Prof. MD. Makbule Eren
Prof. MD. Makbule Eren
Prof. MD.

Makbule Eren

Liv Hospital Ulus
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Areas of Interests
    • Celiac Disease
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    • Gastroesophageal Reflux
    • Hepatitis and Liver Diseases
    • Nutrition and Swallowing Disorders
    • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic Procedures
    • Microbiata
Courses Attended
International Articles
  • License : Faculty of Medicine (English) Hacettepe University 1997 
  • Specialization in Medicine (1) : Pediatric Health and Diseases Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child Health and Diseases 2002 
  • Specialization in Medicine (2) : Pediatric Gastroenterology Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, İhsan Doğramacı Pediatric Hospital 2004
  • Dr. Research Assistant : Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child Health and Diseases AD., Ankara 1997-2002
  • Spec. Dr.  Minor : Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Unit, Ankara 2002-2004
  • Dr. Research Assistant : Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Practice and Research Hospital, Alanya 2004-2006
  • Assistant Professor : Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Practice and Research Hospital, Alanya 2006
  • Dr. Research Assistant : Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. Pediatric Gastroenterology ve Hepatoloji Science Branch 2006-2007
  • Asst. Prof. : Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. Pediatric Gastroenterology ve Hepatoloji Science Branch 2007-2011
  • Associate Professor : Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. Pediatric Gastroenterology ve Hepatoloji Science Branch 2011-2016
  • Professor : Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. Pediatric Gastroenterology ve Hepatoloji Science Branch 2016.-2019..
  • Professor : Medipol University Medipol Mega Hospital Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology And Nutrition March 2019 - August 2019

Articles published in international refereed journals (SCI, SSCI, Arts and Humanities) 

