Prof. MD.
Emel Ceylan
Liv Hospital Ulus
Nuclear Medicine
Areas of Interests
- Nuclear Oncology
- Radionuclide Treatments
- Routine Nuclear Medicine Application
International Articles
- 1993 – 1999 Hacettepe University Medical Faculty
- 2000 – 2004 Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Nuclear Medicine Department
- Prof.Dr.Liv Hospital Ulus Hospital Nuclear Medicine Department 2018-continued Assoc.Prof.Dr.
- Head of Dpt. Şişli Florence Nightingale Hospital
- İstanbul Bilim University Nuclear Medicine Department 2015-2018
- MR Clinical fellowship Germany Essen University PET-MR Unit July 2015 Assoc.Prof.Dr.
- Head of Dpt. Mersin University Medical Faculty, Nuclear Medicine Department 2012-2015 Asst.Prof.Dr.
- Head of Dpt. Mersin University Medical Faculty, Nuclear Medicine Department (Founding Doctor) 2006- 2012 Asst.Prof.Dr.
- Invited Guest Member Near East University Nuclear Medicine Department June 2010
- Specialist Dr. Private Denge Medical Center Scintigraphy Unit, Ankara (Founding Doctor) 2004- 2006
- Specialist Dr. Hacettepe University Medical Faculty, Nuclear Medicine Department April-October 2004
Number of Publications: 59
i10-index: 16
Quotes 532
Articles Published in International Refereed Magazines
Articles Published in Magazines Scanned International Indexes in the scope of SCI (A1) & SCI Expanded (A2):
- M.Cağlar, E.Ceylan. Isolated carpal bone metastases from bronchogenic CA on bone scintigraphy. Clin Nucl Med 26(4):352-3,2001. (A2)
- E.Ceylan, P.Ö.Kıratlı. Rotation Anomaly in duplex kidney. Clin Nucl Med 26(7):633,2001.(A2)
- E.L. Ergün, E.Ceylan. Soft tissue uptake observed on Tc-99m MDP bone scans; rare imaging patterns in two cases. Clin Nucl Med 26(11):958-9,2001. (A2)
- A.Cetin, A.Sivri, F.Dincer, P.Kiratli, E.Ceylan. Evaluation of chronic plantar fasciitis by scintigraphy and relation to clinical parameters. J Musculoskeletal Pain 9(4):55-61,2001.(A2)
- E.Ceylan, P.Ö. Kıratlı. Scintigraphic visualization of renal fusion anomalies in a possible abdominal mass. Clin Nucl Med 27(12):927-8,2002.(A2)
- E.Ceylan, B.Caner. Evolution of hyperostosis frontalis interna butterfly sign demonstrated by bone scan. Clin Nucl Med 28(1):78-9,2003.(A2)
- B.Volkan, E.Ceylan, P.Ö.Kıratlı. Radionuclide imaging of rare congenital renal fusion anomalies. Clin Nucl Med 28(3):204-7,2003.(A2)
- E.Ceylan, M.F.Bozkurt, B.Caner. Scintigraphic visualization of traumatic leptomeningeal cyst on bone scan. Clin Nucl Med 28(3):245-6,2003.(A2)
- M.Çağlar, E.Ceylan, E.Özyar. Frequency of skeletal metastases in nasopharyngeal carcinoma after initiation of therapy: should bone scans be used for follow-up? Nucl Med Commun 24(12):1231-6,2003.(A2)
- P.Ö. Kıratlı, E.Ceylan, S. Naldöken. Impaired Tc-99m MIBI uptake in the thyroid and parathyroid glands during early phase imaging in hemodialysis patients. Rev Esp Med Nucl 23(5):347-5,2004. (A2)
- E.C. Günay, B.Volkan, İ Barşta, B Caner, Lung hilar Ga- 67 uptake in patients with lymphoma following chemotherapy. Ann Nucl Med 18(5):391-7,2004.(A2)
- E.C. Günay, M.H. Öztürk, E.L. Ergün, B. Altun, B.V. Salancı, O. Uğur, B. Çil, B. Hekimoğlu, B. Caner. Losartan renography for the detection of renal artery stenosis: comparison with captopril renography and evaluation of dose and timing. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 32(9):1064-74,2005. (A1)
- B.V. Salancı, P.Ö. Kıratlı, E.C.Günay. Role of thyroid scintigraphy in congenital thyroid anomalies. Turk J Pediatr. 47(4):364-8,2005.(A2)
- E.L. Ergün, P. Ö. Kıratlı, E.C. Günay, B. Erbaş. A report on the incidence of intestinal 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate uptake of bone scans and a review of the literature. Nucl Med Commun 27(11):877-85,2006.(A2)
- E.Ceylan Günay, A. Erdoğan. Mediastinal radioiodine uptake due to hiatal hernia: a false-positive reason in I-131 scan. Rev Esp Med Nucl 29(2):95,2010. (A2)
- E. Ceylan Günay, A. Erdoğan. Ring sign over left kidney in (99m)Tc DTPA renal scintigraphy. Rev Esp Med Nucl 29(3):140-1,2010.(A2)
- A Bicer , O.Goksu , E.Gunay, M. Sarikaya. Coexistence of short fifth metacarpals in a female patient with ankylosing spondylitis associated with complex regional pain syndrome type-I. Acta Reumatol Port 35(5):524-5,2010.(A2)
