Prof. MD. Mehmet Sinan Beksaç
Prof. MD. Mehmet Sinan Beksaç
Prof. MD.

Mehmet Sinan Beksaç

Liv Hospital Ankara
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Areas of Interests
    • Perinatology
Courses Attended


  • 09.12.1976-11.12.1980: Assistant Doctor (Specialty Training), Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara
  • 11.12.1980-31.03.1981: Specialist Doctor, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara 
  • 01.01.1981-31.01.1981: Specialist Doctor (Temporary Assignment), 19 Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsun
  • 01.02.1981-31.03.1981: Specialist Doctor, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara 
  • 01.04.1981-31.05.1981: Basic Military Training, 169th Term Sıhhiye, Etimesgut, Ankara
  • 01.06.1981-31.07.1982: Gynecology Clinic, Ağrı Military Hospital, Ağrı
  • 16.08.1982-14.02.1983: Specialist Doctor, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara  
  • 15.02.1983-31.05.1984: Araştırmacı: "Reproductive Endocrinology Center (WHO), Karolinska Institute (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Karolinska Hospital), Stockholm, Sweden".
  • 01.06.1984-10.02.1985: Specialist Doctor, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara  
  • July 1984-1990: TÜBİTAK Prenatal Diagnosis Unit (TÜBİTAK/Hacettepe University).
  • 25.03.1985-01.06.1991: Reproductive Endocrinology Research Laboratory, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara 
  • 11.02.1985: Assistant Professor
  • 11.02.1985-08.04.1986: Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara 
  • 21.10.1985 Associate Professor Title
  • 09.04.1986-20.05.1992: Associate Professor, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara   
  • 1990-1998: Perinatology and Bio-Medical Engineering Research Unit, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara (Hacettepe University Research Fund, TÜBİTAK, State Planning Organization and European Community Biomed Program)   
  • 2006-2009: Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
  • 2013-2020: Head of Perinatology Department, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara
  • 20.05.1992-28.05.2023: Professor, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara

Resarch (Some)

Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) Projesi; Proje No: STO 82-301. Radioimmunoassay of sex steroids in urine and blood, and of gonadotropins in women.

Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) Projesi; Proje No: STO 83-306. Radioimmunoassay for inhibin and inhibin-like materials.

European Community COMAC-BME Project; Proje No: MR4/034/UK. Perinatal Surveillance (Perinatal Follow-up)

European Community COMAC-BME Project, Objective Medical Decision Making”, Acute Abdominal Pain and Euro-Icterus.

European Community Medical and Health Research Commission Guided Projects; Project No. II.1.1/7 Euro-PUNCH ve Euro-SURV

TÜBİTAK TAG-595: Usage of Computerized Technologies in Lowering Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality

TÜBİTAK TAG-0757: Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies by DNA Methodology and Pre-Marriage Screening in Risky Societies.

DPT 90K 120540: Use of Different Techniques of Fetal Monitorization for Declining Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality and Computer Applications

DPT 96K 120950: Commercialization of Developed Technologies by 90K120540 numbered DPT Project Entitled “Use of Different Techniques of Fetal Monitorization for Declining Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality and Computer Applications”

DPT 98K 121739 “Development of Electroanalytical Methods for the Investigation of the Effects of Hypertension Drugs on Mothers and Infants Used in Pregnancy”.

DPT 98K 120680 Hemoglobinopathy Screening and Prenatal Diagnosis in Couples to be Married in Mersin Region.

TÜBİTAK TAG-1007: Second Trimester Screening of Genetic Disorders in Pregnancy and Triple Test

TÜBİTAK TBAG-1977: Investigation of Cellular Changes in Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) by PCR Technique in Cervicovaginal Samples.

TÜBİTAK SBAG-1239: Investigation of Fetal Development at Cellular Level Using Chorionic Villus Sampling, Trophoblast Culture and Immunohistochemistry Techniques (31.12.1996-01.05.1997).

TÜBİTAK SBAG-1734: Expression of Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix Molecules in the Developing Central Nervous System (08.09.1997, 30 months).

TÜBİTAK SBAG-2115 Cell Adhesion Molecules in Placenta and Umbilical Cord Endothelia in Various Systemic Diseases (15.06.1999-15.11.2002).

TÜBİTAK No:109T567 Cytological and Immunocytochemical Detection of Wnt/b-Cathenin Signaling Pathway Activity

TÜBİTAK No:03G079 Investigation of Apoptotic Cellular Changes in Human Cervico-Vaginal Epithelial Cells by Cytological and Immunocytochemical Methods

TÜBİTAK No:03G007 Investigation of Actinomyces Using Cytological, Microbiological and PCR Methods with Human Cervico-vaginal Specimens

Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions: Metabolomic approaches for highly selective diagnosis of Down syndrome.

TÜBİTAK 1001: Determination of cytokine levels in cord blood maternal plasma and amniotic fluid by serologic and molecular methods and its effect on cord blood in vitro colony forming potential.

Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions: Investigation of the Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

A. Articles published in international refereed journals:

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023). Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (4G/5G) of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and the risk factors for placenta-related obstetric complications.  Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 34(6), 396-402., Doi: 10.1097/MBC.0000000000001242

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ ÖZGÜ KEMAL, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023).  Impact of Increased Activated Protein-C Resistance, Decreased Antithrombin III Activity and Hypocomplementemia on the Gestational Outcomes of Pregnancies with MTHFR Polymorphisms.  Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, Doi: 10.1055/a-2134-6452

ŞAHAL GÜLCAN, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023).  Cervicovaginal Bacillus velezensis Isolate: A Potential Probiotic and an Antagonist Against Candida and Staphylococcus.  Current Microbiology, 80(10), 332, Doi: 10.1007/s00284-023-03447-1

ÇAĞAN MURAT, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, DİKMEN ZELİHA GÜNNUR, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023). Association of lupus anticoagulants with risk factors for obstetric complications and adverse gestational outcome. Human Antibodies, 31, 1-8., Doi: 10.3233/HAB-230003

REÇBER TUBA, NEMUTLU EMİRHAN, AYDIN EMİNE, ÇAĞAN MURAT, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, KIR SEDEF, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023).  Metabolic Infrastructure of Pregnant Women with Fetuses Having Nervous System Abnormalities; Metabolomic Analysis.  Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 44(2), 236-243., Doi: 10.17776/csj.1246590

BEKSAÇ BURCU, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ÇAĞAN MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023).  Anti-parietal cell antibody positivity in women with poor obstetric history and skin disorders: significance of preconception counseling.  Cukurova Medical Journal, 48(1), 278-282., Doi: 10.17826/cumj.1168878

ÖZCAN TÜRKMEN MERVE, DEMİREZEN ŞAYESTE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2023).  Determination of autophagy in human cervicovaginal smears by cytological and İmmunocytochemical methods.  Journal of Cytology, 40(4), 177-183., Doi: 10.4103/joc.joc_130_22

