Ercan Kocakoç
- Interventional Radiology
- Interventional Oncology (non-surgical cancer treatment)
- Abdominal Radiology
- Genitourinary Radiology
- Prostate fusion biopsy and focal treatments
- Liver tumor ablation therapy (radiofrequency or microwave ablation)
- Chemoembolization (TAKE: Liver tumor treatment)
- Uterine fibroid embolization therapy 8uterine fibroid embolization)
- 19 Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine / 1992
- Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine, Radiology / 1997
- Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA / November 2004-April 2005
- Liv Hospital Vadi Istanbul / 2022- present
- Medical Park Bahçelievler Hospital, Istanbul / 2017- present
- Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology / 2015-2016
- Bezmialem Vakif University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology / 2010-2015
- Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiodiagnostics / 2000-2010
- SB Sivas Maternity and Child Nursing Hospital / 1998-2000
Research and Publications
Medical Specialization Thesis Title and Advisor
- Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Lower Extremity Arterio-Occlusive Pathologies / Thesis Advisor: Asst.Prof. Dr.Mustafa Öztürk
Professorship Major Research Work
- Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Orhan I, Poyraz AK, Artas H, Firdolas F. Detection of bladder tumors with 3-dimensional sonography and virtual sonographic cystoscopy. J Ultrasound Med 2008; 27:45-53.
Written international books or chapters in books:
K1. Diagnostic Ultrasound: Logical Approach, Second Edition (Two-Volume Set) (Hardcover) by John P. McGahan (Editor), Barry B. Goldberg (Editor) (Informa - Oct 13, 2007)
Chapter 35: The Penis (pp 957-978) (Dogra VS, Kocakoc E, Bhatt S)
K2. Genitourinary Radiology. Male Genital Tract, Adrenal and Retroperitoneum. Vikram S. Dogra and Gregory T. MacLennan, eds. Springer-Verlag London 2013.
Chapter 6: Congenital and Acquired Non-neoplastic Disorders of the Testis (Kocakoc E, Bertolotto M, Pavlica P, MacLennan GT) (pp 107-149)
K3. Genitourinary Radiology. Male Genital Tract, Adrenal and Retroperitoneum. Vikram S. Dogra and Gregory T. MacLennan, eds. Springer-Verlag London 2013.
Chapter 7: Neoplasms of the Testis (Kocakoc E, Bertolotto M, Pavlica P,Valentino M, Cacciato F, Tona G, Derchi LE, MacLennan GT) (pp 151-182)
Written national books or chapters in books
- Abdominal Radiology. Kocakoc E (Editor). 912 pages, World Bookstore; Moment
A.Articles published in international refereed journals:
- A1. Ozgocmen S, Karaoglan B, Kocakoc E, Ardıcoglu O, Yorgancıoglu ZR. Correlation of hand bone mineral density with the metacarpal cortical index and carpo:metacarpal ratio in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Yonsei Med J 1999; 40:478-482.
- A2. Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Ardıcoglu O, Kiris A. Popliteal artery aneurysm resembling popliteal cyst: a case report. Joint Bone Spine 2001;68:180-182.
- A3. Ozgocmen S, Ardicoglu A, Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Ardicoglu O. Paravertebral abscess formation due to brucellosis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Joint Bone Spine 2001; 68:521-524.
- A4. Erdogan N, Kocakoc E, Bekar D, Ozturk O. Unilateral absence of cerebellar hemisphere: a case report. Neuroradiology 2002; 44:49-51.
- A5. Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Ardicoglu O. Pseudothrombophlebitis in a patient with Behçet’s syndrome: Doppler ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings. Clin Rheumatol 2002; 21:60-62.
- A6. Ozgocmen S, Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu O. Osteophyte induced dysphagia: report of three cases. Joint Bone Spine 2002; 69:226-229.
- A7. Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Ardicoglu A, Ardicoglu O. Incidence of varicoceles in patients with ankylosing spondylitis evaluated by physical examination and color duplex sonography. Urology 2002; 59:919-922.
- A8. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Orhan I, Bozgeyik Z, Kanbay M, Ogur E. Incidence and importance of reflux in testicular veins of healthy men evaluated with color duplex sonography. J Clin Ultrasound 2002; 30:282-287.
- A9. Kocakoc E, Kiris A. Achondrogenesis type II with normally developed extremities: A case report. Prenat Diagnosis 2002; 22:594-597.
- A10. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Ozgocmen S. Acromegalic arthropathy of the hand with sesamoid involvement: a case report. Hand Surg 2002; 7:153-154.
- A11. Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Sen Y, Ardicoglu O. Calcaneal apophysitis due to brucellosis: a case report. J Trop Pediatr 2003; 49:55-58.
- A12. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Sen Y, Bozgeyik Z. Pediatric idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis diagnosed by sputum analysis: plain radiography and computed tomography findings. Med Princ Pract 2003; 12:129-132.
- A13. Serhatlioglu S, Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Sapmaz E, Boztosun Y, Bozgeyik Z. Sonographic measurement of the fetal cerebellum, cisterna magna, and cavum septum pellucidum in normal fetuses in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. J Clin Ultrasound 2003; 31:194-200.
- A14. Kiris A, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu O, Ogur E. Lung findings on high resolution CT in early ankylosing spondylitis. Eur J Radiol 2003; 47:71-76.
- A15. Kocakoc E, Serhatlioglu S, Kiris A, Bozgeyik Z, Ozdemir H, Bodakci MN. Color doppler sonographic evaluation of inter-relations between diameter, reflux and flow volume of testicular veins in varicocele. Eur J Radiol 2003; 47:251-256.
- A16. Serhatlioglu S, Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Canpolat I, Bozgeyik Z, Han MC. Evaluation of the effects of sildenafil citrate (viagra) on canine renal artery, carotid and aortic blood flow with the aid of colour doppler sonography. Urol Int 2003; 71:103-107.
