Prof. MD.
Nazife Berna Tander
İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation
Areas of Interests
- Fibromyalgia
- Painful diseases of the musculoskeletal system (Waist / Neck Pain)
- Spine ve position problems
- Osteoporosis
- Geriatric Rehabilitation
- Arthrosis (Calcinosis)
- Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Neurologic Rehabilitation
International Articles
- Master's Degree: Medicine, Ege University, 1990-1996
- Specialization in Medicine: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, S.B. Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital, 1998-2002
- Visiting Scholar: Rehabilitation Institue of Michigan, Wayne State University, 2006-2007
- Visiting Scholar: Metabolic Bone Diseases Program, Columbia University, 2009
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Samsun Gazi State Hospital 2002
- Associate Professor Faculty Member Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine 2002-2010
- Associate Professor Faculty Member Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine 2010-2016
- Observer Lecturer GATA TSK Rehabilitation and Care Centre 2011
- Professor Faculty Member Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine 2016-2017
- Prof. Dr. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital 2018-2021
- Professor Faculty Member, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University Faculty of Medicine 2018-2021
- Professor Faculty Member, Istinye University Faculty of Medicine 2021-present
- Prof. Dr. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department Liv Hospital Ulus 2021-Present
Scientific Research Projects:
1. "Investigation of T102C, -1438 G / A Gene Polymorphisms in Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and 5-HT2A Receptor Gene in Patients with a Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia" Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-336, Project Manager 2003.
2. "Relationship of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Gene T869C Polymorphism with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis" Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-369, Project Assistant Researcher, 2003.
3. "Investigation of Ghrelin, IGF-1, IGFBP-3 Hormone Levels in Patients with a Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia", Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-436, Project Manager 2005.
4. "The Relationship Between Disease Activity, Functional Capacity, Quality of Life and Bone Turnover in Multiple Sclerosis Patients", Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-504, 2007
1.Cantürk, F., B. Tander, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, Ü. Belet, E. Arıtürk, R. Rızalar, F. Bernay “Bladder Exstrophy: Effects on Bone Age, Bone Mineral Density, Growth, and Metabolism”, Bone, 36(1), 69-73(2005).
2.Tander, B., S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, Y. Pekşen, “Work-related Musculoskeletal Problems Among Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives in Samsun, Turkey”,Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 20(1), 21-27(2007).
3.Karadenizli, D., B. Tander, S. Sarikaya, “How to Create a Geriatric Medicine Block in a University without a Geriatrics Department”, Med Educ, 41(4), 428-429 (2007)
4. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Aliyazıcıoğlu, F.Cantürk,“Serum Ghrelin Levels but not GH, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 Levels are Altered in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome”, Joint Bone Spine, 74(5), 477-481 (2007).
5. Tander, B., T. Akpolat, D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, “Evaluation of Hand Functions in Hemodialysis Patients”, Ren Fail,29(4), 477-480 (2007).
6.Tander, B., D. Durmuş,Y. Akyol, F. Cantürk, “Quality of Life, Pain and Depression in Patients with Hemodialysis”,Rheumatism, 23(3), 72-76 (2008).
7. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, G. Alaylı, İ. İlhanlı, S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, “A Comperative Evaluation of Health Related Quality of Life and Depression in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Rheumatol Int, 28(9), 859-865 (2008).
8. Tander, B., S. Güneş, Ö. Böke, G. Alaylı, N. Kara, H. Bağcı, F. Cantürk,“Polymorphisms of the Serotonin-2A Receptor and Catechol-O-methyltransferase Genes: AStudy on Fibromyalgia Susceptibility”,Rheumatol Int,28(7), 685-691 (2008).
9.Durmuş D, Y. Akyol, G. Alaylı, B.Tander, Y. Zahiroğlu,F. Cantürk, “Effects of Electrical Stimulation Program on Trunk Muscle Strength, Functional Capacity,Quality of Life, and Depression in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, Rheumatol Int, 29(8), 947-954 (2009).
10.Akyol Y., D. Durmuş, G. Alaylı, B. Tander, Y. Ulus, F. Cantürk, “Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Agents in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis”,Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 55, 141-146 (2009).
11.Alaylı, G., N. Kara, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, S. Güneş, H. Bağcı, “Association of Transforming Growth Factor ß1 Gene Polymorphism with Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Turkish Population, Joint Bone Spine,76(1),20-23(2009).
12.Durmuş D, G. Alaylı, O. Uzun, B.Tander, F. Cantürk, Y. Bek, L. Erkan,“Effects of Two Exercise Interventions on Pulmonary Functions in the Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis”,Joint Bone Spine, 76(2), 150-155 (2009).
13.Terzi T, M. Terzi, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, M. Onar, “Changes in bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers in premenopausal women with multiple sclerosis and the relationship to clinical variables”,J Clin Neurosci,17(10), 1260-1264(2010).
14.Doğan H, S Canbaz, B Tander, Y. Pekşen, F. Canturk, NOOruc, “The prevalence of home injuries among elderly people in Samsun, Turkey, and the influencing factors”, Turk J Med Sci, 40(4), 651-658 (2010).
15.Tander, B., Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, G. Alayli, K. Cengiz, I. Ilhanli, Y. Ulus, F. Canturk, “Bone Mineral Density and Depression in Premenopausal Women with Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome”, Turk J Rheumatol, 25(3), 105-9, (2010). (DOI number: 10.5152/tjr2010.12)
16.Akyol, Y., D. Durmus, G. Alayli, B. Tander, Y. Bek, F. Canturk, ST. Sakarya, “Does Short-Wave Diathermy Increase The Effectiveness of Isokinetic Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study”, European J Phys Rehabıl Medıcıne, 46(3), 325-36, (2010).
17.Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Sleep Quality in Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Associations with Pain, Fatigue, Depression, and Disease activity”,Clin Exp Rheumatol, 29(6 Suppl 69), 92-6, (2011).(DOI: 10.1002/acr.20442)
18. Akyol, Y., A. Atmaca, D. Durmus, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, G. Alaylı, “The Effects of Teriparatide Treatment on Back Pain, Quality of Life, Depression and Biochemistry Parameters in Patients with Severe Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Short-Term Results”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 57(3),134-8, (2011). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.17136)
19.Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, D. Durmus, O. Buyukakıncak, U. Gul, F. Canturk, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Therapeutic Ultrasound versus Sham Ultrasound for The Management of Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Clinical Study”,Int J Rheum Dis, 15(2), 197-206, (2012). DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-185X.2012.01709.x)
20.Akyol, Y., B. Tander, AS. Goktepe, I. Safaz, O. Kuru, AK. Tan, “The relationship of Fibromyalgia with Neuropathic pain, Quality of life and Emotional status in Traumatic Lower Limb Amputees”, J Musculoskeletal Pain, 20(2), 87-94, (2012). (DOI: 10.3109/10582452.2012.673548)
21.Karadenizli, D., S. Sarikaya., B. Tander., “Development of a unique geriatrics curriculum for non-geriatrician faculty in Turkey”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics,15(3), 241-248, (2012).
22. Akyol, Y., B. Tander, AS. Goktepe, I. Safaz, O. Kuru, AK. Tan, “Quality of Life in Patients with Lower Limb Amputation: Does It Affect Post-amputation Pain, Functional Status, Emotional Status and Perception of Body Image?” J Musculoskeletal Pain, 21(4), 334-340, (2013). (DOI: 10.3109/10582452.2013.851761)
23.Tural S, Alayli G, Kara N, Tander B, Bilgici A, Kuru O. Association between osteoporosis and polymorphisms of the IL-10 and TGF-beta genes in Turkish postmenopausal women. Hum Immunol, 74(9), 1179-83 (2013) doi:10.1016/j.humimm.2013.03.005.
24.Ulus Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Functional disability of children with spina bifida: It’s impact on parents’ psychological satatus and family functioning” Dev Neurorehabil, 15(5), 322-8, (2012). DOI: 10.3109/17518423.2012.691119)
25. Akyol, Y., Y. Ulus, D. Durmus, B. Tander, F. Canturk, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, Y. Bek, “Shoulder muscles strength in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: relationship to duration of symptoms, handgrip strength, pain, disability, quality of life and emotional status” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(3), 176-81, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.59837)
26. Akyol, Y., Y. Ulus, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Muscle strength, fatigue, functional capacity, proprioceptive acuity in patients with Fibromyalgia” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(4), 292-8, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.22230)
27. Buyukakıncak, O., Y. Akyol, N. Özen, Y. Ulus, F. Canturk, B. Tander, S. Buyukakıncak, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Breast Cancer Surgery: Is Problem for Upper Extremity Musculo-skeletal System?”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(4), 304-9, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.92489)
28.Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “The relationship between fear of falling and balance in community-dwelling older people”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 16(3), 260-5, (2013).