TIPLAMAZ SITKI, PEKER EYÜBOĞLU İREM, ÜNAL CANAN, Soyer Özge, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, AKKİPRİK MUSTAFA (2022). Presence of fetal DNA in maternal exhaled breath condensate.  Prenatal Diagnosis, 43(1), 28-35., Doi: 10.1002/pd.6277

ÖZGÜL SERAP, GÜRŞEN CEREN, TOPRAK ÇELENAY ŞEYDA, BARAN EMİNE, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, NAKİP GÜLBALA, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN (2022).  Contributory effects of individual characteristics on pelvic floor distress in women with pelvic floor dysfunctions.  Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-12., Doi: 10.1080/09593985.2022.2127137

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ZAİM ONUR CAN, ÇAĞAN MURAT, ÜNAL CANAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2022).  Gestational Outcomes of Pregnant Women with Unilateral Congenital Renal Agenesis.  Fetal and Pediatric Pathology, 41(4), 551-557., Doi: 10.1080/15513815.2020.1856245

BEKSAÇ BURCU, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2022). Poor obstetric history, skin disorders and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Obstetrica şi Ginecologia, 70(1), 20-23., Doi: 10.26416/ObsGin.70.1.2022.6509

ÇAĞAN MURAT, OKUDUCU ÜMMÜHAN, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2022). Singleton pregnancy losses before gestational week 22 among patients with autoimmune disorders and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms.  Human Antibodies, 30(2), 59-65., Doi: 10.3233/HAB-211517

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÖZTEN GONCA, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR (2022). Low-dose low-molecular-weight heparin prophylaxis against obstetrical complications in pregnancies with metabolic and immunological disorder-associated placental inflammation.  J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 35(8), 1546-1553., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2020.1760834

SEKKİN ESER MİRAY, ULUTAŞ UĞUR YEŞİM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, GÜRBÜZ HEKİMOĞLU RÜMEYSA, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2022).  Evaluation of umbilical cord immune cells in pregnancies with autoimmune disorders and/or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms.  Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 50(7), 910-925., Doi: 10.1515/jpm-2021-0593

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, AKGÖR UTKU, ÖNDER SEVGEN ÇELİK, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, KURU OĞUZHAN, ÖZGÜL NEJAT, USUBÜTÜN ALP, HUFBAUER MARTIN, AKGÜL BAKİ, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2022).  Impact of Human Papillomavirus on Wnt/Beta-Catenin Signaling in Morphological Inconspicuous Cervicovaginal Cells.  Acta Cytologica, 66(5), 409-419., Doi:10.1159/000522635

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, KORKMAZ AYŞE, KASAPOGLU TANER, ÖZDEMİR PINAR, COSGUN ERDAL, TANAÇAN ATAKAN (2022). Antenatal corticosteroids for women at risk of preterm delivery: the “Emperor’s New Clothes” tale in medical practice. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 35(4), 705-712., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2020.1731455
DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, KAYKI GÖZDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÇAĞAN MURAT, YİĞİT ŞULE, YURDAKÖK MURAT, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Impact of Prematurity on the Buccal Epithelial Cells of the Neonates via Wnt/Beta-Catenin Signaling Pathway and Apoptosis.  American Journal of Perinatology, Doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1740348

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, DALVA KLARA, DALVA AYDEMİR SEVİM, ALNIAÇIK RIDVAN GÖKSEL, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MERAL, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Significance of inhibitory maternal killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and fetal KIR ligand genotype combinations in placenta related obstetric complications.  Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 148, 103425, Doi: 10.1016/j.jri.2021.103425

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER (2021).  Association of increased C-Reactive Protein and hypocomplementemia with risk factors for thrombosis in women who have susceptibility for poor gestational outcome; importance of preconceptional counseling.  Human Antibodies, 29(4), 249-254., Doi: 10.3233/HAB-210452

BEKSAÇ KEMAL, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÇAĞAN MURAT, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). Relationship of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms.  J Invest Surg, 34(10), 1104-1106., Doi: 10.1080/08941939.2020.1742402

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, LEBLEBİCİOĞLU MEHMET KEMAL (2021).  Validation of an artificial intelligent system for the interpretation of antepartum fetal heart rate tracings (Ankara System Version 5.0).  Revista Obstetrica si Ginecologia, 70(4), 167-169.

ÜZELPASACI ESRA, ÇİNAR GAMZE NALAN, BARAN EMİNE, GÜRŞEN CEREN, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÖZGÜL SERAP, BEKSAÇ ÖZGÜ KEMAL, ÜNAL CANAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ ALP TUNA, ALBAYRAK TÜRKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Trimester-based changes in urogenital symptoms and their impact on the quality of life in pregnant women: A preliminary report.  Current Urology, 15(3), 167-171., Doi: 10.1097/CU9.0000000000000021

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, KAYKI GÖZDEM, YİĞİT ŞULE, YURDAKÖK MURAT, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). Impact of preterm birth on the cellular characteristics of neonatal buccal cells.  Cytopathology, 32(5), 660-670., Doi: 10.1111/cyt.12992

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, KARATAŞ ESRA, TEZ RÜYA, ÇAĞAN MURAT, ÜNAL CANAN, NAR MAKBULE, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). Assessment of Factors Affecting Breastfeeding Performance and Latch Score: A Prospective Cohort Study.  Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 225(4), 353-360., Doi: 10.1055/a-1255-3525

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, DAMADOĞLU ÇELEBİOĞLU EBRU, ORHAN NAZLI, ÜNAL CANAN, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, KALYONCU ALİ FUAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). The Effect of Asthma Severity on Perinatal Outcomes: A Tertiary\n Hospital Experience.  Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 225(4), 333-339., Doi: 10.1055/a-1264-8207

GÜRŞEN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, ÇİNAR GAMZE NALAN, ÖZGÜL SERAP, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ALBAYRAK TÜRKAN (2021).  Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Pregnancy Sexual Response Inventory.  Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 304(1), 101-107., Doi: 10.1007/s00404-020-05933-4

ÇAĞAN MURAT, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). Changing rates of the modes of delivery over the decades (1976, 1986, 1996, 2006, and 2016) based on the Robson-10 group classification system in a single tertiary health care center.  J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 34(11), 1695-1702., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2019.1644619

ÇAĞAN MURAT, ÜNAL CANAN, ÜREL DEMİR GİZEM, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, KÖKSAL ÖZGÜL RIZA, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Obstetrical history of a family with combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 3 and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms.  Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine, 10(1), Doi: 10.1515/crpm-2020-0085