- A17. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Alkan A, Bozgeyik Z, Sen Y, Ozdemir H. Multiseptate gallbladder in a child with chronic abdominal pain: ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance cholangiography findings. Eur J Radiol Extra 2003; 47:22-25.
- A18. Kocakoc E, Ozgocmen S, Kiris A, Ozcakar L, Boztosun Y, Yildirim N. An overwhelming pulmonary fungus ball in a systemic lupus erythematosus patient. Z Rheumatol 2003; 62:570-573.
- A19. Kocakoc E, Bozgeyik Z, Ozgocmen S, Ozdemir H. Spontaneous occlusion of a traumatic false aneurysm of the peroneal artery. J Ultrasound Med 2003; 22:1391-1393.
- A20. Ozgocmen S, Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu O, Kamanli A. Evaluation of metacarpophalangeal joint synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis by power Doppler technique: relationship between synovial vascularization and periarticular bone mineral density. Joint Bone Spine 2004; 71:384-388.
- A21. Yilmaz N, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Kiris A. Primary hydatid disease of sacrum affecting the sacroiliac joint: a case report. Spine 2004; 29:E88-E91.
- A22. Ozdemir H, Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Kalender O. MRI finding of intraosseous lipoma: case report. Magn Reson Imaging 2004; 22:281-284.
- A23. Ozgocmen S, Yoldas T, Kocakoc E, Zengin FO, Ardicoglu O. Spinal epidural hematoma associated with streptokinase treatment for myocardial infarction. Spinal Cord 2004; 42:374-377.
- A24. Kurtoglu S, Akcakus M, Kocaoglu C, Gunes T, Karakucuk I, Kula M, Kocakoc E. Iodine deficiency in pregnant women and in their neonates in the central Anatolian region (Kayseri) of Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 2004; 45:11-15.
- A25. Kocakoc E, Poyraz AK, Cetinkaya Z, Bozgeyik Z. Postnephrectomy renal arteriovenous fistula. J Ultrasound Med 2004; 23:965-968.
- A26. Ozgocmen S, Kaya A, Kocakoc E, Kamanli A, Ardicoglu O, Ozkurt-Zengin F. Rupture of Baker's cyst producing pseudothrombophlebitis in a patient with Reiter's syndrome. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2004;20:600-603.
- A27. Kazez A, Ozel SK, Kocakoc E, Kiris A. Double intussusception in a child: the triple circle sign. J Ultrasound Med 2004; 23:1659-1661.
- A28. Kiris A, Ozdemir H, Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E. Ultrasonographic target appearance due to renal calculi containing gas in emphysematous pyelitis. Eur J Radiol Extra 2004; 52:119-121.
- A29. Ardicoglu A, Kocakoc E, Tuygun UO, Bozgeyik Z, Orhan I. Effectiveness of vardenafil versus papaverine in penile Doppler ultrasonography. Urol Int 2005; 75:75-79.
- A30. Ardicoglu A, Kocakoc E, Yuzgec V, Bozgeyik Z, Canatan H, Kiris A. Hemodynamic effects of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on segmental branches of bilateral renal arteries. Int Urol Nephrol 2005; 37:785-789.
- A31. Ozgocmen S, Kiris A, Ardicoglu O, Kocakoc E, Kaya A. Glucocorticoid iontophoresis for achilles tendon enthesitis in ankylosing spondylitis: a significant response documented by power doppler ultrasound. Rheumatol Int 2005;25:158-160.
- A32. Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu A, Bozgeyik Z, Kiris A, Yuzgec V, Ogur E. Effects of sildenafil on major arterial blood flow using duplex sonography. J Clin Ultrasound 2005; 33:173-175.
- A33. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Bozgeyik Z, Uysal H, Artas H. Splenic vein aneurysm with calcification of splenic and portal veins. J Clin Ultrasound 2005; 251-253.
- A34. Bhatt S, Kocakoc E, Rubens DJ, Seftel AD, Dogra VS. Sonographic evaluation of penile trauma. J Ultrasound Med 2005; 24:993-1000; quiz 1001.
- A35. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Bozgeyik Z. Multiseptate gallbladder: MR cholangiography findings. Abdom Imaging 2005; 30:501.
- A36. Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Poyraz AK, Dagli F, Boztosun Y. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis with nephrocutanous fistula and coexisting renal replacement lipomatosis: the report of a rare case. Clin Imaging 2005; 29:356-358.
- A37. Ozdemir H, Kocakoc E, Bozgeyik Z, Cobanoglu B. Recurrent retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma. Yonsei Med J 2005; 46:715-718.
- A38. Kocakoc E, Bhatt S, Dogra VS. Renal multidetector row CT. Radiol Clin North Am 2005; 43:1021-1047.
- A39. Yilmaz N, Kaya A, Kiris A, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E. Spontaneous regression of herniated lumbar intervertebral disc. APLAR Journal of Rheumatology 2006; 9:83-86.
- A40. Kiris A, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu O. Power Doppler assessment of overall disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Clin Ultrasound 2006; 34:5-11.
- A41. Ozgocmen S, Ozcakar L, Ardicoglu O, Kocakoc E, Kaya A, Kiris A. Familial Mediterranean fever responds well to infliximab: single case experience. Clin Rheumatol 2006; 25:83-87.
- A42. Kazez A, Akpolat N, Kocakoc E, Parmaksiz ME, Koseogullari AA. Congenital true pancreatic cyst: a rare case. Diagn Interv Radiol 2006;12:31-33.
- A43. Kiris A, Kaya A, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E. Assessment of enthesitis in ankylosing spondylitis by power Doppler ultrasonography. Skeletal Radiol 2006; 35:522-528.
- A44. Dagli AF, Ozercan MR, Kocakoc E. Hydatid cyst of the breast mimicking inflammatory carcinoma and mastitis. J Ultrasound Med 2006; 25:1353-1356.
- A45. Bhatt S, Kocakoc E, Dogra VS Endometriosis: sonographic spectrum. Ultrasound Q 2006; 22:273-280.