1. F Gürakan, M. Eren, N. Koçak, A. Yüce,  H. Özen, İN Saltık- Temizel, H. Demir. Extrahapatic portal vein thrombosis in children: etiology and long term follow-up. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2004; 38: 368-72.
2. Saltik-Temizel IN, Eren M, Demir H, Uslu N, Usta Y, Ozen H, Gürakan F, Yüce A.
Bone mineralization in children with inflammatory bowel disease: what is the role
of zinc ? Turk J Gastroenterol. 2008;19(4):234-8.
3. Dinleyici EC, Eren M, Yargic ZA, Dogan N, Vandenplas Y. Clinical efficacy of
Saccharomyces boulardii and metronidazole compared to metronidazole alone in
children with acute bloody diarrhea caused by amebiasis: a prospective, randomized, open label study. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2009;80(6):953-5.
4. Eren M, Dinleyici EC, Vandenplas Y. Clinical Efficacy comparison ofSaccharomyces boulardii and yogurt fluid in acute non-bloody diarrhea in children: a randomized, controlled, open label study. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010;82(3):488-91.
5.Makbule Eren, Serap Reyhanioglu, Evrim Ciftci, Emine Dundar, Tercan Us, Cagrı Ener Dinleyici, Ozcan Bor. Correlation of Liver Enzymes and Liver Histology in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection.Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.4340
6. Eren M, Çolak Ö, Işıksoy S, Yavuz A.  Effect of H. pylori infection on gastrin, ghrelin, motilin, and gastroesophageal reflux.Turkısh Journal of Gastroenterology 2015:26(5):367-372  
7.Dinleyici EC, Dalgic N, Guven S, et al. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 shortens acute infectious diarrhea in a pediatric outpatient setting Jornal de Pediatria 2015;91 (4): 392-396  
8.Dinleyici, E.C. Kara A, Dalgic N et al.Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 reduces the duration of diarrhoea, length of emergency care and hospital stay in children with acute diarrhoea. Beneficial Microbes 2015;6 (4):415-421      
9. Dinleyici Ener Cagri, Dalgic N,  Sirin G et al. EThe effect of a multispecies synbiotic mixture on the duration of diarrhea and length of hospital stay in children with acute diarrhea in Turkey: Single blinded randomized study Europian Journal of Pediatrics 2013;172 (4) :459-464
10.Dinleyici EC, Eren M, Ozen M et al. Effectiveness and safety of Saccharomyces boulardii for acute infectious diarrhea. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 2012:12 (4): 395-410 
11. Ener Cagri Dinleyici, Makbule Eren, Nihal Doğan, Serap Reyhanioğlu, Zeynel Abidin Yargic, Yvan Vandenplas. Clinical efficacy of saccharomyces boulardi or metranidazole in sympthomatic children with Blastocystis hominis infection Parasitol Res. 2011; 108(3):541-545.
12.EC Dinleyici, Probage Study Group , Y Vandenplas .Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 effectively reduces the duration of acute diarrhoea in hospitalised children .Acta Paediatrica 2014103 (7), e300-e305   
13.B Dalgic, S Sari, B Basturk, A Ensari, O Egritas, A Bukulmez, Z Baris, Turkish Celiac Study Group.Prevalence of celiac disease in healthy Turkish school childrenThe American journal of gastroenterology 106 (8), 1512-1517 
15. Ener C. Dinleyici, Daniel Martínez-Martínez , Ates Kara, Adem Karbuz , Nazan Dalgic , Ozge Metin6 , Ahmet S. Yazar  , Sirin Guven , Zafer Kurugol  , Ozden Turel  , Mehmet Kucukkoc , Olcay Yasa, Makbule Eren, Metehan Ozen, Jose Manuel Martí  , Carlos P. Garay, Yvan Vandenplas and Andrés Moya. Time series analysis of microbiota in children suffering from acute infectious diarhea and their recovery after treatmant. Orginal research 2018 open acces doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01230
16. Z Kuloglu, A Kansu, S Selbuz, AG Kalayci, G Sahin, CT Kirsaclioglu, .
The Frequency of Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency in Children With Unexplained Liver Disease Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 68 (3), 371-376
17. E Simsek, T Simsek, M Eren, E Yilmaz, D Arik, O Cilingir, S Ceylaner,Clinical, Histochemical, and Molecular Study of Three Turkish Siblings Diagnosed with H Syndrome, and Literature Review. Hormone research in paediatrics, 1-10
18. Eren M, Baskin E, Cila A, Ozen S. Mannitol treatment in central nervous
system lupus. Clin Rheumatol. 2001;20(2):160-1.
19. Eren M, Temizel IN. Duodenogastric reflux and Helicobacter pylori infection
in children. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98(6):1443-4.
20. Eren M, Saltik-Temizel IN, Yüce A. Complications after outpatient upper GI endoscopy in children: 45-day follow-up. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98(12):2810-1.
21. Eren M, Nur Saltik-Temizel I, Koçak N. Serum homocysteine concentrations in
children with inflammatory bowel disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2004;39(2):215-6.
22. IN Saltık- Temizel, N. Uslu, M. Eren. Helicobacter pylori diagnosis in children with liver cirrhosis. Digestive and Liver Disease 2004; 36: 228.
23. Eren M, Gürakan F, Koçak N. Chronic hereditary pancreatitis with N29I mutation
in a Turkish child. Turk J Pediatr. 2005;47(2):173-5.
24.  Eren M, Saltik-Temizel IN, Yüce A, Cağlar M, Koçak N. Duodenal appearance of giardiasis in a child with selective immunoglobulin A deficiency. Pediatr Int. 2007;49(3):409-11.
25. Eren M, Eren S, Aydın O, Arıkan S. Varicella-associated colitis in a 6-month-old infant. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2006;43(5):688-90.
26. Eren M, Celik M, Kinik S, Arda IS. A case of Hirschsprung disease: does thyroid hormone have any effect? Turk J Pediatr. 2009;51(1):94-6.
27. Makbule Eren, Mustafa Açıkalın. A case report of Wells’syndrome in a celiac patient. The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 2010;21(2):172-4
28. Dinleyici M, Saracoglu N, Eren M,et al.Giant condyloma acuminate due to human papillomavirus type 16 in an infant successfully treated with topical imiquimod therapy
Dermatology Reports 2015; 7(3): 31-33 
29. Zeynep Canan Özdemir , Ayşe Bozkurt Turhan , Makbule Eren , Özcan Bor Is N-acetylcysteine infusion an effective treatment option in L-asparaginase associated hepatotoxicity? Blood Res 2017;52:62-76

Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals


1. M.Eren, C. Akyüz, B. Yalçın, A. Varan, T. Kutluk, M. Büyükpamukçu. The Role of Granulocyte Macrophage Stimulating Factor in Oral Care in Chemotherapy Associated Mucositis Treatment in Childhood Cancers. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology. 2007; 17: 70-78.