ÇINAR GAMZE NALAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, GÜRŞEN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, NAKİP GÜLBALA, BOZDAĞ GÜRKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ÖZGÜL SERAP (2021).  Factors Related to Primary Dysmenorrhea in Turkish Women: a Multiple Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis.  Reproductive Sciences, 28(2), 381-392., Doi: 10.1007/s43032-020-00289-1

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Impact of hydroxychloroquine on the gestational outcomes of pregnant women with immune system problems that necessitate the use of the drug.  Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 47(2), 570-575., Doi: 10.1111/jog.14561

VURAL ZEKERİYYA MEHMET, KOÇ ESİN, EVLİYAOĞLU SAADET OLCAY, ACAR HAZAL CANSU, AYDIN ABDURRAHMAN FATİH, KÜÇÜKGERGİN CANAN, APAYDIN GÖZDE, ERGİNÖZ ETHEM, BABAZADE XANIM, SHARIFOVA SABINA, PERK YILDIZ, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Iodine status of Turkish pregnant women and their offspring: A national cross-sectional survey.  Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 63, 126664, Doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126664

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). Evaluation of gynecological complaints of women having inflammatory changes in their cervicovaginal smears.  Cukurova Medical Journal, 46(1), 81-87., Doi: 10.17826/cumj.784507

BARAN EMİNE, ALBAYRAK TÜRKAN, ÖZGÜL SERAP, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÇİNAR GAMZE NALAN, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, GÜRŞEN CEREN, BEKSAÇ ÖZGÜ KEMAL, AYDIN EMİNE, ÇAĞAN MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021).  Musculoskeletal and anthropometric factors associated with urinary incontinence in pregnancy.  Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-10., Doi: 10.1080/09593985.2021.1878568

ÜNAL CANAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ZAİM ONUR CAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Retrospective evaluation of pregnancies with ankylosing spondylitis in a tertiary center in Turkey.  Int J Rheum Dis, 23(1), 101-105., Doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13746

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). Importance of shock index in the evaluation of postpartum hemorrhage cases that necessitate blood transfusion.  Women Health, 60(9), 1070-1078., Doi: 10.1080/03630242.2020.1802638

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, EYÜPOĞLU MERT, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ZENGİN HATİCE YAĞMUR, KARAAĞAOĞLU AHMET ERGUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Use of the 50g glucose challenge test to predict small‐for‐gestational‐age neonates.  J Diabetes, 12(11), 791-797., Doi: 10.1111/1753-0407.13068

ÜNAL CANAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, PORTAKAL AKÇİN OYTUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). Effect of anti-epileptic drugs on first trimester screening test results.  Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 59(6), 835-837., Doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2020.09.009

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ŞAHAL GÜLCAN, AKGÖR UTKU, ÇAĞAN MURAT, ÖZGÜL NEJAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). The relationship between the presence of HPV infection and biofilm formation in cervicovaginal smears.  INFECTION, 48(5), 735-740., Doi: 10.1007/s15010-020-01478-5

ÇAĞAN MURAT, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). The Effect of Small Size Uterine Fibroids on Pregnancy Outcomes in High-risk Pregnancies.  Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics, 42(09), 535-539., Doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1713913

ÖZKAN ECE, NEMUTLU EMİRHAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, KIR SEDEF (2020). GC–MS analysis of seven metabolites for the screening of pregnant women with Down Syndrome fetuses.  J Pharm Biomed Anal, 188, 113427, Doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2020.113427

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AYDIN EMİNE, KAYKI GÖZDEM, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, YALÇIN EMEL ŞULE, SOYER TUTKU, YİĞİT ŞULE, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Antenatal management and outcomes of pregnancies with congenital diaphragmatic hernia.  Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 13(3), 323-330., Doi: 10.3233/NPM-190266

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, UYANIK ESRA, ÜNAL CANAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). A cut-off value for systemic immune-inflammation index in the prediction of adverse neonatal outcomes in preterm premature rupture of the membranes.  J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 46(8), 1333-1341., Doi: 10.1111/jog.14320

RECBER TUBA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AYDIN EMİNE, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, NEMUTLU EMİRHAN, KIR SEDEF, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). Metabolic infrastructure of pregnant women with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms: A metabolomic analysis.  BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY, 34(8), 4842, Doi: 10.1002/bmc.4842

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ÇAĞAN MURAT, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, ÖNDER SEVGEN ÇELİK, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). Is bacterial vaginosis associated with autoimmune antibody positivity?. Cytopathology, 31(4), 298-302., Doi: 10.1111/cyt.12846

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÇAĞAN MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). Effect of hypocomplementemia on perinatal outcomes of pregnancies with autoimmune disorders.  Human Antibodies, 28(2), 179-184., Doi: 10.3233/HAB-200401

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, HEKİMOĞLU GÜRBÜZ RÜMEYSA, ATİLLA PERGİN, BEKSAÇ KEMAL, KATLAN DORUK CEVDİ, MÜMÜŞOĞLU SEZCAN, TOKDEMİR ÇALIŞ PINAR, BEKSAÇ MERAL (2020).  Fetal cell microchimerism normal and immunocompromised gestations in mice.  Fetal Pediatr Pathol, 39(4), 277-287., Doi: 10.1080/15513815.2019.1651803

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÖZGEN BURCE, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, KARLI OĞUZ HATİCE KADER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Prenatal diagnosis of central nervous system abnormalities: Neurosonography versus fetal magnetic resonance imaging.  Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 250, 195-202., Doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2020.05.013

TARIK ASNAKOĞLU BERNA, ÇAKAR MEHMET, ÖKEM ZEYNEP GÜLDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Concerns of pregnant women in “Prenatal Screening/Diagnosis” practice and termination of pregnancy.  Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 224(03), 136-142., Doi: 10.1055/a-1076-1039

ÜNAL CANAN, KARATAŞ ESRA, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, PORTAKAL AKÇİN OYTUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Comparison of term and preterm labor procalcitonin and leukocyte cell volume, conductivity and light scatter (VCS) parameters in order to demonstrate the impact of inflammation on the triggering mechanisms of preterm uterin contractions.  J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 46(5), 694-698., Doi: 10.1111/jog.14216

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ÜNAL CANAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR (2020).  Chorionic villus sampling experience of a reference perinatal medicine center.  Annals of Human Genetics, 84(3), 229-234., Doi: 10.1111/ahg.12365

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, ÇETİNER SİBEL, TANAÇAN ATAKAN (2020).  5‐year experience of a tertiary center in major congenital abnormalities in singleton pregnancies.  Birth Defects Research, 112(8), 633-639., Doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1645

BEKSAÇ ÖZGÜ KEMAL, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, Rotar Ioana Cristina, Lukacs Istvan Attila, Mureşan Daniel, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Effect of appendix removal on the obstetrical outcome of the subsequent pregnancy. A questionnaire-based preliminary investigation.  Obstetrica şi Ginecologia, 68(2), Doi: 10.26416/OBSGIN.68.2.2020.3694

