Prof. MD.
Selami Sözübir
Liv Hospital Ulus
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Pediatric Surgery
Areas of Interests
- Pediatric Genitourinary Reconstrictive Surgery
- Hypospadias
- Circumssion
- Oncological Surgery
- Congenital Abnormalities of Upper and Lower Urinary System
- Newborn Surgery
- Pediatric Abdominal Surgery
International Articles
- 1997 - 19 Mayıs University
- 1998 National Pediatric Surgery Congress Best Reearch Study
- 2001- Kocaeli University
- 2007 – Kosova Government
- 2009 – Yeditepe University
- 2009 – Suudi Arab be Congeress Best Clinical Study
- FMV Işık Highschool
- İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty
- Ondokuz Mayıs University
- Zeynep Kamil Childrens Hospital
- Kocaeli University Medical Faculty
- UT Southwestern Medical Center Pediatric Urology, Dallas, USA
- Ege University Medical Center Pediatric Urology
- Yeditepe University
- Hospital for Sick Children, Pediatric Urology, Toronto, Canada
- Children Hospital,Pediatric Urology, Varsaw, Poland
- Liv Hospital Ulus
- İstinye University Medical Faculty
- Fetal wound healing
- The connection between Eph B2 gene and androgens
- The connection between Insl3 gene and testicular descent and torsion
- The effect of vas deferens damage to the infertility in testicular torsion
- The effect of cell adhesion molecules in esophageal atresia
- Rızalar, R., Somuncu, S., Sözübir, S., Yıldız, L., Gürses, N., “Cecal duplications: A rare cause for secondary intussusception,” The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 63, 563-566 (1996).
- Sözübir, S., Rızalar, R., İncesu, L., Görk, S., Arıtürk, E., Bernay, F., Gürses N., “Lumbar teratoma with intraspinal extension,” Pediatr Surgery International, 11, 421-422 (1996).
- Sözübir, S., Arıtürk, E., Barış, S., Görk, S., Rızalar, R., Bernay, F., Gürses N., “A very rare type of multiple intestinal atresia: A string of pearls,” Indian Journal of Pediatrics 63, 692-703 (1996).
- İncesu, L., Çoşkun, A., Selçuk, M.B., Akan, H., Sözübir, S., Bernay, F., “Acute Appendicitis : MR and sonographic correlation,” American Journal of Radiology,
- 168, 669-674, (1997).
- Sözübir, S., Arıtürk, E., Rızalar, R., Barış, S., Bernay, F., Gürses, N., “A pseudoexstrophy with penile anomaly,” European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 7, 55-56 (1997).
- Yazıcı, M., Sözübir, S., Kılıçoğlu, G., Bernay, F., İncesu, L., Arıtürk E., “Three dimensional anatomy of the pelvis in bladder exstrophy: Description of bone pathology by using three dimensional computed tomography and its clinical relevance.” Journal of Pediatric Orthophedics, 18, 132-135 (1998).
- Sözübir, S., Güven, F., Özkamacı, T., Yıldız, F., Tugay, M., Say, A., Pektaş O.Z., “Sirenomelia with esophageal atresia,” Advances in Clinical Pathology, 4, 165-168 (2000).
- Müezzinoğlu, B., Sözübir, S., Tugay, M., Güvenç B.H., “Histological and clinical overlapping,” American Journal of Dermatopathology, 23, 278-279 (2001).
- ek, D., Sözübir, S., Güvenç, B.H., Elbüken, M. E., “A rare complication of circumcision: coronal penile amputation successfully treated by replantation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy,” European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 24, 307-309 (2001).
- Sözübir, S., Lorenzo, A.J., Twickler, D.M., Baker, L.A., Ewalt, D.H., “Prenatal diagnosis of a prolapsed ureterocele with magnetic resonance imaging,” Urology, 62, 144 (2003).
- Sözübir, S., Snodgrass W.T., “A new algorithm for primary hypospadias repair based upon TIP urethroplasty,” J Pediatr Surg, 38,1157-1161 (2003).
