section of transverse carpal ligament on intercarpal stability in carpal tunnel surgery. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 6(3), 410-414., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2016.05.85
- Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Bayraktar K, Ersoy A, Esenyel CZ. Pediatric Isolated Medial Malleolar Avulsion Fracture: Case Report. AYDIN HEALTH JOURNAL, 2(2), 83-91
- Pehlivan AT, Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y. Idiopathic talipes equinovarus with preaxial polydactyly of the foot: a case report. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 1, Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2017.06.8657
- Çabuk HBüyükkurt CD, Dedeoğlu SS, İmrenY, Tekin AÇ, Gürbüz H. Fluoroscopy improves femoral stem placement in cementless total hip arthroplasty. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 6(2), 264-269., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2016.05.8555
- Desteli EE, Genç AS, İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS. Clinical and radiological results of radial shortening osteotomy, and proximal row carpectomy in Kienbock's Disease. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 6(3), 526-530., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2017.06.8614
- Çabuk H,Büyükkurt CD,Tekin AÇ,Dedeoğlu SS,İmren Y,Güler Y,Gürbüz H.Risk factors for mortality in delayed intertrochanteric fractures. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 6(3), 521-525., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2017.06.8613,
- İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS, Pehlivan AT, Tekin AÇ, Mirzanlı C, Esenyel CZ. Determination of the accuracy rate of palpation-guided acromioclavicular joint injection with contrast medium and fluoroscopy: A cadaver study. The Medical Journal of Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital, 33(3), 144-148., Doi: 10.5222/otd.2017.1096,
10-Pehlivan AT, Pehlivan E, Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Sarı A. Are we over-treating biceps tendon disorders?. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 6(3), 486-490., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2017.06.8600
11-Tekin AÇ,İmren Y,Dedeoğlu SS,Çabuk H,Bayraktar TO. How Much Pain Is Necessary To Get Computed Tomography For Fracture Diagnosis Of The Wrist Injury That Can Not Be Radiographically Detectable? The Medical Journal of Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, 33(2), 10-16., Doi: 10.5222/otd.2017.1080
12-Tekin AÇ,İmren Y,Çabuk H,Türe YÇ,Dedeoğlu SS.A comparison of minimally invasive anatomical plate and LRS external fixator in extraarticular distal tibia fractures. Istanbul Suleiman the Magnificent Medical Journal, 9(1), 15-22., Doi: 10.5222/iksst.2017.015,
13-Dedeoğlu SS. Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesiswith the application of a superior anatomical locking plate is it a suitable treatment approach for AO-OTA Type B clavicular midshaft fractures?. Medicine Science International Medical Journal, 1, Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2017.06.8652,
14-Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Çabuk H, Tekin AÇ, Uyanık AF. Effect of Two Different Approaches by the Same Surgeon on Component Alignment in Total Hip Arthroplasty. The Medical Journal of Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, 33(2), 76-81., Doi: 10.5222/otd.2017.1078,
15-Özden E, Gürbüz H, Öztürk K, Pehlivan AT, Dedeoğlu SS. Arthroscopically Assisted
osteosynthesis of Distal Radius Intra-articular Fractures. JAREM 2019; 9(2): 71-9.
