Prof. MD. İbrahim Erkutlu
Prof. MD. İbrahim Erkutlu
Prof. MD.

İbrahim Erkutlu

Liv Hospital Gaziantep
Areas of Interests

    In all adults and children;

    • Vascular Diseases In The Brain And Spinal Cord Surgery 
    • Brain And Spinal Cord Tumors Surgery 
    • Pituitary Tumors Surgery 
    • Epilepsy (Sara disease) Pili surgery (vagal nerve stimulation)
    • Congenital problems of the brain, spine and spinal cord surgery
    • Traumas of the head, spine and spinal cord surgery
    • Hydrocephalus (fluid in the brain) surgeries
    • Neck, back and lower back hernia surgery
    • Pain Surgery
    • Peripheral Nerve Surgery
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine , Neurosurgery Clinic - Neurosurgery residency training(1995-2002)
  • Ankara University Faculty of Medicine- Medical Doctor Education (1985-1992)
  • Liv Hospital Gaziantep (2021 - )
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Clinic - U.S.A. Department(1995-2002)
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Clinic- Professor (2019)
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Clinic- -Associate Professor (2014- 2019)
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine, Neurosurgery Clinic, Assistant Associate professor (2004 – 2013)
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery Clinic Spec. Dr. (2002-2004)
  • Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery Clinic Asistan Dr. (1995-2002)
  • Turkish Armed Forces, Medical Lieutenant,Sarıkamış- Kars (1994-1995)
  • Team Doctor, General Directorate of the Red Crescent, Ankara (1994)
  • Practitioner Physician, Şanlıurfa (1992-1994)


  • Control and Command of Electronic Devices with Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Mission: As an executive and researcher, TF.11.05 Comprehensive Research Project
  • Motor intention waves based need transmission system design, Coordinator: Assoc.Prof.Dr. BÜLENT YILMAZ, Mission: Researcher, TOA-2015-31, ERCIYES AND ABDULLAH GUL UNIVERSITY, collaborative work with ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING, Researchers: KUTAY İÇÖZ, SERGEY BORISENOK, İBRAHİM ERKUTLU (Domestic Researcher)
  • Investigation of the effectiveness of Tacrolimus on oxidative metabolism in experimental head trauma, TF.ALT.18.42, Infrastructure Project, Mission: As a coordinator and researcher
  • Investigation of the histopathological effectiveness of Tacrolimus in experimental head trauma, Specialization Thesis Projects, Mission: As a coordinator and researcher, TF.UT.18.47