- Akansel, G., Güvenç, B.H., Ekingen, G., Sözübir, S., Tuzlacı, A., İnan, N., “Ultrasonographic findings after laparoscopic repair of paediatric female inguinal hernias: the 'vanishing rosebud',” Pediatr Radiol, 33, 693-696 (2003).
- Lorenzo, A.J., Nguyen, M.T., Sözübir, S., Henkemeyer, M., Baker, L.A., “Dihydrotestesterone induction of EPHB2 expression in the female genital tubercle mimics male pattern of expression during embryogenesis,” J Urol, 170, 1618-1623 (2003).
- Tugay, M., Filiz, S., Dalçık, H., Güvenç, B.H., Dalçık, C., Korkmaz, M., Sözübir, S., “Expression of cell adhesion molecules in the adriamycin-induced esophageal atresia rat model,” Cell Biol Int, 27, 929-933 (2003).
- Çorapçıoğlu, F., Sarper, N., Demir, H., Güvenç, B.H., Sözübir, S., Akansel, G., Berk, F.S., “A child with undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver complicated with bronchobiliary fistula and detected by hepatobiliary scintigraphy,” Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 21, 427-433 (2004).
- Ekingen, G., Güvenç, B.H., Sözübir, S., Tuzlacı, A., Şenel, U., “fibrinolytic treatment of complicated pediatric thoracic empyemas with intrapleural streptokinase,” Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 26, 503-507 (2004).
- Sözübir, S., Demir, H., Ekingen, G., Güvenç, B.H., “Ectopic thoracic kidney in a child with congenital diaphragmatic hernia,” Eur J Pediatr Surg, 15, 206-209 (2005).
- Ekingen, G., Ozden, M., Sozubir, S., Maral, H., Muezzinoglu, B., Kahraman, H., Guvenc, B.H. Effect of the prostacyclin derivate iloprost in experimental caustic esophageal burn. Pediatr Surg Int, 21, 441-444, (2005).
- Güvenç, B.H., Sözübir, S., Ekingen, G., “The advantages of Videoassisted aproach in undescended testis and epidydimal abnormalities” Urol Int, 74, 127-134 (2005).
- Sözübir, S., Tander, B., Bernay, F., Yalın, T., Rızalar, R., Arıtürk, E., Gürses, N., “Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture in children,” Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 11, 64-68, (2005)
- Sozubir, S., Celik, A., Emir, N., Avanoglu, A., Ulman, I. Consistency of urodynamic parameters in children with detrusor instability: how many times should the bladder be filled? Urol Int. 75, 129-132, (2005).
- Sözübir, S., Ewalt, D., Strand, W., Baker, L.A., “Familial Ureteroceles: An evidence for genetic background?,” Turk J Pediatr. 2005 Jul-Sep;47(3):255-60.
- Sözübir S, Ekingen G, Senel U, Kahraman H, Guvenc BH. A continuous debate on contralateral processus vaginalis: evaluation technique and approach to patency. Hernia. 2005 Dec 14;1-5
- Sözübir S, Kahraman H, Arslan A, Ekingen G, Guvenc BH. Incomplete duodenal obstruction in a newborn. Indian J Pediatr. 2006 Apr;73(4):364-6.
- Sözübir S, Ergun G, Celik A, Ulman I, Avanoglu A. The influence of urine osmolality and other easily detected parameters on the response to desmopressin in the management of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis in children. Minerva Urol Nefrol. 2006 Jun;58(2):207-211
- Sözübir, S., Ewalt, D., Strand, W., Baker, L.A., “Familial Ureteroceles: An evidence for genetic background?,” review series, urology review, 2006 (3), 16-18
- Basyigit I, Tugay M, Dilioglugil MO, Yildiz F, Maral H, Sozubir S. Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine on peroxidative changes of the fetal rat lungs whose mothers were exposed to cigarette smoke. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2007 Feb;26(2):99-103.
