Prof. MD.
Adem Uçar
Liv Hospital Ulus
Interventional Radiology
Areas of Interests
- Vascular Interventional Radiology
- Oncological Imaging and Interventional Tumor Therapy
- Abdominal Radiology
- Treatment of Vascular Disease
International Articles
- Mersin Science High School 1995
- Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, University of Istanbul,2001
- Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul, Radiology Department (2001-2005)
- Harvard University, Boston Children’s Hospital, Vascular Anomalies Center
- Liv Hospital Ulus (2013-
- Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul, Radiology Department, Interventional Radiology Unit(2001-2016)
Research (1)
• Comparison of gadobutrol computed tomographic angiography with digital subtraction angiography in the evaluation of carotid arteries. (2005)
International Papers (32)
International Papers (32)
• Yekeler E, Dursun M, Gun F, Kilincaslan H, Ucar A, Genchellac H, Acunas G. “Sialoblastoma: MRI findings” Pediatric Radiology, 2004 Dec;34(12):1005-7.
• Sayin OA, Ugurlucan M, Dursun M, Ucar A, Tireli E. “Bifid cardiac apex: a rare morphologic structure” Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery, 2006 Feb;131(2):474-5.
• Oflaz H, Turkmen A, Turgut F, Pamukcu B, Umman S, Ucar A, Akyol Y, Uzun S, Kazancioglu R, Kurt R, Sever MS. “Changes in endothelial function before and after renal transplantation.” Transplant International, 2006 Apr;19(4):333-7.
• Dursun M, Yilmaz S, Sayin OA, Ugurlucan M, Ucar A, Yekeler E, Tunaci A. “Combination of unicuspid aortic valve, aortic coarctation, and aberrant right subclavian artery in a child: MR imaging and CTA findings.” Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2007 May-Jun;30(3):547-9.
• Namli S, Oflaz H, Turgut F, Alisir S, Tufan F, Ucar A, Mercanoglu F, Ecder T. “Improvement of endothelial dysfunction with simvastatin in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.” Renal Failure, 2007;29(1):55-9.
• Aydin K, Ucar A, Oguz KK, Okur OO, Agayev A, Unal Z, Yilmaz S, Ozturk C. “Increased gray matter density in the parietal cortex of mathematicians: avoxel-based morphometry study.” American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2007 Nov-Dec;28(10):1859-64.
• Genchellac H, Yilmaz S, Ucar A, Dursun M, Demir MK, Yekeler E. “Hepaticpseudolesion around the falciform ligament: prevalence, aberrant venous supply, and fatty infiltration evaluated by multidetector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 2007 Jul-Aug;31(4):526-33.
• Kasikcioglu E, Elitok A, Onur I, Cimen A, Ucar A, Oflaz H. “Acute effects of smoking on coronary flow velocity reserve and ventricular diastolic functions.” International Journal of Cardiology, 2008 Sep 16;129(1):e18-20.
• Guven K, Rozanes I, Ucar A, Poyanli A, Yanar H, Acunas B. “Pushable springcoil embolization of pseudoaneurysms caused by gluteal stab injuries.” European Journal of Radiogy, 2010 Feb;73(2):391-5.
• Alis H, Bozkurt MA, Oner OZ, Dolay K, Turhan AN, Uçar A, Inci E, Aygun E. “Case report: acute pancreatitis caused by postcholecystectomic hemobilia.” BMC Gastroenterology, 2010 Jul 7;10:75.
• Ucar A, Yahyayev A, Agayev A, Yanar F, Bakan S, Bulakci M, Akman T, Yekeler E. “Severe spasm of the renal artery after blunt abdominal trauma simulating end-organ infarction.” Case Report in Medicine, 2010;2010:207152.
• Ozcinar B, Dolay K, Yanar H, Taviloglu K, Ertekin C, Ucar A, Guloglu R, Plevin R, Kurtoglu M. “Duodenal and jejunal varices due to superior mesenteric vein thrombosis presenting as a massive gastrointestinal tract bleeding: a case report.” Central European Journal of Medicine , Dec 2010;5(6):719-723.
• Ucar A, Yahyayev A, Bakkaloglu H, Agayev A, Aydin AE, Rozanes I. “Cutting-Balloon Angioplasty in Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis as First-Line Treatment in the Early Postoperative Period.” Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2011 Feb;34 Suppl 2:S70-3.
• Bulakci M, Agayev A, Yanar F, Sharifov R, Taviloglu K, Ucar A. “Final destination of an ingested needle: the liver.” Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. 2011 Mar;17(1):64-6.
• Karahasanoglu R, Otcu H, Selcuk T, Ucar A, Kiris A. “Focal nodular hyperplasia vs. hemangioma: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings.” Annals of Hepatology, 2011 Apr-Jun;10(2):218-20.
