Prof. MD. Pelin Kaynak
Prof. MD. Pelin Kaynak
Prof. MD.

Pelin Kaynak

Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
    • Functional and aesthetic periocular surgery (congenital and acquired eyelid deformities, etc.)
    • Lacrimal (tear pathways) surgery, 
    • Anophthalmic socket and removable prosthetic eye surgery 
    • Minimally invasive surgeries and nonsurgical methods in periocular restoration.

•    Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine 1985-Medical doctor
•    Ministry of Health Istanbul Beyoglu Training and Research Hospital 1995 Eye Diseases Specialist
•    Univ. California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Jules Stein Eye Inst., Orbital and ophthalmic plastic & reconstructive surgery department 1996-1997 Visiting international fellow
•    Ministry of Health Istanbul Beyoglu Training and Research Hospital 2015 Eye Diseases Associate Professorship


•    Liv Hospital Ulus September 2020-
•    Self-employed physician Private practice November 2016- Ongoing
•     Ministry of Health, Beyoglu Training and Research Hospital (Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery unit) Chief Assistantship 2002-November 2016
•    Self-employed physician 1997-2002
•    June 1997-October 1997 Dunya Goz Hospital 
•    November 1995 - September 1996 Bostanci Meyan Hospital
Research: Ongoing (4)

•    Blepharoplasty and its effects on eyebrow position
•    Canalicular stents
•    Functional use of periocular filling and neurotoxin
•    Eyelid deformities, minimal intervention surgery

Publications: CHE Formated

1 A. Articles published in international refereed journals (Publications after the application for associate professorship are A16 and later):
A1. P Kaynak, C Ozturker, S Yazgan, G Ozturk Karabulut, S Akar, A Demirok, OF Yilmaz. Transcanalicular diode laser assisted dacryocystorhinostomy in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction: 2-year-follow up. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014;30(1):28-33. 
A2. P Kaynak, C Ozturker, G Ozturk Karabulut, I Perente, B Gökyigit, A Demirok. Remove, rotate, and reimplant: a novel technique for the management of exposed porous anophthalmic implants in eviscerated patients. Eye (Lond).2014;28(5):546-52. 
A3. P Kaynak, C Ozturker, S Yazgan, G Ozturk Karabulut, S Akar, A Demirok, OF Yilmaz. Corneal biomechanical properties in thyroid eye disease. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2014;30(6):299-304.
A4. Y Arat Ozkan, B Yazıcı, P Hekimhan Kaynak, I Chaudry, EJ Wladis. Acute, Unilateral Transient Blepharoptosis of Unknown Etiology: A Review. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;29(5):396-399.
A5. B Gokyigit, S Akar, P Kaynak, A Demirok, OF Yılmaz. Long term results of deeper muscle fibers recession of inferior rectus operation. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2014;51(1):17-26. 
A6. P Kaynak, C Öztürker, G Karabulut, B Çelik, ÖF Yılmaz, A Demirok. Transconjunctival Dacryocystorhinostomy: Long term results. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 28(1): 61-5.    
A7. V Rock, P References, B Basarir. Corneal hydrops after intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation. Letter to the editor. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2013; 39(5): 816. 
A8. P Kaynak-Hekimhan, OF Yilmaz. Transconjunctival dacryocystorhinostomy: Scarless surgery without the endoscope and laser assistance. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;27(3):206-10. 
A9. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Reply re:Transconjunctival dacryocystorhinostomy: Scarless surgery without the endoscope and laser assistance. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;27(6):465-466. 
A10. H Dundar, N Kara, V Kaya, E Bozkurt, AT Yazici, P Hekimhan Kaynak. Unilateral superior pellucid marginal degeneration in a case with ichthyosis. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2011;34(1):45-8. 
A11. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Noncosmetic Periocular Therapeutic Applications of Botulinum Toxin. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol. 2010;17(2):113–120. 
A12. O Elibol, B Ozkan, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, Y Caglar. Efficacy of skin cooling and EMLA cream application for pain relief of periocular botulinum toxin injection. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;23(2):130-3.
A13. P Kaynak-Hekimhan, OF Yilmaz. Holmium: YAG LASER lacrimal by-pass Operasyon. Ophthalmol.2006,4(1):39-44.
A14. J Murube, J Nemeth, H Hoh, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, J Horwath-Winter, A Agarwal, C Baudouin, JM Benitez del Castillo, S Cervenka, L ChenZhuo, A Ducasse, J Duran, F Holly, R Javate, J Nepp, F Paulsen, A Rahimi, P Raus, O Shalaby, P Sieg, H Soriano, D Spinelli, SH Ugurbas, G Van Setten. The triple classification of dry eye for practical clinical use. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2005;15(6):660-7. 
A15. C Ozturker, P Kaynak, G Ozturk Karabulut, S Akar, A Demirok. An atypical case of microphthalmos with cyst: Cyst masquerading as phthisical eye. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;31(6):e150-2. DOI:10.1097/IOP.0000000000000185
A16. Bernardini FP, Cetinkaya A, Capris P, Rossi A, Kaynak P, Katowitz JA. Orbital and Periorbital Extension of Congenital Dacryocystoceles: Suggested Mechanism and Management. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014: Vol. XX, No. XX, DOI: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000000278 
A17.P Kaynak, GO Karabulut, C Ozturker, K Fazil, YO Arat, I Perente, S Akar,
OF Yilmaz, A Demirok. Comparison of botulinum toxin-A injection in lacrimal gland and conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy for treatment of epiphora due to proximal lacrimal system obstruction. Eye (Lond). 2016 20. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.88.
A18. Ozturk Karabulut G, Kaynak P, Taskapili M Fazil K, Ozturker C, Altan C, Inal A. Do Ocular Pulse Amplitude And Choroidal Thickness Change In Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease?. Orbit.  2019 Oct;38(5):347-352. 
doi: 10.1080/01676830.2018.1533568. 

