Prof. MD. Ahmet Abdulhalik Balık
Prof. MD. Ahmet Abdulhalik Balık
Prof. MD.

Ahmet Abdulhalik Balık

Liv Hospital Gaziantep
General Surgery
Areas of Interests
    • Hepato-pancreatico-biliary surgery (Gallbladder, bile ducts and liver)
    • Hernia Surgery
    • Oncological surgery
    • Gastric cancer
    • Colon and Rectum Cancer
    • Breast Cancer
    • Thyroid Cancer
    • Gallbladder and bile duct cancer
    • Liver Cancer
    • Abdominal Cancer
    • Esophageal Cancer
  • Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine General Surgery (1995)
  • Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine (1989)
  • Liv Hospital Gaziantep (2024 - )
  • MedikcalPark Gaziantep Hospital (2021-2024)
  • Gaziantep University (Faculty Member) (2004-2021)
  • Atatürk University (Faculty Member) (1997-2004)
  • Adıyaman State Hospital (1996-1997)

A-Articles published in international refereed journals:

A1- Fournier’s gangrene: review of fifteen cases. Am Surgeon 63;1019-1021:1997
A2- Surgical treatment of hydatid disease of the liver: review of 304 cases. Arch Surg 134 (2);166-169:1999
A3- Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor on experimentally induced burn wounds. J Trauma 49;327-330:2000
A4- The effect of growt hormone on 24-h urinary creatinin levels in burned patients. Burns 17;42-45:2001
A5- Intraabdominal extrahepatic echinococcosis. Surgery Today 31;881-884:2001
A6- Importance of Psyychitric intervention in intolerances in endoscopic  procedures. J Int Med Res 30;174-179:2002
A7- Anal canal amputation and necrosis of the anal sphichter due to electric current injury. IJCP 56;405-406:2002
A8- Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. Can J Surg 45;415-419:2002
A9- Hidatid disease in childhood. Pediatr Surg Int 18;417-419:2002
A10- Percutaneous drainage of hydatid disease of the liver. HPB 4;163-166:2002
A11- Diagnosis and surgical treatment of Morgagni hernia: report of three cases. Surg Today 33;525-528:2003
A12- Levels of soluble intercelular adhesion molecule-1 and total sialic acid in serum of patients with colorectal cancer. J Surg Oncology 83;180-184:2002
A13- Dyspnea due to goiter. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 24;302:2003
A14- Acute biliary obstruction causedby biliary ascaris in pregnancy: MR cholangiography findings. Clin Radiol 58;896-898:2003
A15-Intrabiliary rupture in liver hydatid cyst: results of 20 years experience. Acta Chir Belg 103;621-25:2003
A16- Hydatid cyst of the adrenal gland: review of nine patients. World J Surg 28;97-99:2004
A17- Ileosigmoidal knotting:outcome in 63 patients. Dis Colon Rectum 47;906-910:2004
A18- Late complications of incisional hernias following prosthetic mes repair. Acta Chir Belg 104;425-428:2004
A19- Periampullary diverticula causing pancreaticobiliary disease. Dig Dis Sci 49;1943-1945:2004
A20- Intussusception in an adult patient with mild intermittant abdominal pain. Dig Dis  Sci  50;1127-1129:2005
A21-Intussusceotion in adults. Acta Chir Belg 106;409-412:2006
A22-The importance of local subcutaneous fat thickness in pilonidal disease. Dis Colon Rectum 49;1755-1757:2006
A23-Spontaneous rupture of the spleen in secondary amyloidosis: a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Amyloid 13;160-163:2006
A24-Scintigraphic evaluation of acute pancreatitis patients with 99mTc-HMPAO-labelled leukocytes. Nucl Med Commun 28;289-95:2007
A25- Extravisceral primary hydatid cyst of the retroperitoneum. ANZ J Surg 77;455-459:2007
A26- Gastric and prostat adenocarcinoma in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Onkologie 30;568-570:2007
A27-Elective treatment of detorsioned sigmoid volvulus. Turk J Med Sci 8;227-234:2008
A28-How much is the long-term quality of life impaired in cholecystectomy-related biliary tract injury? Turk J Surg. 2023 Mar 3;39(1):34-42.
A29-Wirsung diameter and microchannel presence as risk factors in postoperative pancreatic fistulas. Indian J Surg
A30-Assessment of the relationship between neutrophil lymphocyte ratio and prognostic factors in non-metastatic colorectal cancer. Turk J Surg. 2017 Sep 1;33(3):185-189
A31-Prevention and acute management of biliary injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Expert consensus statementUlus Cerrahi Derg. 2016 Dec 1;32(4):300-305.
A32 -Multifocal Insulinoma in Pancreas and Effect of Intraoperative Ultrasonography. Case Rep Surg. 2015;2015:375124.
A33-Expression profiling of SCN8A and NDUFC2 genes in colorectal carcinoma. Exp Oncol. 2015 Mar;37(1):77-80.
A34-Increased UGT1A3 and UGT1A7 expression is associated with pancreatic cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(4):1651-5.
A35-The association of the expression of miR-122-5p and its target ADAM10 with human breast cancer. Mol Biol Rep. 2015 Feb;42(2):497-505
A36-Effects of intra-abdominal hypertension on the endocrine functions of the pancreas in rats.  J Trauma. 2011 Oct;71(4):E94-8.
A37-Solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas : a multicenter case series. Surg Chronicles 2011; 16(11):22-26.