A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
A1.Gök A., Ük C., Yılmaz M., Bakır K., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., “Efficacy of Methylprednisolone in Acute Experimental Cauda Equina Injury”, Acta Neurochir 144:817-821, (2002).
A2.Gök A., Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., “Surgical approach to the fourth ventricle cavity through the cerebellomedullary fissure”, Neurosurg Rev, 27:50–54, (2004).
A3.Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Kanlıkama M., “Tree-layer reconstruction with fascia lata and vascularized pericranium for anterior skull base defects”, Acta Neurochir (Wien),146: 53–57, 2004.
A4.Erkutlu İ., Büyükhatipoğlu H., Alptekin M., Özsaraç C., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A.: “Primary Spinal Epidural Extraosseous Ewing’s Sarcoma Mimicking A Spinal Abscess”, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 24:1–6,(2007).
A5.Mutaf M., Bekerecioğlu M., Erkutlu İ., Bulut Ö., “A New Technique for Closure of Large Meningomyelocele Defects”, Annals of Plastic Surgery,59(5):538-543,(2007).
A6.Pence S.,  Erkutlu İ., Kurtul N., Boşnak M., Tan Ü. “Total Brain Tissue Sialic Acid Levels due to Glutathione Effect in Experimental Epilepsy”,International Journal of Neuroscience,117(11):1523–1535,(2007).
A7.Pençe S., Boşnak M., Kurtul N., Uğur M.G. ,Erkutlu İ., Bağcı C.,  Tan Ü. “The Effect of Progesterone on Total Brain Tissue Sialic Acid Levels in Experimental Epilepsy”,  International Journal of Neuroscience,118(01): (2008) 484 1969
A8.Erkutlu İ., Büyükhatipoğlu H., Alptekin M., Gök A., “Where is the Brain Paranchyme? Primary cerebral multiple cyst hydatid".Internal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 47(4):333, (2008).
A9.Yılmaz M., Erkutlu İ., Kılçıksız S., Pehlivan M., Okan V., Alptekin M., Sarı İ., “Modified IDARAM chemotherapy regimen for primary central nervous system lymphoma: experience of three cases”,Hematology, Apr;13(2):107-13, (2008).
A10.Erkutlu İ., Büyükhatipoğlu H., Alptekin M., Berkyürek E., Tutar E., Gök A., “Spinal drop metastases from a papillary meningioma: a case report and review of the literature: utility of CSF sampling”,Med Oncol.,26(2):242-6, (2009).
A11. Pençe S., Erk1utlu İ., Kurtul N., Boşnak M., Alptekin M.,Tan Ü., “Antiepileptogenic Effects Of Gluthatione Against Increased Brain ADA in PTZ-Induced Epilepsy”, International Journal of Neuroscience, 119:616–629, (2009).
A12.Pençe S., Erkutlu İ., Kurtul N., Boşnak M., Alptekin M.,Tan Ü., “Effects Of Progesterone On Total Brain Tissue Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Experimental Epilepsy”, International Journal of Neuroscience , 119(2):204-213, (2009).
A13.Çöçelli L., Erkutlu İ., Karakum G., “Transient Neurologic Syndrome After Spinal Anesthesia: Epidural Steroid Application in Pain Management: A Case Report” ,Current Therapeutic Research, 70(4):316-322 (2009).
A14.Al B., Yıldırım C., Zengin S., Genç S., Erkutlu İ., Mete A., “Acute spontaneous spinal subdural haematoma presenting as paraplegia and complete recovery with non-operative treatment”, BMJ Case Reports, (2009). (published online 8 November 2009) doi:10.1136/bcr.02.2009.1599
A15.Aydeniz A., Erkutlu İ., Altındağ O., Küçükoğlu B., Gürsoy S., “Severe neck and back pain in adolescence: remember osteoblastoma”, Rheumatol Int., 30(9):1243-4, (2010).
A16.Erbağcı H., Şirikçi A., Erbağcı İ., Erkutlu İ., Yiğiter R., Kızılkan N., “Congenital absence of internal carotid and basilar artery”, Estratto da chirurgia, 23:85-7 (2010).
A17.İlhan O., Koruk S., Serin G., Erkutlu İ., Öner Ü., “Dexmedetomidine in the Supratentorial Craniotomy”, EAJM; 42: 61-5, 2010.
A18.Mızrak A., Koruk S., Bilgi M., Kocamer B., Erkutlu İ., Ganidağlı S., Öner Ü., “Pretreatment with Dexmedetomidine or Thiopental Decreases Myoclonus after Etomidate: A Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled Trial”, J Surg Res., 159(1):e11-6, (2010)
A19.Mızrak A., Gül R., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Öner Ü., “Premedication with dexmedetomidine alone or together with 0.5% lidocaine for IVRA”, J Surg Res.,164(2):242-7, (2010).
A20.Atik B., Erkutlu İ., Tercan M., Büyükhatipoğlu H., Pençe S., Bekerecioğlu M., “The effects of exogenous melatonin on peripheral nerve regeneration and collagen formation in rats”, J Surg Res.,166(2):330-6, (2011).
A21.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Dokur M., Geyik M., Gök A., “Unusual penetration of a construction nail through the orbit to the cranium: a case report”, Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery,17(1):79-82, (2011).