2. 1 A. Articles published in national refereed journals (Publications after the application for associate professorship are D16 and later):

D1. P Kaynak, G Ozturk Karabulut, C Ozturker, Y Yildirim, N Alagoz, S Akar, B Gokyigit, A Demirok: Treatment of Upper Lid Retraction Due to Thyroid Ophthalmopathy with Subconjunctival Botulinum Toxin A Injection. (Registration Number: O2013-026) MN Ophthalmology 2013.20:4;272-278. 
D2.S Akar, S Sabancı, B Gokyigit, C Altan, P Kaynak, A Eren, A Demirok. Outcomes of surgical treatment in dissociated vertical deviation cases (Ref. No: TJO-78045). TJOft. 2013.
D3. B Gokyigit, S Akar, E D Aygıt, P Kaynak,  O. Faruk Yilmaz, A. Demirok 
The Effect of Anterior Transposition of the Inferior Oblique Eyebrow on the Vertical Eyelid Space. MN Ophthalmology 2014,21(1):37-40.
D4. G Ozturk Karabulut, P Kaynak, C Ozturker, S Akar, B Gokyigit, A Demirok. “Treatment of extensive eyelid molluscum contagiosum with physical expression only in an immunocompetant child" (Ref. No: TJO-15013)
D5. S Akar, B Gokyigit, C Altan, P Kaynak, A Demirok. Cyclic esotropia: Surgical treatment results of two cases" (Ref. No: TJO-77486) TJOft. 2013, (Accepted)
D6. N Sayin, S Akar, B Gokyigit, P Kaynak, D T Sayin, A Demirok. Normatif veri - Near point of convergence break for different age groups in Turkish population with normal binocular vision: Normative data" (Ref. No: TJO-78700), TJOft. 2013; 43; pp: 402-6, DOI: 10.4274/tjo.78700
D7. S Akar, B Gokyigit, ED Aygit, P Kaynak, A Demirok.  Voluntary control of near reflex: A case" (Ref. No: TJO-03525) TJOft. 2013, (Accepted)
D8. P Kaynak-Hekimhan, A Yazicioglu, MA Kevser, OF Yilmaz. Centurion Syndrome in two cases: Is access to the medial canthal tendon sufficient? Medikal network ophthalmology 2009: 19: 60-64.
D9. Z Tunc, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, K Eltutar, A Salvanet Bouccara. Late results of the scleral autograft Tunc evisceration technique. Clinics of Turkey J Ophthalmol 2009; 18(3): 166-72.
D10. P Kaynak Hekimhan. The place of Botulinum Toxin in eyelid and surrounding pathologies. Turkey Ophthalmology Clinic of Surgery 2007; 3 (25): 56-61.
D11. G Ozturk. E Yaman Pinarci, P Kaynak Hekimhan, OF Yilmaz.  Approach to Corneal Rupture as a Result of Minor Trauma in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I Disease Turkish Ophthalmology Journal 2007; 27 (1): 69-72.
D12. P Kaynak Hekimhan, B Erden, Y Kucuksumer, S Akar, OF Yilmaz: Probing and irrigation with MITOMYCIN-C in adult primary nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Medical Network Ophthalmology 2006; 13 (1): 8-10.
D13. S Akar, B Gokyigit, ED Aygit, P Kaynak, A Demirok. Results of strabismus surgery with anterior ciliary artery preservation. Turkish Ophthalmology Journal 2005; 35(4): 339-345.
D14. Y Kucuksumer, CA Utine, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, OF Yilmaz. Our results of amniotic membrane implantation in the treatment of treatment-resistant ocular surface pathologies. Turkish Ophthalmology Journal 2005; 35(5): 391-400.
D15. P Kaynak, M Celikoyar, S Goker, Y Kucuksumer, OF Yilmaz. Endoscopic laser dacryocystorhinostomy. Turkish Ophthalmology Journal 2002; 32: 332-6. 
D16. Akar S, Ozturker C, Gokyigit B, Kaynak P, Demirok A. The effect of anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle on the vertical palpebral fissure. MN Ophthalmology 2014: 21(1): 37-40. 
D17. Ozturk Karabulut G, Ozturker C, Kaynak P, Akar S, Demirok A. Treatment of extensive eyelid molluscum contagiosum with physical expression alone in an immunocompetent child. Turk J Ophthalmology 2014; 44: 158-60. 
D18; Ozturk Karabulut G, Fazil K, Ozturker C, Basarir B, Taskapili M, Kaynak P. Imiquimod 5% cream for the treatment of actinic keratosis of the eyelid. Beyoglu Eye J 2017; 1: 29–32. DOI:10.14744/bej.2017.68077
D19. Fazil K, Ozturk Karabulut G, Ozturker C, Karaagac Gunaydin Z, Aygit ED, Taskapili M, Kaynak P . Post-traumatic intraorbital foreign object tangential to the intact globe: an unusual location Beyoglu Eye J 2017; 1: 38–40. doi:10.14744/bej.2017.09709
D20. Kaynak P. Surgical treatment options for upper eyelid ptosis management. Turkish Klinics Journal: Ophthalmology. Oculoplastic surgery special issue 2018: p:21-31

3. C. Written international books or chapters in books (published after the application for Associate Professorship, C15 and later):