B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings:

B1- Hydatid disease of the liver; Report of 304 cases. Eurosurgery 98. June 17-20, 1998 Budapeşte/ MACARİSTAN
B2- Hepatic hydatid cysts; management with percutaneous drainage. Eurosurgery 98. June 17-20, 1998 Budapeşte/MACARİSTAN
B3- Schintigraphic evaluation of acute pancreatitis patients with 99MTC-HMPAO labelled leukocytes. European Congress of Nuclear Medicine. Augst  28, 2001 Napoli/İTALYA
B4- Prognostic value of p53 mutations in colorectal cancers. Joint meeting of M.S.C.P. and T.A.C.S. 9th Turkish Congress of Colorectal Surgery September 9-13, 2001 Antalya/TÜRKİYE
B5- Sigmoid Volvulus. Joint meeting of M.S.C.P. and T.A.C.S. 9th Turkish Congress of Colorectal Surgery September 9-13, 2001 Antalya/TÜRKİYE
B6- Assessment of Wnt-1 in breast tumors. 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health. September 22-26, 2001 İstanbul/ TÜRKİYE
B7- The relationship of malignant and benign breast diseases to the thyroid volume, thyroid nodules and iodine deficiency in Eastern Anatolia. 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health. September 22-26, 2001 İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
B8- Insulin resistance in patients with malignant and benign breast diseases. 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health. September 22-26, 2001 İstanbul/ TÜRKİYE
B9- Plasma levels of lipids in the patients with malignant and benign breast diseases. 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health. September 22-26, 2001 İstanbul/ TÜRKİYE
B10- Plasma levels of DHEA-SO4 in the patients with malignant and benign breast diseases. 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health. September 22-26, 2001 İstanbul/ TÜRKİYE
B11- The effects of monopolar cautery on induction of pheochroocytoma attack. 24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. October 4-6, 2001 İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
B12- Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. 5th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association April 25-29, 2002 Tokyo/JAPONYA
B13- Hydatid disease of the liver. 5th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association April 25-29, 2002 Tokyo/JAPONYA
B14- The effect of surgical stres on metabolic and inflamatory parameters. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery October 1-5, 2002 İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
B15- The relationship of insulin resistance to metabolic and inflamatory parameters in thermally injuried patients. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery October 1-5, 2002 İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
B16- The effects of metformin and oral propranolol on insulin resistance in thermally injuried patients. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery October 1-5, 2002 İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
B17- Alveolar echinococcosis in Turkey: A multi-centre survey. 5th European Congress of the IHPBA May 28-31, 2003 İstanbul /TURKEY