29.Ulus, Y., M. Savlık, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Association of knee muscle strength with lower extremity dysfunction in patients with osteoarthritis: a comparison with rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy controls”, Turk J Rheumatol, 28(2), 78-86, (2013).
30. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Is there balance problem in hypermobile patients with fibromyalgia?” Turk J Rheumatol,28(1), 10-5, (2013).
31. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Knee proprioception and balance in Turkish women with and without fibromyalgia syndrome” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(2), 128-32, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.75428)
32. Zahiroglu, Y., Y. Ulus, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) enthesitis index in Turkish patients with ankylosing spondylitis: relationship with disease activity and quality of life. Int J Rheum Dis, 17(2), 173-80, (2014).
33. Buyukakincak, O., Y. Akyol, N. Ozen, Y. Ulus, F. Canturk, B. Tander, S. Buyukakincak, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Quality of life in patients with breast cancer at postoperative early period: relationship to shoulder pain, handgrip strength, disability and emotional status” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 60(1), 1-6, (2014). DOI: 10.5152/tftr.2014.39206)
34. Atmaca, A., B. Tander, EK. Kan, Y. Ulus, GC. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, L. Tomak. “Assessment of balance performance and fear of falling in acromegalic patients: a comparative study”, J Endocrinol Invest, 36(9), 759-63, (2013).
35. Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, O. Kuru. “Muscle function of the lower extremities in children with lumbar spina bifida: impact on functional status”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 60 (Supp. 1, 57-62, 2014
36. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Ulus, C. Tura, Y. Akyol, O. Kuru. ”Balance Performance and Fear of Falling in Older Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Comparison with Patients without Diabetes Mellitus”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 62(4), 314-322, (2016). DOI: 10.5606./tftrd.2016.77861).
37. Tander, B., Y. Ulus, Y. Terzi, Y. Zahiroglu, H. Kesmen, B. Farisogullari, Y. Akyol, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. ”Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Adaptation of the VITACORA-19 in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis”,Archieves of Rheumatology, 31(4), 321-328, (2016). (10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5741).
38. Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, Y. Terzi, Y. Zahiroglu, G. Sarisoy, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. “Are Illness Perceptions Associated With Disease Activity or Psychological Well-Being in Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Study With the Evidence of Confirmatory Factor Analysis”, Archieves of Rheumatology, 32(4), 315-324, (2017). (10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.6234)
39. Akyol, Y, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, L. Tomak, Y. Zahiroglu, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. “Falls, fear of falling, and associated factors in ambulatory patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A comparative study with healthy controls.” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 64(3), (2018). DOI: 10.5606/tftrd.2018.1687
40. Öztürk S, Y. Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, O. Kuru. “Determinants of Disease Specific Health-Related Quality of Life in Stroke Patients.” J of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences, 21(3), 107-14, 2018 (10.31609/jpmrs.2018-60048)
41. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, Y. Terzi, G. Sarisoy, Y. Zahiroglu, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. “The Impact of Spouse’s Illness Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being on Woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis: with the Evidence of Reliability and Validity Analyses”, Physical Medicine and Reh. BİLİM. Journal, 24(1), 52-9, (2021), (10.31609/jpmrs.2020-78832)
International Papers
1. Tander, B., S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, Y. Pekşen, “Work-related Musculoskeletal Problems among Medical Representatives in Samsun, Turkey”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S234, Sao Paulo, 2005.
2. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, B. Diren, K. Cengiz, “A case of Osteopoikilosis Mimicking Metastasis on MRI Study”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S216, Sao Paulo, 2005.
3. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, F. Bernay, “Alterations of Bone in Patients with Bladder Exstrophy”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S212, Sao Paulo, 2005.
4. Tander, B., L. Yalçın, M. Alp, R. Çaykuşu, H. Özgüzel, “Methods of Evaluation of Zone 2 Flexor Tendon Injuries of Hand Subsequent to Early Active Mobilization”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S200, Sao Paulo, 2005.
5. Böke, Ö., C. Çelik, B. Tander, S. Aker, AR. Şahin, F. Cantürk, “Temperament and Character in Patients with Fibromyalgia”, Journal of Psychiomatic Research 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the EACLPP and the Turkish National Congress of Consultation Liason Psychiatry and Medicine in the 21st Century Bridging Continents and Cultures, J Psychosomatic Research, Vol 59, Number 1, 24, İstanbul, 2005.
6. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, Ü. Bıçakçı, T. Başoğlu, B. Tander, “Bone Mineral Density and Bone Mineral Content in Rats with Testicular Torsion, Detorsion and Orchiectomy: Preliminary Results”,27 th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, J Bone Miner Res, Vol 20, supp 1, SA382, Nashville,2005.
7. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, F. Cantürk, “Effect of Depression on Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal Patients with Fibromyalgia”, IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis Int, Vol 17, supp 2, S192, Toronto, 2006.
8. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Aliyazıcioğlu, F. Cantürk, “The Levels of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and Their Relationship of Clinical Parameters in the Premenopausal Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 65, supp II,561, Amsterdam, 2006.
9. Tander, B., T. Akpolat, D. Durmuş ve F. Cantürk, “Hand Functions in Haemodialysis Patients”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 65, supp II,613, Amsterdam, 2006.
10. Durmuş, D., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, Y. Akyol, F. Cantürk, “Bone Loss and Quality of Life in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 66, supp II, 411, Barcelona,2007.
11. Durmuş, D., G Alaylı, O Uzun, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, Y. Bek, “Effectiveness of Two Exercise Protocols on Pulmonary Functions in the Patients withAnkylosing Spondylitis: ARandomised Placebo Controlled Trial”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 66, supp II, 386, Barcelona,2007.
12. Tander, B., G. Alaylı, K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, Y. Bek, F. Cantürk, “The Clues for the Recognation of the Patients with Fibromyalgia”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 66, supp II, 425, Barcelona,2007.
13. Zahiroglu, Y., Y. Ulus, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) Enthesitis index in Turkish AS patients”, EULAR 2012, Ann Rheum Dis 71(Suppl3):690, Berlin, (2012)
14. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “The relationship between balance and proprioception in patients with fibromyalgia”, Scand J Rheumatol 2012; 41 (S.126):46-47.
15. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Ulus, C. Bahadır, G. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, O. Kuru, “Factors Associated with Functional Balance and Falling Among Elderly Diabetic Patients”, International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) 2013, World Diabetes Congress, OP-0462, Melbourne, 2-6 December 2013 (oral notification).
16.Unal O, Tander B, Akyol Y, Ulus Y, Terzi Y, Kuru O, “The relationship of illness perception with quality of life, functional capacity, disability and depression in chronic low back pain patients”, Int Journal of Rheumatic Disease, 2016; 19(S.2):232.
17. Ulus Y, B Tander, Y Akyol, Y Terzi, Y Zahiroglu, G Sarisoy, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “Illness perceptions in rheumatoid arthritis: association with disease activity and depression,” 4th International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity (CORA) , 2017
18. Ulus Y, B Tander, Y Akyol, Y Terzi, Y Zahiroglu, G Sarisoy, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “The factor structure of the Turkish Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” 11th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress, 2017
19. Y Ulus, B Tander, Y Akyol, Y Terzi, Y Zahiroglu, G Sarisoy, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “Do spouses’ illness perceptions affect the women with rheumatoid arthritis?”, EULAR 2018, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(2), 1322, 2018
20.Öner, N., C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Konuralp, B. Mülayim, H. Özgüzel, “Radiologic Evaluation of Knee Osteoarthritis and Its Relationship with Diabetes Mellitus”,12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Abstract Book, P-131, Antalya, 2000.