AYDIN EMİNE, AYPAR EBRU, ÖKTEM AHMET, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, YURDAKÖK MURAT, GÜVENER MURAT, DEMİRCİN METİN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Congenital heart defects: the 10-year experience at a single center.  J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 33(3), 368-372., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2018.1491029

İNKAYA AHMET ÇAĞKAN, HALİS NURHAYAT, ÖZYAVUZ ALP ŞEHNAZ, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, KARA ATEŞ, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, YURDAKÖK MURAT, ÜNAL SERHAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  Perinatal outcomes of twenty-five human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant women: Hacettepe University experience.  J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc, 21(3), 180-186., Doi: 10.4274/jtgga.galenos.2019.2019.0033

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, PORTAKAL AKÇİN OYTUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020).  5 Yearsʼ experience of a tertiary center with thrombocytopenic pregnancies: gestational thrombocytopenia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.  Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd, 80(01), 76-83., Doi: 10.1055/a-0865-4442

BÜYÜKEREN MELEK, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, YİĞİT ŞULE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, YURDAKÖK MURAT (2020).  Neonatal outcomes of early- and late-onset preeclampsia.  The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 62(5), 812-819., Doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2020.05.013

BÜYÜKEREN MELEK, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, PORTAKAL AKÇİN OYTUN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, YURDAKÖK MURAT (2020).  Cord blood delta neutrophil index values of term neonates.  Turk J Pediatr, 62(1), 35-38., Doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2020.01.005

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN (2020).  Perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: comparison of multidose injection and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.  Acta Endocrinologica (Bucharest), 16(1), 53-58., Doi: 10.4183/aeb.2020.53

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, UYANIK ESRA, SANCAK BANU, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2020).  Maternal and Microorganism Characteristics Cannot Predict Adverse Outcome in Pregnancies Complicated With Urinary Tract Infection.  Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 29(1), Doi: 10.1097/IPC.0000000000000900

AYDIN EMİNE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2020). Retrospective Evaluation of Pregnancy Outcomes with Maternal Epilepsy. J Clin Obstet Gynecol. 30(1), 20-5.

HEKİMOĞLU GÜRBÜZ RÜMEYSA, ATİLLA PERGİN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, DOLGUN NİMET ANIL, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  Impaired placentation and early pregnancy loss in patients with MTHFR polymorphisms and type-1 diabetes mellitus.  Fetal Pediatr Pathol, 28(5), 376-386., Doi: 10.1080/15513815.2019.1600623

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÜNAL CANAN, YÜCESOY H MELTEM, DURU AYŞE SİNEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Management and evaluation of pregnant women with Takayasu arteritis.  Arch Gynecol Obstet, 299(1), 79-88., Doi: 10.1007/s00404-018-4927-x

ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, ÖZTEN GONCA, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Outpatient versus inpatient follow-up for intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.  Clin Exp Hepatol, 5(4), 289-293., Doi: 10.5114/ceh.2019.88616

AYDIN EMİNE, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BÜYÜKEREN MELEK, UÇKAN HASAN HÜSEYİN, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Congenital central nervous system anomalies: Ten-year single center experience on a challenging issue in perinatal medicine.  J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc, 20(3), 170-177., Doi: 10.4274/jtgga.galenos.2018.2018.0079

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÖZTEN GONCA, ÜNAL CANAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  100-g oral glucose tolerance test as a single step screening test in first trimester at high risk pregnancies: an alternate screening modality.  J Gynaecol Womens Healthcare, 2(1), 104

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, GÜRBÜZ BB, AYDIN EMİNE, ERDEN M, COŞKUN T, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Prenatal diagnosis of organic acidemias at a tertiary center.  Balkan J Med Genet, 22(1), 29-34., Doi: 10.2478/bjmg-2019-0003

ÖKEM ZEYNEP GÜLDEM, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, TARI KASNAKOĞLU BERNA, ÇAKAR MEHMET, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Budget impact of incorporating non-invasive prenatal testing in prenatal screening for Down syndrome in Turkey.  Health Policy Technol, 8(4), 402-407., Doi: 10.1016/j.hlpt.2019.10.003

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Comparison of cytological and immunocytochemical methods for detecting apoptotic epithelial cells in cervicovaginal smears.  Diagn Cytopathol, 47(12), 1277-1282., Doi: 10.1002/dc.24316

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÖZTEN GONCA, GÜNEŞ ALİ CAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Myasthenia gravis and pregnancy: retrospective evaluation of 27 pregnancies in a tertiary center and comparison with previous studies.  Ir J Med Sci, 188(4), 1261-1267., Doi: 10.1007/s11845-019-02029-0

ÜNAL CANAN, ÖZKARA HATİCE ASUMAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, LAY İNCİLAY, TOPÇU MERAL, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  Prenatal enzymatic diagnosis of lysosomal storage diseases using cultured amniotic cells, uncultured chorionic villus samples, and fetal blood cells: Hacettepe experience.  Prenatal Diagnosis, 39(12), 1080-1085., Doi: 10.1002/pd.5547

ÜZELPASACI ESRA, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, ÖZGÜL SERAP, ORHAN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, NAKİP GÜLBALA, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, TOPUZ SEMRA (2019).  The reliability and validity of the Turkish Kaiser physical activity survey for pregnant women.  J Phys Act Health, 16(11), 962-967., Doi: 10.1123/jpah.2018-0573

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, BULUT YUKSEL NİHAL DENİZ, ÜNAL CANAN, ÖCAL SERPİL, AKINCI SEDA BANU, TOPELİ İSKİT ARZU, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Characteristics of obstetric admissions to intensive care unit: APACHE II, SOFA and the Glasgow Coma Scale.  J Perinat Med, 47(9), 947-957., Doi: 10.1515/jpm-2019-0125

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÜNAL CANAN, BAYRAMOĞLU TEPE NESLİHAN, AYDIN EMİNE, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, YURDAKÖK MURAT (2019).  Outcomes of cases of prenatally-diagnosed congenital pulmonary airway malformation.  Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 41(11), 654-659., Doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1697983

NEMUTLU EMİRHAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, RECBER TUBA, AYDIN EMİNE, ÖZKAN ECE, TURĞAL MERT, ALİKAŞİFOĞLU MEHMET, KIR SEDEF, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  Metabolic infrastructure of pregnant women with Trisomy 21 fetuses metabolomic analysis.  Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 223(05), 297-303., Doi: 10.1055/a-0877-7869

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, MAMOPOULOS APOSTOLOS, BASOL MERVE, MURESAN DANIEL, ATHANASIADIS APOSTOLOS (2019).  A cut-off value for gestational week at birth for better perinatal outcomes in early- and late-onset fetal growth restriction.  Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol, 223(05), 289-296., Doi: 10.1055/a-0882-7425

