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İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
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İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
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• Düzce High School
• School of Medicine, Uludağ University
• Residency, Department of Neurology, Kocaeli University
Previous Employments
• General Practitioner, Ataevler Health Care Center
• Neurology Clinic, Kocaeli University
• Neurology Clinic, Iğdır Goverment Hospital
• Neurology Clinic, Ayten Bozkaya Hospital Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Hospital
• Neurology Clinic, Gemlik Goverment Hospital
1)Cardiac resynchronization therapy in a case of myotonic dystrophy (Steinert's disease) and dilated cardiomyopathy.
Kilic T1, Vural A, Ural D, Sahin T, Agacdiken A, Ertas G, Yildiz Y, Komsuoglu B.
2)“In a Patient with Sneddon Syndrome... Turkey Clinics Neurology Parkinson's Disease Special Issue
Efendi, H., P. İşeri, T. Tokay, Y. Yıldız, R. Apaydın and C. Erçin,
3) Neurological Evaluation in Infants and Children; Developmental stages in children (Chapter Writing)
4)Neuroradiology Guide Methods, Outlines and Imaging Fundamentals
5)Epilepsy Handbook
Kilic T1, Vural A, Ural D, Sahin T, Agacdiken A, Ertas G, Yildiz Y, Komsuoglu B.
2)“In a Patient with Sneddon Syndrome... Turkey Clinics Neurology Parkinson's Disease Special Issue
Efendi, H., P. İşeri, T. Tokay, Y. Yıldız, R. Apaydın and C. Erçin,
3) Neurological Evaluation in Infants and Children; Developmental stages in children (Chapter Writing)
4)Neuroradiology Guide Methods, Outlines and Imaging Fundamentals
5)Epilepsy Handbook
• Epilepsy
• Electrophysiology (EEG-EMG-Evoked potentials)
• Sleep disorders and polysomnograhy
• Headache
• Movement Disorder -Parkinson Disease
• Demantia
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