21.Konuralp, N., B. Mülayim, N. Öner, C. Kocabaşoğlu, C. İplikçioğlu, H.Özgüzel, “A Case of Ganglion Cyst Leading to the Peroneal Paralysis”,12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,Abstract Book, P-196, Antalya, 2000.
22.Tander, B., K. Cengiz ve D. Durmuş, “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: Clinical Evaluation”,5th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Abstract Book, 205, Antalya,2004.
23.Tander, B., F Cantürk, “Are the Therapeutic Modalities Really Safe?”,5th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Abstract Book, 202, Antalya,2004.
24.Tander, B., U. Bıçakçı, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, L. Yıldız, F. Cantürk, “Alterations in Bones of Prepubertal Rats with Testicular Torsion”,6th Mediterranean Congress of PRM, Abstract Book, 132, Portugal, 2006.
25. Akyol, Y., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, “Comparison of the Effects of Alendronate and Risedronate Treatment in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis”,6th Mediterranean Congress of PRM, Abstract Book, 132, Portugal, 2006.
26.Terzi T, B. Tander, M. Terzi, Y. Aliyazıcioğlu, M. Onar, F. Cantürk, “Factors Associated with Osteoporosis in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis”, 5 thWorldCongress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Abstract Book, P-0241, İstanbul, 2009.
27. Dogan H., S. Canbaz, B. Tander, Y. Peksen, F. Canturk, N. Ozal, “The prevelance of the home accidents and affecting factors among elderly in Samsun, Turkey”, 12thWorld Congress on Public Health, Abstract Book, P-86.67, İstanbul, 2009.
28. Atmaca, A., B. Tander, E.K. Kan, Y. Ulus, G.C. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, “Correlation of AcroQoL with Depression, Anxiety, Balance and Fear of Falling Measures in Acromegalic Patients” 95th Annual Meeting of Endocrine Society Abstract Book, San Francisco, sayfa 260, poster no: SUN-107, 2013.
29. Atmaca, A., B. Tander, E.K. Kan, Y. Ulus, G.C. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, L. Tomak, “Disturbed Balance and Increased Fear of Falling in Acromegalic Patients” 95th Annual Meeting of Endocrine Society Abstract Book, San Francisco, sayfa 261, poster no: SUN-122, 2013.
30. Akyol Y., Y. Ulus, B. Tander, Y. Zahiroglu, C. Arslan, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Demographic and Clinical properties and the current medical treatment of patients followed as rheumatoid arthritis” XVI. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology Book of Proceedings, sayfa 11, Sarajevo, 2016.
31.Y Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, Y Zahiroglu, C. Arslan, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “Demographic and clinical properties and the current medical treatments of patients followed as Rheumatoid Arhtritis”, XVI. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology 2016.
32.Ulus Y, Tander B, Akyol Y, Terzi Y, Zahiroglu Y, Sarisoy G, Bilgici A, Kuru O. “The factor structure of the Turkish Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” 11th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress, April 30-May 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017.
Ulusal Makaleler
1. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship Between Disability, Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Unsuccessful Low Back Surgery Syndrome”, OMÜ Medical Journal, 22 (1), 1-6 (2005).
2. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, K. Cengiz, D. Durmuş ve Y. Akyol, “Are the Physical Therapeutic Modalities Really Safe?”, Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg, 51(4), 131-133 (2005).
3.Akyol, Y., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, "Comparison of the Efficiency of Alendronate and Risedronate in the Treatment of Osteoporosis", Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Derg, 52 (3), 110-114 (2006) .
4. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, B. Diren, F. Cantürk, “A Case of Osteopoikilosis Mimicking Metastases on MRI Study”, Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg, 52(2), 85-87 (2006).
5. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, “Hemophilia Rehabilitation”, OMÜ Medical Journal23 (3), 106-112 (2006).
6. Güler, N., B. Tander, B. Kısacık, U. Utku, A. Çevik, V. Erçolak, G. Ecemiş, Ö. Ecemiş, R. Arslan ve F. Cantürk, “Development of Pancytopenia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Low Dose Methotrexate”, Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Derg, 54 (2), 79-81 (2008).
7.Terzi, M., T. Terzi, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, M. Onar, “Subacute Combined Degeneration Imitating Radiculopathy Clinic: Two Case Reports ”, Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Journal, 54 (3), 174-176 (2008).
8.Tander, B., U. Bıçakçı, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, L. Yıldız, F. Cantürk, “Alterations in Bones of Prepubertal Rats with Testicular Torsion”, Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Journal, 54(1), 1-3 (2008).
9.Akyol Y., Y. Ulus, B. Tander, G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, “Awareness and Sources of Information About Osteoporosis Among Medical Students- Original Investigation”, Osteoporoz Dünyasından, 15(2), 43-47 (2009).
10.Alaylı G., B. Tander, D. Durmuş, Y. Akyol, F. Cantürk, “Is Morning Stiffness Associated With Disease Activity In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis?”, Romatol Med Rehab, 19 (2), 95-99 (2008).
11. Konuralp, N., H. Özgüzel, S. Kaygusuz, N. Öner, B. Mülayim, “Femoral Neuropathy After Pelvic Surgery”, Okmeydanı Medical Journal, 16: 45-48 (1999).
12. Öner, N., N. Konuralp, C. Kocabaşoğlu, B. Mülayim, H. Özgüzel, “Klippel-Feil Syndrome”, Okmeydanı Medical Journal, 16: 109-112 (1999).
13. Tander, B., N. Konuralp, C. Kocabaşoğlu, C. İplikçioğlu, H. Özgüzel, “A Developed Peroneal Paralysis Due to Ganglion Cyst”, Okmeydanı Medical Journal, 19 (2), 51-53 (2002).
14. Tander, B., “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries and Rehabilitation”, Hipokrat Lokomotor, 4 (26), 159-163 (2003).
15. Tander, B., “Clinical Examination of the Hand I”, Hipokrat Lokomotor, 5 (31), 96-100 (2004).
16. Tander, B., “Clinical Examination of the Hand II”, Hipokrat Lokomotor, 5 (31), 101-104 (2004).
17. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, “Hand Rehabilitation”, Aktüel Medical Journal, 9 (1), 60-73 (2004).
18. Tander, B., T. Terzi, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship between Depression Level and Clinical Parameters in Young Women with Fibromyalgia”, Romatol Medical Rehab, 17 (1), 27-33 (2006).
National Papers
1. Akyol, Y., G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, B. Tander, “The Relationship between Bone Mineral Density Values and Biochemical Indicators in Postmenopausal Women”, II. National Osteoporosis Congress, Osteoporosis World, 34, Antalya, 2005.
2. Fışgın, T., N. Güler, B. Tander, P. Öztürk, M. Akbalık, D. Albayrak, F. Duru, E. Özyürek, “Ondokuz Mayıs University Hemophilia Summer Camp”, XXXII. Hematology Congress, Turkish Journal of Hematology, Vol 23, Supp 1, 34, Antalya, 2006.
3. TanderB., Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, G. Alaylı, K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, Y. Ulus, F. Cantürk, “Bone Mineral Density and Depression in Premenopausal Women with Primary Fibromyalgia”, III. National Osteoporosis Congress, From Osteoporosis World, 80, Antalya, 2008.
4. Durmuş D., Y. Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, “Osteoporosis Awareness of Medical Students and Their Information Resources”, III. National Osteoporosis Congress, From Osteoporosis World, 79, Antalya, 2008.
5.Ulus Y, Akyol Y, Tander B, Durmuş D, Bilgici A, Kuru Ö. The frequency of falling in fibromyalgia: The relationship between hypermobility and balance: a preliminary study. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2011: 57 Special issue; 1-334, page 243
6.Ulus Y, Akyol Y, Tander B, Durmuş D, Bilgici A, Kuru Ö. Sleep quality in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia: relationship to pain, fatigue, depression and disease activity: a preliminary study. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2011: 57 Special issue; 1-334, page 242
7.Gül Ü, Tander B, Bilgici A, Cantürk F, Kuru Ö. Effects of different exercise practices on physical and psychological parameters in women with primary fibromyalgia syndrome. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2011: 57 Special issue; 1-334, page 243
8. Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, Ö. Kuru, “Demographic and clinical characteristics of Turkish children with Lumbar Spina Bifida”. 24. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2013: 59 Special issue; 1-499, page 438
9. Konuralp, N., H. Özgüzel, S. Kaygusuz, C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Öner, Ö. Alaca, B. Mülayim, “Risk Factors Affecting Morbidity in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury”, XVII. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, 68, Antalya, 1999.
