Murat Timur Akçam
- Functional and Aesthetic Nose Surgery
- Snoring and Sleep Apnea
- Salivary Gland Diseases
- Nose and Sinus Diseases
- Skin Tumors
- Head and Neck Tumors
- Pediatric ENT Diseases
- Gülhane Miliray School of Medicine
- GATA Military School of Medicine ENT Otorhinolaryngology Recidency
- GATA Askeri School of Medicine KBB Anabilim Dalı – Associate Professorship
- Oregon Health and Science University (USA) ENT Otorhinolaryngology Department Facial – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Internship (1 Yıl)
- Diyarbakır Military Hospital School of Medicine ENT Otorhinolaryngology Recidency 1998-2000
- Gülhane Military Hospital School of Medicine ENT Otorhinolaryngology Faculty Member 2000-2006
- Tatvan Military Hospital School of Medicine ENT Otorhinolaryngology Chief Resident 2007
- Gülhane Military Hospital School of Medicine ENT Otorhinolaryngology Faculty Member 2007-2015
- Ankara Medical Park Hospital ENT Otorhinolaryngology Specialist 2015-2018
- İstinye University ENT Otorhinolaryngology Faculty Member 2018- to date
- İstinye Universtiy ENT Otorhinolaryngology Faculty Specialits 2018-to date
A) His articles published in international peer-reviewed journals (42 Papers)
1) Yetiser S, Tosun F, Satar B, Arslanhan M, Akcam T ve Ozkaptan Y. “The Role of Zinc in Management of Tinnitus”, Auris Nasus Larynx, 29, 329-333 (2002).
2) Akcam T., Bolu E, Merati A, Durmus C, Gerek M ve Ozkaptan Y. “Voice Changes After Androgen Therapy for Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism”, Laryngoscope, 114, 1587-1591 (2004)
3) Akcam T., O. Friedman, TA. Cook, “The Effect of Structural Nasal Valve Dilatation with Butterfly Graft on Snoring”, Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg., 130, 1313-1318 (2004). 90%; 54 Points
4) Birkent H, Soken H, Akcam T, Karahatay S, Gerek M. “The effect of radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction of soft palate on voice.” Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 265: 195-8 (2007)
5) Cavusoglu M, Kamasak M, Erogul O, Ciloglu T, Serinagaoglu Y, Akcam T. “An efficient method for snore/nonsnore classification of sleep sounds.” Physiol Meas. 28:841-53 (2007) 25%; 15 points
6) Cavusoglu M, Ciloglu T, Serinagaoglu Y, Kamasak M, Erogul O, Akcam T. “Investigation of sequential properties of snoring episodes for obstructive sleep apnoea identification.” Physiol Meas. 29(8): 879-898. (2008) 25%; 15 points
7) Birkent H, Karacalioglu O, Merati AL, Akcam T, Gerek M. “Prospective study of the impact of thyroid hormone replacement on objective voice parameters.” Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 117(7):523-7. (2008).
8) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Gerek M, Genc H, Ozgen F. “The Upper Airway Evaluation of Habitual Snorers and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients.” ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 74(3):136-140. (2012)
9) Akcam T, Altug HA, Karakoc O, Sencimen M, Ozkan A, Bayar GR, Gunhan O. “Synchronous ossifying fibromas of the jaws: a review.” Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 114(5 Suppl): S120-5 (2012)
10) Akcam T, Arslan HH, Deniz S, Genc H, Karakoc O, Senkal S, Gerek M. “Comparison of early postoperative pain among surgical techniques for obstructive sleep apnea.” Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 269(11):2433-40 (2012)
11) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Birkent H, Arslan HH, Gerek M. “Nasalance scores for normal-speaking Turkish population.” J Craniofac Surg. 24(2):520-2. (2013)
12) Karakoc O, Akcam MT, Genc H, Birkent H, Binar M, Gerek M.Do Pharyngeal Surgeries for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Have an Impact on Nasalance Scores? J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Oct;26(7):2213-6. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000002101.