- Sayin MM, Mercan A, Ture H, Koner O, Sozubir S, Aykac B. The effect of 2 different concentrations of rectal ketamine on its premedicant features in children. Saudi Med J. 2008 May;29(5):683-7.
- Isken T, Sen C, Işıl E, Iscen D, Sozubir S, Gürbüz Y. A very rare complication: keloid formation after circumcision, and its treatment. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008 Jul 12
- Sayin MM, Mercan A, Koner O, Ture H, Celebi S, Sozubir S, Aykac B. Internal jugular vein diameter in pediatric patients: are the J-shaped guidewire diameters bigger than internal jugular vein? An evaluation with ultrasound. Paediatr Anaesth. 2008 Aug;18(8):745-51.
- Narci A, Korkmaz M, Albayrak R, Sözübir S, Güvenç BH, Köken R, Demir T, Doğru O. Preoperative sonography of nonreducible inguinal masses in girls. J Clin Ultrasound. 2008 Sep;36(7):409-12.
- Elemen L, Sozubir S, Bulut M. An old technique for surgery of 'high' undescended testis revisited. J Pediatr Urol. 2008 Oct;4(5):330-2
- Mercan A, Ture H, Sayin MM, Sozubir S, Koner O, Aykac B. Comparison of the effect of sevoflurane and halothane anesthesia on the fall in heart rate as a predictor of successful single shot caudal epidural in children. Saudi Med J. 2009 Jan;30(1):72-6
- Sozubir S, Barber T, Wang Y, Ahn C, Zhang S, Verma S, Lonergan D, Lorenzo AJ, Nef S, Baker LA. Loss of Insl3: a potential predisposing factor for testicular torsion. J Urol. 2010 Jun;183(6):2373-9. Epub 2010 Apr 18.
- Sozubir S, Barber T, Wang Y, Ahn C, Zhang S, Verma S, Lonergan D, Lorenzo AJ, Nef S, Baker LA. Reply by authors. J Urol. 2010 Jun;183(6):2379. Epub 2010 Apr 18.
- Köner O, Türe H, Mercan A, Menda F, Sözübir S. Effects of hydroxyzine-midazolam premedication on sevoflurane-induced paediatric emergence agitation: a prospective randomised clinical trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011, Sep;28(9):640-5
- Karacay S, Sözübir S, Bilge SS, Aksoz E, Ekingen G, Güvenç HB. Subsequent alterations in the contractile property of the vas deferens according to duration of spermatic cord torsion. Fertil Steril. 2011 Sep 2.
- Yesim Gurol, Emine Kurt, Iskender Karalti, Yasemin Ozturk, Zuhal Tekkanat Tazegun, S Sozubir, Gulden Yilmaz and Ayca Vitrinel ISO 15189 accreditation experience at the Microbiology Laboratory of a Turkish University HospitalAfrican Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 5(19), pp. 3062-3065, 23 September, 2011
- Karacay S, Ekici ID, Erdağ GC, Bilgen S, Sozubir S, Vitrinel A. Pyogenic Granuloma: a rare case of an ifantile introral lesion, annals of pediatric surgery, accepted for publication 2012, 8, 93-94
- Bilgen S, Koner O, Menda F, Karacay S, Kaspar EC, Sozubir S. A comparison of two different doses of bupivacaine in caudal anesthesia for neonatal circumcision. A randomized clinical trial. Middle East J Anesthesiol. 2013 Feb;22(1):93-8
- Bilgen S, Köner Ö, Karacay S, Sancar NK, Kaspar EC, Sözübir S. Effect of ketamine versus alfentanil following midazolam in preventing emergence agitation in children after sevoflurane anaesthesia: a prospective randomized clinical trial. J Int Med Res. 2014 Dec;42(6):1262-71. doi:
- Karacay S, Topçu K, Sözübir S. A rare complication of an ingested foreign body: gallbladder perforation. Case Rep Gastrointest Med. 2013;2013:672572. doi: 10.1155/2013/672572.