• Ucar A, Sahin D, Bulakci M, Bakan S, Yilmaz R, Yahyayev A, Yekeler E. “Prevalence of hepatic pseudolesions around the falciform ligament in a paediatric population.” Journal of International Medical Research. 2011;39(4):1490-6.
• Yahyayev A, Guven K, Bulakci M, Ucar A, Aghayev A, Yekeler E. “Spontaneous thrombosis of uterine artery pseudoaneurysm: follow-up with Doppler ultrasonography and interventional management.” Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 2011 Sep;39(7):408-9.
• Yekeler E, Ucar A, Yilmaz R, Yilmaz E, Cheikahmad I, Sharifov R, Somer A. Predictive value of Doppler ultrasound in childhood pneumonia. Journal of International Medical Research. 2011;39(4):1536-40.
• Başaran K, Ucar A, Guven E, Arinci A, Yazar M, Kuvat SV. “Ultrasonographically determined pedicled breast reduction in severe gigantomastia.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 Oct;128(4):252e-9e.
• Bulakci M, Yahyayev A, Ucar A, Erer B, Erer B, Dursun M. Unusual cause of right ventricular outflow tract compression: mediastinal lipomatosis. Journal of Thoracic Imaging. 2011 Nov;26(4):W134-6.
• Akbayir O, Gedikbasi A, Akyol A, Ucar A, Saygi-Ozyurt S, Gulkilik A. Cesarean scar pregnancy: A rare cause of uterine arteriovenous malformation. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 2011 Nov;39(9):534-8.
• Yahyayev A, Bulakci M, Yilmaz E, Ucar A, Sayin OA, Yekeler E. Absence of the right iliac vein and an unusual connection between both common femoral veins. Phlebology. 2012 Mar 19.
• Kuvat SV, Keklik B, Ozden BC, Uçar A, Çizmeci O. A Major Donor Area Complication Following a Mandibular Reconstruction with an Osseous Fibular Free Flap: the Pseudo-Compartment Syndrome. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2012 Mar;23(2):499-501.
• Serin KR, Keskin M, Ucar A, Kurtoglu M. Spontaneous hemocholecyst depend to warfarin, emerge as acute cholecystitis. Surg Chron 2012; 17(3): 211-212.
• Yanar F, Agcaoglu O, Sarici IS, Sivrikoz E, Ucar A, Yanar H, Aksoy M, KurtogluM. Local thrombolytic therapy in acute mesenteric ischemia. World J Emerg Surg.2013 Feb 9;8(1):8.
• Turkmen C, Ucar A, Poyanli A, Vatankulu B, Ozkan G, Basaran M, Serin K, Sanli Y, Adalet I. Initial outcome after selective intraarterial radionuclide therapy
with yttrium-90 microspheres as salvage therapy for unresectable metastatic liverdisease. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2013 Sep; 28(7):534-40. doi:10.1089/cbr.2012.1455.
• Sarici IS, Yanar F, Agcaoglu O, Ucar A, Poyanli A, Cakir S, Aksoy SM, KurtogluM. Our early experience with iliofemoral vein stenting in patients withpost-thrombotic syndrome. Phlebology. 2013 Mar 19.
• Hocaoğlu E, Emeklı U, Cızmecı O, Uçar A. Suprafascial pre-expansion ofperforator flaps and the effect of pre-expansion on perforator artery diameter. Microsurgery. 2013 Sep 13.
• Sarici IS, Serin KR, Agcaoglu O, Akman N, Ucar A, Bilge O. Curative surgeryfor locally advanced retroperitoneal mature teratoma in an adult. Case report.Int J Surg Case Rep. 2013;4(1):30-2.
• Mutlu S, Güler O, Uçar A, Mahiroğulları M. An unusual complication followingtotal hip arthroplasty: median circumflex femoral artery pseudoaneurysm. Acta
Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2014;48(1):106-8.
• Ozkan ZG, Poyanlı A, Ucar A, Kuyumcu S, Akyuz F, Keskin S, Saglam S, Yilmaz E, Karaca C, Turkmen C. Favorable survival time provided with radioembolization in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with and without portal vein thrombosis. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2015 Apr;30(3):132-8.
• Akgul T, Sormaz IC, Aksoy M, Ucar A, Ozger H, Eralp L. Results and functional outcomes of en-bloc resection and vascular reconstruction in extremity musculoskeletal tumors Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica
• National Papers (17)
• M. Dursun, E. Yekeler, A. Uçar , N. Aksakal, H. Karanlık, M. Tunacı, G. Acunaş.“Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis: imaging findings” Bulletin of Computed Tomography, 2004;1:25-29.