16-Yüce A, İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS, Adaş M, Büyükkurt CD, Bayraktar TO, Gürbüz H. Surgical Treatment of Humeral Shaft Fractures by Arthroscopy-assisted Intramedullary Nail Fixation. Eur Arch Med Res 2020; 36 (2):108-14
17-Büyükkurt CD, Yerli M, Dedeoğlu SS, İmren Y, Kır MÇ, Tekin AÇ. The Effect of Surgical Timing on the Outcomes of Pediatric Gartland Type III Supracondylar Humeral Fractures. Eur Arch Med Res 2020;36(3):178-82
18-Yüce A, Igde N, Imren Y, Dedeoglu SS. Surgeon factor in pediatric supracondilary fractures. Medicine Science 2020;9(1):103-8
19-A Yuce, B Karslioglu, M Yerli, SS Dedeoglu, Y Imren Tuberculous tenosynovitis involving wrist and extensor compartment of the forearm: Case presentation Medicine Science 2021;10(1):226-9
20-Yüce A, Yerli M, Bayraktar TO, Karslıoğlu B, İmren Y, Dedeoğlu SS, et al. Medial insufficiency in postoperative weight-bearing radiographs in supination-external rotation type 4 bimalleolar ankle fractures: is the Lauge-Hansen classification insufficient in predicting medial soft tissue damage? Eur Res J 2021. DOI: 10.18621/eurj.796614
1-Bülbül Murat, Ayanoğlu Semih, Öztürk Kahraman, Barış Alican, Dedeoğlu Semih, Gürbüz Hakan (2009). Analysis of Osteosynthesis Applications with Plate in Osteoporotic Distal Radius Fractures. 21st NATIONAL TURKISH ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS, 70-70.,
2-Bülbül Murat, Ayanoğlu Semih, Ridvan Yeşiltepe, Dedeoğlu Semih, Beytemür Ozan, Gürbüz Hakan (2009). Who Should Not Have Total Hip Arthroplasty with Hardinge Incision? 21st NATIONAL TURKISH ORTHOPEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS, 104- 104.,
3-Esenyel Cem Zeki, Öztürk Kahraman, Ayanoğlu Semih, Dedeoğlu Semih, İmren Yunus, Mirzanlı Cüneyt, Bülbül Murat, Gürbüz Hakan, Aliustaoğlu Süheyla (2010). The Relationship between Percutaneous Plate and Axillary Nerve in Proximal Humerus Fractures: Cadaveric Study. 6TH SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY CONGRESS, 48(5), 553-557., Doi:
4-Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Gürbüz Hakan, Esenyel Cem Zeki, Pehlivan Ali Tufan, İmren Yunus, Özden Erdem (2011). Our repair results with full arthroscopic repair and arthroscopy-assisted mini open technique in the treatment of rotator cuff tear and the comparison of these two techniques. 22nd NATIONAL ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS
5-Özden Erdem, Gürbüz Hakan, Öztürk Kahraman, Pehlivan Ali Tufan, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih. Arthroscopy-assisted osteosynthesis in lower end intra-articular fractures of the radius. 22nd National Congress.
6-Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih (2015). Repair of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. 5th ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY ISTANBUL MEETING 2015,
7-Çabuk Haluk, Büyükkurt Cem Dinçay, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Ayanoğlu Semih, Erkin Mehmet Fatih, Gökçay Emin İrfan (2015). Femoral in Cementless Total Hip Prosthesis The Role of Scope Use in Stem Placement. 5.ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY ISTANBUL MEETING 2015, 6(2), 264-269., Doi: 10.5455/medscience.2016.05.8555,
8-Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat, Tekin Ali Çağrı, Adaş Müjdat, Çakar Murat, Özcan Yusuf, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Aslan Samet (2015). Tibia Proximal Metaphyseal In Fractures, Fixation with Hybrid External Fixator and Osteosynthesis with Minimally Invasive Plate Comparison of Results. 5. ORTHOPEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY ISTANBUL
9-Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, İmren Yunus, Çabuk Haluk, Aslan Samet Murat, Çakar Murat, Esenyel Cem Zeki (2015). Clinical and Radiological Results of Surgical Treatment of Neer Type 2 Unstable Distal Clavicle Fractures with Double Button Elevator System (Zip Loop). 5TH ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY ISTANBUL MEETING 2015, 25(1), Doi: 10.1177/2309499016684722,
10-Çabuk Haluk, Ayanoğlu Semih, Adaş Müjdat, Tekin Ali Çağri, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Seyran Metin (2015). Risk Factors for Open Surgery in Supracondylar Fractures. 5TH ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY ISTANBUL MEETING 2015, 83(2), 102-105
11-Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih,Çabuk Haluk,Tekin Ali Çağri, Ayanoğlu Semih, Türe Yunus Çağlar,Esenyel Cem Zeki (2015). Our Surgical Treatment Results After Multiple Drilling with Kirshner Wire and Percutaneous Screw Application in Scaphoid Pseudoarthroses. 5TH ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY ISTANBUL MEETING 2015
12-Ayanoğlu Semih,Çabuk Haluk,Yıldırım Timur,Beng Kubilay,Çabuk Fatmagül
Kuşku, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Büyükkurt Cem Dinçay (2015). Ligamentum Teresteki
Role of Relaxin Receptor in Developmental Hip Dislocation Etiology. 25th NATIONAL TURK