- A46. Kocakoc E, Kazez A, Dagli AF, Koc M. Post-circumcision granuloma: a rare cause of penile mass in a boy. J Ultrasound Med 2006; 25:1611-1613.
- A47. Cetinkaya Z, Girgin M, Kocakoc E, Ayten R. Jejuno-jejunal invagination at the line of the Braun anastomosis. Eur J Radiol Extra 2007; 61:1-3.
- A48. Kocakoc E, Bhatt S, Dogra VS. Ultrasound evaluation of testicular neoplasms. Ultrasound Clin 2007; 2:27-44.
- A49. Kiris A, Karlidag T, Kocakoc E, Bozgeyik Z, Sarsilmaz M. Paranasal sinus computed tomography findings in patients treated for lepromatous leprosy. J Laryngol Otol 2007; 121:15-18.
- A50. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E. Dynamic flow (B-flow) versus power Doppler imaging in a case of carotid body tumor. J Clin Ultrasound 2007; 35:331-332.
- A51. Onur MR, Orhan I, Firdolas F, Onur R, Kocakoç E. Clinical and radiological evaluation of ejaculatory duct obstruction. Arch Androl 2007; 53:179-186.
- A52. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Koc M, Dagli AF. Giant fibroepithelial stromal polyp of the vulva: extended field-of-view ultrasound and computed tomography findings. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 30:791-792.
- A53. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Orhan I, Poyraz AK, Artas H, Firdolas F. Detection of bladder tumors with 3-dimensional sonography and virtual sonographic cystoscopy. J Ultrasound Med 2008; 27:45-53.
- A54. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Koc M. Education and imaging. Hepatobiliary and pancreatic: pancreatic lipoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 23:161.
- A55. Onur MR, Firdolas F, Onur R, Kocakoc E, Akpolat N, Orhan I. Scrotal ultrasonography: should it be used in routine evaluation of infertile men? Andrologia 2008; 40:58-61.
- A56. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoç E, Öztürk T. Polyorchidism with lobulation and septa in supernumerary testis. Diagn Interv Radiol 2008; 14:100-102.
- A57. Kocakoc E. Detection of deep vein thrombosis with Doppler sonography. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2008; 26:159-160.
- A58. Bozgeyik Z, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E. Role of diffusion-weighted MRI in the detection of early active sacroiliitis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2008; 191:980-986.
- A59. Kocakoc E, Bhatt S, Dogra VS. Endometriosis. Ultrasound Clin 2008; 3:399-414.
- A60. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Sonmezgoz F. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging findings of kidneys in patients with early phase of obstruction. Eur J Radiol 2009; 70:138-141.
- A61. Colak MC, Rahman A, Kocaturk H, Bayram E, Kocakoc E. Interrupted inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return with atrial septal defect in a 38-year-old adult: a case report. Cases J. 2009 Jul 16;2:7346.
- A62. Ozdemir H, Ozturk T, Kocakoc E, Kayal A. Uterine arterial pseudoaneurysm: transcatheter arterial embolization as a rare complication of Caesarean section. South Med J 2009;102:1176-1178.
- A63. Rahman A, Colak MC, Ustünel L, Koc M, Kocakoc E, Colak C. A comparison of different treatment managements in patients with acute deep vein thrombosis by the effects on enhancing venous outflow in the lower limb. Med Sci Monit 2009;15:CR588-593.
- A64. Bozgeyik Z, Ozdemir H, Kocakoc E, Simsek M. Hepatic and portal venous Doppler waveforms and flow velocities in normal pregnancy. Med Sci Monit 2009;15:CR624-627.
- A65. Doganay S, Kocakoc E, Esen M, Ciçekçi M. True diverticulum of the gallbladder. J Ultrasound Med 2010;29:121-123.
- A66. Ozdemir H, Demirdag K, Ozturk T, Kocakoc E. Anthrax of the gastrointestinal tract and oropharynx: CT findings. Emerg Radiol 2010;17:161-164.
- A67. Kocakoc E, Bozgeyik Z, Koc M, Balaban M. Idiopathic Postpartum Intussusception: A Rare Cause of Acute Abdominal Pain. Med Princ Pract 2010;19:163-165
- A68. Cetinkaya Z, Kocakoc E, Coskun S, Ozercan IH. Primary hepatic actinomycosis. Med Princ Pract 2010; 19:196-199.
- A69. Doganay S, Gul Y, Kocakoc E. Omental torsion and infarction depicted by ultrasound and computed tomography: an unusual cause of abdominal pain. Intern Med 2010; 49:871-872.
- A70. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Gul Y, Dagli AF. Evaluation of liver hemangiomas using three different b values on diffusion MR. Eur J Radiol 2010; 75:360-363.
- A71. Doganay S, Kocakoc E, Balaban M. Nontraumatic hepatic hematoma caused by Wegener's granulomatosis: an unusual cause of abdominal pain. N Z Med J 2010;123(1318):73-78.
- A72. Doganay S, Kocakoc E, Sen Y. Aortic aneurysm in a girl with Takayasu’s arteritis. N Z Med J 2010; 123(1326):124-125.
- A73. Doganay S, Sonmezgoz F, Sen Y, Kocakoc E. Deep vein thrombosis associated with protein C and protein S deficiency: An unusual cause of acute abdomen. J Clin Ultrasound 2011; 39:287-289.
- A74. Onur MR, Firdolas F, Kocakoç E, Orhan I. Inflammatory pseudotumor of the kidney. J Clin Imaging Sci 2011;1:7.
- A75. Dağgülli M, Onur MR, Fırdolaş F, Onur R, Kocakoç E, Orhan İ. Role of diffusion MRI and apparent diffusion coefficient measurement in the diagnosis, staging and pathological classification of bladder tumors. Urol Int 2011; 87:346-352.
- A76. Onur MR, Ciçekçi M, Kocakoç E, Poyraz AK. Unusual cause of biliary obstruction: hepatobiliary fascioliasis. Acta Gastroenterol Belg 2011; 74:97-98.