• E. Yekeler, A. Uçar, H. Gençhellaç, M. Tunacı, G. Acunaş. “A case of small bowel lymphoma causing giant aneurysmal dilatation: Diagnostic multidetector CT findings” Computed Tomography Bulletin, 2004;1:55-57.
• H. Gençhellaç, A. Uçar, E. Yekeler, A. Tunacı, G. Acunaş. “Comparison of expiratory HRCT findings in sarcoidosis with pulmonary function tests.” Computed Tomography Bulletin, 2004; 2: 99-103.
• A. Uçar, E. Yekeler, F. Y. Dönmez , M. Tunacı , S. Sağlam , G. Acunaş. “Uterine leiomyosarcoma with internal metastasis.” Journal of Istanbul Medical Faculty. 2005; 3: 78-80.
• A. Uçar, M. Dursun, Ercan Kayacan, Tuba Tohumcu, Samet Topuz, Cem İyibozkurt, Süleyman Akan, Mehtap Tunacı. CT and MRI findings in "Krukenberg ovarian tumors ”Computed Tomography Bulletin, 2005; 4: 221-225.
• A Uçar, E. Yekeler, M. Dursun, S. Yılmaz, F. Demir, V. Şensoy, M. Tunacı. “Diffuse Lymphangiomatosis: Imaging Findings.” Computed Tomography Bulletin, 2005; 4: 249-252.
• K. Güven, B. Bakır, A. Uçar. “Radiological diagnosis of pancreatic cystic tumors” Turkish Journal of HBB, 2009;cilt 5 sayı 1:1-10.
• B. Acunaş, A. Uçar. “Interventional radiological methods, indications.” Journal of General Surgery-Special Topics (Journal of General Surgery, Private Numbers, Turkey Clinics). 2010;3(1):42-5.
• A. Uçar, İ. Rozanes. “Kemoembolizasyon.” Istanbul Medical Chamber, Journal of Clinical Development. 2010; 23(2):62-66.
• Z. Torlak, M. Uğurlucan, B. Göktaş, A. Uçar, Ö.A. Sayın, O. Göksel, E Tireli, E. Dayığlu. Right Ventricular Metastasis of Basal Cell Carcinoma, Fırat Medical Journal 2012; 17(1): 40-42
• A. Uçar.Oncologic Local Ablation Methods. Turkey Clinics. J Radiol-Special Topics 2013;6(1)15-22.
• A. Uçar. Evaluation of Response to Oncologic Therapy. Turkey Clinics. J Radiol-Special Topics 2013;6(1)68-72.
• Ş.M. Aksoy,İ.Ş. Sarıcı,A. Uçar, F. Yanar, O. Ağcaoğlu,M. Kurtoğlu. Ultrasound-Guided Thrombin Injection for the Treatment of Iatrogenic Femoral Artery Pseudoaneurysms.Turkey Clinics J Cardiovasc Sci 2014;26(1):11-5.
• N. Aksakal, K. Taviloğlu, H. Teoman Yanar, S. Tuğrul, A. Uçar, M. Tükenmez, A.F.K. Gök, F. Yanar. The Effects of Pneumoperitoneum Pressures on Blood Gases, Respiratory and Venous Systems during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Prospective Randomized Trial. Eur J Endosc Laparosc Surg 2014;1(2):71-77.
• M.N. Akın,A. Uçar. Lower Gastrointestinal Computed Tomography. Turkey Clinics J Gen Surg-Special Topics 2015;8(2)
• R. Turkay, B. Bakir, O. Asoglu, M.G. Kartal, Adem Ucar, B. Simsek, K. Serin, I. Font Erdil, Y. Onal. Extracolonic Findings in CT Colonography: Our Experience in 227 Cases.Bakırköy Journal of Medicine 2017;13:159-163.
• B. Özçınar, H. T. Yanar, E. Sivriköz, F. Yanar, İ. S. Sarıcı, A. Uçar, K. Günay, R. Güloğlu, C. Ertekin, M. Kurtoğlu. Should angiography be routinely employed in high grade liver injuries undergoing damage control surgery? Ist Medical Faculty Journal 2016;79:4.
• International Presentation(14)
• O. O. Okur , A. Agayev, A. Ucar, C. Ozturk , K. Aydin. Morphological differences in the grey matters of mathematicians: A voxel-based morphometry study. Annual Meeting Ismrm-ESMRMB, pp267, 19-25 May, 2007, Berlin, Germany.
• A. Salmaslioglu, M. Tunaci, G. Acunas, B. Bakir, A. Ucar, K. Guven, I. Adalet, Y. Erbil. “Radio-guided localization of neck masses: A new approach” European Congress of Radiology. (ECR) p B227, 2008 Vienna, Austuria.