A22.Mızrak A., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Şen E., Geyik M., Gök A., Öner Ü., “Efficacy of Fentanyl and/or Lidocaine on Total Anti-Oxidants and Total Oxidants During Craniotomy”, Clin Med Res.,9(2):82-7, (2011).
A23.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Mızrak A., Geyik M., Tutar E., Gök A., “Thoraco-lumbar intradural intramedullary bronchiogenic cyst. A very rare abnormality”, Neurosurgery Quarterly, 21(3):199-202 (2011).
A24.Mete A., Erkutlu İ.,Akcali A., Mete A., “Simultaneous Cranial Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Spinal Subdural Hematoma”, Turk Neurosurg.,22(3):349-52, (2012).
A25.Erkutlu İ., Çiğiloğlu A., Kalender M.E., Alptekin M., Demiryurek M.T., Süner A., Özkaya E., Ulaşlı M., Camcı C., “Correlation between rho-kinase pathway gene expressions and development and progression of glioblastoma multiforme”, Tumor Biol., 34:1139–1144, (2013).
A26.Baysal E., Erkutlu İ., Mete A., Alptekin M., Öz A., Karataş Z.A., Çelenk F., Mumbuç S., Kanlıkama M., "Complications and Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media: A Retrospective Analysis of 82 Patients", J Craniofac Surg., 24(2):464-467, (2013).
A27. Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Geyik S., Geyik A.M., Gezgin İ., Gök İ., “Early cyclosporin A treatment retards axonal degeneration in an experimental peripheral nerve injection injury model”, Neural Regen Res.,Feb;10(2):266-70,(2015). doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.152381.
A28. Ozkaya M., Sayiner Z.A., Kiran  G., Gul K., Erkutlu İ., Elboga U., “Ectopic acromegaly due to a growth hormone-secreting neuroendocrine-differentiated tumor developed from ovarian mature cystic teratoma”,Wien Klin Wochenschr., (2015) Apr 14., DOI 10.1007/s00508-015-0775-x, 2015
A29.Geyik M, Alptekin M, Erkutlu I, Geyik S, Erbas C, Pusat S, Kural C., “Tethered cord syndrome in children: a single-center experience with 162 patients”, Childs Nerv Syst., (2015) May 22
A30. Bay A., Aktekin E., Erkutlu I., “A rare combination: congenital factor VII deficiency with Chiari malformation”, Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, (2015), Dec;26(8):946-8. DOI:10.1097/MBC.0000000000000322.
A31. Erkutlu I., Bay A., Aktekin E.,”Conservative management of an acute spinal epidural hemorrhage in a child with hemophilia a with inhibitor”, Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis (2016), Dec;27(8):930-932. PMID:26656896  DOI:10.1097/MBC.0000000000000480
A32. Geyik M., Erkutlu I.,Geyik S.,Alptekin M.,,Gezgin I., Gök A.,”Paradoxical Morphometric and Antioxidative Effects of Melatonin on Vasospasm in Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage” , Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish] 32:(4)# 46; 756-766, (2015)
A33. Geyik M., Geyik S., Şen H., Pusat S., Alptekin M., Yılmaz A.E., Nazik M., Erkutlu İ., ”Urodynamic outcomes of detethering in children: experience with 46 pediatric patients”, Childs Nerv Syst. Mar 11,  (2016) 2016 Jun;32(6):1079-84. doi: 10.1007/s00381-016-3053-y. Epub 2016 Mar 11. PMID:26969174, DOI:10.1007/s00381-016-3053-y
A34. Geyik M., Erkutlu I., Alptekin M., Gezgin I., Mizrak A., Pusat S., Gök A.,” Parieto-Occipital Interhemispheric Precuneal Approach to the Lesions of the Atrium: Experience with 66 patients “, Turk Neurosurg, (2016) ,DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.16296-15.1 
A35. Geyik M., Erkutlu I., Alptekin M., Gezgin I., Mizrak A., Dokur M., Gok A., “Anterior skull base defects reconstructed using three- layered method: 78 consecutive cases with long-term follow-up”, Journal of Neurological Surgery - Part B, Dec;77(6):499-502. Epub 2016 May 27., (2016)
A36. Geyik M.,  Geyik S., Erkutlu I., Alptekin M., Gezgin I., Dokur M. “Multicentric Located Dentigerous Dermoid Cyst Case with an Unusual Location in Central Nervous System” , The Surgery Journal Surg J 2016;2:e1–e4., DOI :10.1055/s-0036-1583205 (2016)
A37. Tulu M., Caldir E., Erkutlu I., Tulgar M.: The latest innovative study in neurotechnology: A fully implantable external rechargeable and controlled neuroimplant system,Natural Science and Discovery, 2016; 2(1): 24-5
A38. Gezgin I, Erkutlu I, Alptekın M, Geyık M, Gök A, Anterior surgical approach for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: clinical and radiological outcomes, Chirurgia 2017 August;30(4):117-24, DOI: 10.23736/S0394-9508.16.04568-X
A39. Bosnak VK, Karaoglan I, Erkutlu I, Namiduru M, Nosocomial spondylodiscitis after intradiscal electrothermal therapy: Case series, J Pak Med Assoc, 2017 Aug;67(8):1290-1292., PMID:28839324
A40. Özcan H.Ç., Alptekin M., Ugur B.K., Uğur M.G., Erkutlu İ., Kutlar İ., " Anterior Sacral Meningocele Mimicking an Adnexal Mass In An Infertile Woman: A Report of a Very Unusual Case", Gaziantep Med J ; : - DOI: 10.5152/EurJTher.2017.50