10. Kaygusuz, S., H. Özgüzel, N. Konuralp, C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Öner, Ö. Alaca, B. Mülayim, “Comparison of Alendronate, Calcitonin, Alfacalcidol Treatments in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”, XVII. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, 84, Antalya, 1999.
11. Konuralp, N., H. Özgüzel, N. Öner, S. Kaygusuz, Ö. Alaca, B. Mülayim, “Femoral Neuropathy After Pelvic Surgery”, XVII. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, 106, Antalya, 1999.
12. Tander, B., L. Yalçın, M. Alp, R. Çaykuşu and H. Özgüzel, “Sollerman Daily Living Activity Test in the Evaluation of Hand Injuries Rehabilitation”, 19. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 79, Antalya, 2003.
13. Tander, B., L. Yalçın, M. Alp, R. Çaykuşu, H. Özgüzel, “Evaluation of Hand Zone II Flexor Tendon Injuries Using Buck-Gramcko and Strickland Methods After Early Active Mobilization”, 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 36, Antalya, 2003.
14.Tander, B., T. Terzi, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship between Depression Level and Clinical Parameters in Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome”. 20. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 76, Bodrum, 2005.
15.Tander, B., F. Cantürk, “Clinical Features and Affecting Factors in Patients with Fibromyalgia”, 20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 76, Bodrum 2005.
16.Tander, B., D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, “Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients”, 20. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 39, Bodrum, 2005.
17. Alaca, Ö., B. Tander, B. Sendinç, C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Konuralp, H. Özgüzel, “The Effect of Exercise Program on Angular Parameters and Clinical Findings in Patients with Mechanical Low Back Pain”, 20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Proceedings Book of Abstracts, 11, Bodrum, 2005.
18. Güler N, B. Tander, Kısacık B, Utku U, Çevik A, Cantürk F, “Pansytopenia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Is Methotrexate the culprit?”, 20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Proceedings, 95, Bodrum, 2005.
19. Durmus, D., G. Alaylı, İ. İlhanlı, B. Tander, Y. Akyol and F. Cantürk, “The Relationship between Spinal Deformity Index and Bone Mineral Density in Women with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”, 2nd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Congress Abstract Book, 86, Antalya, 2006.
20. Tander, B., D. Durmuş, Ç. Cengiz, F. Cantürk, “Pain, Hopelessness and Depression in Elderly Hemodialysis Patients”, II. National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Congress Abstract Book, 135, Antalya, 2006.
21. Tander, B., İ. İlhanlı, E. Çil, F. Cantürk, "Early Response to KBAS-1 Developing in the Late Period with Gabapentin: Case Report", II. National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Congress Abstract Book, 131, Antalya, 2006.
22.Doğan, H., S. Canbaz, B. Tander, Y. Pekşen, F. Cantürk, NÖ. Oruç, “Frequency of Home Accidents and Affecting Factors in Elderly People Living in Samsun Province Tekkeköy District”, XI. National Public Health Congress, Congress Book, 294, Denizli, 2007.
23. Alaylı, G., N. Kara, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, S. Güneş, H Bağcı, “The Relationship of Transforming Growth Factor B1 Gene T869C Polymorphism with Rheumatoid Arthritis”, X. National Medical Biology and Genetics Congress, Notification Book, 210, Antalya, 2007.
24. Tander, B., S. Güneş, Ö. Böke, G. Alaylı, N. Kara, H. Bağcı, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship Between Serotonin and COMT Receptor Genes and Psychiatric Status in the Turkish Population with Fibromyalgia”, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 103, Antalya, 2007.
25. Tander, B., G. Alayli, K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, “Life Quality and Affecting Factors in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia”, 21. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Proceedings, 103, Antalya, 2007.
26.Terzi, T., M. Terzi, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, M. Onar, “Subacute Combined Degeneration Imitating Radiculopathy Clinic: Two Case Reports”, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 137, Antalya, 2007.
27. Karadenizli, D., B. Tander, “Problem-Based Learning and Geriatrics Blog at Ondokuzmayıs University”, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 112, Antalya, 2007.
28. Durmuş D., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship of Low Bone Mass, Disease Activity, 25OH Vitamin D and Lifen Quality in Ankylosing Spondylitis”, 3rd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Abstract Book, 170, Antalya, 2008.
29. Akyol Y., D. Durmuş, G. Alaylı, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, “The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Preliminary Study”, 3rd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Abstract Book, 164, Antalya, 2008.
30.Durmuş, D., Y. Akyol, G. Alaylı, B. Tander, Y. Zahiroğlu, F. Cantürk, “Evaluation of the Effect of Electrical Stimulation Therapy on Pain, Muscle Strength and Functional Capacity in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study” , I. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Speech and Abstracts Book, 229, Ankara, 2008.
31.Ulus Y., Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, A. Bilgici and Ö. Kuru, “Evaluation of the Effects of Physical Therapy Modalities on Patients' Pain, Quality of Life, Depression Levels and Patient Satisfaction”, II. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Speech and Notification Abstracts Book, 70, Ankara, 2010.
32. Ulus Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, Ö. Büyükakıncak, Ü. Gül, F. Cantürk, A. Bilgici and Ö. Kuru, “Effectiveness of Ultrasound Treatment in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study”, II. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Speech and Proceedings Abstracts Book, 72, Ankara, 2010.
33.Savlık, M., Y. Ulus, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “Comparison of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients with lower extremity uptake in terms of pain, quality of life and functional level”. 5th Turkish Rheumatology Congress, Speech Texts and Abstract Book, 145, Antalya, 2012.
34. Ulus, Y., M. Savlık, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “The relationship between lower extremity muscle strength and functional capacity level in patients with Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis”. 5th Turkish Rheumatology Congress, 5th Turkish Rheumatology Congress, Speech Texts and Abstract Book, 146, Antalya, 2012.
35.Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “Disability levels of children with Spina Bifida: Parents' depression level and its effect on family function”. 3. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Notificaitons and Speech Abstracts Book, 100, Ankara, 2012.
36.Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmuş, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “The relationship between fear of falling and balance in the elderly living in the community”, 12th National Pain Congress, Book of Proceedings, 80, Istanbul, 2012.
37. Zahiroğlu, Y., Ö. Kuru, B. Tander, Y. Akyol, “Response to Etanercept treatment in a 2-year-old Familial Mediterranean Fever patient who is resistant to colchicine”. 11. Turkish Rheumatology Symposium, Book of Abstracts, Antalya, 2015.
38. Kuru, Ö., B. Tander, Y. Zahiroğlu, “Avascular necrosis case presented with Inflammatory Arthritis clinic”. 7. Turkish Rheumatology Congress, Book of Proceedings, 288, Antalya, 2016.
39. Öztürk S, Y. Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, Ö. Kuru, “Factors affecting the quality of life in patients with stroke”, 5th Medical Rehabilitation Congress, 2016
Turkish Book and Chapter Author
1.Tander, B., "Rehabilitation of a Neurologically Damaged Patient", Treatment Principles in Spine Trauma, Chapter 37, Ankara, 2011, ISBN: 978-605-4149-06-3
2.Tander, B., "Infectious Arthritis in the Elderly", Geriatric Rheumatology, eds. Y.G: Kutsal, K. Şenel, J. İrdesel, 401-407, Öncü Kitap, Ankara, 2014, ISBN: 978-605-4512-50-8
3.Tander, B., "Laboratory Findings in Rheumatic Diseases", Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (3rd Edition), Chapter 38, (Eds: M. Beyazova, Y.G. Kutsal), Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara, 499-520, 2016, ISBN: 978-975-277-633-3
4.Tand, B., "Kynesiological banding of Foot and Ankle Pain 1", Musculoskeletal Problems in Kynesiological banding, Section 4, (Eds: P. Borman, M. Zinnurogl), Turkey Clinic, Ankara, 97-103, 2017, ISBN: 978-975-9118-64-8
1. "Investigation of T102C, -1438 G / A Gene Polymorphisms in Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and 5-HT2A Receptor Gene in Patients with a Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia" Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-336, Project Manager 2003.