• R. Yılmaz, E. Yekeler, A. Uçar, A. Agayev, D. Şahin. Doppler ultrasonography in childhood pulmonary consolidation: diagnostic contrubution to gray scale imaging and prediction of clinical outcomes of pneumonias. 47th Annnual Meeting European Society of Pediatric Radiology, pp1063, 2010, Bordeux, France.
• N.A. Şahbaz, M. Aksoy, A. Uçar, M. Kurtoğlu. Is ultrasound a valuable tool in hybrid procedures. 29th Annual Meeting Association of International Vascular Surgeons, pp 35 March 2011, Andora.
• I.S. Sarici, M. Kurtoglu, S.M. Aksoy, A. Poyanli, A. Ucar, M. S. Cakir, A. Ozturk, O. Karatepe, E. Yamac. Our early experience in stenting iliofemoral veins. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Balkan Venous Forum, January 20-22, Istanbul, Turkey
• K. Güven, I. Rozanes, A. Ucar, E. Terzibasioglu, B. Bakir. Renal artery pseudoaneurysm rupture in a polyarteritis nodosa patient treated with coil embolization. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of European (CIRSE), pp391, September 2008, Cophenhagen, Denmark.
• K. Güven, E. Terzibasıoglu, A. Ucar, B. Bakır. Esophageal mucocele causing angina symptoms treated with percutaneous drainage. European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR), pp 106, June 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
• Z. Kadehci, N. Dagoglu, A. Ucar, H. Oflaz, Y. Dizdar, M. Altun. Carotid vessel changes and risk factors in patient receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancers:20th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research. p60, July 5-8 2008, Lyon, France.
• S. M.Kayacan, S. Vatansever, G. Sağcan, A. Özkök, S. Kaya, A. Karadağ, E.Ş. Hatipoğlu, A. Ucar, V. Akkaya, K. Güler. “A rare case of lung cancer invading the chest wall. 8th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine, p217, May 2009, İstanbul.
• S. M. Kayacan, S. Vatansever, A. Özkök, E.Ş. Hatipoğlu, A. Karadağ, M. Akdemir, A. Ucar, V. Akkaya, O. Erk, K. Güler. Approach to an acute pancreatitis complicated with giant pseudocyst. 8th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine, p38, May 2009, İstanbul.
• F. Islim, K. Guven, A. Ucar, S. G. Ciftci, M. Seren. Endovascular treatment of iatrogenic ruptured thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm after an open vertebral biopsy: case report. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of European (CIRSE) September, pp180, 2011 Munich, Germany.
• A. Ucar, E Agolli, A. Sulovari. Endovascular stent-graft treatment in a pediatric patient with an iatrogenic splenic artery pseudo aneurysm. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of European (CIRSE) September, 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
• A. Ucar, G. Yıldırım, E. Agolli, A. Sulovari. Safety of transhepatic route of permanent catheter in patients receiving hemodialysis Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of European (CIRSE) September, 2014 Glasgow, Scotland.
• A. Ucar, E. Agolli, A. Sulovari. Successful management with transcatheter arterial particle embolisation in a case of infantile hepatic hemangioendothelioma with consumptive coagulopathy. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of European (CIRSE) September, 2014 Glasgow, Scotland.
• H. Bakkaloğlu, B. Kılıç, A. Bayraktar, A. Uçar, K. Güven, A. E. Aydın, İ. Rozanes, U. Eldegez. The choice of sclerotherapy with alcohol in prolonged lymphorrhagia after cadaver transplantation. 7.Turkey Organ Transplant Association Congress Coordination Organization, Proceedings, 75 pp.
• K. R. Serin, E. Emek, A. Poyanlı, A. Uçar, A.Emre, A. Alper, Y. Tekant, O. Bilge, İ. Özden. Approach to hepotecellular carcinoma with spontaneous rupture.10.National Congress of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery,Congress Book.
- Turkish Society of Radiology
- Turkish Society of Interventional Radiology
- Cardiovascular and Interventional Society of Europe
- European Society of Radiology
- 32nd National Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress; The study titled edik Pedicle-based breast reduction technique determined by Doppler ultrasonography in patients with advanced gigantomastia tır won first place in the clinical category.(İ. K. Başaran, E. Güven, A. Arıncı, M. Yazar, A. Uçar, S. V. Kuvat). VII. National Radiation Oncology Congress; Değişiklik First prize with the title of changes in the carotid arteries and risk factors in patients undergoing surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy for head and neck cancer. (Züleyha Kadehçi, Adem Uçar, Hüseyin Oflaz, Yavuz Dizdar, Musa Altun).
- Certificates:
- He was awarded the Diploma Turkish Society of Interventional Radiology (01.08.2016)
- He was awarded the “Diploma of European Board of Interventional Radiology” (EBIR) in 2017
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