B. Papers presented in international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:

Verbal Presentations
B1.Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Gök M., “The Supraorbital Bifrontal Approach to Midline Pathologies of the Anterior Skull Base - Clinical Study”, IV. International Congress on Cerebral Venous System and IV.International Congress on the Meningiomas ,pp.77, June 03-06 , 2002, Istanbul,Turkey
B2.Dokur M., Sağlamoğlu M., Erkutlu İ., Demir  M., “ISS, RTS and TRISS Trauma Scores Prognostic Analysis at Forensic Traumatic Cases Applied to our Emergency Services” , 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery , 7th National Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery , 7. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi, 13-17 May 2009 Antalya, Turkey
Poster Presentations
B3. Yılmaz M., Erkutlu İ., Kılçıksız S., Pehlivan M., Okan V., Alptekin M., Sarı İ., “Modified IDARAM chemotherapy regimen to R-IDARAM for primary central nervous system lymphoma”,1st Balkan Hematology Days, pp.101, November 10-11, 2006, Antalya, Turkey (Poster)
B4.Pirbudak Çöçelli L. , Serin G., Erkutlu İ. , Ugur M.G. , Neyal M. , Tahtacı N., “Twelfth Nerve Palsy After Postdural Puncture”, 5thCongress Of The European Federation Of IASP Chapters (EFIC), Sep. 13-16, 2006, Istanbul,Turkey (Poster)
B5.Güngör K., Erkutlu İ., Bekir N., “Traumatic globe luxation: A case report” , XXIV. Congress of the ESCRS ,September 9-13,2006 ,London, U.K.(Poster)
B6. Pence S., Erkutlu İ., Kurtul N., Alptekin M., Tan Ü., “Effects of Progesterone on total brain tissue adenosine deaminase activity in experimental epilepsy”, pp. 289,  7th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, 12-17 July, 2007, Melbourne, Australia (Poster)
B7.Pence S., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Kurtul N., Pence H.H., “The effect of Progesteron on brain Malondialdehyde and gluthation levels in the experimental epilepsy in mice”, Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego,California, 5-9 April 2008 (Poster)
B8. Bay A., Aktekin E., Erkutlu I., Tarakcioglu M., Sirikci A., “Conservative management of an acute spinal epidural hemorrhage in a child with hemophilia A with inhibitor”, World Federation of Hemophilia WFH 2014 World Congress, 11-15 May, 2014, Melbourne, POSTER
B9. Alptekin M., Geyik A.M.,Erkutlu I., Nazik M., “Congenital cervical kyphosis in two siblings: case presentations”,  PP 1979 , P-105, 43rd Annual Meeting of International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, Oct 4-8, 2015,Izmir, Turkey, POSTER 
B10.  Geyik M., Geyik S., Şen H., Pusat S., Alptekin M., Yılmaz A.E., Nazik M., Erkutlu I., Izci Y., “Urodynamic outcomes of detethering in children: experience with 46 pediatric patients
”, 25th Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN), 8-11 May 2016,Paris-France, Childs Nerv Syst (2016) 32:905–1012,  DOI 10.1007/s00381-016-3044-z ,FP022, POSTER
B11. Sayiner Z.A.,Eraydin A.,Erkutlu I., Akarsu E., Mustafa Araz M., “May headache pattern be a clue for differential diagnosis in patients with pituitary mass?”, EndoBridge 2016, 4th European Society of Endocrinology Meeting , 20-23 Oct 2016, Cornelia Diamond Hotel and Convention Center in Antalya, Turkey, Poster Presentation, English, Pub Number: P-22, Session Date: 22 October Saturday ,Session Time: 13:00-14:00, Hall: FOYER, POSTER
B12 Eraydin A., Akarsu E., Sayiner ZA., Ozkaya O., Erkutlu I., Tabur S.,Araz M., Acromegaly: clinical experience and determinants of remission, 19th European Congress of Endocrinology , 20 - 23 May 2017, Lisbon, Portugal , Endocrine Abstracts (2017) 49 EP1003, DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.49.EP1003, POSTER
B13. Cihan Ö.F., Zencirci B., Erkutlu İ., Guzelbey İ.H., “Investigation of the response of the vessel wall to changes in different hematocrit levels in intracranial aneurysms with computational fluid dynamics”, III. International Eurasia Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, 4-7 April 2019, Gaziantep, POSTER

Chapters written in national / international books
C1. Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Mild Head Traumas in Adults, Head trauma, Ch. 42, page 581-589, Basic Neurosurgery, 3rd edition, 2010

D. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:

D1.Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., “Parieto-occipital interhemispheric precuneal approach to trigonally located tumors”, Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery, 10:202-205 (2000).
D2.Gök A., Bakır K., Ük C., Erkutlu İ., Gök M., “Gliosarcoma: Case report and review of literature information”, Turkish Neurosurgery journal 13: 282-286, 2003.
D3.Erturhan S., Erkutlu İ., Yağcı F., Seçkiner İ., Erbağcı A., Solakhan M., “Neuro-Urological Diagnosis and Treatment in Children with Spinal Dysraphism”, Gaziantep Medical journal 14:10-15 (2008).
D4.Pirbudak-Çöçeli L., Avcı N., Erkutlu İ., “Cancer and Malnutrition”, Sendrom,20:(11-12):39-49 (2008).
D5.Mizrak A, Gül R, Koruk S, Şahin L, Doğanay L, Erkutlu İ, Alptekin M: Vocal cord paralysis after craniotomy, Anesthesia journal, 18(2):119-122 (2010).
D6. Geyik M., Pusat S., Çınar K., Erkutlu İ.,Alptekin M., Gök A., “Use of Ultrasound as a Neuronavigation Tool in the Surgery of Supratentorial Brain Lesions”, Türk Neurosir Derg 26(3):177-181(2016)
D7. Geyik M., Nazik M., Ucler N., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Atadag A., Nehir A., Comparison of serum and tissue values of miRNAs related to autophagy in glial brain tumors and metastases other than lymphoma, Annals of Medical Research 2018.11.247 2019;26(3):309-13 DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.