C1. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 6. Upper Blepharoplasty with and without lateral periosteal fixation, In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.p: 51-57.
C2. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 7. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty: Skin approach. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, 2009. p: 58-62.
C3. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 8. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty: Transconjunctival approach with pedicled fat pad transposition. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, 2009.p: 63-66.
C4. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 9. Levator muscle resection: Anterior approach 
In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, 2009.p: 67-73.
C5. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 10. Ptosis surgery: Levator aponeurosis reinsertion: Anterior approach. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.p: 74-78.
C6. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 11. Ptosis surgery: Levator aponeurosis reinsertion: Posterior approach. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.p: 79-82.
C7. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 12. Frontalis muscle suspension with silicone rod for ptosis. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, 2009.p: 83-89.
C8. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 17. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.p: 110-113.
C9. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 18. Laser Assisted (Ho: YAG) Lacrimal Bypass Surgery. In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. New Delhi: Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, 2009.p: 114-117.
C10. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 46. Periocular botulinum toxin applications.
In: A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, S Moreker eds. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.p: 312-320.
C11. N Acar, P Kaynak. Chapter 28. Clinical use of Optical Coherence Topography in the management of vitreoretinal traction. In: Anterior and posterior segment OCT: Current technology and Future Applications. A Garg, JL Alio, L Verma Eds. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2014.pp: 247-257.
C12. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Chapter 34.Periocular applications of botulinum toxin. Garg A, El Touky E, Nasralla BA, eds. Oculoplasty and Reconstructive Surgery Made Easy®: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.p: 545-75.
C13. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Video atlas chapters;
VideoI. Involutional entropion repair
VideoII. Levator aponeurosis reinsertion with skin approach 
VideoIII. Frontalis sling suspension 
VideoIV. Levator aponeurosis reinsertion with conjunctival approach
VideoV. Ho: YAG Laser Lacrimal by pass Transconjunctival DCR 
VideoVI. Transcanalicular diode laser conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy.
VideoVII. Facial paralysis management: midfacial lift and hard palate grafting for correction of lagophthalmos due to facial paralysis and gold eyelid weight implantation in the preaponeurotic space in upper eyelid. 
VideoVIII. Temporal periosteal fixation sutures for management of lateral hooding as an adjunct for upper blepharoplasty.
VideoIX. Transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy.
VideoX. An adjunct to transconjunctival blefaroplasty: Pedunculated fat pad transposition for management of tear through deformity.
VideoXI. External DCR
VideoXII. Probing and silicone intubation
VideoXIII. Canalicular laceration repair and intubation with self stabilizing bicanalicular tubes.
In: Garg A, El Touky E, Nasralla BA, eds. International Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Surgery. Second edition: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2012.
C14. P Kaynak-Hekimhan, C Ozturker. Video atlas chapters;
VideoXII. Canalicular laceration repair and intubation with self stabilizing bicanalicular tubes.
VideoXIII. Facial paralysis management: midfacial lift and hard palate grafting for correction of lagophthalmos due to facial paralysis and gold eyelid weight implantation in the preaponeurotic space in upper eyelid. 