13-Tekin Ali Çağrı, Saygılı Mehmet Selçuk, Esenyel Cem Zeki, Adaş Müjdat, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Çabuk Haluk (2015). Our results using the bone deformity correction tool (spider frame) with web-based software. 25th NATIONAL TURKISH ORTHOPEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS, 158-158.,
14-Ayanoğlu Semih, Çakar Murat, Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat, Seyran Metin, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Çabuk Haluk, Gürbüz Hakan (2015). Haglund deformity secondary to tongue-type calcaneus fracture. 25th NATIONAL TURKISH ORTHOPEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS, 156-156.,
15-Adaş Müjdat, Büyükkurt Cem Dinçay, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Dilber Beril, Gürbüz Defne, Gürbüz Hakan, Tekin Ali Çağrı, Çabuk Haluk (2015). The role of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in distinguishing benign and malignant cartilage lesions. 25th NATIONAL TURKISH ORTHOPEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS, 220-220.,
16-Haluk Çabuk, Büyükkurt Cem Dinçay, Ayanoğlu Semih, Adaş Müjdat, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Tekin Ali Çağrı, Güler Yasin (2015). Investigation of the causes of mortality in delayed proximal femoral nail applications in intertrochanteric fractures. 25th NATIONAL TURKISH ORTHOPEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY CONGRESS, 46-46.,
17-Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat, Çakar Murat, Özcan Yusuf, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, İmren Yunus, Çabuk Haluk, Adaş Müjdat, Uyanık Abdullah Faruk, Gürbüz Hülya (2016). Morphological Evaluation of Facet Orientation in Lumbar Vertebra, Anatomical Study. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
18-Büyükkurt Cem Dinçay, Çabuk Haluk, Erkin Mehmet Fatih, Tekin Ali Çağrı, Adaş Müjdat, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Gökçay Emin İrfan, Gürbüz Hakan (2016). Effects of Change in C Reactive Protein Results on the Treatment Process of Cases with Femur Proximal Region Fractures. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
19-Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat, Çakar Murat, Özcan Yusuf, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, İmren Yunus, Ergün Tuğrul, Gürbüz Hakan (2016). Removal and Instrumentation of Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in Thoracic Vertebra with Vertebral Column Resection via Posterior Approach, Case Report.. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
20-Çakar Murat,Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat,Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih,İmren Yunus,Özcan Yusuf,Adanır Oktay (2016). Femoral Neck Fracture in a Patient with Bilateral High Hip Dislocation. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
21-Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat, Çakar Murat, Adaş Müjdat, Özcan Yusuf, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, İmren Yunus, Tekin Ali Çağrı, Çabuk Haluk, Esenyel Cem Zeki (2016). Open Reduction and Soft Tissue Repair Results in Chronic Anterior Shoulder Dislocations, Minimum 18 Months Follow-Up Results. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
22-Çakar Murat,Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat,İmren Yunus,Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih,Seyran Metin,Tekin Çağrı,Adaş Müjdat,Gürbüz Hakan (2016). Is Anterior Midline Knee Incision Made by Raising the Menisco-Capsuloperiosteal Flap a Solution for Tibia Plateau Fractures? BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
23-Bayraktar Mehmet Kürşat, Çakar Murat, Özcan Yusuf, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Öncül Ahmet, Esenyel Cem Zeki (2016). Case Report of Reduction and Fixation of Traumatic Bipolar Clavicle Dislocation (Floating Clavicle) Using Double Endobutton Technique. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
24-Çabuk Haluk,Yerli Mustafa,İmren Yunus,Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih,Tekin Ali Çağri,Kir Mustafa Çağlar,Gürbüz Hakan (2016). Evaluation of Indices Used in the Follow-up of Pediatric Forearm Fractures. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
25-Büyükkurt Cem Dinçay, Çabuk Haluk, Erkin Mehmet Fatih, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Adaş Müjdat, Tekin Ali Çağrı, İmren Yunus, Gürbüz Hakan, Gökçay Emin İrfan (2016). Long-Term Functional Results of Cases Who Applied Osteosynthesis with Plate and External Fixator in Intra-Articular Radius Lower End Fractures. BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS,
26-Tekin Ali Çağrı, İmren Yunus, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Çabuk Haluk, Bayraktar Tahsin Olgun, Gürbüz Hakan (2016). Our Results of Knee Arthrodesis with External Fixation in Infected Revision Knee Arthroplasty: Should Patellar Autograft be Used? BONE JOINT 2016 CONGRESS, 9(10), 19114-19121.