2. M. Eren, Dinleyici EC, Hekim S.  Third-line Rescue Therapy with Levofloxacin Based Protocol for H. pylori Eradication in Children. J Pediatr Inf 2009;3:98-103.
3. EC Dinleyici, Z Kilic, S Sahin, R Tutuncu-Toker, M Eren, ZA Yargic,  Kosger P,   Ucar B.Heart rate variability in children with tricyclic antidepressant intoxication.Cardiology research and practice 2013:2013 
4. M Eren, SH Yıldırım, IA Sivrikoz. Safety profile of six months lansoprozole treatment in children Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 29 (6), 247-248
5. IN. Saltık- Temizel, M. Eren, H. Demir, N. Koçak. Helicobacter pylori related duodenal ulcer in children. International Pediatrics. 2003; 18: 235.
6. Eren M, Saltik-Temizel IN, Demir H. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in childhood inflammatory bowel disease. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2003;22(6):236-7.
7. Koçak N, Eren M, Yüce A, Gümrük F. Hemophagocytic syndrome associated with
visceral leishmaniasis. Indian Pediatr. 2004;41(6):605-7.
8. Eren M, Saltik-Temizel IN, Demir H, Koçak N, Ozen H, Gürakan F, Yüce A.
Thrombophilic factors in Turkish children with inflammatory bowel disease. Indian
J Gastroenterol. 2006;25(6):318-9. 
9. Eren M. Peginterferon treatment in children: A Review of chronic Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C treatment. Journal of Pediatric sciences; 2009 1;e4.
10. Arda MS, Tokar B, İlhan H, Eren M. Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children:
Diagnosis by Enterotomy Introduced Endoscopy J Clin Anal Med 2013;4(suppl 1): 4-6
11. K Harmanci, M Eren, A Kadir Koçak, N Ipar, S Sahin. A case of chemical pneumonia due to misuse of apple oil.  Asthma Allergy Immunology/Astim Allerji Immunoloji 2011 (9) 101-104    
12.. Makbule Eren Evolution of Pediatric Gastroenterology Vol 3:4, e97: 2-4 (editorial)