- A77. Eyibilen A, Aladağ I, Kocakoç E. Congenital laryngoptosis: an unusual case. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2011; 27:118-120.
- A78. Doğanay S, Kocakoç E, Ciçekçi M, Ağlamiş S, Akpolat N, Orhan I. Ability and utility of diffusion-weighted MRI with different b values in the evaluation of benign and malignant renal lesions. Clin Radiol 2011; 66:420-425.
- A79. Onur MR, Ciçekçi M, Kayalı A, Kocakoç E, Aygun C. Role of the apparent diffusion coefficient measurement by diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in the liver. Jpn J Radiol 2011; 29:688-694.
- A80.Ciçekçi M, Ucak EE, Aglamis S, Kocakoc E. Typical renal oncocytoma. JBR-BTR 2011;94:130-131.
- A81. Onur MR, Poyraz AK, Kocakoç E, Orhan I. Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome with testicular malignancy and unilateral seminal vesicle agenesis. European Journal of Radiology Extra 2011; 77:e71-e73.
- A82. Alkan A, Goktan A, Karincaoglu Y, Kamisli S, Dogan M, Oztanir N, Turan N, Kocakoc E. Brain perfusion MRI findings in patients with Behcet’s disease. The Scientific World Journal 2012;2012:261502.
- A83. Onur MR, Ciçekçi M, Kayalı A, Poyraz AK, Kocakoç E. The role of ADC measurement in differential diagnosis of focal hepatic lesions. Eur J Radiol 2012; 81:e171-176.
- A84. Poyraz AK, Onur MR, Kocakoç E, Oğur E. Diffusion-weighted MRI of fatty liver.J Magn Reson Imaging 2012; 35:1108-1111.
- A85. Bakal U, Kazez A, Akyol M, Kocakoc E, Simsek S. A portable ultrasound based screening study on the prevalence and risk factors of cystic echinococcosis in primary school children in East Turkey. Acta Trop 2012;123:91-95.
- A86. Onur MR, Kocakoç E, Poyraz AK, Ogur E. Bone tissue in esophagus: an osteogenic metastasis. Dis Esophagus 2012; 25:176.
- A87. Kocakoc E, Bhatt S, Dogra VS. Utility of venous compression in DVT evaluation revisited. Bratisl Lek Listy 2012;113:417-420.
- A88. Kocakoc E, Kayali A, Ozturk T, Ozturk F, Gundogan P. Torsion of the wandering spleen. JBR-BTR 2012; 95:148-149.
- A89. Onur MR, Poyraz AK, Kocakoç E. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver and portal thrombosis. JBR-BTR 2012; 95:162-163.
- A90. Bilgin M, Toprak H, Ahmad IC, Yardimci E, Kocakoc E. Ileocecal Intussusception due to a Lipoma in an Adult. Case Rep Surg 2012;2012:684298.
- A91. Toprak H, Bilgin M, Atay M, Kocakoc E. Diagnosis of Appendicitis in Patients with Abnormal Position of the Appendix due to Mobile Caecum. Case Rep Surg 2012; 2012:921382.
- A92. Turkoglu H, Onur MR, Poyraz AK, Kocakoc E. Evaluation of normal appendix vermiformis in adults with multidetector computed tomography. Clinical Imaging 2012; 36:758-762.
- A93. Bilgin M, Sevket O, Yildiz S, Sharifov R, Kocakoc E. Imaging of post-partum ovarian vein thrombosis. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2012;2012:134603.
- A94. Bilgin M, Burgazli M, Toprak H, Erdogan A, Kocakoc E. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of abdominal complications of cystic fibrosis. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2012; 16Suppl 4:48-51.
- A95. Kocakoç E, Onur MR, Serter A. The role of diffusion-weighted MRI for the evaluation of focal hepatic lesions. Imaging in Medicine 2012; 4:527-539.
- A96. Bilgin M, Yildiz S, Toprak H, Ahmad IC, Kocakoc E. CT and MRI Findings of Hepatic Involvement in Rendu-Osler-Weber Disease. Case Rep Radiol 2012;2012:484085.
- A97. Onur MR, Bakal U, Kocakoc E, Tartar T, Kazez A. Cystic abdominal masses in children: a pictorial essay. Clinical Imaging 2013;37:18-27.
- A98. Poyraz AK, Firdolas F, Onur MR, Kocakoç E. Evaluation of left renal vein entrapment using multidetector computed tomography. Acta Radiologica 2013;54:144-148.
- A99. Toprak H, Atay M, Ahmad IC, Kocakoc E. Retroperitoneal mature cystic teratoma arising from intra-abdominal undescended testis in an adult. Clinical Imaging 2013; 37:403-405.
- A100. Yildiz S, Toprak H, Serter A, Kocakoç E. Stab injury of the thoracic aorta: computed tomography findings.Case Rep Radiol 2013;2013:397514. doi: 10.1155/2013/397514.
- A101. Serter A, Kocakoç E, Çipe G. Supposed to be rare cause of intestinal obstruction; abdominal cocoon: report of two cases. Clinical Imaging 2013; 37:586-589.
- A102. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Aglamis S, Ogur E. Perforation of the urinary bladder wall by Foley catheter. JBR-BTR 2013; 96:210-211.
- A103. Kilicarslan R, Burakgazi G, Aglamis S, Kocakoc E. Superior vena cava syndrome caused by Behçet's disease. JBR-BTR 2013; 96:232-233.
- A104. Esen M, Onur MR, Akpolat N, Orhan I, Kocakoc E. Utility of ADC measurement on diffusion-weighted MRI in differentiation of prostate cancer, normal prostate and prostatitis. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2013; 3:210-216.
- A105. Serter A, Alkan A, Aralasmak A, Kocakoc E. Severe posterior reversible encephalopathy in pheochromocytoma: importance of susceptibility-weighted MRI. Korean J Radiol 2013; 14:849-853.