27-Tekin Ali Çağrı,Bayraktar Tahsin Olgun,Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih,Çabuk Haluk,İmren Yunus (2016). Comparison of cemented and cementless proximal femoral nail applications in elderly patients with hip fractures. 26th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress
28-Çakar Murat, Ayanoğlu Semih, Çabuk Haluk, Seyran Metin, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Gürbüz Hakan (2016). Association Between Vitamin D Concentrations And Knee Pain in Patients with Osteoarthritis. 13th TUSYAD Congress
29-Kır Mustafa Çağlar, İmren Yunus, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Çabuk Haluk, Ergün Tuğrul, Gürbüz Hakan, Kır Gülay (2017). Effect of Ankle Block Added to General Anesthesia on Postoperative Pain and Foot Function in Hallux Valgus Surgery: Mid-Term Results. BONE JOINT 2017 CONGRESS,
30-Ersin Taşatan, Ali Çağri Tekin, Gürbüz Hakan, İmren Yunus, Çabuk Haluk, Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, Erkin Mehmet Fatih (2017). Mid-term results of patients using external fixators in elbow fractures with Terrible Triad. 27th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress
31-Dedeoğlu Süleyman Semih, İmren Yunus, Çabuk Haluk, Pehlivan Ali Tufan, Kir Mustafa Çağlar, Gürbüz Hakan (2017). Early results of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty in Patients Over 60 Years of Age with 3 and 4-Part Proximal Humerus Fractures. Health Sciences Univ. and Traum. Days
C. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings:
- Dedeoglu SS (2013). How To Use The Google And Mobil Applications Effectiveley ?(Use of IT in Medicine). 34.SİCOT(International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traum. )
- Dedeoglu SS,Imren Y,Cabuk H,Cakar M,Arslan SM,Esenyel CZ. Results Of Minimally Invasive Coracoclavicular Fixation By Double Button Lift-Up System In Neer Type II Distal Clavicle Fractures. 18.EFORT( European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Congress 2017
- Dedeoglu SS,Imren Y ,Çabuk H , Tekin AC ,Pehlivan AT ,Gurbuz H.Arthroscopy-Assisted Vs. Standard Intramedullary Nail Fixation In Diaphyseal Fractures Of The Humerus. 18.EFORT( European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Congress 2017
- İmren Y,Dedeoglu SS,Cakar M,Cabuk H,Bayraktar TO,Gurbuz H.Infrapatellar Fat Pad Excision During Total Knee Arthroplasty Did Not Alter The Patellar Tendon Length:A 5- Years Follow-Up Study. 18.EFORT( European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Congress 2017
- Dedeoglu SS,Imren Y,Çabuk H,Tekin AÇ,Kir MÇ,Ture YC.Results Of Distal Radius Core Decompression And Volar Percutaneous Fixation In Scaphoid Non-Unions Without Grafting: A Preliminary Report.18.EFORT( European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Congress 2017
- Cabuk H,Imren Y,Tekin AC,Dedeoglu SS,Gurbuz H. High Varus Angle And Lower Posterior Tibial Slope Associated With PCL Injury In Cruciate Retaining Total Knee Arthroplasty: An MRI Study. 18.EFORT( European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Congress 2017
- 15. İnternational Congress on Shoulder and Elbow Surgery(ICSES)2023 Rome.Invited Speakers.(İrreperable Rotator Cuff Tears.)