- E. Ceylan Günay, A. Erdoğan, D. Apaydın. Unusual extraosseous tumoral accumulation of (99m)Tc-MDP in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in two cases. Rev Esp Med Nucl 30(3):162-4,2011. (A2)
- P. Ozcan Kara , T. Kara, G. Kara Gedik, F. Kara , O.Sahin, E.Ceylan Gunay, O. SarI. The role of fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography in differentiating between benign and malignant adrenal lesions. Nucl Med Commun 32(2):106-12,2011. (A2)
- E.Ceylan Gunay, A. Erdogan, H. Yalcın, P.Ozcan Kara. Prone imaging allows efficient radiopharmaceutical usage by obviating the necessity of a rest study in Tc-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Nucl Med Commun 32(4):284-8,2011.(A2)
- E.Ceylan Günay, A.Erdogan. Asymmetrically increased uptake in upper extremities on 99mTc-MDP bone scintigraphy caused by intra-arterial injection: Different uptake patterns in three cases. Rev Esp Med Nucl.30(6):372-5,2011. (A2)
- O. Hallıoglu, E. Ceylan Günay, A. Erdogan. Gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in children with sickle cell anemia: correlation with echocardiography. Rev Esp Med Nucl.30(6):354-9,2011. (A2)
- H. Yalcın, H. Güler, E. Günay, N. Yeral, A. Turhanoğlu, E. Bolaç, F. Yalçın. Left ventricular wall function abnormalities in patients with ankylosing spondilitis evaluated by gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Rev Esp Med Nucl.30(5):292-6,2011. (A2)
- E. Ceylan Günay, A. Erdogan. Incidentally diagnosed portosystemic shunt on Tc-99m red blood cell gastrointestinal bleeding scintigraphy. Rev Esp Med Nucl. 30(5):329-30,2011. (A2)
- Dağ, K. Öcal, Ö. Türkmenoğlu E. Ceylan Günay, E. Yücel, M. Nass Duce. Radioguided occult lesion localization versus wire-guided localization for non-palpable breast lesions: randomized controlled crial. Clinics 66(6):1003-7,2011. (A2)
- A.Biçer, E.Günay, M. Sarıkaya.A case of complex regional pain syndrome Type II following sciatic nerve injury caused by intramuscular injection. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 20(2),122-125,2012. (A2)0
- P.O. Kıratlı, B. Volkan-Salancı, E.C.Günay, A.Varan, C.Akyüz, M.Büyükpamukçu. Thyroid cancer in pediatric age group: an institutional experience and review of the literature. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 35(2):93-7, 2013.(A1)
- E.C.Cıtak, H.Taskınlar H,R.B. Arpacı, F.D.Apaydın, E.C.Günay, H.Tanrıverdi, N. Akyurek. Primary lymph node gastrinoma: a rare cause of abdominal pain in childhood. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 35(5):394-8,2013. (A1)
- E. Ceylan Günay, O.Ö. Yalın, A. Özge, A. Erdoğan, K. Kıral, M.A. Sungur, B. Tellioğlu, P.Ö. Kara, A. Yanık. Are Brain SPECT Data and Neuropsychological Disturbances Correlated in Patients With Alzheimer Disease and Vascular Dementia?Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish)31(1):047-059,2014.(A2)
- Articles Published in Other Refereed Magazines
Articles Published in Other Indexes (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Index Copernicus, PubMed Central) in the scope of … (A3) - A.Erdoğan, E. Ceylan Günay, G. Gündoğdu, D. Avlan. Testicular torsion in the left inguinal canal in a patient with inguinal hernia: a difficult case to diagnose. MIRT 20(3):108-10, 2011. (A3)
- H. Yalçın, A. Özen, E. Ceylan Günay, İ.A.Özaslan, C. Özer. Can Tc-99m DTPA be used in adult patients in evaluation of relative renal function measurement as the reference Tc-99m DMSA metod? MIRT 20(1):14-8, 2011. (A3)
- . P. Özcan Kara, E.C.Günay, A.Erdogan. Radioiodine Contamination Artifacts and Unusual Patterns of Accumulation in Whole-body I-131 Imaging: A Case Series.Int J Endocrinol Metab. 12(1):e9329,2014. (A3)
- T. Çelik , H. Yalçın, E.C. Günay, A Özen,C Özer. Comparison of the Relative Renal Function Calculated with 99mTc-Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid and 99mTc-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid in Children.World J Nucl Med.13(3):149-53, 2014. (A3)
- P. Özcan Kara, E.Ceylan Günay, K.Turgutalp, A. Dag. Radio-guided Surgery of a Patient with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: The Clinical Impact on the Duration of Surgery in Renal Failure Patient. J Nucl Med Radiat Ther 6:2, 2015.