C. Articles published in national refereed journals:

C1- Etiological distribution of mechanical intestinal obstructions and the incidence of gangrene. Atatürk University Medical Bulletin 25 (4);693-697,1993
C2- Başoğlu M, Ören D. The effects of octreotide on experimental intestinal obstruction. Tr J Med Sci 22; 163-166:1994
C3- Comparison of serum hPASP, amylase and lipase values in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (a prospective controlled study). Turkish Medical Journal 1(2);81-84:1994
C4- Our five-year endoscopy studies. Atatürk University Medical Bulletin 26(1-2);31-38:1994
C5- Multiple organ failure (latest views on etiopathogenesis, prevention and treatment) T Clinics Journal of Medical Sciences 15; 1-5:1995
C6- Acute diaphragmatic injuries. National Journal of Trauma 1;59-62:1995
C7- Sigmoidoscopic-colonoscopic polypectomies. Journal of Colon and Rectum Diseases 5;144-147:1995
C8- Ileosigmoidal knotting in children. Tr J Med Sci 24;73-74:1995
C9- Acute mesenteric ischemia (a retrospective analysis of 51 patients). Atatürk University Medical Journal 27;33-37:1995
C10- Colorectal cancers in patients under thirty years of age. Journal of Colon and Rectum Diseases 6;133-135:1996
C11- Therapeutic effects of octreotide on biliary fistulas. Atatürk University Medical Journal 28;304-307:1996
C12- Acute effects of extracorporeal shock and lithotripsy on hepatic and pancreatic enzymes. Tr J Med Sci 26;349-351:1996
C13- Fungal infections in burns. National Journal of Trauma 2;141-144:1996
C14- Histopathologic evaluation of the effects of glucagon and octreotide on experimental intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Tr J Med Sci 27;397-400:1997
C15- Abdominal wound closure with polydiaxanone by continuous mass closure technique. Atatürk University Medical Journal 29;382-385:1997
C16- Serum nitric oxide levels in experimental intestinal ischemia. Tr J Med Sci 27;393-395:1997
C17- Intussusception in adults. Atatürk University Medical Journal 29;379-381:1997
C18- Nitric oxide levels in experimental primary adrenal insufficiency. Tr J Endocrin Metabol 1;71-74:1998
C19- Amoebic abscesses of the liver. T Clinics Journal of Surgery 3(4); 246-248: 1998
C20- Intestinal ischemia in portal triad occlusion. Atatürk University Medical Journal 31;132-136:1999
C21- Effects of interleukin-2 and granulocyte, macrophage-colony stimulating factor in preventing the negative effects of 5-fluorouracil on experimental colon anastomosis. National Journal of Surgery 15;79-84:1999
C22- Serum D(-)-lactate and nitric oxide levels in acute intestinal ischemia. Tr J Med Sci 29;37-40:1999
C23- Breast cancer and pregnancy. Journal of Breast Diseases 6(4);180-184:1999
C24- Malignant stomach tumors; analysis of 233 cases. Atatürk University Medical Journal 31(2);65-68:1999
C25-. Hydatid cyst perforation due to minimal trauma; end of case National Journal of Trauma 5;277-280:1999
C26- Characteristics of patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in Erzurum region. Endoscopy 10;153-157:1999
C27- Our stapler experience in colorectal anastomoses. Journal of Colon and Rectum Diseases 9;112-116:1999
C28- Effects of growth hormone on bacterial translocation due to intestinal obstruction Turk J Med Sci 30;209-212:2000
C29- Premalignant lesions of the esophagus. Ankara Journal of Surgery 260-265.2000
C30- Effect of drains on preventing seroma formation in breast surgeries. Journal of Breast Diseases 7(1);45-47:2000
C31- Ulcer perforations. National Journal of Trauma 6;234-236:2000
C32- Effects of growth hormone on hepatic regeneration. Tr J Med Sci 30;529-534:2000
C33- Diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration cytology in thyroid diseases. Atatürk University Medical Journal 32;59-61:2000
C34- Diagnostic value of peritoneal lavage in the thoracic abdomen. Atatürk University Medical Journal 32;45-48:2000
C35- Our lower gastrointestinal system endoscopy results. Ataturk University Medical Journal 32;101-104:2000
C36- Determination of the amount of tissue planned to be left behind in thyroid surgeries. National Journal of Surgery 16;307-310:2000
C37- Acute pancreatitis; Retrospective analysis of 49 cases. Atatürk University Medical Journal 32;135-138:2000
C38- Rectus hematomas Atatürk University Medical Journal 32;131-134:2000
C39- Thromboembolic prophylaxis after major abdominal surgery. National Journal of Trauma. 7;44-48:2001.
C40- Effects of GM-CSF in preventing early postoperative adhesions. Journal of Clinical Development 14;15-18:2001
C41- Our experience with non-Whipple pancreatic surgery. AÜTD 33;69-72:2001
C42- Our treatment approach in anal fissure. Colon and Rectum Diseases Journal 11;84-86:2001
C43- Spontaneous common bile duct perforation; case report. T Clinics Journal of Medical Sciences 22;56-58:2002
C44- How do the people of the Eastern Anatolia Region view organ donation? T Klin Journal of Medical Ethics-Law-History 10; 34-38:2002
C45- Ultrasound guided single dose percutaneous ethanol injection of benign cystic and mixed solid and cystic thyroid nodules. Tr J Endocrinology and Metabolism 1:21-23:2002

D. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

D1- Closure of abdominal incisions with polydiaxonone (PDS) and continuous mass closure technique. National Surgery Congress 9-13 June 1994 Istanbul
D2- Sigmoidoscopic-colonoscopic polypectomies. VI. National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 10-14 September 1995 Belek-Antalya
D3- Our 10 years of stapler experience in colorectal anastomoses. VI. National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 10-14 September 1995 Belek-Antalya
D4- Colon cancer in patients aged thirty years and under. National Surgery Congress 15-19 May 1996 Antalya
D5- Effects of glucagon and octreotide on experimental intestinal ischemia. National Surgery Congress 15-19 May 1996 Antalya
D6- Nitric oxide levels in experimental bilateral acute adrenal insufficiency. 19th National Endocrinology-Diabetology and Endocrine Surgery Congress with international participation 28-31 May 1996 Istanbul
D7- Effect of 5-Fluorouracil and its combinations on experimental intestinal anastomosis. National Surgery Congress 6-10 May 1998 Izmir
D8- Effect of Growth Hormone on liver regeneration after experimental partial hepatic resection. National Surgery Congress 6-10 May 1998 Izmir
D9- Drainage after breast cancer surgical treatment. 5th Breast Diseases Congress 7-10 April 1999 Istanbul
D10- Pregnancy and breast cancer. 5th Breast Diseases Congress 7-10 April 1999 Istanbul
D11- Peptic ulcer perforations. 3rd National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 31 August-4 September 1999 Antalya
D12- The value of peritoneal lavage in the thoracic abdomen. 3rd National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 31 August-4 September 1999 Antalya
D13- The value of blood C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the diagnosis of experimental acute adrenal insufficiency. 3rd National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 31 August-4 September 1999 Antalya
D14- Effect of growth hormone on 24-hour urine creatinine levels in burn patients. 3rd National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 31 August-4 September 1999 Antalya
D15- Analysis of 981 cases who underwent surgery for thyroid diseases. 1st National Thyroid Surgery Congress 6-9 October 1999 Istanbul
D16- Results of treatment with alcohol injection in cystic and solid (mixed) thyroid nodules with cystic components. 1st National Thyroid Surgery Congress 6-9 October 1999 Istanbul
D17- Lower gastrointestinal system endoscopy. VIII. National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 13-16 September 1999 Kemer-Antalya
D18- Our stapler experience in colorectal anastomoses. VIII. National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress 13-16 September 1999 Kemer-Antalya
D19- Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in Erzurum region: frequency, cause, clinical features. XVI. National Gastroenterology Congress 10-15 October 1999 Antalya
D20- Thromboembolic prophylaxis in major abdominal surgeries. II. Regional Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 27-30 September 2000 Diyarbakır
D21- Liver injuries II. Regional Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 27-30 September 2000 Diyarbakır
D22- How do the people of our region view organ donation? Organ Transplantation Organizations Coordination Association II. Congress 25-29 October 2000 Istanbul
D23- Periampullary tumors. 1st National Surgical Oncology Congress 26-28 October 2000 Antalya
D24- Colon cancers. 1st National Surgical Oncology Congress 26-28 October 2000 Antalya
D25- Retrospective analysis of our breast cancer cases (15 years). VI. National Breast Diseases Congress 22-26 September 2001 Istanbul
D26- Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis (First clinical results from the endemic area) V. Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Congress 9-13 October 2001 Kuşadası
D27- Our radical surgery practices in periampullary tumors. V. Hepato-Pancreato-Bilier Surgery Congress 9-13 October 2001 Kuşadası
Effect of GM-CSF on D28-Albendazole-induced neutropenia. V. Hepato-Pancreato-Bilier Surgery Congress 9-13 October 2001 Kuşadası
D29- Percutaneous treatment of liver hydatid cysts. V. Hepato-Pancreato-Bilier Surgery Congress 9-13 October 2001 Kuşadası
