Op. MD.
Süleyman Mesut Karaatlı
İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
Areas of Interests
- Strabismus (Adult and Pediatric)
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Oculoplasty
- TED Ankara College
- School of Medicine (Eng.), Hacettepe University
- Ophthalmology Clinic 3, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
- Uni of California Los Angeles, Cedars Sinai Med Center, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Specialty
- Ophthalmology Clinic, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital
- Lokman Hekim Hospital
- 100. Yıl Hospital
- Megapark Hospital
- Medical Park Fatih Hospital
- Esencan Hospital
- Özmen MC, Karaatlı SM, Köklü E. Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity to Save Macula Journal of Retina Vitreus 2013, Volume 21, Issue 3, p203-8
- Karaatlı SM, Karakurt A, Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H. Comparing effects of indometasin and dexamethasone in controlling uveal reactions following cataract surgery.Turkish Ophthalmological Association 28th National Congress. 1994; 3: 1011-3.
- Karaatlı SM, Yavuz FZ, Recep ÖF, Bozdoğan S, Hasıripi H. Our results of inferior oblique muscle myectomy. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 29th National Congress. 1995.
- Karaatlı SM, Gökşin Z, Recep ÖF, Karakurt A, Hasıripi H. Acquired Synkinesia of oculomotor-abducens nerve. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 29th National Congress. 1995.
- Recep ÖF, Karaatlı SM, Karakurt A, Yılmaz F, Hasıripi H. Other associating signs and familial caharacteristics in congenital cataracts. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 28th National Congress. 1994; 3:961-3.
- Recep ÖF, Karaatlı SM, Hasıripi H. Laser for Eyelid and Orbital Diseases. T Clin Ophth 1996; 2:155.
- Recep ÖF, Karakurt A, Karaatlı SM, Sarıkatipoğlu HY, Hasıripi H. Formation of pupillary membrane following placement of posterior chamber lens. Ophthalmology 1994; 3: 268-72.
- Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H, Karakurt A, Karaatlı SM, Sarıkatipoğlu HY. Role of intraocular lens implantation in formation of pupillary fibrin membrane following extracapsular cataract extraction. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 29th National Congress. 1995.
- Recep ÖF, Sarıkatipoğlu HY, Karaatlı SM, Karakurt A, Hasıripi H. Intraoperative complications in cases with congenital cataract undergoing extracapsular cataract surgery. T Clin Ophth 1995; 4: 335-9.
- Ekmekçi Y, Göksin Z, Karaatlı SM, Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H. Evaluating corneal astigmatism following cataract surgery. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 29th National Congress. 1995.
- Turan A, Karaatlı SM. Importance of rehabilitating persons with poor visual acuity regarding employment. Symposium on social security problems and employment of visually disabled persons, December 1-2, 1997.
- Alti Nokta Körlere Hizmet Vakfi Yayinlari: 3. Ankara Page 41-8
- Yılmaz F, Sargon MF, Hasıripi H, Karaatlı SM, Recep ÖF. Evaluating anterior epithelium with transmission electron microscope in age-related cataracts. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 28th National Congress 1994; 1: 152-5.
- Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H, Karakurt A, Karaatlı SM, Sarıkatipoğlu HY. Role of intraocular lens implantation in formation of pupillary fibrin membrane following extracapsular cataract extraction. T Clin Ophth 1996; 2: 106-10.
- Hasıripi H, Bozdogan S, Recep ÖF, Karaatlı SM, Ekmekçi Y. Photorefractive keratectomy results of Technolas Keracor 116 Excimer Laser in myopia and myopic astigmatism. Turkish Ophthalmological Association 29th National Congress. 1995.
- Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H, Sarıkatipoğlu H, Karakurt A, Karaatlı SM. Synthesis of Turkish radial keratotomy literature in myopia. T Clin Ophth. 2000;9(3):205-10
- Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H, Karaatlı SM, Ekmekçi Y, Karakurt A. Late anterior segment findings following intraocular lens implantation to posterior chamber. T Klin Ophthalmology (Accepted).
- Turan A, Recep ÖF, Abdik O, Karaatlı SM, Hasıripi H. Childhood Blindness in Turkey: Results of screening in visual disability schools. Turkish Ophthalmology Newspaper, 2002; 32: 397-400.
- Recep ÖF, Yıldız M, Karaatlı SM, Turan A, Hasıripi H. Silicone Tube Intubation in Dacryocystorhinostomy and Silicone Cuffing for Tube Fixation. Turkish Ophthalmology Newspaper, 2002; 32: 948-51
- Çakır P., Recep Ö.F., Karadağ R., Karaatlı S.M., Hasıripi H., "Determining Role of Cyclosporin in Reducing Recurrence in Excision of PTerygium", Turkish Ophthalmological Association 35th National Ophthalmology Congress, IZMIR, TURKEY, September 23-26, 2001
- Abdik O, Turan A, Karaatlı SM, Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H. Childhood Blindness in Turkey: A national survey among schools for visually disabled. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Annual Congress (Poster).
- Abdik O, Turan A, Karaatlı SM, Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H. Eye and optic tract tumors leading to bilateral complete loss of vision in a survey among schools for visually disabled. Turkish Ophthalmology National Congress – 1999. Poster. Izmir
- Turan A, Karaatlı SM, Recep ÖF, Hasıripi H. Effects of rehabilitating visually disabled and patients with low vision on employment. Turkish Blind Federation, Symposium on Employment of Visually Disabled, March 24-25, 2000, Ankara
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