2. "Relationship of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Gene T869C Polymorphism with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis" Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-369, Project Assistant Researcher, 2003.
3. "Investigation of Ghrelin, IGF-1, IGFBP-3 Hormone Levels in Patients with a Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia", Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-436, Project Manager 2005.
4. "The Relationship Between Disease Activity, Functional Capacity, Quality of Life and Bone Turnover in Multiple Sclerosis Patients", Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Research Project, Project No: T-504, 2007
1.Cantürk, F., B. Tander, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, Ü. Belet, E. Arıtürk, R. Rızalar, F. Bernay “Bladder Exstrophy: Effects on Bone Age, Bone Mineral Density, Growth, and Metabolism”, Bone, 36(1), 69-73(2005).
2.Tander, B., S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, Y. Pekşen, “Work-related Musculoskeletal Problems Among Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives in Samsun, Turkey”,Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 20(1), 21-27(2007).
3.Karadenizli, D., B. Tander, S. Sarikaya, “How to Create a Geriatric Medicine Block in a University without a Geriatrics Department”, Med Educ, 41(4), 428-429 (2007)
4. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Aliyazıcıoğlu, F.Cantürk,“Serum Ghrelin Levels but not GH, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 Levels are Altered in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome”, Joint Bone Spine, 74(5), 477-481 (2007).
5. Tander, B., T. Akpolat, D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, “Evaluation of Hand Functions in Hemodialysis Patients”, Ren Fail,29(4), 477-480 (2007).
6.Tander, B., D. Durmuş,Y. Akyol, F. Cantürk, “Quality of Life, Pain and Depression in Patients with Hemodialysis”,Rheumatism, 23(3), 72-76 (2008).
7. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, G. Alaylı, İ. İlhanlı, S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, “A Comperative Evaluation of Health Related Quality of Life and Depression in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Rheumatol Int, 28(9), 859-865 (2008).
8. Tander, B., S. Güneş, Ö. Böke, G. Alaylı, N. Kara, H. Bağcı, F. Cantürk,“Polymorphisms of the Serotonin-2A Receptor and Catechol-O-methyltransferase Genes: AStudy on Fibromyalgia Susceptibility”,Rheumatol Int,28(7), 685-691 (2008).
9.Durmuş D, Y. Akyol, G. Alaylı, B.Tander, Y. Zahiroğlu,F. Cantürk, “Effects of Electrical Stimulation Program on Trunk Muscle Strength, Functional Capacity,Quality of Life, and Depression in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, Rheumatol Int, 29(8), 947-954 (2009).
10.Akyol Y., D. Durmuş, G. Alaylı, B. Tander, Y. Ulus, F. Cantürk, “Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Agents in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis”,Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 55, 141-146 (2009).
11.Alaylı, G., N. Kara, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, S. Güneş, H. Bağcı, “Association of Transforming Growth Factor ß1 Gene Polymorphism with Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Turkish Population, Joint Bone Spine,76(1),20-23(2009).
12.Durmuş D, G. Alaylı, O. Uzun, B.Tander, F. Cantürk, Y. Bek, L. Erkan,“Effects of Two Exercise Interventions on Pulmonary Functions in the Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis”,Joint Bone Spine, 76(2), 150-155 (2009).
13.Terzi T, M. Terzi, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, M. Onar, “Changes in bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers in premenopausal women with multiple sclerosis and the relationship to clinical variables”,J Clin Neurosci,17(10), 1260-1264(2010).
14.Doğan H, S Canbaz, B Tander, Y. Pekşen, F. Canturk, NOOruc, “The prevalence of home injuries among elderly people in Samsun, Turkey, and the influencing factors”, Turk J Med Sci, 40(4), 651-658 (2010).
15.Tander, B., Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, G. Alayli, K. Cengiz, I. Ilhanli, Y. Ulus, F. Canturk, “Bone Mineral Density and Depression in Premenopausal Women with Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome”, Turk J Rheumatol, 25(3), 105-9, (2010). (DOI number: 10.5152/tjr2010.12)
16.Akyol, Y., D. Durmus, G. Alayli, B. Tander, Y. Bek, F. Canturk, ST. Sakarya, “Does Short-Wave Diathermy Increase The Effectiveness of Isokinetic Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study”, European J Phys Rehabıl Medıcıne, 46(3), 325-36, (2010).
17.Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Sleep Quality in Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Associations with Pain, Fatigue, Depression, and Disease activity”,Clin Exp Rheumatol, 29(6 Suppl 69), 92-6, (2011).(DOI: 10.1002/acr.20442)
18. Akyol, Y., A. Atmaca, D. Durmus, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, G. Alaylı, “The Effects of Teriparatide Treatment on Back Pain, Quality of Life, Depression and Biochemistry Parameters in Patients with Severe Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Short-Term Results”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 57(3),134-8, (2011). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.17136)
19.Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, D. Durmus, O. Buyukakıncak, U. Gul, F. Canturk, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Therapeutic Ultrasound versus Sham Ultrasound for The Management of Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Clinical Study”,Int J Rheum Dis, 15(2), 197-206, (2012). DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-185X.2012.01709.x)
20.Akyol, Y., B. Tander, AS. Goktepe, I. Safaz, O. Kuru, AK. Tan, “The relationship of Fibromyalgia with Neuropathic pain, Quality of life and Emotional status in Traumatic Lower Limb Amputees”, J Musculoskeletal Pain, 20(2), 87-94, (2012). (DOI: 10.3109/10582452.2012.673548)
21.Karadenizli, D., S. Sarikaya., B. Tander., “Development of a unique geriatrics curriculum for non-geriatrician faculty in Turkey”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics,15(3), 241-248, (2012).
22. Akyol, Y., B. Tander, AS. Goktepe, I. Safaz, O. Kuru, AK. Tan, “Quality of Life in Patients with Lower Limb Amputation: Does It Affect Post-amputation Pain, Functional Status, Emotional Status and Perception of Body Image?” J Musculoskeletal Pain, 21(4), 334-340, (2013). (DOI: 10.3109/10582452.2013.851761)
23.Tural S, Alayli G, Kara N, Tander B, Bilgici A, Kuru O. Association between osteoporosis and polymorphisms of the IL-10 and TGF-beta genes in Turkish postmenopausal women. Hum Immunol, 74(9), 1179-83 (2013) doi:10.1016/j.humimm.2013.03.005.
24.Ulus Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Functional disability of children with spina bifida: It’s impact on parents’ psychological satatus and family functioning” Dev Neurorehabil, 15(5), 322-8, (2012). DOI: 10.3109/17518423.2012.691119)
25. Akyol, Y., Y. Ulus, D. Durmus, B. Tander, F. Canturk, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, Y. Bek, “Shoulder muscles strength in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: relationship to duration of symptoms, handgrip strength, pain, disability, quality of life and emotional status” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(3), 176-81, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.59837)
26. Akyol, Y., Y. Ulus, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Muscle strength, fatigue, functional capacity, proprioceptive acuity in patients with Fibromyalgia” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(4), 292-8, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.22230)
27. Buyukakıncak, O., Y. Akyol, N. Özen, Y. Ulus, F. Canturk, B. Tander, S. Buyukakıncak, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Breast Cancer Surgery: Is Problem for Upper Extremity Musculo-skeletal System?”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(4), 304-9, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.92489)
28.Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “The relationship between fear of falling and balance in community-dwelling older people”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 16(3), 260-5, (2013).
29.Ulus, Y., M. Savlık, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Association of knee muscle strength with lower extremity dysfunction in patients with osteoarthritis: a comparison with rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy controls”, Turk J Rheumatol, 28(2), 78-86, (2013).
30. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Is there balance problem in hypermobile patients with fibromyalgia?” Turk J Rheumatol,28(1), 10-5, (2013).
31. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Knee proprioception and balance in Turkish women with and without fibromyalgia syndrome” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 59(2), 128-32, (2013). DOI: 10.4274/tftr.75428)
32. Zahiroglu, Y., Y. Ulus, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) enthesitis index in Turkish patients with ankylosing spondylitis: relationship with disease activity and quality of life. Int J Rheum Dis, 17(2), 173-80, (2014).