E. Papers presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings:

Verbal Presentations

E1. Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., “Parieto-occipital interhemispheric precuneal approach in trigonally located tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 14th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 66, 14-21 May 2000, Antalya
E2. Ük C., Erkutlu İ. ,Gök A., Bakır K., “Experimental Examination of the Efficacy of Methylprednisolone in Cauda Equina Lesions”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 15th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.207, 22-26 May 2001, Antalya.
E3.Erkutlu İ., Gök A., Zorludemir S., Alptekin M., Gök M., “Investigation of the Effectiveness of Cyclosporin-A in Experimental Sciatic Nerve Injection Damage - Experimental Study”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 16th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg .189, 6-8 May 2002, Istanbul
E4. Alptekin M., Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Gök M., “Tonsillo-uvular Approach to 4th Ventricle Tumors-Clinical Study”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 16th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.234, 6-8 May 2002, Istanbul
E5. Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Gök M., “Approach to the 4th Ventricle Cavity via Cerebellomedullary Fissure, Clinical Study”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 17th National Neurosurgery congress, 20-24 May 2003, Belek-Antalya
E6.Erkutlu İ., Gök A., Alptekin M., Gök M., “Cranioorbital Transsylvian Approach to Lesions Located in Interpeduncular Fossa”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 17th National Neurosurgery congress, pg.271, 20-24 May 2003, Belek-Antalya
E7.Erkutlu İ., Gök A., Alptekin M., Gök M., “Endoscope Support in Transsphenoidal Pituitary Microsurgery”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 17th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.79, 20-24 May 2003, Belek-Antalya
E8. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Gök M., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Anterior approach in the surgical treatment of cervical disc herniations”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 18th Scientific Congress pg.74, 22-26 May 2004, Kemer-Antalya
E9. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Microvascular decompression in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 18th Scientific Congress pg.148, 22-26 May 2004, Kemer-Antalya
E10.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Beryürek E., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Parieto-occipital interhemispheric precuneal approach to trigonally located tumors and treatment results”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 19th Scientific Congress pg.28, 27-31 May 2005 Kemer-Antalya (The twelfth best presentation award of the year)
E11. Gök M., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Beryürek E., Büyükbeşe İ., Bakır K., Gök A., “Efficacy of cyclosporine A in experimental intracerebral hemorrhages”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc.19. Scientific Congress pg.39, 27-31 May 2005 Kemer-Antalya
E12.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Beryürek E., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in sellar and parasellar tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 19th Scientific Congress pg.88, 27-31 May 2005 Kemer-Antalya
E13. Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Beryürek E., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Cranioorbital Transsylvian Approach to Lesions Located in Interpeduncular Fossa”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 20th Scientific Congress pg.52, 28 April 02 May 2006 Kemer-Antalya
E14.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Büyükbeşe İ., Beryürek E., Gök A., “Approach to 4th Ventricle Pathologies via Cerebello-medullary Fissure-Clinical Study”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 20th Scientific Congress pg.66, 28 April 02 May 2006 Kemer-Antalya
E15. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Gezgin İ., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Supraorbital bifrontal approach in olfactory groove meningiomas”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 21st Scientific Congress pg.57, 20-24 April 2007 Aksu- Antalya
E16. Büyükbeşe İ., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Gezgin İ., Gök A., “The effect of cyclosporine-A and deferoxamine on experimental intracerebral hematoma”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 21st Scientific Congress pg.63, 20-24 April 2007 Aksu- Antalya
E17. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Geyik A.M., Gezgin İ., Gök A., “Surgical approach results in intracranial epidermoid tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 22nd Scientific Congress pg.67, 18-22 April 2008 Antalya
E18. Berkyürek E., Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Çınar K., Gök A., “Investigation of the effects of Methyl-prednisolone and Meloxicam on experimentally induced disc herniations in rats”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 22nd Scientific Congress pg.67, 18-22 April 2008 Antalya
E19.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Çınar K., Geyik A.M., Gök A., “Suboccipital retrosigmoid surgical approach and treatment results in giant acoustic neuromas”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 22nd Scientific Congress pg.64, 18-22 April 2008 Antalya
E20. Çınar K., Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Geyik A.M., Gök A., “Comparison of total oxidant and antioxidant capacity in patients with low and high grade glial tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 24th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.47,14-18 May 2010, Belek-Antalya(The second most attentive Turkish paper of the year award)
E21. Geyik A.M., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Çınar K., Gök A., “Histopathological, biochemical and morphometric investigation of the effects of melatonin on vasospasm in experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 24th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.68-69, 14-18 May 2010, Belek-Antalya
E22. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Ayker A., Şimşek H., Gök A., “Laminoplasty Results in Myelopathy Cases Due to Multilevel Cervical Spondylosis”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 25th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg 76, 22-26 April 2011, Belek-Antalya
E23.Erkutlu İ.,Alptekin M.,Baysal E.,Türkmen A.,Ünlü İ.,Gök A., “Reconstruction of anterior skull base defects with a three-layer layer”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 25th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 62, 22-26 April 2011, Belek-Antalya
E24.Erkutlu İ.,Alptekin İ., Mızrak A., Uğur M.,Şimşek H., GökA., “Use of Color Doppler Ultrasound as a neuronavigation tool in the surgery of supratentorial lesions”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 25th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg 70- 71, 22-26 April 2011, Belek-Antalya