Papers presented in international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings
1. C. Akyüz, M. Eren, K. Çağlar, B. Yalçın, A. Varan, M. T. Kutluk and M. Büyükpamukçu. Effectiveness of rhGM-CSF mouthwashes on Chemotherapy induced mucositis in childhood solid tumors: A randomised clinical trial. International Society of Pediatric Oncology SIOP XXXIV Meeting, September 18-21, 2002, Portugal, Poster No: 383. Medical and Pediatric Oncology  2002: 39; 372. 
2. Sare Kabukçuoğlu, Tuncay Temel, Ayşegül Harmancı, Makbule Eren, Ertugrul Colak. Intraepithelial lymphocytosis and CD10/NEP Expression of düodenal Mucosa in Iron Deficiency Anemia. 3th International Congress of Pathology. Barcelona. May 17-22, 2008
3. E.C.Dinleyici,O. Bor,T. Us, K. Arıkbuka, M. Eren,Z.A. Yargic, C.Yarar, B.Yildiz. N. Kasifoglu, N.Tekin. Clinical-Laboratory Fındings and Prognosis of Ganciclovir- Treated Infants With Cytomegalovirus Infection:A Single Center Experience. 27th Annual Meeting of The European Society For Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. June 9-13, 2009, Belgıum. e215.Poster No:686
4. Eren M, Ucar B, Urhan B, ozkan R, Açıkalın M, Kılıc Z.Pulmonary Veno-Oclussive Disease in a Child with Prothrombine Gene Mutation 5th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery.21-26 June 2009. Cairns, Australia, PN:8121. Cardiology in the Young, Volume 20, Supplement S1, 2010, pp 1-422.
5. Eren M, Dinleyici EC, Vandenplas Y. Clinical Efficacy Comparision of Saccharomyces Boulardai And Yoghurt Fluıd in Acute Non-Bloody Diarrhea in Children: A Randomized, Controlled open lable study. 5th  Probiotics, Prebiotics and New Foods meeting.September 13-15, 2009 Rome.
6. Eren M, Hekim S, Sivrikoz  I.The Impact Of Long Term Lansoprozole Treatment On Serum Iron, Calcıum, Vıtamın B12, Bone Turnover And Communıty Acquıred Pneumonıa In Chıldren. JPGN 2010;50 (Suplement 2) E132-E133
7. E.Dinleyici, M. Eren, N. Dogan, S.Reyhanioglu, A Yargic, Y. Vandenplas. A singel blinded study on clinical Efficacy of saccharomyces Boulardi or Metranidazole in Sympthomatic Children with Blastocystis Homınıs Infection. 43. annual meeting of europian Sociaty of pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Istanbul. Published in JPGN volum 50, suppl 2, p93, june 2010  
8. E.C. Dinleyici, M. Eren, Z.A.Yargic, Y. Vandenplas. Cost Effectiveness of add-on-Probiotics (Saccharomyces boulardi) in children with acute rota virus diarhea in Turkey (sb-Costr). 44 th Annual Meeting of Europian Society Of pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. 25-28 May 2011 sorento,Italy
9. E.C.Dinleyici, N Dagıc, S. Guven, O.M. Tımur, M.Eren, M.Ozen, A.Kara, G.Tanır,V.Arıca, M.Sancar, E.Temur, O.Turel, Z.Kurugöl, G.Akca, O.Yasa, M.Ergüven, Y.Vandenplas .The effect of Lactobacillus reuteri on the duration of Diarrhea and Length of Hospital stay in children with acute Diarrhea in Turkey: Prospective,single blind,randomised controlled trial. 46. Annual Meeting Of Europian Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology And Nutrition8-11 May 2013 PD-G-0091
10. Makbule Eren, Ömer Colak,Serap Isıksoy, Aslı Yavuz. The Effect of H. Pylori Eradication on Some Gastric Hormones, Enzymes and Gastroesophagial reflux Disease.4th World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition 2012 Taiwan PP21007
11. Enver Şimşek, Makbule Eren, Meliha Demiral, Çiğdem Binay,Tülay Şimşek,Baran Tokar.Neurofibromatosis Type 1 presenting with secondery amenorrhea and Wastingsyndrome.Endocrin Society 97th Annual meeting and Expo. March 5-8 2015, San Diego.
12. Dinleyici EC, Kurugol Z, Dalgic N, Yasa O, Guven S, Nalbantoglu B, Karbuz A, Arica V, Silfeler I, Bulut S, Yazar AS, Metin O, Tanir G, Turel O, Sancar M, Eren M, Ozen M, Kara A, Vandenplas Y. The effects of Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium lactis plus inulin, inulin and placebo on the duration of diarrhea in children: a randomised, multi-center, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. ESPGHAN 48th Annual Meeting of the Euroepan Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, 6-9 May 2015, Amsterdam, PO-G-0180. published in JPGN 2015:60: suplement 1
13. Dinleyici EC, Kurugol Z, Dalgic N, Yasa O, Guven S, Nalbantoglu B, Karbuz A, Arica V, Silfeler I, Bulut S, Yazar AS, Metin O, Tanir G, Turel O, Sancar M, Eren M, Ozen M, Kara A, Vandenplas Y.Cost effective anaylsis of Add-On Saccharomyces Boulardii CNCM I-745 ın children with acute infectious Diarhea In Turkey (PROBAGE Study) 48 th Annual Meeting of ESPGHAN Amsterdam.PG 0183 published in  JPGN 2015;60 suplement 1
14. Kilic Yıldırım Gonca,Durmuş Aydoğdu S, Eren M, Tekin T. Abetalipoproteinemia: Case Report. .J Inherited Metab Dis.2015 (38), (Suppl 1).S-35: A-060
15. Makbule Eren, Yalcın Kara,Serap Arslan, Oguz Cilingir. IL-15 gene polymorphism in celiac disease patient and their healthy siblings.49th ESPGHAN Annual meeting 25-28 May 2016-Atina
16. Makbule Eren, Birgül Kırel, Tuna Tekin, Yalcin Kara the effect of vitamin D Deficiency on non alcoholic Fatty liver disease development in obese children. 49th ESPGHAN Annual meeting 25-28 May 2016-Atina (Yayınlandığı dergi:JPGN 2016:62:616 suplement:1
17. Fecal microbiota analysis in children receiving saccharomyces boulardii cncm i-745 due to acute rotaviral infectious diarrhea (facid study): a new mechanism of action for probiotics
Ener Cagri Dinleyici, Daniel Martine, Ates Kara, Andres Moya, Adem Karbu, Nazan Dalgic, Ozge Metin, Ahmet Sami Yazar, Sirin Guven, Zafer Kurugol, Ozden Turel, Mehmet Kucukkoc, Olcay Yasa, Makbule Eren, Metehan Ozen, Yvan Vandenplas,world congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition ekim 5-8, Montreal, Kanada. Yayınlandığı yer: JPGN;2016: (63):267, supplement 2.
18. Ener Cagri Dinleyici, Ates Kara, Metehan Özen, Nazan Dalgic, Sirin Guven, Zafer Kurugol,
Ozge Metin Akcan, Olcay Yasa, Adem Karbuz, Ahmet Sami Yazar, Ozden Turel,
Burcin Nalbantoglu, Vefik Arica, Ibrahim Silfeler, Gonul Tanir, Mesut Sancar, Makbule Eren, Yvan Vandenplas. PROBAGE Study: Final report of the largest clinical trial with probiotic/synbiotics in children with acute infectious gastroenteritis in Turkey JPGN 2017;64:429 supplement1 
19. Funda Ozgenc, Zarife Kuloğlu, Nafiye Urganci, Tulay Erkan, Zerrin Onal, Sinan Sarı, Turkish Pediatric IBD Study Group Pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases in Turkey: results of Turkish pediatric IBD Database. JPGN 2017;64:527 supplement 1
20. Zarife Kuloglu, Aydan Kansu Tanca1, Suna Selbuz. Ayhai GaziKalaycı, Gülselen şahin,Ceyda Tuna Karsacıoğlu, Kaan Derirören, Buket Dalgıç, Erhun Kasırga. Zerrin Önal, Ali İşlek.National LAL_D study Glotp The lrequency of lysosomalacid lipase deficiency in children with unexplainedtran§aminase elevation and chroni6lıver disease in Turkey
21. Infantile systemic hyalinosis presenting with intestinal lymphangiectasia Yusuf Aydemir1, Makbule Eren1, Coskun Yarar1, Omer Kilic1, Koray Harmancı. JPGN Vol. 66, Supplement 2, April 2018 308

Articles published in nationally acclaimed journals
1. B.Kırel, B AYDIN, M EREN. Evaluation of Primary School Students' Growth Status in the City Center of Eskisehir Turkey Clinical J Pediatr 2008; 17: 149-157
2. M Eren, Hekim S. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Causes and Treatment in Children. Turkey Clinical J Pediatr 2010; 19(1):1-8 
3. Dalgıc B, Sarı S, Özcan B, baştürk B, Ensari A, Eğritaş Ö, Bükülmez A,  Barış Z, Türk Çölyak Working principle. Evaluation of Possible Factors and Symptoms Related to Celiac Disease in Turkish Children. Turk Arshv ped 2011;46:323-330
4.M. Eren, İN Saltık-Temizel, N. Koçak. Drug - induced hepatotoxicity. Pediatric Health and Diseases 2004; 47: 222-227.
5. M. Eren, İN Saltık-Temizel, N. Koçak. Drug - induced hepatotoxicity. Additive Journal of Pediatrics. 2007; 29: 274-283
6. Makbule Eren. Probiotics and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Clinic   Pediatry.2011;6 (4):33-40
7. Kirel B, Sivrikaya Yıldırım C, Eren M.  An Alarming Condition: Benign Transient Hyperphosphatasemia, Osmangazi Journal of Medicine 2017,39(3) 80-84 Doi: 10.20515/otd. 323278 
8. Birgul Kirel, Gokcen Ulualan, Ilhan Hazer, Makbule Eren  A Rare Cause Hypoglycemia: Glycogen Storage Disease Type 0 J Clinical Pediatrics Turkey DOI: 10.5336/pediatr.2018-60611
9. Makbule Eren, Nujin Uluğ, Yusuf Aydemir Eosinophilic gastroenteritis as a cause of gastrointestinal system bleeding and protein loosing enteropathy
doi: 10.14744/TurkPediatriArs.2018.48276

Papers presented in international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings 
1. Makbule Eren,Sserap Reyhanioglu, Evrim Ciftci, Emine Dündar,Nigün Kaşifoğlu, Tercan Us, Çağrı ener Dinleyici, Özcan Bör.  Correlation of liver damage with Alanine aminotransferase and HBV DNA levels in children with chronic hepatitis B infection. 27. National Congress of Gastroenterology, Antalya Turkey 2010.TJG 24-28 November 2010; 21 (3) was published in Supplement 1.
2. Pınar İmre Pekkarakaş, Özgül Paşaoğlu, Makbule Eren. Russell body gastritis: case report. Turkish Journal of Pathology 2012, vol. Additional number page 128.22. National Pathology Congress, 7-11 November 2012, Antalya.  
3. Makbule Eren Gülay Işıldak Pamuk. Efficacy of Sequential Therapy for H.Pylori Eradication in Children30. National Gastroenterology Week 11-15 September 2013, Antalya. TJG 2013; 24 published in supplement 19
4. Aslı Yavuz, Semih sandal, Makbule Eren. Long-term clinical follow-up and complications of gastrostomy in children.33. National Gastroenterology Week.22-27 November, Antalya (TJG 2016 ...)
5. C. Akyüz, M. Eren, K. Çağlar, B. Yalçın, A. Varan, M. T. Kutluk and M. Büyükpamukçu. Kutluk ve M. Büyükpamukçu. The role of granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor in oral care in the treatment of chemotherapy-related mucositis in childhood cancer. XII. Turkish Pediatric Oncology Group Congress. 22-25 May 2002, İstanbul. (Poster No:61)
6. M. Eren, N. Koçak, T. Coşkun, H. Demir. Tyrosinemia type I developing early cirrhosis
V. National Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Congress, 6-8 November 2002, Istanbul.    (Poster No: 65).
7. M. Eren, H. Demir, IN Saltık-Temizel, N. Koçak. Efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid in children with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. 47. National Pediatrics Congress of Turkey; October 21-23, 2003, Istanbul
8. M. Eren, H. Özen, N. Koçak. A case with pyloric obstruction due to olive seed as a cause of vomiting. 47. National Pediatrics Congress of Turkey; October 21-23, 2003, Istanbul 
9. M. Eren, F. Gürakan. A case report of hereditary spherocytosis, hyper immunoglobulin M syndrome, fragile X syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. VI. National pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition congress. 5-7 May 2004, Ankara (Poster No-141).
10. M. Eren, I.N.Saltık Temizel, H. Demir, A. Yüce, H. Özen, F. Gürakan, N. Koçak. Indications and Findings of Upper Endoscopy. 7. National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. 11-14 April 2006, (Poster No. 047).
11. M. Eren, S. Eren, Ö. Aydın, S.Arıkan. Varicella Colitis in a Six Month Old Infant. 7. National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Congress. 11-14 April 2006, (Poster No. 135)
12. Eren Makbule, Çelik Mustafa, Kınık Sibel Tulgar, Arda İrfan Serdar. Neonatal Colonic Obstruction with Hirschsprung 's Disease and Hypothyroidism. XI. National Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Congress. 14-17 September 2006 Konya. Poster No:PS-45.
13. Makbule Eren, Mustafa Açıkalın. Well’s syndrome in Celiac Disease. 24th National Gastroenterology Week 16-21 October 2007, Nevsehir, poster No 241.
14. Serdar Eren, Ayşegül Haberal, Makbule Eren,Uğur Yılmaz. Pathogenesis of Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Atherosclerosis.24th National Gastroenterology Week 16-21 October 2007, Nevsehir, poster No 121. 
15. H.Emre Temur, Makbule Eren, İ.Ragıp Özkan, Özcan Bör, A.Kadir Koçak. A case with diffuse thromboembolism in childhood. 4. Uludag Pediatrics Winter Congress, 17-20 February 2008, Bursa, poster No: 67
16. Huriye Özgen, Makbule Eren, Çağrı.E.Dinleyici. A Case of EBV Reactivation Due to Brucella Infection 4th Uludag Pediatrics Winter Congress, 17-20 February 2008, Bursa, poster No: 26
17. A. Koçak, B. Yıldız, M Eren, B. Urhan, R. Özkan. Presentation of the Case: Tek Taraflı Pulmoner Arter Agenezisi Ve Tekrarlayan Akciğer Enfeksiyonu.Türk Toraks Derneği 11. Yıllık Kongresi. 23-27 April 2008,Antalya, PS-140.
18. Makbule Eren, Selda Hekim. Levofloxacin in Resistant H. pylori Infection in Children. VIII. National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Congress, Erciyes University, 7-10 May, 2008, Kayseri, Oral Presentation No 1.
19. Makbule Eren, Selda Hekim Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children. VIII. National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Congress, Erciyes University, 7-10 May, 2008, Kayseri, Oral Presentation No 52.
20. Ener Çağrı Dinleyici, Makbule Eren, Zeynel Abidin Yargıç, Nihal Doğan, Yvan Vandenplas. Comparison of the Efficacy of Metranidazole-Saccharomyces boulardi Combination and Metranidazole Therapy in Amebiasis Patients Presenting with Acute Bloody Diarrhea: Open Label, Randomized Prospective Study. 6th National Pediatric Infectious Diseases Congress. 20-22 May, 2009, Ankara SB-03.
21. Ayten Yakut, Coşkun Yarar, Makbule Eren, Ener Çağrı Dinleyici, Bahar Öztelcan. Neurological Findings of Mercury Poisoning. X. National Child Neurology Congress. 28-31 May 2008, Trabzon.P-64.
22.  Makbule Eren, Ener Çağrı Dinleyici,Yvan Vandenplas. Comparison of Clinical Efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii and Yoghurt Juice in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhea in Children: Prospective, randomized open label study. 53.Türkiye National Pediatrics kongresi,21-25 October 2009,Muğla.Poster No: S-03
23. Ener Çağrı Dinleyici, Özcan Bör, Tercan Us, Kamuran Arıkbuka, Makbule Eren, Zeynel Abidin Yargıc, Coşkun Yarar, Bilal Yıldız, Nilgun Kaşifoğlu, Neslihan Tekin. Clinical, laboratory findings and prognosis evaluation of patients treated with Ganciclovir for cytomegalovirus infection. 53.Türkiye National Pediatrics kongresi,21-25 October 2009,Muğla.Poster No:
24. Makbule Eren, Serap Reyhanioglu, Evrim Ciftci, Emine Dundar, Nilgun Kasifoglu, Tercan Us, Cagri Ener Listener, Ozcan Bor. Correlation of Liver Damage with Alanine Aminotransferase and HBV DNA Levels in Children with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. 27.Ulusal Congress of Gastroenterology, November 24 to 28, 2010, Antalya, Türkiye
25. Koray Harmancı, Makbule Eren, A.Kadir Koçak, Nacla İpar, Sabiha Şahin. chemical pnömoni.7.uludağ occurred due to improper use of the apple butter Pediatrics Winter kongresi. 06-09 November 2011, Bursa, Turkey.
26. A. Ekici, A. Yakut, M. Eren, Carman KB, Yimeneroglu S Childhood periodic syndrome: Vomiting. 13. National Child Neurology Congress. Cappadocia. May 2011
27. Dinleyici M, Saraçoğlu N, Eren M, Kılıç Ö, Çiftçi E, Kara A, Dinleyici EÇ
A case of HPV 16 related condyloma acuminata successfully treated with topical imiquimod.
9. National Pediatric Infectious Diseases Congress, 5-8 April 2015, Antalya.
28.Makbule Eren, Mahmut Kebapcı, Funda Canaz. A case with primary sclerosing cholangitis and very early ulcerative colitis.Children gastroenterology update meeting 2015 9-12 April: Adana
29. Makbule Eren, Birgül Kırel. A Case Like Mowat Wilson Syndrome with MODY diabetes. 51.  Turkish Pediatrics Congress, May 17-21,  İzmir PS-0.81
30.Ö. Aydemir, M. Eren, T. Çınar, A. Erzenci, U. Alıcı, E. Ç. Dinleyici
 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection Presenting with Ectyma Gangrenosum and Multiple Intestinal Perforation PB86. National Pediatric Infectious Diseases Congress, 5-8 April 2015, Antalya. 
31. Gonca Kılıç Yıldırım, Sultan Durmuş Aydoğdu, Makbule Eren ,Tuna Tekin. Abetalipoproteinemia: Case ReportInternational Metabolic Disease and Nutrition Congress, April 2015 Adana
32. Gülay Işıldak Pamuk, Makbule Eren, Oğuz Çilingir. Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulatory Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis.11. National Children's Gastroenterology, Hepatology And Nutrition Congress 4-7 May 2016, Samsun
34. Yusuf Aydemir, Coşkun Yarar, Birgül Kırel, Makbule Eren. A case with Bannayan-riley-ruvalcaba syndrome, celiac disease and type 1 dm coexistence. 12. National pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition congress. 18-21 April 2018.İzmir-Turkey
35. Makbule Eren, Yusuf Aydemir, Coşkun Yarar, Ömer Kılıç, Koray Harmancı. Protein losing enteropathy due to intestinal lymphangiectasis with findings that patients with infantile systemic hiyalinozis 12th National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Kongresi.18-21 the April-Turkey 2018.İzm
36. Yusuf Aydemir, Cihan Şöhret, Makbule Eren. Evaluation of patients with cholelithiasis: 10 years single center experience. 12. National pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition congress. 18-21 April 2018.İzmir-Turkey
37. Yusuf Aydemir, Makbule Eren. A case of inflammatory bowel disease with Sapho syndrome. 12. National pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition congress. 18-21 April 2018.İzmir-Turkey
38. Makbule Eren, Yusuf Aydmir, Nujin Uluğ. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis as a Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Intestinal Lymphangiectasia and False Mass Appearance: Differential diagnosis, however diagnosis to Consider Rare 12th National Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Kongresi.18-21 the April-Turkey 2018.İzm