D30- Reconstruction of common bile duct wall defects with pedicled gallbladder. V. Hepato-Pancreato-Bilier Surgery Congress 9-13 October 2001 Kuşadası
D31- Soluble intercelular molecule-1 (sICAM-1) activity in experimental extrahepatic cholestasis and the effect of dexamethasone on this activity. V. Hepato-Pancreato-Bilier Surgery Congress 9-13 October 2001 Kuşadası
D32- Surgery in pilonidal sinus disease. Joint meeting of M.S.C.P. and T.A.C.S. 9th Turkish Congress of Colorectal Surgery September 9-13, 2001 Antalya/Türkiye
D33- Our treatment approach in anal fissure. Joint meeting of M.S.C.P. and T.A.C.S. 9th Turkish Congress of Colorectal Surgery September 9-13, 2001 Antalya/Türkiye
D34- Blunt and penetrating duodenal injuries. III. Regional Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress 24-27 October 2001 Konya
D35-The place of laparoscopic procedures in older ages. 5th National Endoscopic-Laparoscopic Surgery Congress March 2002 Istanbul
D36- Colon cancer in patients 30 years of age and younger. National Surgery Congress 15-19 May 2002 Kemer Antalya
D37- Ileosigmoidal knotting. National Surgery Congress 15-19 May 2002 Kemer Antalya
D38- Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone in preventing liver cell dysfunction and oxidative stress that occur in obstructive jaundice. National Surgery Congress 15-19 May 2002 Kemer Antalya
D39- The effect of combined use of Glutamine and Growth Hormone in preventing bacterial translocation in obstructive jaundice. National Surgery Congress 15-19 May 2002 Kemer Antalya
D40- Results of 22 years of surgical experience in the treatment of hydatid cyst disease of the liver. 20th National Gastroenterology week 30 September-5 October 2003 Kuşadası
D41- Preoperative endoscopic sphincterotomy in the treatment of patients with cholecystocholedocholithiasis. 20th National Gastroenterology week 30 September-5 October 2003 Kuşadası
D42- Efficacy of ERCP in the treatment of external bile fistulas in hydatid cyst of the liver. 20th National Gastroenterology week 30 September-5 October 2003 Kuşadası
D43- Percutaneous treatment of liver hydatid cysts. 20th National Gastroenterology week 30 September-5 October 2003 Kuşadası
D44- Our experience with total proctocolectomy and ileoanal pouch in patients with polyposis coli syndrome or treatment-resistant ulcerative colitis. National Surgery Congress 26-30 May 2004 Belek-Antalya
D45- Treatment of liver hydatid cysts opening into the bile ducts. National Surgery Congress 26-30 May 2004 Belek-Antalya
D46- Liver alveolar echinococcosis. National Surgery Congress 26-30 May 2004 Belek-Antalya
D47- Determination of parenteral nutrition effectiveness by urinary deoxypyridinoline level. National Surgery Congress 26-30 May 2004 Belek-Antalya
D48- Does perioperative total parenteral nutrition affect morbidity and mortality in patients with gastrointestinal cancer with severe malnutrition? National Surgery Congress 24-28 May 2006 Antalya
D49- Overlap sphincteroplasty and levatoroplasty technique in the treatment of obstetric anal sphincter injury. III. Çukurova Coloproctology & Stoma-Therapy Symposium 12-14 April 2007 Adana
D50- Botox in the treatment of chronic anal fissure. III. Çukurova Coloproctology & Stoma-Therapy Symposium 12-14 April 2007 Adana
D51-.Application of fibrin glue in hydatid cysts opened into the bile ducts. 8th National Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Congress 3-6 May 2007 Mersin
D52- Incidental cases of gallbladder cancer. National Surgery Congress 2008 28-31 May 2008 Antalya
D53- Post-surgical fistula development in liver hydatid cyst. National Surgery Congress 2008 28-31 May 2008 Antalya
D54- Surgical treatment of liver metastases of colorectal cancer. National Surgery Congress 2008 28-31 May 2008 Antalya
D55- Open surgical approach for adrenal masses. National Surgery Congress 2008 28-31 May 2008 Antalya
D56- The place of surgery in the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. National Surgery Congress 2008 28-31 May 2008 Antalya

  • Turkish Surgical Association
  • Association of Hepato-pancreatico-biliary Surgery
  • Turkish Organ Transplantation Organizations Coordination Association
  • The Transplan Society
  • African-European Hapato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
  • International Hepato-Pacreato-Biliary Association
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