- Senel U, Tanriverdi HI, Ozmen Z, Sozubir S. Ectopic Ureter Accompanied by Duplicated Ureter: Three Cases. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Sep;9(9):PD10-2. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/13933.6446. 1
- Özçelik, B., Rızalar, R., Bernay, F., Sözübir, S., Gürses, N., "Improvement of colonic anastomotic strength by irrigation with short-chain fatty acids", Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 7, 60-62 (1993).
- Görk, S., Arıtürk, E., Bernay, F., Rızalar, R., Sözübir, S., Gürses, N., "Bilateral abdminoscrotal hydrocele in an infant", Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 9, 359-361 (1995).
- Rızalar, R., Sözübir, S., Barış, S., Saraç, A., Arıtürk, E., Gürses, N., "Comparison of synthetic materials used for closure of experimental abdominal wall defects", Journal of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, 3, 84-88 (1995).
- Rızalar, R., Sözübir, S., Görk, S., "What is your diagnosis?", Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences (Tubitak), 23, 95-96 (1995).
- Sözübir, S., Özgür, S., Günaydın, M., Rızalar, R., İnan, H., Arıtürk, E., Bernay, F., Gürses, N., "Effects of cold vapor application on throat flora in the newborn", Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Journal, 12, 327-330 (1995).
- Sözübir, S., Bernay, F., Özçelik, B., Rızalar, R., Arıtürk, E., Gürses, N., "Comparison of suture materials used in abdominal wall closure", Journal of Contemporary Surgery 9, 137-141 (1995)
- Sözübir, S., Rızalar, R., Bernay, F., Gürses, N., "Extensive necrotizing fascitis after appendectomy", Journal of Colon Rectum Diseases, 5, 87-89 (1995).
- Rızalar, R., Sözübir, S., Saraç, A., Yıldız, L., Gürses, N., “Rapidly enlarging perineal endodermal sinus tumor”, Turkish Journal of Neoplasia, 3, 90-92 (1995).
- Gürses, N., Bernay, F., Arıtürk, E., Rızalar, R., Sözübir, S., Katrancı, A.O., "Sacrococygeal teratomas: Experience with 32 patients", Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Journal 13,133-139 (1996).
- Sözübir, S., Arıtürk, E., Toksoy, N., Şahin, M., Rızalar, R., Bernay, İ., Bernay, F., Gürses, N., "A case of lobar agenesis recognized following tracheabronchial foreign body aspiration", Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 11, 38-40 (1997).
- Sözübir, S., Bernay, F., Saraç, A., Gürses, N., "Timing in intussusception", Zeynep Kamil Medical Bulletin 29, 210-213, (1997).
- Sözübir, S., Arıtürk, E., Katrancı, A.O., İncesu, L., Rızalar, R., Bernay, F., Gürses, N., "A very rare type of cloacal malformation associated with duplication of appendix vermiformis", Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 12, 49-51, (1998).
- Can, E., Yıldız, F., Erbil, N., Sevim, H., Sözübir, S., Mirapoğlu, S., Güven, F., Say, A., "Congenital chylothorax" Haseki Hospital Medical Journal, 36, 295-297 (1998).
- Sarper, N., Aydoğan, M., Sözübir, S., Türker, G., Müezzinoğlu, B., Ağan, M., Arısoy, E.S., "Massive lymphadenopathy with sinus histiocytosis (Rosai Dorfman Disease): a case report and discussion of treatment", Journal of Pediatrics, 44, 155-159 (2001).
- Güvenç, B.H., Avtan, L., Ekingen, G., Sözübir, S., Günaltay, N., B Şenel, U., "Treatment of achalasia in pediatric age group with laparoscopic Heller esophagomyotomy without fundoplication - early results", Journal of Endoscopic Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, 9, 171-174 (2002).
- Sözübir, S., "A new horizon: fetal wound healing" Zeynep Kamil Medical Bulletin, 34, 42-51 (2003).
