Liv Bona Dea Hospital Bakü
Emergency Department Clinic
- Azerbaijan Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine - 1999-2003
- Azerbaijan Medical University - Faculty of Military Medicine 2003 - 2005
- Azerbaijan Medical University Faculty of Military Medicine - Internship 2007-2008
- General surgeon (Certificate No. 086)
- General surgeon (Certificate No. 022632) – expiration date: 11/2021
Work experience:
- Liv Bona Dea Hospital, Emergency Department, Emergency Physician: 01/06/2020 – present
- MediClub Clinic (BP company. Caspian Sea. Shah Deniz gas field clinic), doctor coordinator at the field / Industrial medical specialist: 11/15/2019 – 06/01/2020
- International SOS clinic (BP company. Caspian Sea. Chirag oil field clinic), doctor coordinator at the field/ Industrial medical specialist: 06/08/2011- 11/15/2019
- "Formula 1-Baku City Circuit – Track Medical Clinic", General surgeon: 29/04/19 – 05/05/19
- Uniklinika (Binagadi Oil Company- Outpatient Clinic), Emergency Physician / Industrial medical coordinator - 09/11/2010 – 01/07/2011
- Clinic of Azerbaijan International University, Emergency doctor / Physician-coordinator: 05/03/2010 – 01/10/2010
- Military Field Hospital – Department of Surgery: (Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan), chief coordinator of the Department of Surgery: 07/01/2008 – 03/01/2009
- Medical Station of the Military Unit: (Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan), Medical Station doctor / Head of Station: 09/01/2005 – 08/30/2007
- Certificate: Participated in the Classroom Didactic and Training Exer. (Approved by: US Navy Medical Training Centre-Medceur-08. Venue: Split, Croatia)
- Certificate-Advance Cardiac and Advanced Trauma Resuscitation (Approved by: US Navy Medical Training Centre-Medceur-08. Venue: Split, Croatia)
- Certificate: Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) (Approved by: American Heart Association. Venue: Mediclub-Georgia) (approved by American Heart Association., Venue: International SOS- Baku, Azerbaijan) –recertified, exp: 05/2020
- Certificate: Basic Life Support (BLS) (Approved by: American Heart Association. Venue; Mediclub-Georgia) (approved by; American Heart Association. Venue: International SOS- Baku, Azerbaijan)- recertified, exp: 05/2020
- Certificate: Pre-hospital Life Support (PHTLS) (Approved by: NAEMT (National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians). Vvenue: Mediclub training center -Georgia)
- Certificate: HSE-Offshore Medic Certificate course. (Approved by: Abermed; Venue: Abermed Training Centre, Aberdeen- UK)- recertified, exp: 11/2020
- Certificate: Prehospital Thrombolysis Course (Approved by: Abermed; Venue: Abermed Training Centre, Aberdeen- UK)- recertified, exp: 01/2018
- Certificate: Mass Incident Medical Management training (MIMMS) (Approved by: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Centre-UK. Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan
- Certificate: Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety in Catering (Approved by: The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan
- Certificate: CSOS (Company specific offshore survival) training (Approved by: OTI Training Center. Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan) recertified, exp: 05/2019
- Certificate: BOHS (Basic Principles of Occupational Hygiene) (Approved by: BOHS –UK. Venue: Khazar office, Baku, Azerbaijan)
- Certificate: COSSH Coordinator Training (Approved by: BOHS –UK. Venue: Khazar office, Baku, Azerbaijan)
- Certificate: OSHA (Injury/Illness Initial Record Management 2.1 (Issued by: International SOS)
- Certificate: Alcohol re-breather technician (Approved by: BP-Health Team. Venue: Khazar office, Baku, Azerbaijan)
- Certificate: International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) (Approved by: ITLS Training Center. Issued by: International SOS, Venue: Intl. SOS training center –Baku, Azerbaijan)- exp: 05/2020
- Certificate: Offshore medical certificate (Approved by: OGUK (fit for offshore); Issued by: International SOS, Occupational Health Clinic, Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan) - exp: 21/05/2020
- Certificate: Doctor of the Year 2014 (Approved by: BP, AGT Health Manager. Venue: Baku, Azerbaijan-12/02/2015)
- “Silent running award” (Approved by: Platform OIM-06/08/2014)
- “Best CI (Continuous Improvement) award” (Approved by: Platform OIM-08/03/13)
- “National Health Service License (General Surgeon)” (Approved by: NHS- Azerbaijan 14/11/2016-14/11/2021)
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