Prof. MD. Meryem Nesil Keleş
Prof. MD. Meryem Nesil Keleş
Prof. MD.

Meryem Nesil Keleş

Liv Hospital Ulus
Areas of Interests
    • Rhinology; Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS), Advanced ESS, Rhinoplasty
    • Allergy
    • Pediatric Otolaryngology
International Articles
Education and Experiences
  • 1976-1983 Bursa Anatolian High School
  • 1983-1989 Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
  • 1989-1994 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases, Student of Specialty in Medicine
  • 1994-1998 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases, Specialist Doctor
  • 1998- 2004 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
  • 26 March 2004-2019 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases
  • Professor Doctor  1 May-31 May 1991
  • Vienna Medical School, Department of ENT Diseases, Allergy Department, Vienna, Austria. 1 August-31 August 1992
  • Ludwig-Maximillian University, KlinikumGrosshadern Department of ENT Diseases, Munich, Germany
  • June-July 1997
  • University of Utrecht, Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Liv Hospital Ulus
  • Liv Hospital Ulus
  • Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of ENT Diseases
  • Anadolu Medical Center
A-International Publications  and Events
Papers published in journals covered by SCI Expanded, “SocialScienceCitation Index”(SSCI),”ArtsandHumanitiesCitation Index”(AHCI),
N. Keles, C. Ilicali , K. Deger . Objective and subjective assessment of nasalobstruction in patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery.Am J Rhinol. 1998 Sep-Oct;12(5):307
N. Keles , C. Ilicali , K. Deger . Impact of airpollution on prevalence of rhinitis in Istanbul. ArchEnvironHealth. 1999 Jan-Feb;54(1):48-51.
WM. Boek, N.Keles , K. Graamans , EH. Huizing .Physiologic and hypertonic saline solutions impair ciliary activity in vitro. Laryngoscope. 1999 Mar;109(3):396-9.            N. Keles , C. Ilicali , K. Deger . The effects of different levels of airpollution on atopy and symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol. 1999 May-Jun;13(3):185-90.                RH. Temple, PR. Axon , RT Ramsden , N.Keles , K. Değer , E. Yücel . Auditory rehabilitation in neurofibromatosistype 2: a case for cochlear implantation. J LaryngolOtol. 1999 Feb;113(2):161-3 .
C. Ilicali , N. Keles , K. Deger , İ. Savas . Relationship of passive cigarette smoking to otitis media.Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1999 Jul;125(7) : 758-62.
C. Ilicali , N. Keles , K. Değer , OF. Sağun, Y. Guldiken . Evaluation of the effect of passive smoking on otitis media in children by an objective method: urinary cotinine analysis. Laryngoscope. 2001 Jan;111(1):163-7.