VideoXIV. Temporal periosteal fixation sutures for management of lateral hooding as an adjunct for upper blepharoplasty.
VideoXV. Transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy.
VideoXVI.  An adjunct to transconjunctival blefaroplasty: Pedunculated fat pad transposition for management of tear through deformity.
In: Garg A & co editors eds. Jaypee’s Video Atlas of Ophthalmology. Volume 2. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2010.
C15. Ali MJ, Kaynak P. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy: Indications, Techniques and Complications. In “Principles and Practice of Lacrimal Surgery”, 2nd edition, Ali MJ (Ed). Springer, Singapore, 2018, pp 291–302. 
C16.Kaynak P. Aesthetic external DCR: The transconjunctival approach In ‘Principles and Practice of Lacrimal Surgery”, 2nd edition, Ali MJ (Ed). Springer, Singapore, 2018, pp 437-441.
C17. Kaynak P, Ali MJ. Botulinum toxin in refractory epiphora. In ‘Principles and Practice of Lacrimal Surgery”, 2nd edition, Ali MJ (Ed). Springer, Singapore, 2018, pp 437-441. 
C18.Kaynak P. Congenital dacryoceles: Diagnosis and management in A. J. Cohen, C. N. Burkat (Eds.), Oculofacial, Orbital, and Lacrimal Surgery, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
C19.Kaynak P. Transcanalicular Laser-Assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy in A. J. Cohen, C. N. Burkat (Eds.), Oculofacial, Orbital, and Lacrimal Surgery, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
C20. Kaynak P: Pearls and Pitfalls; Transcanalicular Laser assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy in Jane Olver, Daniel Rootman, Reynaldo Javate, Hunter Yuen, Ulrich Lachmund (Ed.[s); Lacrimal Disorders: Medical and Surgical Management. Thieme Medical
Publishers, Inc., (“Thieme”), 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
(in press)
C21.Kaynak P: A Systematic Approach For Watering Eyes in Jane Olver, Daniel Rootman, Reynaldo Javate, Hunter Yuen, Ulrich Lachmund (Ed.[s); Lacrimal Disorders: Medical and Surgical Management. Thieme Medical
Publishers, Inc., (“Thieme”), 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
(in press)
C22.Kaynak P. Aesthetic approach: Transconjunctival DCR. in Jane Olver, Daniel Rootman, Reynaldo Javate, Hunter Yuen, Ulrich Lachmund (Ed.[s); Lacrimal Disorders: Medical and Surgical Management. Thieme Medical
Publishers, Inc., (“Thieme”), 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
(in press)
C23.Kaynak P. Introduction to endocanalicular approach: Endocanalicular approach to nasolacrimal duct disease. in Jane Olver, Daniel Rootman, Reynaldo Javate, 
Hunter Yuen, Ulrich Lachmund (Ed.[s) Lacrimal Disorders: Medical and Surgical Management. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., (“Thieme”), 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.(in press)
C24. Kaynak P, Simsek I: Acquired nasolacrimal disorders; in Essam El Toukhy, Jill Foster, Richard Allen, Bob kersten, Nerad, Mark Levine, David Jordan (Ed.s.): Plastic Eye Surgery for the Consultant Ophthalmologist: Practical Guidance for Common Oculoplastic Disorders, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (in press) 
C25. Kaynak P: Blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and other functional applications of neurotoxins in the periocular area; in Essam El Toukhy, Jill Foster, Richard Allen, Bob kersten, Nerad, Mark Levine, David Jordan (Ed.s.): Plastic Eye Surgery for the Consultant Ophthalmologist: Practical Guidance for Common Oculoplastic Disorders, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (in press) 
C26. Kaynak P, Ozturker C: Miscellenaous eyelid disorders: Centurion Syndrome; in Essam El Toukhy, Jill Foster, Richard Allen, Bob kersten, Nerad, Mark Levine, David Jordan (Ed.s.): Plastic Eye Surgery for the Consultant Ophthalmologist: Practical Guidance for Common Oculoplastic Disorders, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (in press) 
C27. Kaynak P: Ozturker C: Miscellenaous eyelid disorders: Floppy eyelid; in Essam El Toukhy, Jill Foster, Richard Allen, Bob kersten, Nerad, Mark Levine, David Jordan (Ed.s.): Plastic Eye Surgery for the Consultant Ophthalmologist: Practical Guidance for Common Oculoplastic Disorders, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 (in press) 