E25.Erkutlu İ.,Tülü M., “Controlling and commanding electronic devices with Brain Computer Interface”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 26th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 54, 20-24 April 2012, Belek-Antalya (Top 10 papers of the year)E26.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Ünlü İ., Ayker A., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in third ventricle tumors”, Nervous System Surgery Association, VIII.Scientific Congress, p.15, 27-30 September 2012 , Gaziantep (Top 10 papers of the year)
E27. Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Ünlü İ., Ayker A., Şimşek H., Gök A. “Surgical treatment results in third ventricle tumors: experience with 62 cases”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 27th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 76, 12-16 April 2013, Belek-Antalya
E28.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Şimşek H., Ayker A., Ünlü İ., Gök A. “Surgical treatment results in unbleeded intracranial aneurysms: Experience with 59 cases”. Turkish Neurosurgery Association 27th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 98, 12-16 April 2013, Belek-Antalya
E29. Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Ayker A.A., Ünlü İ., Gök A., “Anterolateral intervention and results in thoracic and lumbar pathologies”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 80, 4-8 April 2014, Beldibi-Antalya
E30. Geyik A.M., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Gezgin İ, Nazik M., Mizrak A., Gök A., “Results of repair of anterior skull base defects with three-layer and vascular pedicled pericranium method: Experience with 78 cases”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. . 29th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 67, 17-21 April 2015, Belek-Antalya
E31.Geyik A.M., Kurt H., Pusat S., Çınar K., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., "Use of Ultrasound as Neuronavigation in the Surgery of Supratentorial Lesions", Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 32nd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 110, 20-24 April 2018, Susesi Congress center-Antalya, SS136
E32. Erkutlu İ, Demir A., Uğur B.K., Alptekin M., Geyik A.M., Atadağ A., "The relationship between adenoma volume and perioperative hormone levels in acromegaly patients", Turkish Neurosurgery Association 32nd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 110,111 20-24 April 2018, Susesi Congress center-Antalya,SS137
E33. Erkutlu İ, Geyik A.M., Pusat S., Alptekin M., Atadağ A., Nehir A., Demir A.,"Operated Foramen Magnum Menegiomas: Evaluation in Accompaniment with the Literature", Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 32nd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 126, 20-24 April 2018, Susesi Congress center-Antalya,,SS180
E34. Ugur B.K., Demir A., Ugur M.G., Erkutlu I., Cesur M., “A case of acute subdural hematoma after spinal anesthesia in Caesarean section operation”, TARK,S-230, 07-11 November 2018, Antalya
Poster Presentations
E35.Gök A., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., Erkutlu İ., “Primary Basilar Intussusception, Arnold-Chiari Type I and Syringomyelia”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 10th National Neurosurgery Congress, p.345, 24-28 May 1996, Cesme, IzmirE36.Gök A., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., Erkutlu İ., “Treatment results in lumbar disc surgery”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 12th National Neurosurgery Congress pg 148, 15-19 May 1998, Antalya
E37.Gök A., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., Erkutlu İ., “Von Hippel Lindau Disease”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 12th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.263, 15-19 May 1998, Antalya
E38.Gök A., Kaygısız M.S., Ük C., Erkutlu İ., “Surgical treatment results in cases of Lumbar Spinal stenosis”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 12th National Neurosurgery Congress p.147,15-19 May 1998, Antalya
E39.Gök A., Kaygısız M.S., Ük C., Erkutlu İ., “Aneurysmal bone cyst in the cranium”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 13th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.209, 17-19 May 1999, Istanbul
E40.Gök A., Kaygısız M.S., Ük C., Erkutlu İ., “Surgical approach in parasagittal and falx meningiomas”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 13th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.210, 17-19 May 1999, Istanbul
E41.Gök A., Kaygısız M.S., Ük C., Erkutlu İ., “Surgical Treatment Results in Cervical Disc Herniations”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 13th National Neurosurgery Congress pg. 169, 17-19 May 1999, Istanbul
E42.Gök A., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., Erkutlu İ., “Anterior Plate Applications in the Cervical Region”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 14th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.214, 14-21 May 2000, Antalya
E43.Gök A., Ük C., Kaygısız M.S., Erkutlu İ., “Surgical Treatment Results in Lumbar Disc Herniations”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 14th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg.214, 14-21 May 2000, Antalya
E44.Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Ük C., Bakır K., “Gliosarcoma: Case report and review of the literature”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 15th National Neurosurgery Congress.306, 22-26 May 2001, Antalya
E45.Gök A., Ük C., Erkutlu İ., Gök M., “Surgical Treatment Results in Cervical Disc Herniations”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 15th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 234, 22-26 May 2001, Antalya.
E46.Gök M., Gök A., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., “Repair of Anterior Skull Base Defects with a Triple Layer Consisting of Fascia Lata and Vascularized Pericranium”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 17th National Neurosurgery Congress.271, 20-24 May 2003,Belek, Antalya
E47.Erbağcı H., Erbağcı İ., Erkutlu İ., Şirikçi A., Kızılkan N., E.Gümüşburun E., “Unilateral agenesis of arteria carotis interna: Case report”, 7th National Anatomy Congress, pg. 253, 01-05 September 2003, Diyarbakır
E48.Büyükbeşe İ., Gök M., Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in spondylolisthesis”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 18th Scientific Congress pg.279, 22-26 May 2004 Kemer-Antalya
E49.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Beryürek E., Büyükbeşe İ., Gök A., “Occipitocervical fixation”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 20th Scientific Congress pg.149, 28 April 02 May 2006 Belek-Antalya
E50.Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Gezgin İ., Çınar K., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results of supratentorial cavernomas”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc 21st Scientific Congress pg.98, 20-24 April 2007 Aksu-Antalya
E51.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Dokur M., Geyik M., Gök A., “Craniocerebral Sharps Injury: Case Report”, VI National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress pg.215, 4-8 September 2007, Antalya