BEKSAÇ ALP TUNA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, UÇKAN HASAN HÜSEYİN, SANCAK BANU, PORTAKAL AKÇİN OYTUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Uropathogens and gestational outcomes of urinary tract ınfections in pregnancies that necessitate hospitalization.  Curr Urol, 13(2), 70-73., Doi: 10.1159/000499290

ÜNAL CANAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Pregnancy outcomes of the patients with anti-smooth muscle antibody positivity.  Human Antibodies, 27(3), 167-170., Doi: 10.3233/HAB-190365

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÜNAL CANAN, YÜCESOY HALİSE MELTEM, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Importance of prenatal diagnosis in patients with history of chromosomal abnormalities.  Int J Hum Genet, 19(3), 146-151., Doi: 10.31901/24566330.2019/19.03.723

ÜNAL CANAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ZİYADOVA GÜNEL, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Effect of viral load on pregnancy outcomes in chronic hepatitis B infection.  J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 45(9), 1837-1842., Doi: 10.1111/jog.14065

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÜNAL CANAN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Clinical importance of the 75-g glucose tolerance test (GTT) in the prediction of large for gestational age (LGA) fetuses in non-diabetic pregnancies.  J Perinat Med, 47(5), 534-538., Doi: 10.1515/jpm-2018-0373

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, ÖZTEN GONCA, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  First trimester complete blood cell indices in early and late onset preeclampsia.  Turk J Obstet Gynecol., 16(2), 112-117., Doi: 10.4274/tjod.galenos.2019.93708

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, GÜNEŞ ALİ CAN, ÜNAL CANAN, USUBÜTÜN ALP, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Impact of uterine weight on the surgical outcomes of vaginal hysterectomy.  J Gynecol Surg, 35(3), 184-189., Doi: 10.1089/gyn.2018.0097

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÇAĞAN MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Changing Trends in the Delivery of Breech Presentation throughout the Last Four Decades.  Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 11(3), 161-163.

ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, AKTOZ FATİH, GÜLERAY NAZ, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Retrospective analysis of indications for termination of pregnancy.  J Obstet Gynaecol, 39(3), 355-358., Doi: 10.1080/01443615.2018.1506427

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, DURU SİNEM AYŞE, SENER BURÇİN, KARAAGAOĞLU ERGUN (2019).  Impact of extractable nuclear antigen, anti-double stranded DNA, antiphospholipid antibody, and anticardiolipin antibody positivity on obstetrical complications and pregnancy outcomes.  Human Antibodies, 27(2), 135-141., Doi: 10.3233/HAB-180359

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Management and the pregnancy outcomes of patients positive for anti-parietal cell antibody.  Hum Antibodies, 27(2), 111-116.

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÜNAL CANAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÇELİK ÖNDER SEVGEN, PORTAKAL AKÇİN OYTUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  Human papillomavirus infection and autoimmune disorders: a tertiary center experience.  Pathog Dis, 77(3), 28, Doi: 10.1093/femspd/ftz028

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNA (2019).  The importance of proteinuria in preeclampsia and its predictive role in maternal and neonatal outcomes.  Hypertens Pregnancy, 38(2), 111-118., Doi: 10.1080/10641955.2019.1590718

AKTOZ FATİH, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÜNAL CANAN, SOYER TUTKU, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Gestational outcomes of pregnancies with prenatally detected gastroschisis and omphalocele.  Fetal Pediatr Pathol, 38(4), 282-289., Doi: 10.1080/15513815.2019.1585501

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, BEKSAÇ ALP TUNA, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, MÜMÜŞOĞLU SEZCAN, KATLAN DORUK CEVDİ, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA (2019).  Antenatal hydronephrosis and fetal urine sampling.  Congenital Anomalies, 60(1), 4-9., Doi: 10.1111/cga.12324

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, KATLAN DORUK CEVDİ (2019).  Mode of delivery of obese fetuses: A dilemma hardening the decision-making.  Obesity Medicine, 13(1), 52-54., Doi: 10.1016/j.obmed.2019.01.003

CEREN ORHAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, ÖZGÜL SERAP, BARAN EMİNE, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÖZGÜL NEJAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Effects of vaginal tampon training added to pelvic floor muscle training in women with stress urinary incontinence: randomized controlled trial..  Int Urogynecol J, 30(2), 219-229., Doi: 10.1007/s00192-018-3585-7

GÜLERAY NAZ, YÜCESOY MELTEM, FADILOĞLU ERDEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ALİKAŞİFOĞLU MEHMET, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2019).  Evaluation of Pregnancies in 25 Families with Balanced/Unbalanced Chromosomal Translocations.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, 19(1), 22-28., Doi: 10.31901/24566330.2019/19.01.713

BACAK HİKMET ÖZGE, LEBLEBİCİOĞLU MEHMET KEMAL, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  Computerized hybrid decision-making system for hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women.  Technol Health Care, 27(1), 49-59., Doi: 10.3233/THC-181235

ORHAN CEREN, ÖZGÜL SERAP, BARAN EMİNE, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, NAKİP GÜLBALA, DEMİREL GAMZE NALAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN (2019).  Cultural adaptation and validation of the Turkish CONTILIFE: a quality of life questionnaire for urinary incontinence.  Int Urogynecol J, 30(1), 139-147., Doi: 10.1007/s00192-018-3823-z

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  Spontaneous pregnancies in patients with at least one failed IVF cycle after the management of autoimmune disorders, hereditary thrombophilia, and methylation disorders.  JBRA Assisted Reproduction, 23(4), 361-366., Doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20190034

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, BEKSAÇ ALP TUNA, ERTÜRK NERGİS, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, YURDAKÖK MURAT, YILDIRIM TOLGA, DOLGUN NİMET ANIL (2018).  Primary glomerular diseases and pregnancy.  Clin Exp Obst  Gynecol, 45(5), 682-686., Doi: 10.12891/ceog4008.2018

BAHAMONDES LUİS, BRACHE VIVIAN, MOAZZAM ALI, HABIB NDEMA, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  A multicenter randomized clinical trial of etonogestrel and levonorgestrel contraceptive implants with nonrandomized copper intrauterine device controls: effect on weight variations up to 3 years after placement.  Contraception, 98(2018), 181-187., Doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2018.05.009

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÇAĞAN MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Changing rates for the induction of labor over the last five decades in a tertiary center.  J Exp Clin Med, 35(4), 95-100.

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, YURDAKUL MESUTOĞLU PINAR, AKTOZ FATİH, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ MERAL, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Factors influencing the success of cord blood collection: a tertiary perinatal medicine center’s experience.  Turk J Med Sci, 48(5), 961-966., Doi: 10.3906/sag-1802-54.