33. Buyukakincak, O., Y. Akyol, N. Ozen, Y. Ulus, F. Canturk, B. Tander, S. Buyukakincak, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Quality of life in patients with breast cancer at postoperative early period: relationship to shoulder pain, handgrip strength, disability and emotional status” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 60(1), 1-6, (2014). DOI: 10.5152/tftr.2014.39206)
34. Atmaca, A., B. Tander, EK. Kan, Y. Ulus, GC. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, L. Tomak. “Assessment of balance performance and fear of falling in acromegalic patients: a comparative study”, J Endocrinol Invest, 36(9), 759-63, (2013).
35. Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, O. Kuru. “Muscle function of the lower extremities in children with lumbar spina bifida: impact on functional status”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 60 (Supp. 1, 57-62, 2014
36. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Ulus, C. Tura, Y. Akyol, O. Kuru. ”Balance Performance and Fear of Falling in Older Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Comparison with Patients without Diabetes Mellitus”, Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 62(4), 314-322, (2016). DOI: 10.5606./tftrd.2016.77861).
37. Tander, B., Y. Ulus, Y. Terzi, Y. Zahiroglu, H. Kesmen, B. Farisogullari, Y. Akyol, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. ”Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Adaptation of the VITACORA-19 in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis”,Archieves of Rheumatology, 31(4), 321-328, (2016). (10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5741).
38. Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, Y. Terzi, Y. Zahiroglu, G. Sarisoy, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. “Are Illness Perceptions Associated With Disease Activity or Psychological Well-Being in Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Study With the Evidence of Confirmatory Factor Analysis”, Archieves of Rheumatology, 32(4), 315-324, (2017). (10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2017.6234)
39. Akyol, Y, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, L. Tomak, Y. Zahiroglu, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. “Falls, fear of falling, and associated factors in ambulatory patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A comparative study with healthy controls.” Turk J Phys Med Rehab, 64(3), (2018). DOI: 10.5606/tftrd.2018.1687
40. Öztürk S, Y. Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, O. Kuru. “Determinants of Disease Specific Health-Related Quality of Life in Stroke Patients.” J of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences, 21(3), 107-14, 2018 (10.31609/jpmrs.2018-60048)
41. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, Y. Terzi, G. Sarisoy, Y. Zahiroglu, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru. “The Impact of Spouse’s Illness Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being on Woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis: with the Evidence of Reliability and Validity Analyses”, Physical Medicine and Reh. BİLİM. Journal, 24(1), 52-9, (2021), (10.31609/jpmrs.2020-78832)
International Papers
1. Tander, B., S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, Y. Pekşen, “Work-related Musculoskeletal Problems among Medical Representatives in Samsun, Turkey”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S234, Sao Paulo, 2005.
2. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, B. Diren, K. Cengiz, “A case of Osteopoikilosis Mimicking Metastasis on MRI Study”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S216, Sao Paulo, 2005.
3. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, F. Bernay, “Alterations of Bone in Patients with Bladder Exstrophy”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S212, Sao Paulo, 2005.
4. Tander, B., L. Yalçın, M. Alp, R. Çaykuşu, H. Özgüzel, “Methods of Evaluation of Zone 2 Flexor Tendon Injuries of Hand Subsequent to Early Active Mobilization”,3rd World Congress of the ISPRM, Acta Fisiatrica, Vol 12, supp 1, S200, Sao Paulo, 2005.
5. Böke, Ö., C. Çelik, B. Tander, S. Aker, AR. Şahin, F. Cantürk, “Temperament and Character in Patients with Fibromyalgia”, Journal of Psychiomatic Research 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the EACLPP and the Turkish National Congress of Consultation Liason Psychiatry and Medicine in the 21st Century Bridging Continents and Cultures, J Psychosomatic Research, Vol 59, Number 1, 24, İstanbul, 2005.
6. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, Ü. Bıçakçı, T. Başoğlu, B. Tander, “Bone Mineral Density and Bone Mineral Content in Rats with Testicular Torsion, Detorsion and Orchiectomy: Preliminary Results”,27 th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, J Bone Miner Res, Vol 20, supp 1, SA382, Nashville,2005.
7. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, F. Cantürk, “Effect of Depression on Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal Patients with Fibromyalgia”, IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis Int, Vol 17, supp 2, S192, Toronto, 2006.
8. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Aliyazıcioğlu, F. Cantürk, “The Levels of IGF-1, IGFBP-3 and Their Relationship of Clinical Parameters in the Premenopausal Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 65, supp II,561, Amsterdam, 2006.
9. Tander, B., T. Akpolat, D. Durmuş ve F. Cantürk, “Hand Functions in Haemodialysis Patients”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 65, supp II,613, Amsterdam, 2006.
10. Durmuş, D., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, Y. Akyol, F. Cantürk, “Bone Loss and Quality of Life in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 66, supp II, 411, Barcelona,2007.
11. Durmuş, D., G Alaylı, O Uzun, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, Y. Bek, “Effectiveness of Two Exercise Protocols on Pulmonary Functions in the Patients withAnkylosing Spondylitis: ARandomised Placebo Controlled Trial”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 66, supp II, 386, Barcelona,2007.
12. Tander, B., G. Alaylı, K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, Y. Bek, F. Cantürk, “The Clues for the Recognation of the Patients with Fibromyalgia”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Ann Rheum Dis, Vol 66, supp II, 425, Barcelona,2007.
13. Zahiroglu, Y., Y. Ulus, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmus, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC) Enthesitis index in Turkish AS patients”, EULAR 2012, Ann Rheum Dis 71(Suppl3):690, Berlin, (2012)
14. Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “The relationship between balance and proprioception in patients with fibromyalgia”, Scand J Rheumatol 2012; 41 (S.126):46-47.
15. Tander, B., A. Atmaca, Y. Ulus, C. Bahadır, G. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, O. Kuru, “Factors Associated with Functional Balance and Falling Among Elderly Diabetic Patients”, International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) 2013, World Diabetes Congress, OP-0462, Melbourne, 2-6 December 2013 (oral notification).
16.Unal O, Tander B, Akyol Y, Ulus Y, Terzi Y, Kuru O, “The relationship of illness perception with quality of life, functional capacity, disability and depression in chronic low back pain patients”, Int Journal of Rheumatic Disease, 2016; 19(S.2):232.
17. Ulus Y, B Tander, Y Akyol, Y Terzi, Y Zahiroglu, G Sarisoy, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “Illness perceptions in rheumatoid arthritis: association with disease activity and depression,” 4th International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology and Autoimmunity (CORA) , 2017
18. Ulus Y, B Tander, Y Akyol, Y Terzi, Y Zahiroglu, G Sarisoy, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “The factor structure of the Turkish Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” 11th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress, 2017
19. Y Ulus, B Tander, Y Akyol, Y Terzi, Y Zahiroglu, G Sarisoy, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “Do spouses’ illness perceptions affect the women with rheumatoid arthritis?”, EULAR 2018, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(2), 1322, 2018
20.Öner, N., C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Konuralp, B. Mülayim, H. Özgüzel, “Radiologic Evaluation of Knee Osteoarthritis and Its Relationship with Diabetes Mellitus”,12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Abstract Book, P-131, Antalya, 2000.
21.Konuralp, N., B. Mülayim, N. Öner, C. Kocabaşoğlu, C. İplikçioğlu, H.Özgüzel, “A Case of Ganglion Cyst Leading to the Peroneal Paralysis”,12th European Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,Abstract Book, P-196, Antalya, 2000.
22.Tander, B., K. Cengiz ve D. Durmuş, “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: Clinical Evaluation”,5th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Abstract Book, 205, Antalya,2004.
23.Tander, B., F Cantürk, “Are the Therapeutic Modalities Really Safe?”,5th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Abstract Book, 202, Antalya,2004.
24.Tander, B., U. Bıçakçı, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, L. Yıldız, F. Cantürk, “Alterations in Bones of Prepubertal Rats with Testicular Torsion”,6th Mediterranean Congress of PRM, Abstract Book, 132, Portugal, 2006.
25. Akyol, Y., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, “Comparison of the Effects of Alendronate and Risedronate Treatment in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis”,6th Mediterranean Congress of PRM, Abstract Book, 132, Portugal, 2006.
26.Terzi T, B. Tander, M. Terzi, Y. Aliyazıcioğlu, M. Onar, F. Cantürk, “Factors Associated with Osteoporosis in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis”, 5 thWorldCongress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Abstract Book, P-0241, İstanbul, 2009.