E52.Dokur M., Erkutlu İ., Ulutaşdemir N., Demir M., Aldaş A., “Analysis of traumatic child accidents admitted to our emergency department”, VI National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, p.229, 4-8 September 2007, Antalya
E53.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Geyik A.M., Uğur M., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in spinal intradural extramedullary tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 22nd Scientific Congress, pg.97, 18-22 April 2008, Antalya
E54.Mızrak A., Koruk S., Bilgi B., Kocamer B., Erkutlu İ., Ganidağlı S., Öner Ü., “Dexmedetomidine and Thiopental reduce myoclonus after Etomidate”, TARK, pg. 67.29 September-01 November 2008, Antalya
E55.Mızrak A., Gül R., Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Öner Ü., “Use of Dexmedetomidine together with Lidocaine or for premedication in intravenous regional anesthesia”,TARK, pg 75, 29 September-01 November 2008, Antalya
E56.Kaya R., Koruk S., Gül R., Mızrak A., Erkutlu İ., Göksu S., Öner Ü., “Comparison of Propofol-Dexmedetomidine and Isoflurane-Dexmedetomidine in Supratentorial craniotomies”, TARK, p.127 , 29 September-01 November 2008 ,Antalya
E57.Koruk S., Ganidağlı S., Özkan G., Gül R., Erkutlu İ., Öner Ü., “Presentation of a hydrocephalus case developing in intensive care”, TARK, pg. 270, 29 September-01 November 2008, Antalya
E58.Güler E., Erkutlu İ., Ölmez A., Yalçın A.S., Kör Y., “Evaluation of patients with childhood central nervous system tumors”, XV.TPOG National Pediatric Cancer Congress, pg. 246, 21-25 May 2008, Izmir
E59.Tutar E., Alptekin M., Karahan S., Erkutlu İ., Aydın A., Gök A., “L-Hermitte Duclos Disease diagnosed in the childhood age group-Case report”, 19th National Pathology Congress pg.89 , 7-11 September 2009, Kyrenia T.R.N.C.
E60.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Gezgin İ, Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in third ventricle tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 23rd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 82-83, 17-21 April 2009, Kyrenia T.R.N.C.
E61.Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ.,Gezgin İ., Uğur M., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in rigid occipito-cervical fixations”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 23rd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 87, 17-21 April 2009, Kyrenia T.R.N.C.
E62.Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ. ,Gezgin İ., Geyik A.M., Uğur M., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in craniopharyngiomas”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 23rd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 82, 17-21 April 2009, Kyrenia T.R.N.C.
E63.Kör Y., Keskin M., Erkutlu İ., Tutar E., Keskin Ö., Kör D., “Growth hormone hypersecretion and pituitary gigantism”, 14th National Pediatric Endocrine and Diabetes Congress, pg. 186 ,4-10 October 2010, Sarigerme-Muğla
E64.Gezgin İ, Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Gök A., “Investigation of Clinical and Radiological Results of Anterior Surgical Approaches in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathies”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 25th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 93, 22-26 April 2011, Belek-Antalya
E65.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Uğur M., Uğurlu B., Gök A., “Economic and effective treatment of CSF leaks with spinal epidural catheter: 39 patients experience”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 26th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 327, 20-24 April 2012, Belek-Antalya
E66.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Uğur M., Gök A., “Autogenic rib graft use in rigid occipitocervical fixation”, Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 26th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 173, 20-24 April 2012, Belek-Antalya
E67.Boşnak V.K., Karaoğlan İ., Erkutlu İ., Namıduru M., “Evaluation of cases diagnosed with nosocomial spondylodiscitis developing after radiofrequency surgery”, Turkey EKMUD Congress, p.202, 9-12 May 2012, Pendik-İstanbul
E68.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Şimşek H., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in unbleeded intracranial aneurysms”, Nervous System Surgery Association VIII. Scientific Congress, pp. 32-33, 27-30 September 2012, Gaziantep
E69.Erkutlu İ., Alptekin M., Ayker A., Gök A., “Treatment results of the anterior approach applied to column vertebralis thoracolumbar junction pathologies”, Nervous System Surgery Association VIII. Scientific Congress pg.40, 27-30 September 2012, Gaziantep
E70. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Ayker A., Şimşek H., Ünlü İ., Gök A., “Antero-lateral approach results in thoracolumbar junction surgery: Experience with 52 cases”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 27th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 149, 12-16 April 2013, Belek-Antalya
E71. Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., Ünlü İ., Ayker A.A., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in lateral ventricle tumors”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 112, 4-8 April 2014, Beldibi-Antalya
E72. Erkutlu İ., Geyik A.M., Alptekin M., Baysal E., Gezgin İ., Gök A., “Surgical treatment results in penetrating head traumas: Experience with 8 cases”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 399-400, 17-21 April 2015, Belek-Antalya
E73. Alptekin M., Geyik A.M., Nazik M., Erkutlu İ., Gök A., “A tragic case of tetraparesis”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 192, 17-21 April 2015, Belek-Antalya
E74. Ekinci M., Nazik M., Çiftçi Z., Geyik A.M., Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ., “Death caused by millimeter in neurosurgery: 2-case experience” Turkish Neurosurgery Association 11th National Neurosurgical Nursing Congress, pg. 497, 17-21 April 2015, Belek-Antalya
E75. Geyik A.M., Pusat S., Alptekin M., Erkutlu İ, Atadağ A., Nehir A., Demir A.,"Simultaneous association of menegioma and dermoid tumor: Case report", Turkish Neurosurgery Assoc. 32nd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 209, 20-24 April 2018, Susesi Congress Center-Antalya, EPS118
E76. Geyik A.M., Erkutlu İ, Alptekin M., Nehir A., Atadağ A, “Giant arteriovenous malformation removed without complications”, Turkish Neurosurgery Association 33rd National Neurosurgery Congress, pg. 392, 11-14 April 2019, Vega Convention Center, Rixos Sungate, Antalya, PS-334

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  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society Neurooncologic Surgery Group (TUR-NOG)
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  • 19th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, the best papers of the year 
  • Turkish Neurosurgical Society 24th Scientific Congress, best papers of the year (2nd prize in Turkish with care) 
  • Turkish neurosurgical association 26th scientific congress best papers of the year 
  • The best papers of the year at the VIIIth Scientific Congress of the Society of Neurosurgery
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