ÖZEK MURAT AYKUT, KARAAĞAOĞLU AHMET ERGUN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, GÜMRÜK FATMA, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Comparison of different types of twin pregnancies in terms of obstetric and perinatal outcomes: association of vanished twins with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism(s).  J Assist Reprod Genet, 35(12), 2149-2154., Doi: 10.1007/s10815-018-1346-7

ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, AKTOZ FATİH, BÜYÜKEREN MELEK, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Gestational outcomes of patients with multiple sclerosis: a tertiary center experience.  South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 24(3), 28-30., Doi: 10.7196/sajog.1368

ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, DURU AYŞE SİNEM, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Methotrexate therapy for ectopic pregnancies: a tertiary center experience.  Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet, 40(11), 680-685., Doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1675807

ÖZGÜL SERAP, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, ORHAN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN (2018).  Short-term effects of connective tissue manipulation in women with primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled trial.  Complement Ther Clin Pract, 33, 1-6., Doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.07.007

FADILOĞLU ERDEM, ÖZTEN GONCA, ÜNAL CANAN, TOPALOĞLU HALUK AYDIN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Prenatal diagnosis of merosin-deficient muscular dystrophy.  Fetal Pediatr Pathol, 37(6), 418-423., Doi: 10.1080/15513815.2018.1520944

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BACAK HİKMET ÖZGE, LEBLEBİCİOĞLU MEHMET KEMAL (2018).  Computerized prediction system for the route of delivery (vaginal birth versus cesarean section).  J Perinat Med, 46(8), 881-884., Doi: 10.1515/jpm-2018-0022

TURĞAL MERT, GÜMRÜK FATMA, KARAAĞAOĞLU AHMET ERGUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms and pregnancy outcome.  Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd, 78(09), 871-878., Doi: 10.1055/a-0664-8237

YÜCEL ÇİÇEK ÖZGE SENEM, HEKİMOĞLU EMİNE RUMEYSA, MERT TURĞAL, ATİLLA PERGİN, ÇAKAR AYSE NUR, USUBÜTÜN ALP, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Differential expression of leukemia inhibitory factor and insulin like growth factor-1 between normal pregnancies, partial hydatidiform moles and complete hydatidiform moles.  Placenta, 69, 64-70., Doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2018.07.002

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR (2018).  Use of the 50-g glucose challenge test to predict excess delivery weight.  Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 142(1), 61-65., Doi: 10.1002/ijgo.12504

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, SOYAK BURCU, BALCI HAYTA BURCU, TOPALOĞLU HALUK AYDIN (2018).  Gestational outcomes of pregnant women who have had invasive prenatal testing for the prenatal diagnosis of duchenne muscular dystrophy.  J Pregnancy, 2018, 1-5., Doi: 10.1155/2018/9718316

BEKSAÇ KEMAL, AKTOZ FATİH, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, ÖZGÜ ERDİNÇ SEVAL, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Pregnancy in papillary thyroid cancer survivors.  J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc, 19(2), 94-97., Doi: 10.4274/jtgga.2017.0057

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, BEKSAÇ ALP TUNA, BÜYÜKEREN MELEK, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKTAŞ HATİCE, GÜCER ŞAFAK (2018).  Are congenital urinary tract abnormalities linked to maternal methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphisms in fetuses of ıntentionally terminated pregnancies with oligo- or anhydramnios?.  Fetal Pediatr Pathol, 37(3), 177-183., Doi: 10.1080/15513815.2018.1461283

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, YURTER HAYAT, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, SOYAK BURCU, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, BORA GAMZE, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, TOPALOĞLU HALUK AYDIN (2018).  Gestational outcomes of pregnant women who have had invasive prenatal testing for the prenatal diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy.  South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 24(1), 15, Doi: 10.7196/sajog.1270

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, SOYER TUTKU, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Evaluation of pre- and postnatally diagnosed gastrointestinal tract obstructions.  The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine, 32(19), 3215-3220., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2018.1460350

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AKTOZ FATİH, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Behcet’s disease and pregnancy: what to expect?.  J Obstet Gynaecol, 38(2), 185-188., Doi: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1336614

BEKSAÇ KEMAL, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÖZGÜL NEJAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2018).  Treatment of rectovaginal fistula using sphincteroplasty and fistulectomy.  Obstet Gynecol Int, 2018, 1-5., Doi: 10.1155/2018/5298214

KAYKI GÖZDEM, GÜÇER KADRİ ŞAFAK, AKÇÖREN ZUHAL, TALİM BERİL, YURDAKÖK MURAT, YİĞİT ŞULE, BODUROĞLU OSMAN KORAY, UTİNE GÜLEN EDA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  Non-immune hydrops fetalis: a retrospective analysis of 151 autopsies performed at a single center.  Turk J Pediatr, 60(5), 471, Doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2018.05.001

GÜMRÜK FATMA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AKGÜN DOĞAN ÖZLEM, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, KARAAĞAOĞLU AHMET ERGUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2018).  The prevalence of homozygous MTHFR polymorphism(s) in a Turkish university hospital population that necessitated MTHFR polymorphism investigation.  Electron J Gen Med, 15(4), Doi: 10.29333/ejgm/89674

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AYDIN EMİNE, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, KASAPOĞLU DİLA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, ÖZER NECLA, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2017).  Clinical analyses of 383 cases with maternal cardiac diseases.  J Perinat Med, 46(3), 293-298., Doi: 10.1515/jpm-2017-0023

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DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, DEMİREZEN ŞAYESTE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2016).  The relationship between beta catenin and apoptosis: A cytological and immunocytochemical examination.  Tissue and Cell, 48(3), 160-167., Doi: 10.1016/j.tice.2016.04.001

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, DEMİREL MEHMET, AYDIN EMİNE, ALİKAŞİFOĞLU MEHMET, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2016).  An overview of prenatal screening diagnosis programs for down syndrome in Turkey.  Int Hum Genet, 16(1-2), 29-34., Doi: 10.1080/09723757.2016.11886273

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KAYA SERAP, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, TOPRAK ÇELENAY ŞEYDA, DOLGUN NİMET ANIL, EKİCİ GAMZE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2015).  Reliability and validity of the Turkish King s Health Questionnaire in women with urinary incontinence.  Int Urogynecol J, 26(12), 1853-1859., Doi: 10.1007/s00192-015-2786-6

KAYA SERAP, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, GURSEN CEREN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2015).  Short term effect of adding pelvic floor muscle training to bladder training for female urinary incontinence a randomized controlled trial.  Int Urogynecol J, 26(2), 285-293., Doi: 10.1007/s00192-014-2517-4

TURGAL MERT, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, BOYRAZ GÖKHAN, YAZICIOĞLU ASLIHAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2015).  Non immune hydrops fetalis as a diagnostic and survival problems what do we tell the parents.  J Perinat Med, 43(3), 353-358., Doi: 10.1515/jpm-2014-0094

