Ahmet Cem Dural
- Surgical treatment of thyroid, parathyroid gland diseases and cancers
- Surgical treatment of adrenal gland (adrenal gland) diseases and cancers
- Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery
- Galatasaray High School (1989-1997)
- Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Medical Education (1997-2003)
- Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Specialization in General Surgery (2003-2009)
- Cleveland Clinic, Endocrine and Metabolism Institute, Center for Endocrine Surgery, USA, Research Fellowship (2014)
- Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Surgery, Division of Endocrine Surgery and Sarcoma Unit, Sweden, Endocrine Surgery Clinical Fellowship (2015)
- Ottawa University, Faculty of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Apoptosis Research Center (ARC), Canada, Translational Medicine Clinical Research Fellowship (2016-2017)
- LIV Hospital Ulus & LIV Hospital Vadistanbul
- Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital (2012-2021)
- Ottawa University, Faculty of Medicine, Canada (2016)
- Karonlinska University Hospital, Sweden (2015)
- Cleveland Clinic, OH, USA. (2014)
- Iğdır State Hospital (2009-2012)
1. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparins in polytraumatized patients in intensive care unit (Extended serie). Kurtoğlu M, Büyükkurt D, Kurtoğlu M, Dural C, Akar U, Güloğlu R. Ulus Travma Journal. Jan 2003; 9(1): 37-44
2. Afferent loop syndrome secondary to Billroth II gastrojejunostomy obstruction: Multidedector computed tomography findings. Yılmaz S, Yekeler E, Dural C, Dursun M, Akyol Y, Acunaş B. Surgery. 2007 Apr;141(4):538-9.
3. Heterotopic pancreas as a leading point for small-bowel intussusception in a pregnant woman. Gurbulak B, Kabul E, Dural C, Çıtlak G, Yanar H, Gulluoglu M, Taviloglu K. JOP. 2007 Sep 7;8(5):584-7.
4. Radio-guided nonpalpable metastatic lymph node localization in patients with recurrent thyroid cancer. Tükenmez M, Erbil Y, Barbaros U, Dural C, Salmaslioglu A, Aksoy D, Mudun A, Ozarmağan S. J. Surg Oncol. 2007 Nov 1;96(6):534-8.
5. Rare complication of Meckel´s diverticulum: loop formation of diverticulum Karatepe O, Dural C, Erçetin C, Çıtlak G, Salmaslıoğlu A, Gülçiçek O, Karahan S. Turk J Med Sci. 2008; 38(1):91-93.
6. Primary retroperitoneal hydatid disease mimicking retroperitoneal malignant tumor. Erçetin C, Tükenmez M, Dural C, Poyanli A, Salmaslioğlu A, Bilgiç B, Erbil Y. Int J Infect Dis. 2008 Jul;12(4):402-5.
7. Predictive value of sonographic features in preoperative evaluation of malignant thyroid nodules in a multinodular goiter. Salmaslioğlu A, Erbil Y, Dural C, Issever H, Kapran Y, Ozarmağan S, Tezelman S. World J Surg. 2008 Sep;32(9):1948-54
8. Hand-Assisted laparoscopic splenectomy for splenic hemangioma. Dural C, Ercetin C, Salmaslıoğlu A, Mete Ö, Barbaros U, Erbil Y. Eur J Surg Sci. 2010;1:22-26
9. Malignant phaeochromocytoma with cavoatrial extension: transcaval removal of tumor without cardiopulmonary bypass: A case report. Dural C, Bilge O, Toker A, Erbil Y, Salmaslioglu A, Ozbey N, Aral F. Minerva Chir. 2010 Aug;65(4):485-8.
10. Pulmonary tuberculosis in an adult patient with tetralogy of Fallot. Gunay E, Gunay S, Karakus G, Sahin T, Görgün D, Tursun I, Dural C. Hippokratia. 2012;16(3):286
11. The impact of early diagnostic laparoscopy on prognosis of patients with suspected acute mesenteric ischemia. Gonenc M, Dural C, Kocatas A, Buyukasik S, Karabulut M, Alis H. Eur J. Trauma Emerg Surg. 2013;39(2):185-9
12. Intramural hematomas of the gastrointestinal tract: A 5-year single center experience. Kones O, Dural C, Gonenc M, Karabulut M, Akarsu C, Gok I, Bozkurt S, Ilhan M, Alis H. J Korean Surg Soc. 2013;85:58-62
13. Enhanced postoperative recovery pathways in emergency surgery : A randomized controlled clinical trial. Gonenc M, Dural C, Celik MF, Akarsu C, Kocatas A, Kalayci MU, Dogan Y, Alis H. Am J Surg. 2014;207:807-814
14. Minimally invasive endoscopic management of synchronous granular cell tumors in the colon and posterior mediastinum. Kocatas A, Dural C, Sever N, Kankaya B, Dogan M, Yegen G, Gonenc M, Bilgic B, Bedirhan MA, Alis H. J Minim Access Surg. 2014;10(1):34-36
15. Robotic bilateral posterior adrenalectomy using a new articulating vessel sealer. Dural C, Akyuz M, Iyer P, Berber E. VideoEndocrinology. DOI: 10.1089/ve.2014.0007
16. Bilateral hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy for Pheochromocytoma. Iyer P, Dural C, Akyuz M, Berber E. VideoEndocrinology. DOI: 10.1089/ve.2014.0008
17. Importance of diagnostic and therapeutic role of endoscopy in the management of upper gastrointestinal system bleeding related to long-term warfarin use. Akarsu C, Dural C, Unsal MG, Celik MF, Sahin N, Kocatas A, Karabulut M, Kones O, Bademler S, Akarsu M, Alis H. Exp Clin Cardiol. 2014;20(6):145-174
18. Endoscopic balloon dilatation as an effective treatment for lower and upper benign gastrointestinal tract anastomotic stenosis. Akarsu C, Unsal MG, Dural C, Kones O, Kocatas A, Karabulut M, Kankaya B, Ates M, Alis H. Surg Laparosc Endosc PercutanTech. 2015;25(2):138-42
19. The role of the laparoscopy on circumferential resection margin positivity in patients with rectal cancer: Longterm outcomes of a single high volume Institution. Dural C, Keskin M, Balik E, Akici M, Kunduz E, Yamaner S, Asoglu O, Gulluoglu M, Bugra D. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2015;25(2):129-37
20. A new risk-stratification algorithm for the management of patients with adrenal incidentalomas. Birsen O, Akyuz M, Dural C, Aksoy A, Aliyev S, Mitchell J, Siperstein A, Berber E. Surgery. 2014;156(4): 959-66
21. Factors affecting the surgical approach and timing of bilateral adrenalectomy. Lan BY, Taskin E, Aksoy E, Birsen O, Dural C, Mitchell J, Siperstein A, Berber E. Surg Endo. DOI 10.1007/s00464-014-3891-1
22. Predictors of recurrence in Pheochromocytoma. Press D, Akyuz M, Dural C, Aliyev S, Monterio R, Mino J, Mitchell J, Hamrahian A, Siperstein A, Berber E. Surgery. 2014;156(6):1523-28
23. Enhanced adrenal gland visual contrast by Indocyanine Green Fluorescence. Printer P, DuralC, Chagpar R, Okoh A, Sound S, Berber E. VideoEndocrinology. DOI: 10.1089/ve.2014.0028
24. Unusual clinical case: Extraluminal manifestation of tapeworm from eviscerated midline incision in a post surgery patient. Dural C, Celik MF, Temizgonul B, Unsal MG, Akarsu C, Gonenc M, Kalayci M, Alis H. JIDC. 2015;9(4):428-30
25. Unilateral spontaneous adrenal hemorrhage in a young patient. Celik MF, Akarsu C, Dural C, Cikot M, Unsal MG, Alis H. Ulus Travma Journal. 2015;21(3):220-2
26. Intraoperative tumor localization and tissue distinction during robotic adrenalectomy using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence imaging. Sound S, Okoh A, Bucak E, Yigitbas H, Dural C, Berber E. Surg Endosc. 2016;30(2):657-62
27. Laparoscopic management of liver metastases from uveal melanoma. Akyuz M, Yazici P, Dural C, Yigitbas H, Okoh A, Bucak E, McNamara M, Singh A, Berber E. Surg Endosc. 2016;30(6):2567-71
28. A pilot study investigating the effect of parathyroidectomy on arterial stiffness and coronary artery calcification in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Dural C, Okoh A, Sinziana A, Yigitbas H, Yazici P, Thomas G, Shoenhagen P, Doshi K, Berber E. Surgery. 2016;159(1):218-24
29. Oncologic results of laparoscopic liver resection for malignant liver tumors. Akyuz M, Yazici P, Yigitbas H, Dural C, Okoh A, Aliyev S, Aujeco F, Quintini C, Fung J, Berber E. J Surg Oncol. 2016 Feb;113(2):127-9
30. Safety and efficacy of a new bipolar energy device for parenchymal dissection in laparoscopic liver resection. Dural C, Akyuz M, Yazici P, Aksoy E, Aujeco F, Quintini, Miller C, Fung J, Berber E. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2016;26(1):21-24
31. The feasibility of indocyanine green fluorescence imaging for identifying and assessing the perfusion of parathyroid glands during total thyroidectomy. Zaidi N, Bucak E, Yazici P, Soundararajan S, Okoh A, Yigitbas H, Dural C, Berber E. J. Surg Oncol. 2016;113(7):775-8
32. A comparison of perioperative outcomes in elderly patients with malignant liver tumors undergoing laparoscopic liver resection versus radiofrequency ablation. Yazici P, Akyuz M, Yigitbas H, Dural C, Okoh A, Aydin N, Berber E. Surg Endosc. 2017;31(3): 1269-74
33. Laparoscopic resection and intracorporeal anastomosis of a perforated small bowel caused by fish bone ingestion. Dural C, Celik MF, Yigitbas H, Akarsu C, Dogan M, Alis H. Ulus Travma Journal. 2016;22(6):572-4
34. FICE vs. Narrow Band Imaging for in-vivo histologic diagnosis of Polyps. Akarsu C, Sahbaz NA, Dural C, Unsal MG, Kones O, Kocatas A, Halicioglu I, Alis H. JSLS. 2016;20(4)pii:e2016.00084. DOI: 10.4293/JSLS.2016.00084
35. Intraoperative workload in robotic surgery assessed by wearable motion tracking sensors and questionnaires. Yu D, Dural C, Morrow MMB, Yang L, Collins J, Hallbeck S, Kjellman M, Forsman M. Surg Endosc. 2017;31(2):877-86
36. A New technique of radiofrequency-assisted ultrasound-guided needle-localized laparoscopic resection of disappearing colorectal liver metastases. Yigitbas H, Yazici P, Taskin HE, Okoh AK, Dural C, Aydin N, Berber E. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2017 Feb;27(1):e1-e5. DOI: 10.1097/SLE.0000000000000364.
37. FICE in predicting colorectal flat lesion histology. Akarsu C, Sahbaz NA, Dural C, Kones O, Binboga S, Kabuli HA, Gumusoglu AY, Alis H. JSLS. 2017 Oct-Dec;21(4). pii: e2017.00050 DOI: 10.4293/JSLS.2017.00050
38. Emergency cholecystectomy versus percutaneous cholecystostomy for treatment of acute cholecystitis in high-risk surgical patients. Akarsu C, Dural C, Kones O, Unsal MG, Salik Erbahceci A, Gemici E, Gonenc M, Islim F, Alis H. Int Surg. 2018;103:534–541
39. Effect of intraoperative neuromonitoring on efficacy and safety using sugammadex in thyroid surgery: randomized clinical trial. Gunes ME, Dural C, Akarsu C, Guzey D, Sahbaz NA, Tulubas EK, Bulut S, Donmez T. Ann Surg Treat Res. 2019 Dec;97(6):282-290
40. Feasibility of Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System Classification in Predicting Thyroid Malignancy. Dural C, Sahbaz NA, Akarsu C, Akbulut S, Turkay R, Baytekin HF, Alis H. Am Surg. 2019 Dec;85(12);1345-49
41. Transperitoneal laparoscopic surgery in large adrenal masses. Sahbaz NA, Dural C, Akarsu C, Guzey D, Kulus M, Ciftci Dogansen S, Mert M, Alis H. Videosurgery Miniinv. 2020 15(1):106-111
42. Reticulin staining pattern in the differential diagnosis of benign parathyroid lesions. Kuşku Çabuk F, Sar M, Canoğlu D, Dural C, Gunes ME. J Endocrinol Invest. 2020 Nov;43(11):1571-1576
43. Robotic Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy From Inception To Ingenuity: The Perspective of Two High Volume Endocrine Surgery Centers. Ozdemir M, Dural C, Sahabaz NA, Akarsu C, Uc C, Sertoz B, Alis H, Makay O. Gland Surgery. 2020;9(3):815-825
44. Analysis of General Surgery Outpatient Clinic Admissions and Operations during COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey: Reactions of 12728 Patients. Ferahman S, Dural C, Aydın H, Sahabaz NA, Akarsu C, Peker KD, Donmez T, Karabulut M. Bratisl Med J. 2020;121(7):475-480.
45.Pure Transoral Robotic Thyroidectomy: Institutional Adaptation and Early Results from a Tertiary Endocrine Surgery Center. Tunca F, Dural C, Sahabaz NA, Akarsu C, Sormaz IC, Saygi Emir N, Guzey D, Giles Senyurek Y. Int J Med Robot. 2020;16(6):1-8
46. Emergency surgery of the abdominal wall hernias: risk factors that increase morbidity and mortality-a single-center experience. Surek A, Gemici E, Ferahman S, Karli M, Bozkurt MA, Dural C, Donmez T, Karabulut M, Alis H. Hernia. 2020 Sep 10. DOI: 10.1007/s10029-020-02293-5.
47. Association Between Acute Pancreatitis and COVID-19: Could Pancreatitis Be The Missing Piece of the Puzzle About Increased Mortality Rates? Akarsu C, Karabulut M, Aydın H, Sahbaz NA, Dural C, Yegul D, Peker KD, Ferahman S, Bulut S, Donmez T, Asar S, Kart Yasar K, Adas GT. J Invest Surg. 2020 Nov 2:1-7. DOI:10.1080/08941939.2020.1833263
48. Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on general surgical emergencies: Are some emergencies really urgent? Level 1 Trauma Center Experience. Surek A, Ferahman S, Gemici E, Dural C, Donmez T, Karabulut M. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2020 Nov 2:1-6. DOI: 10.1007/s00068-020-01534-7
49. Global variation in postoperative mortality and complications after cancer surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study in 82 countries. GlobalSurg Collaborative and National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery. lancet 2021 Jan 30;397(10272):387-397. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00001-5.
50. Risk factors affecting failure of colonoscopic detorsion for sigmoid colon volvulus: a single center experience. Surek A, Akarsu C, Gemici E, Ferahman S, Dural C, Bozkurt MA, Donmez T, Karabulut M, Alis H. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2021 Jan 29. DOI: 10.1007/s00384-021-03864-3
51. Monoclonal/polyclonal PAX-8, PTH and GATA3 immunohistochemistry in parathyroid lesions. Altınay S, Erözgür B, Dural C, Volante M, Papotti MG J Endocrinol Invest. 2021 Feb 10. DOI: 10.1007/s40618-021-01518-3
52. Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative; GlobalSurg Collaborative. anaesthesia 2021 Mar 9. DOI: 10.1111/anae.15458.
53. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modeling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative. British Journal of Surgery. 2021. DOI: 10.1093/bjs/znab101
54. Does Technological Advances Improve Surgical Outcome in Thyroid Surgery: Myth or Reality? Aydın H, Ferahman S, Abdullayev S, Sahabaz NA, Dural C, Güzey D, Akarsu C, Karabulut M. Acta Endocrinol (Buchar). DOI: 10.4183/aeb.2021.1
Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals
1. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in polytraumatized intensive care patients. Kurtoğlu M, Büyükkurt D, Dural C, Kurtoğlu M, Güloğlu R. National Journal of Surgery. 2001 Jul; 17(4): 233-242
2. Diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injury. Karabulut M, Baş K, Gönenç M, Dural C, Köneş O, Gök İ, Alis H. Bakırköy Medical Journal 2012;8:116-122
3. Office fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid in a low-volume center: Cytology and histopathology results. Dural C, Erçetin C, Tezcaner T, Kırnap M, Tezcaner Ç, Dada HG, Şahin T, Yazıcı ÖF, Ergül Ö. Dialogue in Endocrinology. 2012; 9(4):157-161
4. Strangulated hernia and late admission results in a scattered rural residential area. Erçetin C, Dural C, Kırnap M, Sayit NF, Tezcaner T. Journal of General Medicine. 2012;22(3):83-6
5. Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: II. Endoscopy results of the step state hospital. Erçetin C, Dural C, Tezcaner T, Kırnap M, Sayıt NF, Avcı C, Anuk T, Tursun İ. Journal of Endoscopic Laparoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery. 2012;19:15-22
6. The effect of the State Service Obligation on the colonoscopy learning process of the general surgeon. Dural C, Erçetin C, Tezcaner T, Avcı C, Kırnap M, Gürbulak B. Journal of Endoscopic Laparoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery. 2012;19:28-34
7. Initial experience and initial results in robotic adrenalectomy. Akarsu C, Dural C, Kankaya B, Çelik MF, Köneş O, Mert M, Kalaycı MU, Alis H. National Surgery Journal. 2014;30:28-33
8. Trauma patients with solid organ injuries: Results of a border hospital in Turkey. Dural C, Ercetin C, Tezcaner T, Kirnap M, Sayit NF, Kabul Gurbulak E, Gurbulak B, Yigitbas H. Yeditepe Medical Journal. 2014;(8)30:766-773
9. The increasing role of laparoscopic repair in cases of peptic ulcer perforation with early admission. Çelik MF, Dural C, Ünsal MG, Akarsu C, Gök İ, Köneş O, Gönenç M, Alis H. National Surgery Journal. 2014;30:120-4
10. The adaptation process of a training and research hospital to the changing trends in modern breast surgery. Ünsal MG, Dural C, Çelik MF, Akarsu C, Başoğlu İ, Dilege ME, Kapan S, Alis H. National Surgery Journal. 2014;31(1):34-8
11. Giant juvenile fibroadenoma of the breast: A case report. Çelik MF, Ünsal MG, Dural C, Akarsu C, Şahin G, Alim ER, Kapan S, Alis H. National Surgery Journal. 2014;31(2):96-8
12. Surgery of thyroid gland diseases multidisiPliner management: With a five-year analysis, Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital experience. Dural C, Akarsu C, Ünsal MF, Büyükaşık S, Çelik MF, Soyluk Selçukbiricik Ö, Turgut H, Bademler S, Gönenç M, Alis H. Dialogue in Endocrinology. 2015;12(1):1-8
13. A very rare cause of acute appendicitis: Metastatic gastric signet ring cell carcinoma. Erçetin C, Dural C, Özdenkaya Y, Dural O, Guard Dada HG, Yegen G, Kapran Y, Erbil Y. National Journal of Surgery. 2015;32(2):140-4
14. Retrospective evaluation of the probability of non-sentinel lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients with sentinel lymph node metastases with two different models. Başoğlu İ, Çelik MF, Dural C, Ünsal MG, Akarsu C, Baytekin HF, Kapan S, Alis H. J Breast Health. 2015;11(4):172-9
15. Is non-operative approach applicable for penetrating injuries of the left thoraco abdominal region? Köneş O, Akarsu C, Doğan H, Okuturlar Y, Dural C, Karabulut M, Gemici E, Alis H. Turk J Emerg Med. 2016;16:22-5
16. Importance of fecal transplantation in personalized medicine. Coskunpinar E, Islamzade F, Yilmaz EP, Hayretdag Ors C, Adak H, Yesiltepe A, Turksoylu S, Dural C. Bezmialem Science. 2018;6(4):305-11
17. The relationship of hypocalcemia observed after thyroid surgery with age. Sahbaz NA, Akarsu C, Dural C, Gumusoglu AY, Guzey D, Cikot M, Kabuli HA, Alis H. Istanbul Med J. 2018;19:35-8
18. The effect of branch polyclinics service in a training and research hospital on patient satisfaction and service quality. Sahabaz NA, Dural C, Ünsal MG, Kabuli HA, Binboğa S, Gümüşoğlu AY, Bozkurt MA, Alis H. Med J Bakirkoy. 2018;14:347-51
19. The effect of the multidisciplinary committee on the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases. Kabuli HA, Dural C, Akarsu C, Ünsal MG, Halıcıoğlu İ, Karakaya P, Yılmaz R, Güzey D, Alis H. Ist Medical Faculty Journal. 2018;81(1):25-32
20. Composite adrenal medullary tumor: a case report. Dural C, Kabuli HA, Ünsal MG, Baytekin HF, Akarsu C, Başoğlu İ, Mert M, İnci E, Kocataş A, Alis H. Ist Medical Faculty Journal. 2018; 81 (2): 67-70
21. An Unpleasant Surprise for the Surgeon After Thyroidectomy: Involuntary Parathyroidectomy. Dural C, Akarsu C, Çelik MF, Büyükaşık S, Ünsal MG, Turgut H, Okuturlar Y, Alis H. J Ankara Univ Fac Med. 2018; 71(3):244-50
22. Surgical Treatment in Adrenocortical Cancers. Dural C. The Cancer Agenda. 2018;6(2): 34-43
23. Post-Surgical Evaluation of Intraductal Papilloma Cases; Correlation of Radiological and Pathological Findings. Celik MF, Yilmaz R, Dural C, Celik Yabul F, Baytekin HF, Kapan S, Alis H. J Ist Faculty Med. 2019;82(2):69-74
24. Can Long Axis/Short Axis Ratios Be a Useful Tool for Predicting Malignancies in Fibroadenomas Showing Benign Findings with Imaging Methods? Surek A, Ünsal MG, Dural C, Çelik MF, Baytekin HF, Öztürk E, Kapan S, Alis H. J Ankara Univ Fac Med. 2019;72(1):106-10
25. An analysis of preoperative sonographic findings and fine-needle aspiration biopsy results of thyroidectomy cases. Güneş S, Şahbaz NA, Akarsu C, Çelik M, Olgun B, Dural C, Sayin İ. TR-ENT. 2019;29(1):1-8
26. Comparison of Cleft Lift and Limberg Flap Techniques For Pilonidal Sinus Surgery. Ağcaoğlu O, Dural C, Erçetin C, Tezcaner T, Kırnap M, Anuk T. East J Med. 2019;24(3): 320-4
27. The Role of Selective Venous Sampling in Patients with Non-Localized Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Gök İ, Şahbaz NA, Akarsu C, Dural C, Mert M, Erbahçeci Salık FA, Çil BE, Güzey D, Alis H. National Surgery Journal. 2020;36(2):164-171
28. Endocrine Surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations from Endocrine Surgery Society of Turkey. Aygun N, Iscan Y, Ozdemir M, Soylu S, Aydin OU, Sormaz IC, Dural C, Sahbaz NA, Teksoz S, Makay O, Emre AU, Haciyanli M, Icoz RG, Giles Y, Isgor A, Uludag M, Tunca F Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp. 2020;54(2):117-131
29. The effect of incidental parathyroidectomy on bone mineral density in patients who underwent thyroidectomy. Özbölük G, Şahbaz NA, Dural C, Akarsu C, Güzey D, Kuşku Çabuk F, Çiftçi Doğanşen S, Altınay S, Karabulut M. Istanbul Med J. 2020;21(4):320-6
30. Evaluation of Helicobacter pylori infection in terms of endoscopic, pathological and laboratory findings. Erçetin C, Dural C, Yiğitbaş H, Yavuz E, Çelebi F, Borucu İ, Özcan TB, Alis H. İKSSTD 2021;13(1):25-30.
31. Does the Hormone Activation of the Mass in Adrenal Gland Surgery Make Surgery Difficult? Aydın H, Dural C, Sahabaz NA, Bulut S, Guzey D, Akarsu C, Bozkur E, Karabulut M. Med Bull Sisli Etfal Hosp 2021 DOI: 10.14744/SEMB.2021.13845
- Endocrine Surgery Association, Member of the Board and Secretary General of the Association
- Dialogue Society in Endocrinology, Member
- Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Association, Member
- Turkish Surgery Association, Member
- European Society of Endocrine Surgery(ESES), Member
- European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), Member
- Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Member
- Clinical Robotic Surgery Association (CRSA), Member
- American Association of Endocrine Surgeons (AAES), Member
- American College of Surgeons (ACS), Member
- Successful Researcher Certificate, 2007 (by Turkish Republic Istanbul University Rectorate, Scientific Research Projects Unit)
- International Surgical Congress Support Award, 2013 (Turkish Society of Surgery)
- Dr.Eren Berber “Endocrine Surgery, Laparoscopic Liver Surgery and Robotic Surgery Postdoctoral Fellowship”, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of General Surgery, Division of Endocrine Surgery. Cleveland OH, USA 2013 (Turkish Surgery Association)
- Fellowship Grant, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden 2014 (European Association for Endoscopic Surgery)
- Support Scholarship, 2015 (Swedish Association for Innovative Surgical Techniques / Svensk Förening for Innovativ Kirurgisk Teknik)
- “Best poster presentation award”, European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 24th International Congress, 2016; 15 – 18 June, Amsterdam – Netherlands
- “Best oral presentation third prize”, Aydın Multidisciplinary Endocrine Days, 2018; 9 – 11 March, Aydın
- International Congress of Endocrine Surgery Support Award, 2018 (Association of Endocrine Surgery)
- “Best oral presentation second prize”, 9th National Endocrine Surgery Congress, 2019; 2 – 5 May, Antalya
- “Best poster presentation first prize”, 9th National Endocrine Surgery Congress, 2019; 2 – 5 May, Antalya
- Presidency of Turkish Health Institutes (TÜSEB) Call No: 2019-BT-01; Individual and Transformational Medicine Field Application Project Collaboration Call: THYROID CANCER. Executive (Corporate): Ahmet Cem Dural, ₺50,000, 2020
- University of Health Sciences, Scientific Research Projects (BAP). Project No: 2021/002: Evaluation of BRAF V600E and TERT Mutation Analysis in Standard and Aggressive Differentiated Thyroid Cancers. Associate Researcher (Corporate): Ahmet Cem Dural, ₺50,000, 2021