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Obesity Operations

Obesity Operations

Obesity surgeries are surgical interventions performed laparoscopically. These surgeries are generally classified into two main groups: restrictive and malabsorptive.
Obesity Operations

All obesity surgeries are performed by laparoscopic method (with instruments placed through small holes opened on the abdomen without opening the abdomen).



Obesity surgeries are divided into two groups according to the mechanism of action:

Restrictive Operations

  • Laparoscopic adjustable stomach band
  • Tubular stomach (sleeve gastrectomy) surgery

Malabsorptive Operations

  • Gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass
  • Duodenal switch, SADI-S

Laparoscopic Adjustable Stomach Band


In this method, a silicone stomach band is placed in the upper part of the stomach in the form of a clamp. The band is connected to a port under the skin and the width of the band is adjusted with the aid of this port according to need. Technically, it's simpler and has less side effects. But its weight loss effect is less than other methods. It can be converted into other operations.

Tubular Stomach (Sleeve Gastrectomy)


In this method, 75 percent of the stomach is removed and the remaining part of the stomach is in the form of a tube. Its weight loss effect is better than the stomach band. Since the anatomy is not impaired, vitamin and mineral deficiency rarely develops and lifelong vitamin-mineral supplementation is not necessary.

Gastric Bypass, Mini Gastric Bypass

It is an operation that restricts eating and prevents absorption at the same time. Its weight loss effect and its effect of saving the patient from diseases associated with obesity are better than other methods. Type 2 diabetic patients recover from diabetes by 85-90%. The rate of its side effects is higher than other methods. It may require lifelong vitamin and mineral supplementation. Mini gastric bypass is a simplified form of gastric bypass surgery. It is easier to apply and is as effective as gastric bypass.

Duodenal Switch, SADI-S

Malabsorption is more in duodenal switch surgery. Tube gastric surgery is performed and a change of place is performed in such a way as to use the last 75-100 cm of the small intestine. It is the best operation for correction of diseases associated with obesity. But its side effect is higher compared to other operations. It may require lifelong vitamin and mineral supplementation. Patients may have diarrhea, protein deficiency. SADI-S surgery is a simplified form of duodenal switch surgery. The operation time is shorter.