13) Binar M, Akcam T, Karakoc O, Sagkan RI, Musabak U, Gerek M. A new surgical technique versus an old marker: can expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty reduce C-reactive protein levels in patients with obstructive sleep apnea? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Feb;274(2):829-836. doi: 10.1007/s00405-016-4290-0. Epub 2016 Sep 1.
14) Binar M, Akcam TM, Karakoc O, Sagkan RI, Musabak U, Gerek M. Effect of modern surgical treatment on the inflammatory/anti-inflammatory balance in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. J Laryngol Otol. 2017 Aug;131(8):719-727. doi: 10.1017/S0022215117001116. Epub 2017 May 23.
15) Karakoc O, Binar M, Aydin U, Genc H, Akcam T, Gerek M. A tertiary center experience with velopharyngeal surgical techniques for treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2018 Jun;45(3):492-498. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2017.06.005. Epub 2017 Jun 21.
16) Binar M, Karakoc O, Akcam T, Asik B, Gerek M. Various combinations of velopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal surgical procedures for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: Single-stage, multilevel surgery.Am J Otolaryngol. 2017 Sep - Oct;38(5):571-575. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2017.06.003. Epub 2017 Jun 6.
17) Binar M, Akcam T, Genç H, Karakoc O. Voice outcomes for patients undergoing surgery for obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Dec;277(12):3261-3281.
18) Tosun F, Yetiser S, Akcam T and Ozkaptan Y. “Sphenochoanal Polyp: Endoscopic Surgery ”, Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 58, 87-90, (2001).
19) Both M, Akcam T, Talas D, Deveci S and Ozkaptan Y. “Internal Jugular Phlebectasia Surrounded by Mature Adipose Tissue”, Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 128, 761-763 (2003)
20) Akcam T, Kocaoglu M, Iki M, Birkent H, Ozkaptan Y and Tayfun C. “Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome with Heterotopic Salivary Gland Tissue and Absence of Internal Carotid Artery”, Auris Nasus Larynx, 30, 325-329 (2003).
21) Akcam T, Talas D, Iki M, Deveci S and Ozkaptan Y. “Ectopic Thyroid Tissue with Follicular Adenoma Mimicking Carotid Body Tumor” Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 131, 1019-1021 (2004).
22) Akcam T, Oysul K, Birkent H, Gerek M ve Yetiser S. “Leiomyosarcoma of the Head and Neck: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature”, Auris Nasus Larynx, 32, 209 -212 (2005)
23) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Karahatay S ve Yetiser S. “Agenesis of Unilateral Parotid Gland Associated with Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Contralateral Parotid Gland” J. Laryngol. Otol., 119, 409-411 (2005)
24) Tosun F, Ozer C, Akcam T, Gerek M ve Yetiser S. “A Case of Severe Cervicofacial Subcutaneous Emphysema Associated with Munchaussen’s Syndrome”, J. Craniofac. Surg. 16, 661-663, (2005)
25) Karahatay S, Akcam T, Kocaoglu M, Tosun F, Gunhan O. “A rare cause of parotid swelling: primary hydatid cyst.” Auris Nasus Larynx. 33(2): 227-9 (2006).