27. Dogan H., S. Canbaz, B. Tander, Y. Peksen, F. Canturk, N. Ozal, “The prevelance of the home accidents and affecting factors among elderly in Samsun, Turkey”, 12thWorld Congress on Public Health, Abstract Book, P-86.67, İstanbul, 2009.
28. Atmaca, A., B. Tander, E.K. Kan, Y. Ulus, G.C. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, “Correlation of AcroQoL with Depression, Anxiety, Balance and Fear of Falling Measures in Acromegalic Patients” 95th Annual Meeting of Endocrine Society Abstract Book, San Francisco, sayfa 260, poster no: SUN-107, 2013.
29. Atmaca, A., B. Tander, E.K. Kan, Y. Ulus, G.C. Ecemis, Y. Akyol, L. Tomak, “Disturbed Balance and Increased Fear of Falling in Acromegalic Patients” 95th Annual Meeting of Endocrine Society Abstract Book, San Francisco, sayfa 261, poster no: SUN-122, 2013.
30. Akyol Y., Y. Ulus, B. Tander, Y. Zahiroglu, C. Arslan, A. Bilgici, O. Kuru, “Demographic and Clinical properties and the current medical treatment of patients followed as rheumatoid arthritis” XVI. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology Book of Proceedings, sayfa 11, Sarajevo, 2016.
31.Y Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, Y Zahiroglu, C. Arslan, A Bilgici, O Kuru, “Demographic and clinical properties and the current medical treatments of patients followed as Rheumatoid Arhtritis”, XVI. Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology 2016.
32.Ulus Y, Tander B, Akyol Y, Terzi Y, Zahiroglu Y, Sarisoy G, Bilgici A, Kuru O. “The factor structure of the Turkish Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.” 11th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress, April 30-May 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017.
Ulusal Makaleler
1. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship Between Disability, Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Unsuccessful Low Back Surgery Syndrome”, OMÜ Medical Journal, 22 (1), 1-6 (2005).
2. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, K. Cengiz, D. Durmuş ve Y. Akyol, “Are the Physical Therapeutic Modalities Really Safe?”, Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg, 51(4), 131-133 (2005).
3.Akyol, Y., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, "Comparison of the Efficiency of Alendronate and Risedronate in the Treatment of Osteoporosis", Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Derg, 52 (3), 110-114 (2006) .
4. Tander, B., K. Cengiz, B. Diren, F. Cantürk, “A Case of Osteopoikilosis Mimicking Metastases on MRI Study”, Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg, 52(2), 85-87 (2006).
5. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, “Hemophilia Rehabilitation”, OMÜ Medical Journal23 (3), 106-112 (2006).
6. Güler, N., B. Tander, B. Kısacık, U. Utku, A. Çevik, V. Erçolak, G. Ecemiş, Ö. Ecemiş, R. Arslan ve F. Cantürk, “Development of Pancytopenia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Low Dose Methotrexate”, Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Derg, 54 (2), 79-81 (2008).
7.Terzi, M., T. Terzi, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, M. Onar, “Subacute Combined Degeneration Imitating Radiculopathy Clinic: Two Case Reports ”, Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Journal, 54 (3), 174-176 (2008).
8.Tander, B., U. Bıçakçı, B. Tander, T. Başoğlu, L. Yıldız, F. Cantürk, “Alterations in Bones of Prepubertal Rats with Testicular Torsion”, Turkish Phys Medicine Rehab Journal, 54(1), 1-3 (2008).
9.Akyol Y., Y. Ulus, B. Tander, G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, “Awareness and Sources of Information About Osteoporosis Among Medical Students- Original Investigation”, Osteoporoz Dünyasından, 15(2), 43-47 (2009).
10.Alaylı G., B. Tander, D. Durmuş, Y. Akyol, F. Cantürk, “Is Morning Stiffness Associated With Disease Activity In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis?”, Romatol Med Rehab, 19 (2), 95-99 (2008).
11. Konuralp, N., H. Özgüzel, S. Kaygusuz, N. Öner, B. Mülayim, “Femoral Neuropathy After Pelvic Surgery”, Okmeydanı Medical Journal, 16: 45-48 (1999).
12. Öner, N., N. Konuralp, C. Kocabaşoğlu, B. Mülayim, H. Özgüzel, “Klippel-Feil Syndrome”, Okmeydanı Medical Journal, 16: 109-112 (1999).
13. Tander, B., N. Konuralp, C. Kocabaşoğlu, C. İplikçioğlu, H. Özgüzel, “A Developed Peroneal Paralysis Due to Ganglion Cyst”, Okmeydanı Medical Journal, 19 (2), 51-53 (2002).
14. Tander, B., “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries and Rehabilitation”, Hipokrat Lokomotor, 4 (26), 159-163 (2003).
15. Tander, B., “Clinical Examination of the Hand I”, Hipokrat Lokomotor, 5 (31), 96-100 (2004).
16. Tander, B., “Clinical Examination of the Hand II”, Hipokrat Lokomotor, 5 (31), 101-104 (2004).
17. Tander, B., F. Cantürk, “Hand Rehabilitation”, Aktüel Medical Journal, 9 (1), 60-73 (2004).
18. Tander, B., T. Terzi, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship between Depression Level and Clinical Parameters in Young Women with Fibromyalgia”, Romatol Medical Rehab, 17 (1), 27-33 (2006).
National Papers
1. Akyol, Y., G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, B. Tander, “The Relationship between Bone Mineral Density Values and Biochemical Indicators in Postmenopausal Women”, II. National Osteoporosis Congress, Osteoporosis World, 34, Antalya, 2005.
2. Fışgın, T., N. Güler, B. Tander, P. Öztürk, M. Akbalık, D. Albayrak, F. Duru, E. Özyürek, “Ondokuz Mayıs University Hemophilia Summer Camp”, XXXII. Hematology Congress, Turkish Journal of Hematology, Vol 23, Supp 1, 34, Antalya, 2006.
3. TanderB., Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, G. Alaylı, K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, Y. Ulus, F. Cantürk, “Bone Mineral Density and Depression in Premenopausal Women with Primary Fibromyalgia”, III. National Osteoporosis Congress, From Osteoporosis World, 80, Antalya, 2008.
4. Durmuş D., Y. Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, “Osteoporosis Awareness of Medical Students and Their Information Resources”, III. National Osteoporosis Congress, From Osteoporosis World, 79, Antalya, 2008.
5.Ulus Y, Akyol Y, Tander B, Durmuş D, Bilgici A, Kuru Ö. The frequency of falling in fibromyalgia: The relationship between hypermobility and balance: a preliminary study. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2011: 57 Special issue; 1-334, page 243
6.Ulus Y, Akyol Y, Tander B, Durmuş D, Bilgici A, Kuru Ö. Sleep quality in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia: relationship to pain, fatigue, depression and disease activity: a preliminary study. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2011: 57 Special issue; 1-334, page 242
7.Gül Ü, Tander B, Bilgici A, Cantürk F, Kuru Ö. Effects of different exercise practices on physical and psychological parameters in women with primary fibromyalgia syndrome. 23. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2011: 57 Special issue; 1-334, page 243
8. Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, Ö. Kuru, “Demographic and clinical characteristics of Turkish children with Lumbar Spina Bifida”. 24. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Turkish Phys Rehab Journal 2013: 59 Special issue; 1-499, page 438
9. Konuralp, N., H. Özgüzel, S. Kaygusuz, C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Öner, Ö. Alaca, B. Mülayim, “Risk Factors Affecting Morbidity in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury”, XVII. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, 68, Antalya, 1999.
10. Kaygusuz, S., H. Özgüzel, N. Konuralp, C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Öner, Ö. Alaca, B. Mülayim, “Comparison of Alendronate, Calcitonin, Alfacalcidol Treatments in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”, XVII. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, 84, Antalya, 1999.
11. Konuralp, N., H. Özgüzel, N. Öner, S. Kaygusuz, Ö. Alaca, B. Mülayim, “Femoral Neuropathy After Pelvic Surgery”, XVII. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, 106, Antalya, 1999.
12. Tander, B., L. Yalçın, M. Alp, R. Çaykuşu and H. Özgüzel, “Sollerman Daily Living Activity Test in the Evaluation of Hand Injuries Rehabilitation”, 19. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 79, Antalya, 2003.