DEMİREZEN ŞAYESTE, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, ÖZCAN MERVE, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2015).  Evaluation of the relationship between fungal infection neutrophil leukocytes and macrophages in cervicovaginal smears Light microscopic examination.  J Cytol, 32(2), 79, Doi: 10.4103/0970-9371.160544

TURĞAL MERT, ÖZGÜ ERDİNÇ SEVAL, BEKSAÇ KEMAL, ÖZYÜNCÜ ÖZGÜR, KARAAĞAOĞLU AHMET ERGUN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2015).  Myomectomy during cesarean section and adhesion formation as a long term postoperative complication.  Ginekol Pol, 86(86), 457-460., Doi: 10.17772/gp/2404

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BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, KARAKAS U, YALCIN S, OZDEMIR K, SANLITURK E (1990).  Computerized analysis of antepartum fetal heart rate tracings in normal pregnancies  version 88 2 29.  Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 37(2), 121-132., Doi: 10.1016/0028-2243(90)90105-A

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, OZDEMIR K, KARAKAS U, YALCIN S, KARAAĞAOĞLU AHMET ERGUN (1990).  Development and application of a simple expert system for the interpretation of the antepartum fetal heart rate tracings  version 88 2 29.  Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod, 37(2), 133-141., Doi: 10.1016/0028-2243(90)90106-B

ALTINÖZ SACİDE, TEMİZER A, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (1990).  Determination of ceftriaxone in biological material by differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry.  Analyst, 115(6), 873-874., Doi: 10.1039/an9901500873

ÇEVİK ARIKAN M, ÖZGÜÇ MERAL, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ÖZER N (1989).  Characterization of fibroblast growth-promoting activity in human placental conditioned medium.  J Biochem, 14, 185-185.

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, URMAN CUMHUR BÜLENT, AKALIN E, BAYKAL M (1989). A randomized comparative study of a single dose 3rd generation cephalosporin ceftriaxone and a broad spectrum ureidopenicillin mezlocillin in a controlled group trial for cesarean section prophylaxis.  Int J Exp Clin Chemother, 2(1), 55-59.

OTMAN AS, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, BASGOZE O (1989).  The importance of lumbar lordosis measurement device application during pregnancy and post partum isometric exercise.  Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 31(2), 155-162., Doi: 10.1016/0028-2243(89)90176-7

ÖZGÜÇ MERAL, CEVIKARIKAN M, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, GUNALP A (1987).  Growth stimulating activity of human placental conditioned medium on human fetal fibroblasts in vitro.  Med Sci Res, 15(19-20), 1235-1236.

ÖZGÜNEŞ HİLAL, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, DURU S, KAYAKIRILMAZ K (1987).  Instant effect of induced abortion on serum ceruloplasmin activity copper and zinc levels.  Arch Gynecol, 240(1), 21-25., Doi: 10.1007/BF02134060

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, SHETH N, KHAN SA, STEH AR, DICZFALUSY E (1986).  Immunoreactive inhibin-like material (ILM) in the blood and urine during the normal menstrual cycle.  New Trends in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2, 121-121.

CEKAN CZ, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (1986).  The prediction and or detection of ovulation by means of urinary steroid assays.  Contraception, 33(4), 327-345., Doi: 10.1016/0010-7824(86)90095-8

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, CEKAN SZ (1985).  Reliability of progesterone measurements in urine.  J Clin Chem Clin Biochem, 23(4), 183-184.

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, KHAN SA, ELIASSON R, SKAKKEBAEK NE, SHETH AR, DICZFALUSY E (1984).  Evidence for the prostatic origin of immunoreactive inhibin like material in human seminal plasma.  Int J Androl, 7(5), 389-397., Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.1984.tb00796.x

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, BEKSAÇ MERAL, KİŞNİŞÇİ H, KÖKÇÜ ARİF (1984).  Stress-induced release of cortisol and prolactin during dilatation and curettage under general and local anastheisa.  Neuropsychobiology, 11(4), 227-228., Doi: 10.1159/000118084

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, KİŞNİŞÇİ H, ÇAKAR AYŞE NUR, BEKSAÇ MERAL (1983).  The endocrinological evaluation of bilateral and unilateral oophorectomy in premenopausal women.  Int J Fertil, 28(4), 219-224.

ERDOĞAN M, İNAL A, OZGU M, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, ERGURBUZ I (1980).  Effect of oral contraceptive ethinyl estradiol and d norgestrel on serum prolactin oestradiol and progesterone levels.  Acta Reprod Turc, 1(3), 80-84.

KİŞNİŞÇİ HÜSNÜ, AYHAN ALİ, YÜCEBİLGİN MEHMET SAİT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, SEFERCIOGLU A, TASARKAN K (1980).  Instant effect of therapeutic abortion on serum steroid hormones during first trimester.  Acta Reprod Turc, 1(3), 80-84.

BEKSAC MEHMET SİNAN, DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER (2023). Evaluation and management of pregnancies with a history of venous thromboembolism.  The Natİonal Congress Of Fetal And Neonatal Medicine, Bucharest, Romania.

ÖNCÜL GENCER EMİNE BEGÜM, TURASAN EYLÜL, AKIN HASAN YALİM, YURDAKUL-MESUTOĞLU PINAR, SEVAL MEHMET MURAT, ÇAĞAN MURAT, KOÇ ACAR, BEKSAC MEHMET SİNAN, DALVA KLARA (2022). Ex Vivo EpigeneticModification with Valproic Acid (VPA) Plus Nicotinamide (NAM) Results in Expansion of Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Progenitors Leading to Faster Engraftment and Chimerismin In Vivo Mouse Xenograft Model. Tandem Meetings of ASTCTT Mand CIBMTR, United States Of America.

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2021). Hpv Enfeksiyonunun Servikovajinal Flora Üzerine Etkilerinin Işik Mikroskobik Olarak Değerlendirilmesi, 2. 2. Uluslararası Tıp Bilimleri ve Multidisipliner Yaklaşımlar

TANAÇAN ATAKAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2019).  First trimester pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG) levelsin intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.  Al XIII-lea Congres Național de Medicină Perinatală (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)

DÖNMEZ HANİFE GÜLER, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN. Altered expression of beta-catenin in bacterial and fungal infections of cervicovaginal smears, International Congress on Biological and Medical Sciences 2018, October 31- November 3, 2018, Niğde (Sözlü Bildiri)

NEMUTLU EMİRHAN, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, RECBER TUBA, AYDIN EMİNE, ÖZKAN ECE, TURĞAL MERT, ALİKAŞİFOĞLU MEHMET, KIR SEDEF, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2018).  Metabolic Infrastructure of Pregnant Women with Down Syndrome.  Seventh Congress of the South East European Society of Perinatal Medicine (Özet Bildiri/Davetli Konuşmacı)

