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What is Myoma Surgery? What are the Processes of Myoma Surgery?

What is Myoma Surgery? What are the Processes of Myoma Surgery?

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29 December 2023
Article Content
  • What is Myoma Surgery?
  • When is Myoma Surgery Required?
  • Myoma Surgery Methods
  • Myomectomy (Myomectomy)
  • Hysterectomy (Hysteroscopy)
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Hysteroscopic Surgery
  • Open Surgery
  • Preparation Before Myoma Surgery
  • Recovery Process After Myoma Surgery
  • Complaints After Myoma Surgery
  • Potential Risks of Myoma Surgery
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Myomas are benign tumors that are frequently seen in women during the reproductive age. These tumors can grow over time and cause various health problems. Myoma surgery may be performed to relieve or eliminate these symptoms, preserve fertility, or prevent other serious complications.

    What is Myoma Surgery?


    Myomas are benign tumors that form in the uterine wall and usually occur in women's reproductive age. Fibroids usually do not cause symptoms, but in some cases they can cause symptoms such as pain, pelvic pressure, excessive menstrual bleeding, and frequent urination. What is myoma surgery? We can briefly answer the question as follows: Myoma surgery usually requires surgical intervention, but minimally invasive techniques can also be used. These techniques include laparoscopic surgery and hysteroscopic surgery, which is performed with a device placed inside the uterus. These techniques may offer benefits such as less postoperative pain, shorter recovery times, and smaller surgical scars.

    When is Myoma Surgery Required?


    Myoma surgery may be considered in cases of significant symptoms, fertility problems, rapid growth, severe pain or other complications due to uterine fibroids. This surgery may be performed to improve the patient's quality of life, solve fertility problems or prevent potential complications.

    However, myoma surgery may not be necessary in all cases, and this decision may vary depending on the individual's specific situation, symptoms, and the evaluation of the healthcare professional. Patients should determine the most appropriate myoma surgery treatment plan by making a detailed evaluation with their doctor.

    Myoma Surgery Methods

    Myoma surgeries can be performed by different methods depending on the size and location of the myomas, the general health condition of the patient and the purpose of the surgery. Here are some common methods used for myoma surgery:

    Myomectomy (Myomectomy)

    In this method, only fibroids are removed and other parts of the uterus are preserved. This may be especially preferable for women who are planning a pregnancy, as the uterus is protected, allowing a natural pregnancy to continue.

    Hysterectomy (Hysteroscopy)


    In this method, the uterus is completely removed. Hysterectomy may be considered if fibroids are large, numerous, or causing other serious health problems. However, women cannot become pregnant after a hysterectomy.

    Laparoscopic Surgery


    This is a minimal technique and allows the removal of fibroids through a few small incisions with the help of a special camera and surgical instruments. Laparoscopic surgery may offer benefits such as smaller surgical scars, less postoperative pain, and faster recovery times.

    Hysteroscopic Surgery


    In this technique, fibroids are removed through a device placed in the uterus. This method is used to treat fibroids inside the uterus and usually offers a minimally invasive approach.

    Open Surgery


    In this method, fibroids are removed through a large incision made on the uterus. This method may be preferred in cases where myomas are large or numerous.

    Each surgery method has advantages and disadvantages, and which method is chosen may vary depending on the individual's condition. Before surgery, the doctor evaluates the patient's condition and determines the most appropriate surgery method.

    Preparation Before Myoma Surgery

    Uterine fibroids play an important role in the preparation process before myoma surgery. Taking a series of steps and precautions before this surgery can help the patient have a better recovery process. First, the doctor will evaluate the size and location of uterine fibroids and the patient's general health condition. This evaluation is critical to creating an appropriate surgical plan.

    The preoperative preparation process includes a strategy to optimize the patient's health, and compliance with the doctor's recommendations is important in this process. Preoperative evaluation of uterine fibroids and taking appropriate precautions can contribute to the success of the surgery and faster recovery of the patient.

    Recovery Process After Myoma Surgery


    The recovery process after myoma surgery may vary depending on the type of surgery, the patient's general health condition and the size of the myomas. However, it generally involves these steps:

    The patient must spend a few days in the hospital after surgery. During this process, doctors regularly check the patient's vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate) and monitor possible complications.

    Pain control is important in the postoperative period. Doctors often prescribe medication to manage pain. Medicines are used to relieve postoperative pain and make the patient feel more comfortable.

    Caring for surgical scars and stitches is important to reduce the risk of infection. It is important to follow the doctor's recommended instructions and perform the prescribed care regularly.

    It is important to rest for a certain period of time in the postoperative period, but it is also important to slowly start physical activity after a certain period of time with the doctor's recommendation. This can increase blood circulation and speed up the healing process.

    A light diet is usually recommended after surgery, and fluid intake may need to be taken into consideration. This may help regulate bowel movements and provide relief after surgery.

    Regular doctor checks and follow-up visits are important in the postoperative period. The doctor evaluates the healing process, identifies any problems, and monitors the patient's health status.

    Complaints After Myoma Surgery

    The recovery process after myoma surgery may vary from individual to individual, but can generally take several weeks to several months. The recovery process varies depending on the patient's pre-operative health status, the complexity of the surgery, and the individual's recovery speed.

    Some patients may experience distress after myoma surgery, but these distresses are usually a natural part of the healing process and may subside over time. Complaints after myoma surgery include pain, bleeding, bloating, gas, constipation and fatigue. Most of these complaints go away on their own within a few days. However, if the pain persists for a long time, the amount of bleeding increases, or new symptoms appear, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    Potential Risks of Myoma Surgery


    Myoma surgery has no obvious risks. However, it is possible for risks to occur in every surgical operation. Risks that may occur in myoma surgery are:

    • Bleeding may occur during or after surgery. Although the surgeon tries to control this, sometimes it cannot be controlled.
    • There is a possibility of infection developing in the surgery area. Compliance with cleaning rules and the use of antibiotics can reduce the risk of infection.
    • If general or epidural anesthesia is used, some complications may occur. These complications may include allergic reactions or breathing difficulties.
    • It may damage surrounding tissues during surgical intervention. This is especially likely if the fibroids are large or very close to nearby tissues.
    • Myoma surgery may bring some risks to pregnancy and fertility because it affects the uterus. This risk varies depending on the type of surgery and the patient's condition.
    • Every patient is different, and risks may vary depending on the person's health condition, the size of the fibroids, and the complexity of the surgery.

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Fibroids are benign tumors that develop in the uterus. Most fibroids do not cause any symptoms and do not require treatment. However, some fibroids can cause problems such as pain, menstrual bleeding irregularity, and infertility. In these cases, myoma surgery may be required.

    Do Myomas Recur?


    Yes, fibroids can recur; Even after myoma surgery, there is a risk of myomas recurring in some women. Therefore, regular follow-up checks and compliance with doctor's recommendations are important.

    Does Surgery Affect Future Pregnancies?


    Myoma surgery may affect future pregnancy due to the intervention in the uterus; However, each case is different and may vary depending on the type of surgery, the location of the fibroids, and the patient's particular situation. That's why it's important to consult with a specialist physician.

    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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