- Proceedings of the International Consensus Meeting on Periprosthetic Joint Infection (Perioperative Skin Preparation)
- Sport Shoes and Orthosis.Sport Medicine.Sports Orthopedist as Team Doctor.Chapter 8.
- Commonly Performed Orthopedic Operations and Reahbilitation Approaches (Frozen Shoulder)
- Physical Examination of Shoulder and Elbow-
- AAOS Comprehensive Orthopedic Review 3rd Edition Musculoskeleteal System Infections Consensus Meetings (Musculoskeletal System Infections Second International Consensus Meeting Proceedings)
- Fundamentals of the Shoulder(Springer)( Fractures Around Shoulder )
- Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Shoulder (Springer) Principle and Practice(Tenoscopy of the Long Head of Biceps Tendon)
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Training Council (TOTEK),
- Turkish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (TOTBİD),
- Turkish Society of Shoulder Elbow Surgery
- Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD)
- European Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (SECEC) (European Society For Surgery Of The Shoulder And The Elbow)
- Turkish Medical Association Reconstructive Microsurgery Association
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Ethics Committee Member (2019)
- Turkish Medical Association, Istanbul Medical Chamber
- 6th Shoulder Elbow Surgery Congress Best Poster Presentation Award 2010
- 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Best Poster Presentation Award 2015
- Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Education Council (TOTEK) Proficiency Exam 2016
- Bone Joint Surgery Association Congress Best Clinical Study Oral Presentation Award 20165-31. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Best Assistant Thesis Award (Thesis Supervisor)
- 6-32nd National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress Best Assistant Thesis Award (Thesis Supervisor)
1-University of Health Sciences Orthopedics and Traumatology Days 17.11.2017 -18.11.2017
2-2017-2018 Period TOTDER-TRAVMA Training Meetings, Scientific training meeting on preoperative planning., Koç University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology 15.11.2017
3-Session chair, Shoulder instabilities and Labral lesions, 27th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 24.10.2017 -29.10.2017
4-27th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress 24.10.2017 -29.10.2017
5-Interaction Meeting Revision Knee, Berlin (Germany) 11.09.2017 -13.09.2017
6-18th European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EFORT) congress VIENNA, 31.05.2017 -02.06.2017
7-6.Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 12.05.2016 -15.05.2017
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTDER-SET) 2016-2017 Period 4th Meeting, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Continuing Education Meeting (TOTDER-SET) scientific training meeting on Hallux valgus diagnosis and treatment options., Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, 07.01.2017 -07.01.2017
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Continuing Education Meeting (TOTDER-SET) 2016-2017 Period 3rd Meeting, Haseki Training and Research Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, 03.12.2016 -03.12.2016
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Training Council (TOTEK) Proficiency Exam 2016, a 2-stage orthopedics and traumatology science exam organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Training Council (TOTEK) measuring the proficiency of the candidates., Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (1st level) Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (2nd step),
Bone Joint 2016, scientific congress with international participation organized by the Bone and Joint Surgery Association., Antalya, 28.04.2016 -01.05.2016
12-2015-2016 TOTDER-Marmara Region Trauma Meetings, Scientific meeting on knee dislocations and multiple ligament injuries., Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, 20.04.2016 -20.04.2016
13-9th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress Participation Certificate, scientific meeting organized by the Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Association., Sheraton Hotel/Adana, 23.03.2016 - 26.03.2016
14-9.Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress Certificate of Appreciation, Certificate of Appreciation given by the Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Association for my participation in the congress, Sheraton Hotel Adana, 23.03.2016 -26.03.2016
15-Thomas Jefferson University Rothman Institute of Orthopedics, 3-month Research Fellowship program, Thomas Jefferson University Rothman Institute 2015-2016