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2018).  The impact of MTHFR polymorphisms on pregnancy Metabolomics.  The annual congress of Hellenic Society of Perinal Medicine and Mediterranean Association for ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (MEDUOG) (Özet Bildiri/Davetli Konuşmacı)

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2018).  Late IUGR: Time and mode of delivery.  XXVI European Congress of Perinatal Medicine (Özet Bildiri/Davetli Konuşmacı)

REÇBER TUBA, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AYDIN EMİNE, TANACAN ATAKAN, NEMUTLU EMİRHAN, KIR SEDEF, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2018).  Metabolic Infrastructure Of Pregnant Women With Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Polymorphisms Metabolomic Analysis.  12th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISOPS) (Özet Bildiri/Poster)

ÜZELPASACI ESRA, TOPUZ SEMRA, ORHAN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÖZGÜL SERAP, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN (2018).  The Comparison of Physical Activity Level in Pregnant Woman with and without Low Back Pain.  Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (Özet Bildiri/Poster)

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, YURTER HAYAT, TANAÇAN ATAKAN, SOYAK BURCU, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, AYDIN HAKLI DUYGU, ÇELİK HASAN TOLGA, TOPALOĞLU HALUK AYDIN (2018).  Gestational Outcomes of Prengant Women who have had Invasive Prenatal Testing for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.  Seventh Congress of the South-East European Society of Perinatology (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)


YURDAKÖK MURAT (2018).  Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations Prenatal Detection and Perinatal Outcome.  Seventh Congress of the South-East European Society of Perinatology (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)


YURDAKÖK MURAT (2018).  Congenital pulmonary airway malformation prenatal detection and perinatal outcome. 7th Congress of the South - East European Society of Perinatal Medicine and 3rd Congress of Fetal and Neonatal Medicine (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2017).  Inflammatory problems of Placenta and Obstetric complications.  13th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine (Tam Metin Bildiri/Davetli Konuşmacı)

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2017).  The Refugees and the problems of the antenatal care program in Turkey.  13th World Congress ofPerinatal Medicine (/Davetli Konuşmacı)

ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, SOYER TUTKU, YURDAKÖK MURAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2017).  Congenital Gastrointestinal System Abnormalities a TertiaryCenter Experience.  Al XII-lea Congres Națíonal de Medicină Perinatală (Özet Bildiri/Davetli Konuşmacı)

ORHAN CEREN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, KAYA SERAP, BARAN EMİNE, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÖZGÜL NEJAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN  (2017).  The Effects of Vaginal Tampon Training Added to Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Randomized Controlled Trial.  47 th International Continence Society Annual Meeting (Özet Bildiri/Sözlü Sunum)

ÜZELPASACI ESRA, TOPUZ SEMRA, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, ORHAN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÖZGÜL SERAP, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2017).  The Relationship Between Sedentary Activity Duration and Sleep Duration and Sleep Adequacy in Pregnancy.  International Closing Congress Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation (Abstract/Poster)
ORHAN CEREN, ÖZGÜL SERAP, ÜZELPASACI ESRA, BARAN EMİNE, NAKİP GÜLBALA, ÖZGÜL NEJAT, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN (2017).  Effects of pelvic floor muscle training with biofeedback in pelvic organ prolapse.  6th National Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Congress (Abstract / Oral Presentation)

ÜZELPASACI ESRA, TOPUZ SEMRA, AKBAYRAK TÜRKAN, ORHAN CEREN, BARAN EMİNE, NAKİP GÜLBALA, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2017).  Comparison of physical activity level during pregnancy according to trimesters.  6th National Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Congress (Abstract / Oral Presentation)

AKIN HY, YURDAKUL PINAR, KATLAN DORUK CEVDİ, ÖRGÜL G, BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN, BEKSAÇ MERAL (2017).  Comparative Analysis of Hematopoietic Cytokines Stem Cell Factor (SCF) and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) Levels in Maternal and Fetal Serum Samples and Their In Vitro Effects.  IV. International Participation Experimental Hematology Congress (Abstract/Poster)

Comparative Analysis of Hematopoietic Cytokines Stem Cell Factor (SCF) and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) Levels in Maternal and Fetal Serum Samples and Their In Vitro Effects.IV. International Participation Experimental Hematology Congress (Abstract/Poster)AKIN YALIM, YURDAKUL MESUTOĞLU PINAR, KATLAN DORUK CEVDİ, ÖRGÜL GÖKÇEN, BEKSAÇ

MEHMET SİNAN, BEKSAÇ MERAL (2017).Comparative Analysis of Hematopoietic Cytokines Stem Cell Factor (SCF) and Granulocyte Levels in Maternal and Fetal Serum Samples and Their In Vitro Activities.IV. International Participation Experimental Hematology Congress Proceedings (Abstract / Oral Presentation)

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2015).  Perinatal complications and prophylactic use of low molecular heparin To whom and why.  6th congress of the South-East European Society of Perinatal Medicine.

BEKSAÇ MEHMET SİNAN (2015).  MTHFR polymorphisms and perinatal complications.  12th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine.

C. Authored national/international books

Obstetrics Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Perinatology (2001) Medical Network & Nobel Publications

Gynecology Reproductive Endocrinology & Interfertility, Gynecologic Oncology Volume 1 (2004) Akademisyen Kitapevi

Gynecology Reproductive Endocrinology & Interfertility, Gynecologic Oncology Volume 2 (2004) Akademisyen Kitapevi

Fetal Medicine, Prenatal Diagnosis (1996), Nobel Medical Bookstore

Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (1993), Medical Network

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Maternal Fetal Medicine (2004), Medical Network

  • Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association of Turkey (code: 06-57-151/ 23.06.1998): Founding Member (1998). President of the Association (2001-2003).
  • "South East European Society of Perinatal Medicine": Founding Member (2004). President of the Society (October 31, 2006 - December 31, 2009).
  • Turkish Gynecology Association- Member
  • "European Society of Engineering and Medicine"- Term Member
  • "European Society of Perinatal Medicine"- Member
1. Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Basic and Applied Science Project Competition, Second Prize: Effects of Sex Hormones on the Testes of Male Mice, 1971
2. TÜBİTAK-TIP Award (Incentive Award): Inhibin and Inhibin-Like Substances, 1987
3. Special Award of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Societatea de Obstetrica si Ginecologie din Romania), 2007
4. Montenegro-Serbian Association of Perinatal Medicine: Contribution award to medicine (Montenegro-Serbian Association of Perinatal Medicine, Contribution award to medicine), 2008
5. Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine: Honorary Member
6. Albanian Association of Perinatal Medicine: Honorary Member
7th Southeast European Society of Perinatal Medicine (SEESPM) "Soranos" Science Award: "Vascular Disorders of the Placenta", 2009
  •  Training The Trainers Certificate, 2009
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