G. Other Publications:
Book editoring:

G3. A Garg, J Alio, P Kaynak-Hekimhan, AK Grover, E El Touky, BA Nasralla, R Murthy, Moreker (eds.) Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Jaypee -Highlights Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India 2009.

Book section translation:

G4. Suzanne Gardner. Cellulitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis (Translated by: Pelin Kaynak-Hekiman) In Seal D, Pleyer U, eds. Ocular Infections, (Translation editors: Z Kapran, I Eser) Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. New York, 2007

Publications in other journals:

G5a. P. Kaynak. Noncosmetic Periocular Therapeutic Applications of Botulinum Toxin.
OcularTimes. May-June 2011 Vol.1/4.
G5b. P Kaynak-Hekimhan. Ho: YAG bypass can relieve epiphora after trauma, Norton K editor in Ocular Surgery News 2005; March 15; p 54

1986 - Present Turkish Medical Chamber, Istanbul Branch. (TTB)   
1990 - Present Ophthalmology Society of Turkey - Istanbul Branch. (TOD)
1996-2012: American Academy of Ophthalmology. (AAO)  
2014 - Present American Academy of Ophthalmology. (AAO)  
2003 - Present Turkish Republics Ophthalmology Association (TCOD)
2004-2009: European Association of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery: candidate member (ESOPRS)
2009- present: European Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery: main member (ESOPRS)
2005- present: International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye (ISD&DE)
1. 2016 Indian Academy of Ophthalmology and the International Academy for Advances in Ophthalmology - “Service in Ophthalmology GOLD Medal” given by The Managing Committee of the International Academy for Advances in Ophthalmology.
2. Turkish Ophthalmology Association 43. National Congress 2009. Best video 2nd prize: Pelin Kaynak-Hekimhan, Can Ozturker, Ahmet Demirok, Omer Faruk Yilmaz. Transcanaliculardiodelaser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy.    
3. 1996 Rotary Award for Excellence in Profession: Due to the surgery and treatment of war-wounded on a voluntary basis in Bosnia, Zenica Public Hospital Eye Clinic, in 1996 Rotary Club of Istanbul Macka, Turkey Special achievement award in the profession was given to Surg.Dr. Pelin Kaynak.
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