E. Yücel, N. Keles, K. Arami, S. Orhan, K. Deger .Munchausen'ssyndrome: a case report with multiple symptoms. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2001 May;124(5):595-7. N. Keles ,B. Ahishali, C. Ilicali, K. Deger.Evaluation of ultrastructuralchanges in paranasal sinus mucosa after functional endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Am J Rhinol. 2001 Jul-Aug;15(4):225-9.
E. Yücel, N. Keles, M. Ozturk, MA. Solmaz, K. Deger. Wegener's granulomatosis presenting in the sinus and orbit. OtolaryngolHeadNeckSurg. 2002 Oct;127(4):349-51.   B. Erdamar, N. Keles , A. Kaur , Y. Suoglu, E. Kiyak . Expression of the the cyclin-kinase inhibitors p21(WAF1) and p27(Kip1) and the p53 tumor suppressorgenes in adult-onset laryngeal papillomas. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 Nov;259(10):516-20.
N. Keles , B. Erdamar , A. Kaur , K. Deger . p21, p53, and p27 Kip1 alterations in benign and malignant tumors of sinonasal epithelium. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2003 Jul;129(1):77-84. Ç. Cuhadaroglu , N.Keles , B. Erdamar, N. Aydemir , E. Yücel, F. Oğuz, K . Deger . Body position and obstructive sleepapnea syndrome. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2003 Oct;36(4):335-8.
N.Keleş.Treatment of allergic rhinitis during pregnancy.Am J Rhinol. 2004 Jan-Feb;18(1):23-8.
Demirel T, Orhan KS, Keleş N, Değer K..Comparison of theefficacy of nasaldrop and nasal spray applications of fluticasone propionate in nasalpolyps.Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2008;18(1):1-6.
Orhan KS, Karabulut B, Keles N, Deger K.Evaluation of Factors Concerning the Olfaction Using the Sniffin' Sticks Test. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Oct 13.
Çomoğlu Ş, Keles N, Değer K.Inflammatory cell patterns in the nasal mucosa of patients with idiopathic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2012 Mar-Apr;26(2):e55-62.
Çomoğlu Ş, Polat B, Çelik M, Şahin B, Enver N, Keleş MN, Sarı ŞÖ. Prognostic factors in head and neck mucosal malignant melanoma. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2018 Feb;45(1):135-142
Çomoğlu Ş, Orhan KS, Kocaman SÜ, Çelik M, Keles N, Değer K. Olfactory Function
Assessment of Blind Subjects Using the Sniffin' Sticks Test. Otolaryngol HeadNeck Surg. 2015 Aug;153(2):286-90.
Papers published in peer-reviewed journals not covered by SCI ExpandedSSCI;AHCI;
N. Keles N, C. Ilicali .The impact of outdoor pollution on upper respiratory diseases. Rhinology. 1998 Mar;36(1):24-7.
N. Keles , K. Deger . Endonasal endoscopic surgical treatment of paranasal sinus inverted papilloma—first experiences.Rhinology. 2001 Sep;39(3):156-9.
N. Keles .Treating allergic rhinitis in the athlete.Rhinology. 2002 Dec;40(4):211-4.
Bilgic B, Mete O, Ozturk SA, Demiryont M,Keles N,Basaran M.Synovialsarcoma: a raretumor of larynx. PatholOncolRes. 2003;9(4):242-5. Epub 2003 Dec 22.

Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals
K. Değer, T. Uluğ, N. Keleş, S. Manafoğlu, M. Üzeyir, A. Kızılağaçlı. Perioperative Prophylaxis with Ceftriaxone in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery. ANKEM Journal 1990;4 (4): 496-499.
K. Değer, T. Uluğ, T. Çilingiroğlu, N. Keleş, A. Kızılağaçlı. Secondary Extracranial Meningiomas in the Case of Ear Meningioma. Turkish Archives of ORL 29(2):71-72; 1991.
K. Değer, T. Uluğ, N. Keleş, T. Çilingiroğlu, M . Üzeyir. Urgent Diagnosis and Treatment in Choanal Atresia. Turkish Archives of ORL 29(2):104-105.
I. Adalet, K. Değer, M. Üzeyir, T. Uluğ, N. Keleş, E. Yücel, S. Cantez. Identification of Primary Tumor and Neck Metastases in Laryngeal Tumors by 99mTc (V) DMSA and Its Place in Diagnosis. Turkish Journal of Oncology 1992; 9 (3-4): 18-20.
K. Değer, E. Yücel, N. Keleş, A. Erdil, Ö. Minareci, İ. Savaş, V. Kayhan. Cochlear Implantation and Patient Selection. Turkish Archives of ORL ; 34(1):136-139.
K. Değer, N. Keleş, E. Yücel, A. Kızılağaçlı, İ. Savaş, T. Çilingiroğlu, S. Tuğrul. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Paranasal Sinus Pathologies. Turkish Archives of ORL 1994; 34(1): 38-41.
N. Keleş, K. Değer, E. Yücel, İ. Savaş. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Problem Patients. Journal of ENT Head and Neck Surgery 1996; 4 (3): 240-243.
N. Keleş, K. Değer, E. Yücel, İ. Savaş. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Fluticasone Propionate in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis. ENT Bulletin 1997; 4 (1): 3-6.
N. Keleş, E. Yücel, K. Değer, B. Hafızali, ÖC. Ilıcalı. Rhinomanometric Evaluation of Nasal Obstruction Surgery. Journal of ENT Head and Neck Surgery 1997; 5(2):95-97.
N. Keleş, ÖC. Ilıcalı, Kemal Değer. Effectiveness of Immunotherapy on Allergic Rhinitis: Clinical Evaluation and Rhinomanometric Measurement. Journal of ENT Head and Neck Surgery 1997; 5(3):141-144.
N. Keleş, K. Değer, E . Yücel, Ö. Cenker Ilıcalı, İ. Savaş. Comparision of Skin Prick Test and RAST in the diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty 30(2):64-69, 1997
N . Keleş, ÖC. Ilıcalı, Y. Güldiken, K. Değer. Endoscopic sinus surgery in children. Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 2000; 7(1):18-22.
S. Sencer, Z. Işık, Ö. Minareci, N. Keleş, K. Değer, A. Öztürk.Comparison of CT, MRI and Histopathology Findings in Preoperative Evaluation of Laryngeal Cancers.Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology 2000; 38(3): 153-158. (
N. Keleş. Laser in the ENT field.Journal of Current Medicine 2000; 5 (3): 65-67.
EA. Yücel, N. Keleş, M. Topal, K. Değer. Survival in supraglottic laryngeal cancers. PTT Hospital Medical Journal 2001;23:7-12.
M. Özdemir, N. Keleş, E. Yücel, Ç. Çuhadaroğlu, K. Değer. Evaluation of the efficacy of laser-assisted uvuloplasty in the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 2002 ;9(3):193-197.
EA. Yucel , A. Erdil , N. Keles , MA. Solmaz , K. Deger. Comparison of hearing performances in patients with cochlear implantation. Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 2002;9(5):342-5.
S. Orhan, N. Keleş, EA. Yücel, K. Değer. Efficacy of Rhinomer® Force 3 versus a Serum Physiological Spray in Post-operative Care of the Nasal Cavity after Endonasal Surgery. Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology 2002; 40(2):87-91.
N. Keleş. Mucosal Effects of Benzalkonium Chloride Used in Nasal Sprays. Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology 2003; 41(1):31-35.
N.Keleş Type Plastics-Current Approach in ENT Head and Neck Surgery 2005: 1 (2): 40-45
N.Keleş Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatric RhinosinusitisTurkish Clinics-J. Surg. Med. Sci2005,1(3):54-64
N.Keleş Complications of septoplasty. Journal of Current Approaches in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery 2 (3); 24- 28,2006
N.Keleş. Skin Tests in the Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis. Journal of Current Approaches in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery:March, 3(1); 37-39, 2007.
N.Keleş Allergy and Otitis. Current Child Health. 1(2):2-96, 2007
N.Keleş Air Pollution and Upper Respiratory Tract. Turkish Clinics, Pulmonary Diseases. 1:2;2008

Book Chapter Authorship
N.Keleş. Rhinosinusitis and Allergy. Rhinosinusitis .Editor A.Tekat, p: 57-64, Deomed Medical Publishing 2008, Istanbul
N.Keleş Pediatric rhinosinusitis. Editor: C.Cingi, s:258-273, Senk Printing House, 2008,İstanbul
N.Keleş. Air Pollution and Allergic Rhinitis Editor B.Sekerel, pp: 43-52, Bilimsel Tip Publishing House 2010, Ankara

International Book Chapter Authorship
N.Keleş..Air Pollution and Upperways in ed (Koktürk N) Air Pollution and Respiratory effects. Research Sign Spot, 2010,Kerala,India
  • Turkish ORL-HNS Society
  • Turkish Rhinology Society
  • Euoropean Rhinology Society
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