26) Birkent H, Tosun F, Karahatay S, Akcam T. “Progressive maxillary sinus hypoplasia with open ostium.” J Craniofac Surg. 18(3):706-8 (2007)
27) Ortakoglu K, Akcam T, Sencimen M, Karakoc O, Ozyigit HA, Bengi O. “Osteochondroma of the mandible causing severe facial asymmetry: a case report.” Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 103(5):e21-8 (2007)
28) Varol A, Sabuncuoglu FA, Sencimen M, Akcam T, Olmez H, Basa S. “Rigid external maxillary distraction and rhinoplasty for pyknodysostosis.” J Craniofac Surg. 22(3):901-4 (2011)
29) Akcam T, Hidir Y, Ilica AT, Kilic E, Sencimen M. “Temporomandibular joint herniation into the external ear canal through foramen of Huschke.” Auris Nasus Larynx. 38(5):646-9 (2011)
30) Bayar GR, Akcam T, Gulses A, Sencimen M, Gunhan O. “An excessive coronoid hyperplasia with suspected traumatic etiology resulting in mandibular hypomobility.” Cranio. 30(2):144-9 (2012)
31) Sencimen M, Bayar GR, Akcam T, Altug HA, Altug H, Gulses A, Ozkan A. Management of obstructive sleep apnea by maxillomandibular advancement surgery in an edentulous patient. Craniofac Surg. 23(6): e582-5. (2012)
32) Yildiz Y, Aydin T, Akcam T, Sekir U, Cetin C ve Kalyon TA. “Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis. These Patients Lose Their Breath More Quickly”, MMW Fortschr. Med., 121: 57-60 (2003)
33) Yetiser S, Kahraman E, Satar B, Karahatay S, Akçam T. Anatomy of the extratemporal facial nerve in rats. The Mediterranean Journal of Otology 1 (3): (2005)
34) Friedman O, Akcam T, Cook T. Reconstructive rhinoplasty: the 3-dimensional nasal tip. ArcArch Facial Plast Surg. 8(3):195-201 (2006)
35) Sutbas A, Yetiser S, Satar B, Akcam T, Karahatay S, Saglam K. Low-cholesterol diet and antilipid therapy in managing tinnitus and hearing loss in patients with noise-induced hearing loss and hyperlipidemia. Int Tinnitus J. 13(2):143-9 (2007)
36) Kurt G, Sisman C, Akin E, Akcam T. Cephalometric comparison of pharyngeal airway in snoring and non-snoring patients. Eur J Dent. 5(1):84-8. (2011)
37) Akcam TM, Gubisch W, Unlu H. Nonmelanoma skin cancer of the head and neck: surgical treatment. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 20(4):455-71. (2012)
38) Karakoc O, Akçam T, Genc H, Yetkin S, Piskin B, Gerek M. “Use of the Berlin Questionnaire to screen at-risk patients for obstructive sleep apnea.” B-ENT. 10(1):21-5 (2014)
39) Ceylan A, Akcam T, Karatas E, Celenk F. “Neck swelling following a vigorous neck massage. Diagnosis: cervical lymphocele.” Neth J Med. 65(6):219, 221. (2007).
40) Birkent H, Karahatay S, Akcam T, Durmaz A, Ongoru O. “Primary parotid tuberculosis mimicking parotid neoplasm: a case report.” J Med Case Reports. 26;2: 62nd (2008).
41) Karakoc O, Akçam T, Genç H, Yetkin S, Piskin B, Gerek M. Use of Berlin Questionnaire to screen at-risk patients for obstructive sleep apnea. B-ENT, 2014 10(1):21-5
42) Sencimen M, Gulses A, Bayar GR, Akcam T. An unusual complication of genioglossus advancement surgery. Stomatologija. 2015;17(4):135-6.
B) His Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals (34 Papers)
1) Akcam T, Akkaya A, Deveci S, Onguru O, Gerek M ve Ozkaptan Y. “Prognostic importance of DNA ploidy in laryngeal cancers”, Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Journal, 9, 414-23 (2002).
2) Birkent H, Akcam T, Gerek M ve Ozkaptan Y. “Sound therapy results in functional sound diseases", Ear Nose Throat Specialization Journal 12, 120-127 (2004)
3) Akcam T, Kose M, Ulas UH, Gerek M ve Ozkaptan Y. "The importance of laryngeal electromyography (LEMG) in the follow-up of vocal fold paralysis." ENT Specialization Journal 15 (3-4), 62-69 (2005)
4) Akcam T, Karakoc O, Karahatay S ve Yetiser S. "Effects of nasal dilator bands and local decongestants on the nasal airway”, ENT Specialization Journal 15 (5-6), 97-102 (2005)
5) Gerek M, Akcam T, ve Durmaz A. "Radiofrequency tissue ablation of the soft palate in cases with snoring and mildly obstructive sleep apnea." ENT Specialization Journal 14, 67-78 (2005)
6) Dundar A, Gerek M, Akcam T ve Pabuscu Y. “Evaluation of upper airway dimensions with computed tomography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea”, ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal, 6, 134-138 (1998).