- E.Özgönenel, I. Karalök, E.Ceylan Günay, T. Duymaz, İ. Alataş, M.B. Özvar, P. Gün Atak, L. Özgönenel, K. Özel. Comparison between Tc-99m DMSA and Renal Ultrasonography for the Evaluation of Renal Scarring and Function Loss in Children with Spina Bifida. İstanbul Med J 2017; 18: 76-9.
- Articles Published in National Refereed Magazines
- E. Ceylan, E.L.Ergün. Tc-99m MDP Kemik sintigrafisinde yumuşak doku tutulumu; 8 vaka. Turk J Nucl Med 11(3):151-154,2002.
- A. Erdoğan, E. Ceylan Günay, A. Delibaş, D. Avlan. Tc-99m DMSA böbrek sintigrafisinde çift toplayıcı system birlikteliğinde üreterosel varlığı. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 10(3-4):49-51,2009.
- A. Dağtekin, A. Köseoğlu, E. Ceylan Günay, E.S. Pfeiffer, E. Kara, M.A. Karataş, C. Bağdatoğlu. Kronik bel ağrısına neden olan lomber vertebra osteoblastomu: olgu sunumu. Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi 19(2):83-86,2009.
- E. Ceylan Günay, T. Akça, U. Altun. A case with axillary lymph node visualisation in Tc-99m MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy: Avoiding false positive interpretation. Journal of Dialog in Endocrinology 6(3):173–175,2009.
- E. Ceylan Günay, A. Erdoğan. I-131 Tüm vücut taramada yanlış pozitifliğe neden olan özefagus aktivitesi. Endokrinolojide Diyalog 8(2):83-5, 2011.
- A. Erdoğan, E. Ceylan Günay. Radioiodine contamination mimicking metastases on whole body imaging after radioiodine therapy. Endokrinolojide Diyalog 8(4):181-3, 2011.
- E. Ceylan Günay, L.M. Günay. Tc-99m DMSA böbrek sintigrafisinde parankimal skar düşündüren dilate toplayıcı sistem görünümü. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 12(1-4):35-37,2011.
- P. Özcan Kara, E.Ceylan Günay. Chernobyl Accident and Its Consequences - Çernobil Kazası ve Etkileri. Lokman Hekim Journal of History of Medicine and Folk Medicine 3(2):32-36,2013.
- H. Seyit, A.Dağ, T. Akça, E.Ceylan Günay, M.A.Sungur, S. Aydın. Tamamlayıcı tiroidektomilerde gama dedektör yardımlı 'radioguided' cerrahinin rolü. Journal of Dialog in Endocrinology / Endokrinolojide Diyalog Dergisi 10(1): 7-13. 2013.
- A.Erdoğan P. Özcan Kara, E. Ceylan Günay. A Potential False Positive Finding on 99mTc Red Blood Cell Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scintigraphy. CausaPedia;3:713,2014.
- P Özcan Kara, T Aksoy, F Aydın, G Kara Gedik, N Gülaldı, E Ceylan Günay, B Volkan Salancı , P Özgen Kıratlı. Çocuklarda Renal Kortikal Sintigrafi Uygulama Kılavuzu 2.0. Nucl Med Semin. 1:8-14,2015.