- A106. Sharifov R, Atay M, Yetis H, Kocakoc E. A rare cause of hydronephrosis: entrapment effect of giant iliac artery aneurysm. Clin Imaging 2013; 37:809-810.
- A107. Toprak H, Kılıç E, Serter A, Kocakoç E, Özgöçmen S. Doppler US in rheumatic diseases with special emphasis on rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis. Diagn Interv Radiol 2014; 20:72-77.
- A108. Toprak H, Kılıç E, Serter A, Kocakoç E, Ozgocmen S. Ultrasound and Doppler US in Evaluation of Superficial Soft-tissue Lesions. J Clin Imaging Sci 2014; 4:12, doi: 10.4103/2156-7514.127965.
- A109. Ciçekçi M, Onur MR, Aydin AM, Gül Y, Ozkan Y, Akpolat N, Kocakoç E. The role of apparent diffusion coefficient values in differentiation between adrenal masses.
- Clin Imaging 2014; 38:148-153.
- A110. Kocakoc E, Havan N, Bilgin M, Atay M. Primary pancreatic leiomyosarcoma. Iran J Radiol 2014; 11:e4880 (1-3).
- A111. Gossypiboma/textiloma mimicking as tumour recurrence. Atay M, Ahmad IC, Bilgin M, Kocakoc E. J Pak Med Assoc 2014; 64:708-710.
- A112. Kiliçarslan R, Toprak H, Ozturk F, Kocakoç E. Pseudomembranous colitis due to Clostridium difficile. JBR-BTR 2014; 97:158-159.
- A113. Ahmad IC, Yilmaz TF, Kocakoç E. Doppler ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of testicular adrenal rest tissue in a patient with 11 β hydroxilase deficiency. Case report. Med Ultrason 2014; 16:383-385.
- A114. Malya FU, Hasbahceci M, Serter A, Cipe G, Karatepe O, Kocakoc E, Muslumanoglu M. Appendiceal mucocele: clinical and imaging features of 14 cases. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2014; 109:788-793.
- A115. Serter A, Buyukpinarbasili N, Karatepe O, Kocakoc E. An unusual liver mass: primary malignant mesothelioma of the liver: CT and MRI findings and literature review. Jpn J Radiol 2015; 33:102-106.
- A116. Kocaman O, Baysal B, Şentürk H, İnce AT, Müslümanoğlu M, Kocakoç E, Arıcı S, Uysal Ö, Yıldız K, Türkdoğan K, Danalıoğlu A. Staging of rectal carcinoma: MDCT, MRI or EUS. Single center experience. Turk J Gastroenterol 2014; 25:669-673.
- A117. Yildiz S, Aralasmak A, Kadioglu H, Toprak H, Yetis H, Gucin Z, Kocakoc E. Radiologic findings of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. Med Ultrason 2015; 17:39-44.
- A118. Balaban M, Idilman IS, Toprak H, Unal O, Ipek A, Kocakoc E. The utility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in differentiation of endometriomas from hemorrhagic ovarian cysts. Clin Imaging 2015; 39:830-833.
- A119. Kocakoc E, Bakan AA, Poyrazoglu OK, Dagli AF, Gul Y, Cicekci M, Bahcecioglu IH. Assessment of Liver Fibrosis with Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Different b-values in Chronic Viral Hepatitis. Med Princ Pract 2015; 24:522-526.
- A120. Aydin S, Yildiz S, Turkmen I, Sharifov R, Uysal O, Gucin Z, Armagan A, Kocakoc E. Value of Shear Wave Elastography for differentiating benign and malignant renal lesions. Med Ultrason 2018; 1:21-26.
- A121. Kayhan S, Kocakoç E. Pulmonary fibrosis due to COVID-19 pneumonia. Korean J Radiol 2020; 21:1273-1275. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2020.0707.
- A122. Serter A, Onur MR, Coban G, Yildiz P, Armagan A, Kocakoc E. The role of diffusion-weighted MRI and contrast-enhanced MRI for differentiation between solid renal masses and renal cell carcinoma subtypes. AbdomRadiol 2021; 46:1041-1052. doi:10.1007/s00261-020-02742-w.
B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings:
- B1. Ozgocmen S, Karaoglan B, Kocakoc E, Ardıcoglu O. Correlation of hand bone mineral density with carpo:metacarpal ratio and metacarpal cortical index in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. XIV. European League Against Rheumatism Congress, Scotland, Ann Rheum Dis 58 (Suppl. 1), p241:1011, 1999.
- B2. Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Ozkacar L, Ardicoglu O. Osteoarticular brucellosis:Report of two cases with unusual presentation. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2000), Nice, Ann Rheum Dis 59 (Suppl.1), p259-260:POS-854, 2000.
- B3. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Serhatlioglu S, Cekirdekci A, Ogur E. Delayed manifestation of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm: Intrathoracic herniation of the kidney. European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR 2001) 12th Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course, Dublin, Eur Radiol 11(6): C 64, 2001.
- B4. Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Ardicoglu A, Ardicoglu O. The incidence of varicoceles in patients with ankylosing spondylitis evaluated by physical examination and color doppler sonography. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2001), Prague, Ann Rheum Dis 60 (Suppl.1), p219:POS-21, 2001.
- B5. Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Ozgocmen S, Ardicoglu O, Ogur E. Lung findings on high resolution computed tomography in early ankylosing spondylitis. European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2002), Vienna, Eur Radiol 12 (Suppl. 1), P386:C-0244, 2002.
- B6. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Orhan I, Bozgeyik Z, Kanbay M, Ogur E. The incidence, velocity, and duration of reflux in testicular veins of normal subjects evaluated with color duplex sonography. European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2002), Vienna, Eur Radiol 12 (Suppl. 1), P409:C-0360, 2002.
- B7. Ozgocmen S, Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu O, Ogur E. Power Doppler ultrasonography for the assessment of metacarpophalangeal joint synovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2002), Stockholm, Ann Rheum Dis 61 (Suppl.1), p327:SAT0268, 2002.