7) Gerek M, Akcam T, Ceyhun E, Ozgen F ve Dundar A. “Comparison of sleep parameters of patients with chronic snoring and sleep apnea syndrome”, ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal, 7,34-36 (1999).
8) Karahatay S, Akcam T, Gerek M, Tosun F ve Ozkaptan Y. “Is 24-hour pH follow-up test necessary in the diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease? "Turkey Clinics ENT Journal 2.140-147 (2002)
9) Gerek M, Cigiltepe M, Akcam T ve Karahatay S. “Dysphagia caused by cervical vertebra pathologies”, ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal, 12, 21-27 (2004)
10) Akcam T, Bolu E, Durmus C, Birkent H ve Ozkaptan Y. "Sound fundamental frequency assessment in male patients with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism”, Turkey Clinics ENT Journal, 4, 65-68 (2004).
11) Akcam T, Karakoc O, Karahatay S ve Gerek M. “Neural complications after superficial parotidectomy”, Electronic ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal KBB-Forum.net, 4, 56-60 (2005)
12) Akcam T, Karakoc O, Karahatay S, Birkent H ve Gerek M. "Investigation of position-related pharyngeal airway changes in snoring patients with acoustic pharyngometry." Electronic ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal KBB-Forum.net, 4, 84-88 (2005)
13) Karahatay S, Bozlar U, Akcam T, Soken H, Gerek M. "Diagnostic Value of Computed Tomography in Showing Thyroid Gland Invasion at Patients with Laryngeal Cancer." Electronic ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal KBB-Forum.net, 4, 72-75 (2005)
14) Demir D, Akcam MT, Karakoc O, Onguru O, Yetiser S. "The diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration biopsy in head and neck masses." ENT-Forum. 5(1): 5-11
15) Birkent AH, Karahatay S, Akcam MT, Gerek M, Yetiser S. "Solitary cystic lymph node metastasis of thyroid papillary cancer." ENT-Forum 4(4): 157-161 (2005)
16) Akcam T, Demir D, Karakoc O, Karahatay S, Tosun F. "Nose Band Expander Efficiency" Turkey Clinics J Med Sci, 26, 37-42 (2006)
17) Karakoç Ö, Akçam T, Gerek M, Birkent H. "Reliability of Epworth Sleepiness Scale in Patients with Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea." ENT-Forum; 6(3): 87-89 (2007)
18) Karadeniz H, Birkent H, Karahatay S, Durmaz A, Akcam T, Gerek M. “Radiofrequency tissue ablation efficiency in the treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy.” ENT Head and Neck Surgery Journal. 15(1): 18-26 (2007)
19) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Gerek M, Birkent H. "Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Diseases." ENT-Forum. 7(1): 15-20 (2008)
20) Onar T, Aydogan Ü, Doganer YC, Akcam T, Saglam K. Evaluation of snoring, habitual snoring, witnessed apnea and related factors of those who apply to a teaching hospital. Euras J Fam Med 4(2):63-70 (2015)
21) Tosun F, Yetiser S, Akcam T and Ozkaptan Y. "Midline Granuloma: Etiology and Clinical Observation”, Acta Onkologica Turcica, 30, 98-101 (1997).
22) Ozkaptan, Y., F. Tosun, T. Akcam, M. Gerek, A. Akkaya ve E. Ebulken, "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in tissue necrosis caused by radiotherapy” ENT Head and Neck Surgery Journal, 10, 58-62 (2002).
23) T. Akcam.,"Pharmacological agents effective on sound”, Turkey Clinics ENT Journal, 2, 48-54 (2002).
