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Non-Surgical Face Lift with Spider Web Aesthetics

Non-Surgical Face Lift with Spider Web Aesthetics

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15 February 2023
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Liv Hospital Ulus
Prof. MD. Hamit Soner Tatlıdede
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Article Content
  • It's Possible to Restore the Face to Its Former State
  • Get Rid of Problematic Areas in 30 Minutes
  • Our face is generally the area where the first signs of aging appear. With the effects of time, if sagging occurs on the face or any part of your body, there is no longer a need to resort to surgical methods for a young and healthy face. It is possible to tighten the face and décolleté area without using surgical methods with spider web and thread treatment, achieving a young and vibrant look. Sagging and wrinkles can be eliminated with spider web and thread treatment without resorting to surgical methods. Spider web and thread treatment ensure that the face is placed back to its original position. Additionally, it is also used to lift sagging on the face and neck.

    It's Possible to Restore the Face to Its Former State

    The key to rejuvenating the face or body is not to disturb the natural structure and expression of the area. With spider web and thread treatment, the aim is to treat sagging caused by aging without altering the gaze and expression. As the skin ages, it loses its tight structure due to the effects of gravity and sun damage. However, it's possible to reverse this process. The goal is to regain the facial oval shape, recreate the jaw triangle, lift sagging on the neck, enhance cheekbones and lip contour, eliminate lines above and below the lips for patients who do not want to undergo botox, lift eyebrows, and erase lines on the elbows and knees that come with age.

    Get Rid of Problematic Areas in 30 Minutes

    With a method called spider web and thread treatment, using special threads, sagging and wrinkles can be eliminated. Without surgical application, the skin achieves a tighter and younger appearance. Spider web and thread treatment typically last around 30 minutes. Anesthesia is not required during the procedure, and it's usually applied to the age group between 35 and 70 with local anesthetic creams. However, the method can also be applied in the twenties. Because with the thread method, it's possible to narrow wide faces. If a person has a very wide facial structure and is uncomfortable with it, a more triangular face shape can be achieved. Apart from that, anyone with sagging on their face can benefit from this method. No incision is required during spider web and thread treatment. Additionally, the person undergoing treatment can return to their daily life immediately after the procedure. The thread used during the procedure is a well-known material for many years, so its safety is very high, it doesn't harm the patient in any way, and it has no side effects. However, depending on the individual's sensitivity, bruising may occur during the procedure, but these bruises disappear within a few days.

    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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