- B8. Ozgocmen S, Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu O, Ogur E. High resolution computed tomography of lungs in early ankylosing spondylitis: correlation with dispnea and pulmonary function tests. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2002), Stockholm, Ann Rheum Dis 61 (Suppl.1), p295:SAT0149, 2002.
- B9. Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Ozgocmen S, Ardıcoglu O, Ogur E. Power Doppler ultrasonography for the assessment of hand, wrist and metatarsophalangeal joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, (RSNA 2002) Chicago, Radiology 225 (p) p453MK-p, 2002.
- B10. Ardicoglu O, Kocakoc E, Ozgocmen S, Ardicoglu A, Gudul H, Bozgeyik Z. Effect of celecoxib versus tenoxicam on renal blood flow in patients with knee osteoarthritis. World Congress on Osteoarthritis, (OARSI 2002) Sydney, Osteoarthritis Cartilage 10 (Suppl. A) PS140:S67, 2002.
- B11. Kiris A, Kocakoc E, Karlidag T, Serhatlioglu S, Songur A, Ozdemir H, Bozgeyik Z. Paranasal CT findings in cases with treated leprosy. European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2003), Vienna, Eur Radiol 13 (Suppl. 1), P466:C-0558, 2003.
- B12. Kocakoc E, Serhatlioglu S, Kiris A, Sapmaz E, Boztosun Y, Bozgeyik Z. Transabdominal sonographic measurement of the fetal cerebellum, cisterna magna, and cavum septum pellucidum in normal fetuses in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2003), Vienna, Eur Radiol 13 (Suppl. 1), P533:C-0899, 2003.
- B13. Kocakoc E, Ardicoglu A, Bozgeyik Z, Kiris A, Yuzgec V, Ogur E. Evaluation of the effects of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on aortic, superior mesenteric, and carotid artery blood flow using color Doppler sonography. European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2003), Vienna, Eur Radiol 13 (Suppl. 1), P563:C-1047, 2003.
- B14. Kocakoc E, Ozgocmen S, Bozgeyik Z, Ardicoglu O, Gudul H, Ogur E. Effect of celecoxib versus tenoxicam on aortic, superior mesenteric and renal blood flow in patients with knee osteoarthritis. European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR 2003) 14th Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course, Budapest, Eur Radiol 13 (Suppl 2): C 67, 2003.
- B15. Kiris A, Kaya A, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E. Assessment of entheses by power Doppler technique in ankylosing spondylitis: a pilot study. European Congress of Radiology 2005 (ECR 2005), Vienna, Eur Radiol 15 (Suppl. 1), P505:C-0765, 2005.
- B16. Kocakoc E, Bhatt S, Dogra VS. Utility of venous compression in DVT evaluation revisited. (Oral presentation) AJR 2006; 186: A60-A63. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS 2006) 106th annual meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, April 30 – May 5, 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- B17. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Orhan I, Poyraz AK, Artas H, Firdolas F. Detection of the bladder tumor with 3d ultrasound and virtual sonographic cystoscopy, (Oral presentation) European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR 2006) 13th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology, September 8-11, 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
- B18. Kocakoc E, Kiris A, Orhan I, Poyraz AK, Artas H, Firdolas F. Detection of the bladder tumor with 3d ultrasound and virtual sonographic cystoscopy, (Oral presentation) AJR 2007; 188: A30. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS 2007) 107th annual meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, May 6-11, 2007, Orlando, Florida.
- B19. Kocakoc E, Bozgeyik Z, Gul Y, Dagli AF. Evaluation of liver hemangiomas using three different b values on diffusion MR. (Oral presentation) European Radiology 2007; 17(Suppl 3):C41. European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR 2007) 18th Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course, ESGAR 2007, June 12 – 15, Lisbon,Portugal.
- B20. Kiris A, Kaya A, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E. Power Doppler and grey scale ultrasonography of lower limb entheses in ankylosing spondylitis. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2007), Barcelona, Ann Rheum Dis 66 (Suppl.2), p569:SAT0459, 2007.
- B21. B ozgeyik Z, Ozgocmen S, Kocakoc E. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of acute changes in early sacroiliitis. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2008), Paris, Ann Rheum Dis 67 (Suppl.2), p513:SAT0252, 2008.
- B22. Kocakoc E, Bozgeyik Z, Koc M, Orhan I, Akpolat N. Differentiation of normal prostatic tissue from benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer using Diffusion-Weighted MR.
- (Oral presentation) AJR 2008; 190: A25-A26. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS 2008) 108th annual meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, May 6-11, 2008, Washington, DC.
- B23. Rahman A, Colak M, Ustünel L, Koc M, Kocakoc E. The comparison of the different treatment managements in patients with acute deep venous thrombosis by the effects on enhancing venous outflow in the lower limb. 4.th Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, 28 November – 2 December, 2008, Antalya- Turkey. The Heart Surgery Forum 2008; 11 (Suppl.2):PP012.
- B24. Rahman A, Colak M, Bozdemir N, Kocakoc E. Spontaneous rupture of the ascending thoracic aorta in young man. 4.th Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, 28 November – 2 December, 2008, Antalya- Turkey. The Heart Surgery Forum 2008; 11 (Suppl.2):PP126.
- B25. Poyrazoglu OK, Kocakoc E, Dagli AF, Gul Y, Çiçekçi M, Bahcecioglu İH. Assessment of liver fibrosis with diffusion-weighted MRI in chronic viral hepatitis (Oral presentation) European Radiology 2010; 20(Suppl 1). European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR 2010) 21st Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course, ESGAR 2010, June 2 – 5, Dresden,Germany. SS 15.04.
- B26. Sharifov R, Cheikh Ahmad I, Serter A, Yetiş H, Kocakoç E. The role of diffusion weighted MRI for evaluation perianal fistulae. (Sözlü bildiri) Korean Congress Radiology 2012, 18-20 Ekim 2012, Seul, Kore. SS 34 AB-07.