24) Akçam T, Birkent H, Gerek M ve Özkaptan Y. "Giant cervical lipoma" Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of ENT , 3, 48-52 (2003).
25) Ozkaptan, Y. ve T. Akcam, "Congenital anomalies of the nose and paranasal sinuses” Turkey Clinics ENT Journal, 3, 100-109 (2003).
26) Akçam T,Atalay A, Gerek M ve Özkaptan Y. "Lingual thyroid dysphagia " Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of ENT , 12, 15-19 (2004)
27) T. Akcam,"Clinical evaluation of dysphagia" Turkey Clinics ENT Journal, 4, 167-172 (2004).
28) Tosun, F., T. Akçam, S. Yetişer, C. Beyan ve Y. Hıdır, “Endoscopic excision and repair with local flaps in invasive sinonasal aspergillosis: Case Report”, Electronic ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Journal KBB-Forum.net, 4, 43-46 (2005)
29) T. Akcam. ve S. Yetiser, "Tonsillectomy indications”, Syndrome 17(12), 22-32 (2005)
30) Karahatay S, T. Akçam., "Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy indications” Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Clinics of Turkey J Surg Med Sci 1, (11), 12-15 (2005)
31) Birkent H., T. Akcam, “Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy: Traditional and New Techniques" Turkey Clinics J Surg Med Sci 1 (11), 16-25 (2005)
32) T. Akcam., Karakoc O. "Physical examination and endoscopic methods in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea." Current Approach in Otorhinolaryngology Surgery. 2(4): 25-31 (2006)
33) Akçam MT, Karakoç Ö. Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Clinical Medicine respiration Actual.2: 1-16 (2011)
34) Gün T, Boztepe OF, Akçam T. Unusual type mass: Schwannoma of the upper lip: case report. Turkey Clinics J Case Report 24(3):257-9 (2016)
C) Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings books (15 Papers)
1) Akcam T, Ozkaptan Y, Gerek M, Tosun F.“ Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis,” 6th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Abstract Book, P70, (2001)
2) Ozkaptan Y, Akcam T, Yeticer S ve Satar B. ‘‘Traumatic Facial Paralysis: An Analysis of 46 Cases and Our Clinical Approach.’’ 6th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Abstract Book, P106 (2001)
3) Akcam T, Gerek M, Tosun F ve Ozkaptan Y. ‘‘Laryngotracheal Reconstruction with Costal Cartilage Graft.” 7th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee Athens, Greece, Abstract Book, 87 (2002)
4) Tosun, F, Akcam T ve Ozkaptan Y. “Endonasal Endoscopic Approach to Foreign Bodies in the Paranasal Sinuses”. 7 th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Athens- Greece, Abstract Book, 85 (2002)
5) AkCam T, Ozkaptan Y ve Tosun F. “Self Induced Cervicofacial Subcutaneous Emphysema”. 7 th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Athens- Greece, Abstract Book, 290 (2002)
6) Akcam T, Friedman O, Cook T. The effect of structural nasal valve dilatation with butterfly graft on snoring. 20th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society & 23rd I0nternational Symposium on infection and allergy of the nose. Rhinoistanbul, Istanbul OP021, 2004
7) Satar B, Hidir Y, Akcam T, Tosun F, Gerek M, Yetiser S. “Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Sudden Hearing Loss.” XVIII IFOS World Congress Rome, Italia F63 (2005)
8) Yetişer S, Karahatay S, Akçam T. ‘‘Extratemporal Anatomy of the Facial Nerve” 10th International Facial Nerve Symposium Maastricht, Netherlands, 76, (2005)
9) Cavusoglu M, Kamasak M, Erogul O, Ciloglu T, Akcam T, Serinagaoglu Y. “SASA: Software System for Sleep and Snoring Analysis”, HIBIT’07 International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Antalya, Turkey (2007)
10) Bayar GR, Akçam T, Gülses A, Şençimen M, Özkan A, Doğan N. “Plating the posterior border of the mandibular ramus by modified blair and retroparotideal aproach in the treatment of a subcondylar frecture.” PP-47ACBID International Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Society Congress. 26-30 Mayıs (2010)
