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Liv Hospital Samsun
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Areas of Interests
- General Eye Examination
- Eyelid Diseases
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Strabismus
- Yellow Spot Disease
- Pediatric Eye Diseases
- Contact Lens Applications
Courses Attended
- Samsun Maarif College
- Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
- Nineteen May University (Specialization Education)
- Sinop Ataturk State Hospital
- Samsun Mehmet Aydin State Hospital
- Samsun Training and Research Hospital
- Turkish Ophthalmology Association
- Turkish Medical Association
- Samsun Medical Chamber
- Turkish Ophthalmology Association National April Courses
- 1993 Ocular Pharmacology and Applied Fundus Fluorescein Angiography
- 1994 Applied Contact Lens
- 1999 Imaging Methods
- 2001 Macular Diseases
- 2002 Laser in Ophthalmology
- 2005 Neuroophthalmology
- 2007 Cornea and Contact Lens
- 2008 Retina-Current Diagnosis and Treatment
- 2009 Cataract
- 2010 Optical Refinement and Rehabilitation
- 2011 Oculaplastic Surgery and Oncology
- 2012 Pediatric Ophthalmology
- 2014 Macular Diseases
- 2016 Glaucoma
- TOD 2020 Virtual National Congress and Live Surgery Compound Meeting
- 2012 Contact Lens- The Vision Care Institute, PRAGUE
- 2018 Age-Related Macular Disease The Academy, BERLIN
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