Levent Çelebi
- Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Spine Diseases and Surgery
- Orthopaedic Trauma
- Paediatric Orthopaedics
- Joint Diseases and Surgery
- Sports Injuries
- Orthopaedic Infection
- Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy
- Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 1996-2000 (Medical Speciality Training)
- Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, 1996
- Liv Hospital, Ankara, 2016-
- MedicalPark Ankara Hospital, 2014-2016
- Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2010-2016
- Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2006-2010
- Twin Cities Spine Centre, Minneapolis, USA, 2005-2006
- Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2000-2005
1- Tosun O, Koralp MD, Tosun A, Celebi L, Bulakbası N. Avulsion fracture and myositis ossificans in aproffesional teenage dancer: A case report Med Probl Perform Art. 2015 Jun;30(2):111-4
2- Kömürcü E, Yuksel HY, Ersöz M, Aktekin CN, Hapa O, Celebi L, Akbal A, Bicimoglu A. Effect of surgical closing in total knee arthroplasty at flexion or extension: a prospective randomizes study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Dec;22(12):3067-73. doi: 10.1007/s00167-014-2896-6. Epub 2014
3- Akşahin E, Doğruyol D, Yüksel HY, Hapa O, Doğan O, Celebi L, Biçimoğlu A. The comparison of the effect of orticosteroids and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for thr treatment of plantar fasciitis.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012 Mar 8.
4- Akşahin E, Güzel A, Erdoğan AO, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Aktekin CN, Biçimoğlu A. The patellofemoral kinematics in patients with untreated developmental dislocation of the hip suffering from patellofemoral pain. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2011 Dec 20.
5- Yüksel HY, Yimaz S, Akşahin E, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. The results of nonoperative treatment for three-and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus in low-demand patients. J Orthop Trauma. 2011 Oct;25(10):588-95.
6- Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Yavuzer G, Muratlı HH, Celebi L, Biçimlioğlu A. Quantitative gait characteristics of children who had successful unilateral clubfoot operation. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2010;44(5):378-84.
7- Cebi H, Akşahin E, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Aktekin CN, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. Plasma vascular endothelial growth factor levels are similar in subjets with and without osteoporosis. Eklem Hastalik Cerrahisi. 2010 Aug;21(2):91-7.
8- Aksahin E, Yumrukcal F, Yuksel HY, Dogruyol D, Celebi L. Role of pathophysiology of patellofemoral instability in the treatment of spontaneous medial patellofemoral subluxation: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2010 May 22;4(1):148.
9- Hapa O, Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Gülcek S, , Celebi LBicimoglu A. Axial plane coverage and torsion measurements in primary osteoarthritis of the hip with good frontal plane coverage and sphericel femoral head. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Mar 18. [Epub ahead of print]
10- Hapa O, Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Celebi L, Doğruyol D, Biçimoğlu A. Single or double distal locking in intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures: a prospective randomized study. Ulus 2010 Jan;16(1):33-7.
11- Yilmaz S, Yüksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Ersöz M, Muratl HH, Biçimoğlu A. The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part ii: isokinetic muscle strength evaluation. J Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):44-9.
12- Yüksel HY, Yilmaz S, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Duran S, Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A. The evaluation of hip muscles in patients treated with one-stage combined procedure for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip: part I: MRI evaluation. J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Dec;29(8):872-8.
13- Muratli HH, Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Hapa O, Günal T, Celebi L. Does Salter innominate osteotomy with transiliac lengthening effect triradiate cartilage or cause posterior coverage insufficiency? Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Dec;129(12):1607-11. Epub 2009 Jul 21.
14- Akşahin E, Celebi L, Yüksel HY, Hapa O, Muratli HH, Aktekin CN, Biçimoğlu A. Immediate incorporated hip spica casting in pediatric femoral fractures: comparison of efficacy between normal and high-risk groups. J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):39-43.
15- Celebi L, Doğan O, Muratli HH, Yağmurlu MF, Biçimoğlu A. The effectiveness of short-segment posterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar burst fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007;41(3):183-9. Turkish.
16- Celebi L, Muratli HH, Doğan O, Yağmurlu MF, Akşahin E, Biçimoğlu A. The results of intramedullary nailing in children who developed redisplacement during cast treatment of both-bone forearm fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007;41(3):175-82.
17- Günal T, Muratli HH, Hapa O, Celebi L, Gülçek S, Biçimoğlu A. Residual axial plane deformities after hip reconstruction for developmental dysplasia of the hip after walking age. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2007 Mar;16(2):84-9.
18- Celebi L, Muratli HH, Akşahin E, Yağmurlu MF, Yüksel HY, Biçimoğlu A. Cementless total hip arthroplasty in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head] Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2006;40(2):105-10.
19- Celebi L, Can M, Muratli HH, Yagmurlu MF, Yuksel HY, Bicimoğlu A.Indirect reduction and biological internal fixation of comminuted subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. Injury. 2006 Aug;37(8):740-50. Epub 2006 Feb 17.
20- Celebi L, Muratli HH, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu MF, Bicimoglu A. Bensahel et al. and International Clubfoot Study Group evaluation of treated clubfoot: assessment of interobserver and intraobserver reliability. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2006 Jan;15(1):34-6.
21- Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Biçimoğlu A. Comparison of plasma endothelin levels between osteoporotic, osteopenic and normal subjects. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2005 Sep 20;6:49.
22- Celebi L, Doğan O, Muratli HH, Yağmurlu MF, Yüksel HY, Biçimoğlu A. Treatment of humeral pseudarthroses by open reduction and internal fixation. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39(3):205-10.
23- Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Biçimoğlu A. Bilateral patellar tendon rupture in a child: a case report. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005 Nov;13(8):677-82. Epub 2005 May
24- Muratli HH, Celebi L, Hapa O, Biçimoğlu A. Simultaneous rupture of the quadriceps tendon and contralateral patellar tendon in a patient with chronic renal failure. J Orthop Sci. 2005;10(2):227-32.
25- Muratli HH, Dağli C, Yavuzer G, Celebi L, Biçimoğlu A. Gait characteristics of patients with bilateral club feet following posteromedial release procedure. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2005 May;14(3):206-11.
26- Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A, Tabak YA, Celebi L, Pakel I. Mechanoreceptor evaluation of hip joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris in developmental hip dysplasia: a preliminary study. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2004 Sep;13(5):299-302.
27- Heybeli M, Muratli HH, Celebi L, Gülçek S, Biçimoğlu A. The results of intramedullary fixation with titanium elastic nails in children with femoral fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(3):178-87.
28- Muratli HH, Biçimoğlu A, Celebi L, Boyacigil S, Damgaci L, Tabak AY. Magnetic resonance arthrographic evaluation of syndesmotic diastasis in ankle fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2005 May;125(4):222-7. Epub 2004 Aug 7.
29- Celebi L, Muratli HH, Doğan O, Yağmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Biçimoğlu A. The efficacy of non-operative treatment of burst fractures of the thoracolumbar vertebrae. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(1):16-22.
30- Muratli HH, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A. Dynamic Foot Pressure Measurement in Patients with Clubfeet. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 14 september 2004- Letter to the Editor (Published online)
31- Tabak AY, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yağmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Biçimoglu A. Closed reduction and percutaneous fixation of supracondylar fracture of the humerus and ipsilateral fracture of the forearm in children. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2003 Nov;85(8):1169-72.
32- Tabak AY, Celebi L, Muratli HH, Yağmurlu MF, Aktekin CN, Biçimoğlu A. Cementless total hip replacement in patients with high total dislocation: the results of femoral shortening by subtrochanteric segmental resection] Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2003;37(4):277-83.
33- Yuksel H, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Yagmurlu M, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A, “Evaluation of the natural course C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate following primary total knee and hip arthroplasty:which factors affect this course? 9th Conggress of European Federation of National Associations Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Nice, France 2008.
34- Yılmaz S, Yuksel H, Ersöz M, Aksahin E, Muratli H, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A, “ Evaluation of isokinetic muscle strength measurements in patients with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with one-staged combined procedure.27th European Pediatric Orthopedics Society Conggress, Warsaw, Poland, 2008. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008(2) (Suppl 1):S36-S37
35- Yuksel H, Yılmaz S, Duran S, Aksahin E, Muratlı H, Celebi L, Bicimoglu A, “ The MRI evaluation of iliopsoas and other hip muscles in patients with unilateral DDH treated with one stage combined procedure. 27th European Pediatric Orthopedics Society Conggress, Warsaw, Poland, 2008. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics 2008(2) (Suppl 1):S37
36- Gunal T, Muratli HH, Yuksel HY, Aksahin E, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Bicimoglu A, “ does Salter İnnominate osteotomy with transilliac lengthening effect triradiate cartilage or cause posterior covarage insufficency? 26th European Pediatric Orthopedics Society Congress, Sorrento İtaly, 2007. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics. 2007, 1(Suppl1)S17.
37- Yagmurlu MF, Bicimoglu A, Muratli HH, Celebi L, Yuksel HY. Results of valgus osteotomy of the hip performed with tension band technique. European Hip Society Domesstic Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, 2006. Hip İnternational.2006,16(2):158.
38- Celebi L, Can M, Muratli H.H, Yagmurlu M.F, Yuksel H.Y, Bicimoglu A, “Indirect Reduction and Biologic Internal Fixation of Communited Subtrochanteric Fractures of The Femur,” 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (Online-CD basım)
39- Celebi L, Dogan O, Muratli H.H, Yagmurlu M.F, Biçimoglu A, “The Efficacy of Short Segment Posterior Enstrumentation in Burst Fractures of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae,” XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book, p.174, 2005.
40- Celebi L, Muratli H.H, Aksahin E, Yagmurlu M.F, Biçimoglu A, “Bensahel et al and International Clubfoot Study Group Evaluation for Treated Clubfoot; Assesment of Interobserver and Intraobserver Reliability,” IV. International Clubfoot Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Book, p. 33, 2005.
41- Muratli H.H, Gunal T, Celebi L, Gulcek S, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A, “Axial Plane Evaluation of Hips Treated by One-Staged Combined Procedures Because of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip after Walking Age,” European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society 24th Annual Meeting, Palm de Mallorca, Conference Book, p.68, 2005.
42- Muratli H.H, Celebi L, Hapa O, Bicimoglu A, “Endothelin Plasma Levels are Increased in Male Patients with Osteoporosis,” 7th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (Online-CD basım)
43- Bicimoglu A, Muratli H.H, Tabak A.Y, Yagmurlu M.F, Aktekin C.N, Celebi L, “The Results of Plate Fixation Principles and Minimally Invasive Technique in Femur Fractures,” 6th Congress of the European Federation of National Associations Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Helsinki, Finland, Abstract Book, p.167, 2003. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004; 86(Suppl III): 349.)
44- Muratli H.H, Bicimoglu A, Tabak A.Y, Yagmurlu M.F, Celebi L, Pakel I, “Evaluation of Mechanoreceptors in the Hip Joint Capsule and Ligamentum Capitis Femoris in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip,” European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society 22nd Annual Meeting, London, Conference Book, p.88, 2003. (J Bone Joint Surg Br 2003; 85(Suppl III): 257.)
45- Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Muratlı HH, Çelebi L, Biçimoğlu A. El distal falanksında primitif nöroektodermal tümör. Olgu sunumu. Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi. 2007, 18(3)130-3.
46- Çelebi L, Biçimoğlu A. Çocuk femur kırıkları. TOTBID Dergisi. 2006, 5(2) 34-43.
47- Celebi L, Akşahin E, Muratli HH, Hapa O, Yüksel HY, Biçimoğlu A. Femur cisim kırıklarında intramedüller kilitli çivileme: Açık ve kapalı redüksiyonun sonuçlar üzerine etksi. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi Dergisi. 2006, 17:115-22.
48- Yüksel HY, Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Biçimoğlu A. İzole büyük trokanter tüberkülozu. Olgu sunumu. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, 2006, 17:151-4.
49- Muratlı HH, Yüksel HY, Çelebi L, Dağlı C, Biçimoğlu A. Erişkin humerus cisim kırıklarının fonksiyonel yöntemle tevdisi. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi Dergisi, 2004, 15:143-51.
50- Muratlı HH, Yüksel HY, Çelebi L, Biçimoğlu A, Tabak AY: Tibia plato kırıklarında yükseltme, greftleme ve internal tespit ile tedavi sonuçlarımız. Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi Dergisi. 2003, 14:222-9.
51- Yağmurlu MF, Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Çelebi L, Biçimoğlu A, Tabak AY. Comparison of non-carved locking intramedullary implant applications in open and closed tibial shaft fractures. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2003, 14:25-31.
52- Muratlı HH, Heybeli M, Yağmurlu MF, Çelebi L, Yüksel HY, Günal T. Results of talectomy in rigid pes equino varus deformity secondary to arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. Journal of Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital. 2003, 42: 41-46.
53- Tabak AY, Biçimoğlu A, Çelebi L, Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Aktekin CN. Early results of revision total hip arthroplasties using self locking revision stem (Wagner stem). Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2002, 13:65-72.
54- Muratlı HH, Yağmurlu MF, Tabak AY, Biçimoğlu A, Çelebi L. Clinical and radiological results of complete subtalar release of pes equinovarus. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery. 2001, 12:22-31.
55- Muratlı HH, Aktekin CN, Akşahin E, Çelebi L, Doğan Ö, Biçimoğlu A. Closed reduction and percutaneous cistern wire fixation in fully displaced extension type supracondylar humerus fractures. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedics.
56- Altay M, Çelebi L, Doğan Ö, Yüksel Y, Tabak Y, Biçimoğlu A. Radius neck fractures in children. Hacettepe Journal of Orthopaedics
- Turkish Orthopaedics and Traumatology Association
- EFORT (European Federation of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Associations)
- Turkish Spine Society
- AO Trauma Turkey (Board Member)
- AO Trauma Europe (International trainer)
- Turkish Orthopaedics and Traumatology Association Trauma Branch
- Paediatric Orthopaedic Association