11) Sencimen M, Ozkan A, Akcam T, Gulses A, Bayar GR, Altug HB, Altug H. The modification of the partial/full dentures of an obstructive sleep apnea patients for the treatment of maxillomandibular advancement surgery. 2nd BAMFS Congress - 5th ACBID International Conference, P18, 2011
12) Akcam T, Birkent H, Arslan HH, Karakoc O, Gerek M. “Nasalance scores for normal-speaking Turkish population”. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery Sept 2011, San Francisco, CA. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg; 145(suppl 2): P195 2011
13) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Genc H, Birkent H, Binar M and Gerek M. “Do Pharyngeal Surgeries for Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnea Have an Impact on Nasalance?” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. September 29- October 2, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Otolatyngol Head Neck Surg 149(Suppl 2): P 267 (2013)
14) Akbarov E, Birkent H, Karacalioglu O, Karakoc O, Akcam T and Gerek M. “Prospective Study of the Impact of Thyroid Hormone Replacement on Nasal Functions in Hypothyroid patients.” Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation September 29- October 2, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg; 149(Suppl 2): P134 2013
15) Karakoç O, Binar M, Aydin U, Genc H, Akçam T, Gerek M. A tertiary centre experience with velopharyngeal surgical techniques for treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea . 4th Congress of European ORL-HNS 7-11 october 2017, Barcelona
D) Book chapter authorship (10 papers)
1) Ozkaptan, Y, M. Gerek ve T.Akcam, “Neck Traumas”, ENT Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery, ed. O. Celik 824-838, Turgut Publication, Istanbul, 2002.
2) T. Akcam. "When and Which Type of Ventilation Tube in OME", Otitis Media with Effusion, ed. L. Soylu, 103-110, Turkish Ear Nose Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Istanbul, 2005.
3) Akçam T, Gerek M. "Nasal valve and middle roof surgery", Septorhinoplasties, ed. H. Ünlü, 61-79, Turkish Ear Nose Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Istanbul, 2009.
4) Ceylan A, Akçam T. Basic Ear Anatomy. Ear, Nose and Throat Infections. Ed. C.Cingi. Senk Printing, 2008: 9-23 ISBN: 978-9944-5346-1-1
5) Birkent H, T. Akcam, Yetiser S. Otitis Media with Effusion. Ear, Nose and Throat Infections. Ed. C.Cingi. Senk Printing, 2008:122-139
6) Akçam T. Face analysis. In Rhinoplasty ed Yücel ÖT, Intertıp publishing house 2013: 15-29 ISBN: 978-605-64123-1-8
7) Akçam MT. "Acute localized external otitis (furunculosis)", "Granular myringitis and granular otitis externa." and “Bullous external otitis and bullous myringitis” Steroid use in Otorhinolaryngology. Ed. C.Cingi. EA organization 2006: 47-48, 52-55
8) Gerek M, T. Akcam, Karakoc O. Rhinosinusitis and Snoring. In: Rhinosinusitis. Ed. Tekat A. Participation Banks Association of Turkey Postgraduate Education Booklets for the Academy Meetings, Deomed Medikal Publishing, Istanbul, 2008: 81- 86
9) Akçam T, Karakoç Ö. Sleep endoscopy. In: Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Ed. C. Cingi. Participation Banks Association of Turkey Postgraduate Education Booklets for the Academy Meetings, Deomed Medikal Publishing, Istanbul, 2010:125-133
10) Karakoç Ö. Akçam T. Postoperative Care and Prevention of Complications in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Surgery. In: Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Ed. C. Cingi. Participation Banks Association of Turkey Postgraduate Education Booklets for the Academy Meetings, Deomed Medikal Publishing, İstanbul,2010:381-388
- Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
- Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Foundation
- Ankara Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Association
- Rhinology Society
- Association of Facial Plastic Surgery
- Rhinoplasty Society and European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery