Pituitary Center

Pituitary disorders are diseases with complex diagnostic and treatment protocols that require a multidisciplinary approach. It is a well-known fact that the success rate of treatment is higher and the risks are lower when handled by teams specialized in this field.
What is the Pituitary Gland?
The pituitary gland is a small gland located under the brain and plays an important role in the endocrine system. The pituitary gland consists of several different lobes, but the anterior lobe in particular is an important endocrine gland that regulates the secretion of many hormones in the body. This anterior lobe forms an important part of the pituitary gland and is also called "adenohypophysis".
Liv Hospital Pituitary Center
Diagnosis and treatment of patients at Liv Hospital Pituitary Center are carried out with the latest techniques and up-to-date protocols, their quality of life is improved by questioning. In addition, educational meetings are organized to inform patients and the community. Again, scientific contributions are made by conducting scientific research and academic studies on pituitary tumors and disorders.
Pituitary disorders observed in starting from the pediatric age group to geriatric age group with a wide range of complaints and clinical symptoms can be best monitored and treated with a specialized team.
Pituitary Disorders that the Center Monitors and Treats
Patients with a mass in the pituitary gland detected on brain MRI taken for another reason
- Pituitary adenomas (benign anterior pituitary tumors)
- Adenomas that do not secrete hormones
- Acromegaly
- Cushing's Syndrome
- Prolactinoma
- Thyrotropinoma
- Gonadotropinoma
Pituitary tumors are slow-growing and chronic diseases. Some require lifelong follow-up.
Metabolic effects can be very intense and complex, especially in hormone-secreting adenomas such as acromegaly and Cushing's syndrome. Some of the acromegaly may be familial. The diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of these diseases should be arranged with a team understanding. The indispensable elements of the team are an endocrinology specialist experienced in pituitary and a brain and neurosurgery specialist experienced in pituitary surgery. It is possible for patients to receive the best service with a strong team. Other specialists of the team are neuroradiologist, interventional neuroradiologist, neuro-ophthalmologist, neuroanesthesiologist and intensive care specialist, neuropathologist, ENT specialist, psychiatrist, psychologist and pituitary nurse.