- B27. Cheikh Ahmad I, Atay M, Sonmez F, Armagan A, Kocakoç E. Radiological features of unusual renal masses. (Sözlü bildiri) 20th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology - ESUR 2013, September 19-22, Istanbul. SS 3.07.
- B28. Sharifov R, Cheikh Ahmad I, Serter A, Yetiş H, Kocakoç E. The role of diffusion weighted MRI for evaluation perianal fistulae. (Sözlü bildiri) 20th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology - ESUR 2013, September 19-22, Istanbul. SS 9.01.
- B29. Serter A, Sharifov R, Bilgin M, Kocakoç E. Radiological approach to fat containing abdominal masses. 20th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology - ESUR 2013, September 19-22, Istanbul. P15-01.
- B30. Serter A, Büyükpinarbasili N, Karatepe O, Kocakoç E. Primary Hepatic Malignant Mesothelioma. 20th European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology - ESUR 2013, September 19-22, Istanbul. P15-03.
- B31. Serter A, Çoban G, Yildiz P, Armagan A, Kocakoç E. The role (value) of diffusion MRI and contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI for differentioation solid renal masses and RCC subtypes. European Congress of Radiology 2016 (ECR 2016), Vienna, EPOS. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2016/C-0247.
- B32. Bozgeyik Z, Kocakoc E, Berilgen S, Ozdemir H, Tekatas A, Ogur E. Evaluation of the effects of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) on vertebral artery blood flow of patients with vertebro-basilar insufficiency. European Congress of Radiology 2005 (ECR 2005), Vienna, EPOS. C-0885.
- B33. Balaban M, Idilman IS, Ünal Ö, Kocakoc E. The utility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in differation of endometriomas from hemorrhagic ovarian cysts. European Congress of Radiology 2015 (ECR 2015), Vienna, EPOS. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-0160.
- B34. Turkoglu H, Onur MR, Poyraz AK, Kocakoc E. Evaluation of normal appendix in adults with multidetector computed tomography. European Congress of Radiology 2012 (ECR 2012), Vienna, EPOS. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2012/C-0049.
- B35. Balaban M, Idilman IS, Ünal Ö, Kocakoc E. The accuracy of diffüsion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in differentiation of malignant from benign gynecologic lesions. European Congress of Radiology 2015 (ECR 2015), Vienna, EPOS. C-0161. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2015/C-0161.
- B36. Sonmezgoz F, Kalayci OT, Kobat MA, Dagli MN, Kocakoc E, Oyar O. Evaluation of left ventricular parameters using 64 slice computed tomography: comparison of automatic contour detection and manual tracing. European Congress of Radiology 2014 (ECR 2014), Vienna, EPOS. C-0066. DOI: 10.1594/ecr2014/C-0066.
D. Articles published in national refereed journals:
- D1. Durak, AC., N. Özcan, E. Kocakoç, M. Selçuklu, İA. Melon. Third ventricle colloid cysts: Computed tomography findings. Central Anatolia Medical Journal, 5, 181-185 (1995).
- D2. Durak, AC., C. Turan, A. Kırış, E. Kocakoç. Abdominoscrotal hydrocele: A rare cause of pediatric abdominal mass. Archives of Surgical Medicine, 2, 61-63 (1997).
- D3. Durak, AC., C. Turan, E. Kocakoç, A. Alkan, İ. Orkan. A rare cause of recurrent obstructive jaundice: Rupture of hydatid cysts of the liver into the biliary ducts. Archives of Surgical Medicine, 2, 112-115 (1997).
- D4. Öztürk, M., AC. Durak, N. Özcan, E. Kocakoç, Öİ. Karahan. Evaluation of intracranial aneurysms with three-dimensional time-of-flight and phase-contrast MR angiography. Turkish Journal of Radiology, 32, 455-459 (1997).
- D5. Oymak, S., L. Kart, O. Kontaş, E. Kocakoç. A case of giant malignant thymoma causing superior vena cava syndrome. Erciyes Medical Journal, 19, 182-184 (1997).
- D6. Durak, AC., E. Kocakoç, L. Kart, UE. Vurdem, A. Kırış, Öİ. Karahan, A. Coşkun. Evaluation of the causes of pleural fluid according to US appearance and accompanying findings. Clinical Sciences & Physician, 4, 369-372 (1998).
- D7. Durak, AC., E. Kocakoç, M. Öztürk, ÜE. Vurdem, M. Selçuklu. Comparison of magnetic resonance venography with color Doppler ultrasonography in the detection of deep vein thrombosis. Turkish Journal of Radiology, 33, 17-22 (1998).
- D8. Durak, AC., Öİ. Karahan, M. Öztürk, İ. Gülmez, A. Kırış, E. Kocakoç, M. Güleç. Diagnostic value of high-resolution CT and bronchoscopy in cases with hemoptysis. Erciyes Medical Journal, 20, 20-24 (1998).
- D9. Kart, L., İ. Gülmez, E. Kocakoç, R. Demir, M. Özesmi. A case of tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn syndrome) diagnosed by computed tomography. Erciyes Medical Journal, 20, 75-77 (1998).
- D10. Vurdem, ÜE., M. Öztürk, E. Kocakoç, N. Narin, AC. Durak, M. Güleç. Comparison of MRI, angiocardiography and echocardiography methods in the evaluation of congenital heart diseases. Journal of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 4, 371-379 (1998).
- D11. Kocakoç, E., M. Öztürk, AC. Durak, C. Kahraman, ÜE. Vurdem, A. Coşkun. MR-angiography in aortoiliac occlusive artery diseases. Journal of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 4, 410-416 (1998).
- D12. Kocakoç, E., M. Öztürk, AC. Durak, UE. Vurdem, A. Coşkun, M. Güleç. MR-angiography in femoropopliteal and tibioperoneal occlusive artery diseases. Journal of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 4, 417-423 (1998).
- D13. Coşkun, A, N. Özcan, İ. Karahan, E. Kocakoc. Traumatic fistula developing between thyrocervical artery and jugular vein: A rare case. Turkish Journal of Radiology, 34, 75-77 (1999).