Other Publications

Book Chapters
1. Makbule Eren. Drug - induced hepatotoxicity. H.Özen, A yüce,F.Gürakan,İN Saltık Temizel, H.Demir Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Association 1. Press, Istanbul: Academy publications , 2012:339-350. ISBN:978-605-63067-1-6
2.Makbule Eren. Foreign body ingestion and Corrosive Substances. H.Özen, A yüce,F.Gürakan,İN Saltık Temizel, H.Demir Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Association 1. Press, Istanbul: Academy publications 2012:39-48.ISBN:978-605-63067-1-6
3.Makbule Eren. Functional Foods. H.Özen, A yüce,F.Gürakan,İN Saltık Temizel, H.Demir Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Association 1. Press, Istanbul: Academy publications , 2012:501-512.  ISBN:978-605-63067-1-6
4. OcukChildren Gastroenterology Hepatology And Nutrition, Akademi Publications 3rd Edition, 2016 Functional Foods
5. Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology And Nutrition, Academy Publications 3rd edition, 2016 Drug-related Hepatotoxicity
6. Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology And Nutrition, Academy Publications 3rd Edition, 2016
7.Eren M. Drug-Induced Liver Injury. Yurdakok Pediatrics 3656-3658. 2017 Güneş Medical Bookstore, Ankara

Section 1 426: Other Liver Diseases. 
Fatty Liver.  Stephani Abrams (Translation Makbule Eren) Rudolph Pediatry.  Güneş Bookstore (2013). 1524-1525.
2. Idiopathic Neonatal Hepatitis (Giant Cell Hepatitis) Gregorz Telega (Translation Makbule Eren) Rudolph Pediatry.  Güneş Bookstore (2013). 1525-1526.
3. Section 427: Biliary System:  
Biliary System Morphogenesis. Colin D. Rudolph (Translation Makbule Eren)
4. Ductal Plate Malformations. Gregor Telega and Colin Rudolph (Translation Makbule Eren)
5. Shortage of bile ducts. Vincent F. Blank Ve Colin D rudolph (Translation Makbule Eren)
6. Gallstones and Gallbladder Disease: Douglas S Fishman (Translation Makbule Eren)
Rudolph Pediatry.  Güneş Bookstore (2013). 1526-1530.

  • National Pediatrics Association
  • Turkish Pediatric Association
  • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Association
  • National Society of Gastroenterology
  • Association of Clinical Enteral Parenteral Nutrition (KEPAN)
  • European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, (ESPEN)
  • Europian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)
  • Pediatric Prebiotic and Probiotic Association
  • Turkish Liver Research Association
  • The article entitled “Correlation of Liver Enzymes and Liver Histology in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection" was awarded with the 2016 Yusuf Peker Best Article Award by Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine.

Finalized Research Projects
Taking part in projects supported by international organizations
1. “ A randomized Double –Blind, 104 weeks Treatment study to evaluate the Efficacy, safety, tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Telbivudin Oral Solution and tablets in children and Adolescents with compansated Hbe Ag –Positive and Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Virus İnfection” International project, supporting Novartis.
2. Unexplained Elevation of Chronic Transaminase and Cholesterol Ester Depot Disease Prevalence in Chronic Liver Disease. Supporting Organization: Alexion Pharmaceuticals inc.

To take part in the project supported by national organizations except universities
3. Determination of the prevalence of celiac disease in Turkish children Source of State Planning Organization

University Supported Projects
1. Eskisehir Osmangazi University BAPK supported by type B and C project execution
1. The effect of H.Pylori eradication on the development of gastroesophageal reflux and the role of hormones such as gastrin, pepsin, motilin and Ghrelin in pathogenesis.
2. Eskişehir Osmangazi University BAPK supported by other projects except type B and C executive
1. Il-15 gene polymorphism in Celiac Patients and Siblings

Administrative Duties
Between 2007 and March 2019, he served as the Head of the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics.  
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