13. Tander, B., L. Yalçın, M. Alp, R. Çaykuşu, H. Özgüzel, “Evaluation of Hand Zone II Flexor Tendon Injuries Using Buck-Gramcko and Strickland Methods After Early Active Mobilization”, 19th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 36, Antalya, 2003.
14.Tander, B., T. Terzi, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship between Depression Level and Clinical Parameters in Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome”. 20. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 76, Bodrum, 2005.
15.Tander, B., F. Cantürk, “Clinical Features and Affecting Factors in Patients with Fibromyalgia”, 20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 76, Bodrum 2005.
16.Tander, B., D. Durmuş, F. Cantürk, “Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients”, 20. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 39, Bodrum, 2005.
17. Alaca, Ö., B. Tander, B. Sendinç, C. Kocabaşoğlu, N. Konuralp, H. Özgüzel, “The Effect of Exercise Program on Angular Parameters and Clinical Findings in Patients with Mechanical Low Back Pain”, 20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Proceedings Book of Abstracts, 11, Bodrum, 2005.
18. Güler N, B. Tander, Kısacık B, Utku U, Çevik A, Cantürk F, “Pansytopenia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Is Methotrexate the culprit?”, 20th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Proceedings, 95, Bodrum, 2005.
19. Durmus, D., G. Alaylı, İ. İlhanlı, B. Tander, Y. Akyol and F. Cantürk, “The Relationship between Spinal Deformity Index and Bone Mineral Density in Women with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”, 2nd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Congress Abstract Book, 86, Antalya, 2006.
20. Tander, B., D. Durmuş, Ç. Cengiz, F. Cantürk, “Pain, Hopelessness and Depression in Elderly Hemodialysis Patients”, II. National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Congress Abstract Book, 135, Antalya, 2006.
21. Tander, B., İ. İlhanlı, E. Çil, F. Cantürk, "Early Response to KBAS-1 Developing in the Late Period with Gabapentin: Case Report", II. National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Congress Abstract Book, 131, Antalya, 2006.
22.Doğan, H., S. Canbaz, B. Tander, Y. Pekşen, F. Cantürk, NÖ. Oruç, “Frequency of Home Accidents and Affecting Factors in Elderly People Living in Samsun Province Tekkeköy District”, XI. National Public Health Congress, Congress Book, 294, Denizli, 2007.
23. Alaylı, G., N. Kara, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, S. Güneş, H Bağcı, “The Relationship of Transforming Growth Factor B1 Gene T869C Polymorphism with Rheumatoid Arthritis”, X. National Medical Biology and Genetics Congress, Notification Book, 210, Antalya, 2007.
24. Tander, B., S. Güneş, Ö. Böke, G. Alaylı, N. Kara, H. Bağcı, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship Between Serotonin and COMT Receptor Genes and Psychiatric Status in the Turkish Population with Fibromyalgia”, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Abstracts, 103, Antalya, 2007.
25. Tander, B., G. Alayli, K. Cengiz, İ. İlhanlı, S. Canbaz, F. Cantürk, “Life Quality and Affecting Factors in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia”, 21. National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Book of Proceedings, 103, Antalya, 2007.
26.Terzi, T., M. Terzi, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, M. Onar, “Subacute Combined Degeneration Imitating Radiculopathy Clinic: Two Case Reports”, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 137, Antalya, 2007.
27. Karadenizli, D., B. Tander, “Problem-Based Learning and Geriatrics Blog at Ondokuzmayıs University”, 21st National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress, Abstract Book, 112, Antalya, 2007.
28. Durmuş D., B. Tander, G. Alaylı, F. Cantürk, “The Relationship of Low Bone Mass, Disease Activity, 25OH Vitamin D and Lifen Quality in Ankylosing Spondylitis”, 3rd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Abstract Book, 170, Antalya, 2008.
29. Akyol Y., D. Durmuş, G. Alaylı, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, “The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Preliminary Study”, 3rd National Rheumatic Diseases Congress, Abstract Book, 164, Antalya, 2008.
30.Durmuş, D., Y. Akyol, G. Alaylı, B. Tander, Y. Zahiroğlu, F. Cantürk, “Evaluation of the Effect of Electrical Stimulation Therapy on Pain, Muscle Strength and Functional Capacity in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study” , I. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Speech and Abstracts Book, 229, Ankara, 2008.
31.Ulus Y., Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, B. Tander, F. Cantürk, A. Bilgici and Ö. Kuru, “Evaluation of the Effects of Physical Therapy Modalities on Patients' Pain, Quality of Life, Depression Levels and Patient Satisfaction”, II. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Speech and Notification Abstracts Book, 70, Ankara, 2010.
32. Ulus Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, D. Durmuş, Ö. Büyükakıncak, Ü. Gül, F. Cantürk, A. Bilgici and Ö. Kuru, “Effectiveness of Ultrasound Treatment in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study”, II. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Speech and Proceedings Abstracts Book, 72, Ankara, 2010.
33.Savlık, M., Y. Ulus, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “Comparison of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients with lower extremity uptake in terms of pain, quality of life and functional level”. 5th Turkish Rheumatology Congress, Speech Texts and Abstract Book, 145, Antalya, 2012.
34. Ulus, Y., M. Savlık, Y. Akyol, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “The relationship between lower extremity muscle strength and functional capacity level in patients with Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis”. 5th Turkish Rheumatology Congress, 5th Turkish Rheumatology Congress, Speech Texts and Abstract Book, 146, Antalya, 2012.
35.Ulus, Y., B. Tander, Y. Akyol, A. Ulus, B. Tander, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “Disability levels of children with Spina Bifida: Parents' depression level and its effect on family function”. 3. Medical Rehabilitation Congress, Notificaitons and Speech Abstracts Book, 100, Ankara, 2012.
36.Ulus, Y., Y. Akyol, B. Tander, D. Durmuş, A. Bilgici, Ö. Kuru, “The relationship between fear of falling and balance in the elderly living in the community”, 12th National Pain Congress, Book of Proceedings, 80, Istanbul, 2012.
37. Zahiroğlu, Y., Ö. Kuru, B. Tander, Y. Akyol, “Response to Etanercept treatment in a 2-year-old Familial Mediterranean Fever patient who is resistant to colchicine”. 11. Turkish Rheumatology Symposium, Book of Abstracts, Antalya, 2015.
38. Kuru, Ö., B. Tander, Y. Zahiroğlu, “Avascular necrosis case presented with Inflammatory Arthritis clinic”. 7. Turkish Rheumatology Congress, Book of Proceedings, 288, Antalya, 2016.
39. Öztürk S, Y. Akyol, Y. Ulus, B. Tander, Ö. Kuru, “Factors affecting the quality of life in patients with stroke”, 5th Medical Rehabilitation Congress, 2016
Turkish Book and Chapter Author
1.Tander, B., "Rehabilitation of a Neurologically Damaged Patient", Treatment Principles in Spine Trauma, Chapter 37, Ankara, 2011, ISBN: 978-605-4149-06-3
2.Tander, B., "Infectious Arthritis in the Elderly", Geriatric Rheumatology, eds. Y.G: Kutsal, K. Şenel, J. İrdesel, 401-407, Öncü Kitap, Ankara, 2014, ISBN: 978-605-4512-50-8
3.Tander, B., "Laboratory Findings in Rheumatic Diseases", Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (3rd Edition), Chapter 38, (Eds: M. Beyazova, Y.G. Kutsal), Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara, 499-520, 2016, ISBN: 978-975-277-633-3
4.Tand, B., "Kynesiological banding of Foot and Ankle Pain 1", Musculoskeletal Problems in Kynesiological banding, Section 4, (Eds: P. Borman, M. Zinnurogl), Turkey Clinic, Ankara, 97-103, 2017, ISBN: 978-975-9118-64-8
- Turkish Osteoporosis Society
- Istanbul Medical Chamber
- International Society of Physical and Rehabilitational Medicine (ISPRM)
- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Turkish Medical Rehabilitation Association
- Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists
- Turkish League Against Rheumatism
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section and Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists Sertifikası, 2009 (sınavla)
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Proficiency Board Certificate, 2009 (with an exam)
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