- D14. Coşkun, A., N. Özcan, E. Kocakoç, N. Erdoğan, İ. Karahan, D. Demirci. Vascular embolotherapy of renal carcinoma with absolute ethanol. Turkish Journal of Radiology, 34, 383-388 (1999).
- D15. Kocakoç, E., A. Kırış, ÜE. Vurdem, A. Coşkun. Evaluation of lower extremity bypass grafts with two-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography. Clinical Sciences & Physician Journal, 5, 740-744 (1999).
- D16. Çetin, M., E. Bekar, E. Kocakoç. Conjoined twins: A case of thoraco-omphalopagus. Turkish Clinics Journal of Medical Sciences, 19, 341-343 (1999).
- D17. Kocakoç, E., M. Çetin, A. Kırış. A topic with pictures: Evaluation in hydrops fetalis. Journal of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 5, 472-476 (1999).
- D18. Kocakoç, E., A. Kırış, Z. Bozgeyik. Symptomatic pulmonary hamartoma. Journal of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 7, 624-625 (2001).
- D19. Kırış, A., E. Kocakoç, Y. Boztosun, Y. Şen. Primary obstructive megaureter: intravenous urography and US findings. Journal of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 8, 450-452 (2002).
- D20. Alkan, A., A.C. Durak, I. Orkan, E. Kocakoç, A. Savranlar. The role of transrectal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging methods in diagnosis and local staging of prostate cancers. Computed Tomography Bulletin, 7, 1-6 (2002).
- D21. Kırış, A., E. Kocakoç, Z. Bozgeyik, E. Oğur. Hydroureteronephrosis Due to Total Pelvic Floor Prolapse: IV Urography and MRI Findings. Computed Tomography Bulletin, 7, 29-31 (2002).
- D22. Savranlar, A., Z. Bozgeyik, E. Kocakoç, A. Kırış, F. Tabey. Fahr's disease: computed tomography findings of two cases. Fırat Medical Journal, 7, 906-909 (2002).
- D23. Kocakoç, E., A. Kırış, A. Kazez. Duodenal atresia: prenatal ultrasonic evidence.
- Tani Girişim Radyol, 9, 111-112 (2003).
- D24. Kocakoç, E., A. Kırış, Z. Bozgeyik, E. Sapmaz, H.B. Altinsoy. Giant ovarian tumor mimicking obesity: case report. Clinical Sciences & Physician Journal, 9, 106-108 (2003).
- D25. Kırış, A., E. Kocakoç, Z. Bozgeyik, H. Özdemir. Subcapsular hemorrhage due to spontaneous rupture of focal nodular hyperplasia. Computed Tomography Bulletin, 7, 150-153 (2003).
- D26. Özdemir, H., A. Kırış, E. Kocakoç, Y. Boztosun. Case report: Radiologic findings of retroperitoneal malignant mesenchymoma. Tani Girişim Radyol, 9, 354-356 (2003).
- D27. Kazez A, Yekeler H, Özel ŞK, Solmaz ÖA, Kocakoç E, Baykara M. Mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall in a baby: case report. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2005;19:139-141.
- D28. Kazez A, Özel ŞK, Kocakoç E, Özercan İH, Saraç M. Duplication cyst perforation in the cecum: a rare case. Fırat Medical Journal 2005; 10:185-186.
- D29. Kocakoç E. CT protocols in the urinary system. General Abdomen CT Protocols Turkish Society of Radiology Abdomen Substudy Group 2008:41-52.
- D30. Kocakoç E. MRI in the evaluation of the upper urinary system. Türkiye Clinics J Radiol-Special Topics 2008; 1(2):93-102.
- D31. Kırkıl G, Muz MH, Kocakoç E. Bilaterally located Bochdalek hernia. Tur Toraks Der 2009; 11:147-150.
- D32. Yıldırım H, Kocakoç E. Prostatic Imaging (Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). Turkiye Klinikleri J Radiol-Special Topics 2009;2(3):110-122.
- D33. Onur MR, Akyol M, Poyraz AK, Kocakoç E, Oğur E. Diagnosis of peritoneal metastasis with abdominal malignancies: role of ADC measurement on diffusion weighted MRI
- (The role of apparent diffusion coefficient measurement in diffusion-weighted MRI in the diagnosis of peritoneal metastases of abdominal malignancies). EAJM (The Eurasian Journal of Medicine) 2012; 44:163-168.
- D34. Aydın S, Serter A, Kocakoç E. Imaging in biliary tract pathologies. Türkiye Clinics J Radiol-Special Topics 2013; 6(2):37-47.
- D35. Kocakoç E, Bakan AA, Serter A. Computerized tomography urography. Türkiye Clinics J Radiol-Special Topics 2013; 6(3):38-46.
- D36. Kurtcan S, Aydin S, Kocakoç E. Magnetic resonance urography. Türkiye Clinics J Radiol-Special Topics 2013; 6(3):47-51.
- D37. Çoban G, Gücin Z, Karatepe O, Türk HM, Kocakoç E. Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver in an adult: case report. Turkiye Clinics J Case Rep 2016; 24:212-215.
- D38. Coşkun FT, Ugras M, Romano E, Barut ML, Kocakoç E. Abernethy syndrome; report of a case. Yeditepe Medical Journal 2016; 12:989-992.
- D39. Balaban M, İdilman İS, İpek A, Ünal Ö, Kocakoç E. The accuracy of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in differentiation of malignant from benign gynecologic lesions. Acta Oncologica Turcica 2018; 51: 311-316.
- Turkish Radiology Association
- Medical Ultrasonography Association
- Turkish Magnetic Resonance Association
- Turkish Society of Interventional Radiology
- ESGAR (European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology) (Fellow)
- ESR (European Society of Radiology)
- ESUR (European Society of Uroradiology) (Fellow)
- Korean Society of Radiology (international membership)
- RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) (corresponding member)