- Sözübir, S., Özdamar, Ş., Görk, S., Arıtürk, E., Bernay, F., Rızalar, R., Gürses, N., "Evaluation of inflammatory responses to different implants in an experimetal fetal wound model" Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 18, 65-71, (2004).
- Ekingen, G., Güvenç, B.H., Sözübir, S., Aydoğan, M., Tuzlacı, A., Gökalp, A. "The effect of streptokinase in the treatment of complicated pleural effusion" Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 18, 110-114, (2004).
- Güvenç, B.H., Ekingen, G., Şenel, U., Sözübir, S. "Our experience with video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in children" Turkish Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 13, 136-139, 2005
- Sözübir, S., Ekingen, G., Kahraman, H., Güvenç, B.H., "A rare cause of abdominal mass in children: tuberculosis" 44 (3), 195-199, 2005
- Mercan A, Türe H, Elemen L, Sayın MM, Sözübir S, Aykaç B. Contribution of the timing of intravenous paracetamol administered in addition to caudal block to postoperative analgesia in children. Journal of Anesthesia, 2007, 15, 94-98
- Kabakçı N, Gürses B, Çetin G, AID Ekici, Kovanlıkaya A, Sözübir S. A rare type of torsion mimicking a paratestiscular mass: epidydimo testicular torsion. Yeditepe Medical Journal, 2007, 1, 51-54
- Gürses B, Kabakçı N, Sözübir S, Yetimoğlu B, Soydan N, Kovanlıkaya A, Bulut M, I Kovanlıkaya. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: Differential diagnosis with sonography Yeditepe Medical Journal, 2007, 2, 47-49
- Mercan A, Ture H, Aykaç B, Elemen L, Sozubir S, Orakçı Y. Agitation and negative changes of behaviour in children following same day surgeries under sevofloran anesthesia monitoring of 4 weeks. Yeditepe Medical Journal, 2008, 5, 8-14
- Köner Ö, Sözübir S, Türe H, Sayın M, Gülcan M. Volatile Anesthesia and Caudal Block Application in a Pediatric Patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Türk Anest Rean Der Dergisi; 37(3):187-191 (2009).
- Gülcan M, Saf C, Nil Çomunoğlu, Sözübir S, Cengizlier R, Vitrinel A, "Food protein-associated proctocolitis in neonatal and infancy: Clinical, endoscopic, histopathologic findings and treatment. Turk Arch Ped; 44: 89-93 (2009)
- Sözübir S. Undescended testis (Review) Türkiye Klinikleri, Special Issue 45 100-103, (2010)
- Sözübir S. Circumcision information for pediatricians (Review) Archives of Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery Special Issue, 45 special issue, 100-103 (2010)
- Taşdelen N, Gürses B, Kılıçkesmez Ö, Işık Y, Gürmen AN, Sozubir S. Ultrasonography in the diagnosis of testicular rupture: case report. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 24, 47-50 (2010)
- Karacay S, Arıoglu P, Gurses B, Bilgen S, Tasdelen N, Sozubir S. Antenatally diagnosed cyst presenting as a wandering mass: ovarian cyst torsion in a neonate, Yeditepe MJ, 5, 413-416 (2011)
- Karacay S, Sozubir S, Gurses B, Bilgen S. The coincidence of appendicitis and blunt abdominal trauma-the chicken or the egg dilemma Yeditepe MJ, 6, 547-550 (2012)
- Bilgen S, Koner O, Menda F, Karacay S, EC Kaspar, Sozubir S. A comparison of two different doses of bupivacaine in caudal anesthesia for neonatal circumcision: a randomized clinical trial Yeditepe MJ, 6, 526-533 (2012)
- National Pediatric Surgery Association
- Pediatric Urology Association
- Spina Bifida Association
- Egean Pediatric Thorax Association
- European Society of Pediatric Urology
- Kosova Pediatric Surgery Association
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