- N Gülaldı, T Aksoy, F Aydın, G Kara Gedik, E Ceylan Günay, P Özcan Kara, B Volkan Salancı, P Özgen Kıratlı . Çocuklarda Dinamik Böbrek Sintigrafisi Uygulama Kılavuzu 2.0. Nucl Med Semin 1:15-18,2015.
- F Aydın, T Aksoy , G Kara Gedik, N Gülaldı, E Ceylan Günay, P Özcan Kara , B Volkan Salancı , P Özgen Kıratlı.Çocuklarda Radyonüklid Sistografi Uygulama Kılavuzu 2.0. Nucl Med Semin 1:19-23,2015.
- T Aksoy, F Aydın, G Kara Gedik, N Gülaldı, E Ceylan Günay , P Özcan Kara , B Volkan Salancı , P Özgen Kıratlı. Çocuklarda Tc-99m ile İşaretli Radyofarmasötikler ve Florit ile Kemik Görüntüleme Kılavuzu 2.0. Nucl Med Semin 1:24-30,2015.
- E Ceylan Günay,T Aksoy, F Aydın, G Kara Gedik, N Gülaldı, P Özcan Kara , B Volkan Salancı , P Özgen Kıratlı. Çocuklarda Gastroözefagial Reflü ve Pulmoner Aspirasyon Sintigrafisi, Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanama Sintigrafisi ve Meckel’s Divertikülü Sintigrafisi Uygulama Kılavuzu Nucl Med Semin 1:31-37,2015.
- G Kara Gedik, T Aksoy, F Aydın, N Gülaldı , E Ceylan Günay, P Özcan Kara, B Volkan Salancı , P Özgen Kıratlı. Çocuklarda Radioiyodin MIBG Sintigrafisi Uygulama Kılavuzu 2.0. Nucl Med Semin 1:50-56,2015.
- B Volkan Salancı, T Aksoy, F Aydın, G Kara Gedik, N Gülaldı, E Ceylan Günay , P Özcan Kara, P Özgen Kıratlı. Çocuklarda Onkolojik F-18 FDG PET-BT Uygulama Kılavuzu. Nucl Med Semin1:75-79, 2015.
- E Ceylan Günay. Kolorektal Kanserlerde PET-MR. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nucl Med-Special Topics 3(3):228-34,2017.
- Chapter Writing in Books (7)
- Ceylan Günay “Meme Kanserinde Nükleer Tıp Uygulamaları Nelerdir?”, Tanıdan Tedaviye Meme Kanseri Gerçeği: Sormaya Korktuğunuz Sorular ve Yanıtları, S. Aydın ve T. Akça (Ed.), Mersin Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 16, Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları No:2, s:45-48, Mersin, 2007.
- E. Ceylan Günay; “ Nükleer Tıpta Tanı ve Tedavi Uygulamaları”, MESEKOK Temel Asistan Eğitimi Başvuru Kitabı, E. Erdem ve F.Otağ (Ed.) Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yayını, s: 129-133, Can Matbaacılık, Mersin, 2010.
- D. Apaydın, M. Nass Duce, E. Ceylan Günay; “Operasyon Öncesi İşaretleme Yöntemleri“, Tüm Yönleriyle Meme Kanseri, S. Aydın ve T. Akça (Ed.) Bölüm 14 s:3-9, Adana Nobel Kitabevi, Mersin, 2011.
- L.M. Günay ve E. Ceylan Günay “Rutin Ürolojik İncelemeler/Radyolojik Görüntülemeler/
- Sintigrafi, Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, Manyetik Rezonans”, Üroloji Masaüstü Referans Kitabı, S.
- Tekgül(Ed):, 37-45, Ürolojik Cerrahi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara, 2012.
- E. Ceylan Günay, L.M. Günay “ Sintigrafi ve PET-BT” Üroloji Masaüstü Başvuru Kitabı, S.Tekgül, L. Türkeri, A.Esen, B.Alıcı (Eds). s:52-56, Ürolojik Cerrahi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara, 2016.
- P.Ö. Kara, M.Gültekin, M.F.Bozkurt, E.Ceylan, T.Güler, P. Dursun, Ö.Uğur, B.Caner, T.Küçükali, A.Usubütün, K.Yüce, A. Ayhan. Lymphscintigraphy for Locating Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Early Stage Cervical Cancer Patient, Comparison of Success of Blue Paint and Intraoperative Gama Prob Methods. National Gynecological Oncology Congress, May 4-8 2004, Antalya (Verbal Statement 3rd Prize)
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