16-25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, scientific congress organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association., Titanic Belek Congress Center, Antalya, 27.10.2015 - 01.11.2015
17-Bone Joint 2015, scientific congress organized by the Bone and Joint Surgery Association., Antalya, 22.04.2015 -26.04.2015
18-5. Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, scientific meeting organized by TOTDER., Grand Tarabya Hotel Istanbul, Certificate, 10.04.2015 -12.04.2015
19-24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, scientific congress organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association., Titanic Belek Congress Center, Antalya, 12.11.2014 - 16.11.2014
20-15.EFORT(European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology)2014 London Congress, European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology
21-American Academy Of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) 2014 Annual Meeting, international scientific congress organized by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, 11.03.2014 -15.05.2014
22-34.SICOT Orthopedic World Congress 2013, international scientific orthopedic congress organized by the International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT)., Hyderabad, 17.10.2013 -19.10.2013
Training and Information Meeting on Health Practice Communiqué, Meeting on health practice notification organized by Ordu Medical Chamber., Ordu, 15.12.2012 -15.12.2012
Extremity reconstruction and Ilizarov Methods Application Development Association Sivas Regional Meeting, Scientific meeting organized by the Extremity Reconstruction and Ilizarov Methods Application Development Association., Sivas Cumhuriyet University Orthopedics and Traumatology USA, 23.06.2012 -23.06.2012
Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2012, the meeting where current treatment approaches in orthopedic surgery are discussed, organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association., Haliç Congress Center, Istanbul, 30.05.2012 -02.06.2012
Pediatric Hip Ultrasonography Course Graf Method, applied hip ultrasonography course used in the diagnosis of developmental hip dysplasia organized by the Pediatric Orthopedics Association., Istanbul, Course, 04.06.2010 - 06.06.2010
AO Basic Trauma Course, Theoretical and practical training course where AO principles are taught in fracture treatment, Ankara Crown Plaza Hotel, Course, 15.01.2010 -19.01.2010
31-10. Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course and 1st Sports Traumatology Workshop, training on advanced arthroscopic surgical techniques organized by TOTBİD Sports Traumatology Branch together with the Ankara Branch of the Turkish Sports Injury Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association., Ankara Ambassador Hotel, Course, 18.06.2009 -20.06 .2009
32-T.R. Istanbul University Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee Experimental Animals Use Certificate, Experimental Animals Use Course organized within the Experimental Medical Research Institute, Department of Experimental Animal Biology and Biomedical Application Techniques., Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Course, 13.10.2008 -24.10.2008
33-5.Monolateral External Fixator Applications Basic Course, Monolateral external fixator applied course in orthopedic surgery., Konya Dedeman Hotel, Course, 10.05.2008 - 10.05.2008
34-6th Orthopedics Meeting and 3rd Totbid-AAOS Training Meeting, training meeting organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association., Susesi Congress Center/Antalya, 19.04.2012 - 23.04.2012
35-22.National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, scientific congress organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association., Belek/Antalya, 31.10.2011 -05.11.2011
36-6.Dervis Manizade Days, organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association (TOTBİD), is a congress on hand surgery in general orthopedics. It was held at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, 16.11.2007 -17.11.2007
37-4th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress,
38-7.Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Course, Applied cadaver course on reverse shoulder arthroplasty., Dormero Hotel /Hannover/ Germany, Course, 21.04.2017 -22.04.2017
SMR SYSTEM/DİPHOS TOP COURSE, Arthroplasty and plate osteosynthesis applied cadaver course in the treatment of proximal humerus fractures., Medicine School Universitad San Pablo CEU., 16.06.2016 -17.06.2016
Upper Extremity Traumas Applied Cadaver Course, 11.03.2016 - 11.03.2016
41-12. Basic Microsurgery Course is organized by the Reconstructive Microsurgery Association.